(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Thanks ednique, charmaine and pekkle.. i am still trying to accept it.. hehehe...

Qq mama; ur post me relief leh.. hehehe... at least is not so scay... after reading ur post...

suika: am trying 1/2 body numb... i wan to see my bb born..

really very fast 3 more weeks bb will be out liao!



if dr ang said c-sec, confirm. then ui going 28 july?? i check check.. then maybe i ask him to schedule ours together. wahahaha!!!! yours 28 july apa timing?

i doubt that bb wanna turn now. i feel that he is lying FLAT now. very notti woh. ask him to turn and he is not turning. maybe he is too fat to move.

ducklingshop: mine is at kkh.. u also chose the same date..so qiao so many ppl chose this date.. hehehe... yup..our bb will share the same b'day..

i have no idea if i can go 1/2 body c-section? any mummy can advice? 1/2 body numb mean we need to take epi too?

QQ u how many weeks now? Cos my Bb also nvr turn at 31 week. I'm 32 weeks liao. Gynea say give me another 4 weeks. If still nvr turn might need to discuss on c-sect or manual tuning of Bb to the correct direction.

I think I will wait till on my delivery day to see how. If still not turn then emergency c-sect loh.


if half body that's epi c-sec liao....still injection thru ur spine behind

contraction pain is along that line....n i heard juz before delivery u might even encounter diarrhea (1 of the signs)


i think by wk 37 if ur bb no turn dwn ur gynea shd schedule u for c-sec...coz emergency c-sec u'll hv to pay almost dbl....usage of delivery suite n operating theater as well but urs in KK i'm not sure if they charges the same way like private

KKH also charges delivery suite and operating threatre.

by the way, i heard if u deliver during weekends and holiday, not double leh...

suika, but sometimes Bb might turn last min rite. My sis's Bb turn 1 week b4 delivery. But hers is pre-matured Bb loh, natural without epi.

Hmm... I wan natural leh. I'm toking to Bb every now and them to remind him to turn.

QQ, most probably i will go for the morning session at 8.30am...tomorrow I will go for check-up, will double confirm the timing with Dr Ang. yaya, if u really need to go for c-sec, then consider schedule together ya... haha!

jascmy, my #1 c-sec was also due to breech position... my gal's head din turn down since wk28... normally if till wk36~37 check-up still not turn, the chances for turning down will reduce to 10~20% cos they got no more space to turn liao... I rem i scheduled for c-sec for my#1 on wk 36 after gynae checked-up & confirmed she was still in breech... anyway, wish u good luck!


not dbl lah....mayb like 20% extra or something...i oni remembers got surcharges


har? turns 1wk before delivery how to b premiee bb??? (dun understands)

Suika, her Bb wan to come to the world earlier then expected. She delivered when Bb is 7mths. So Bb very small, only 1kg. One week b4 checkup not turn yet. So sis worried might need to emergency C-sect when she in delivery room. Like what ducklingeshop say maybe there are space for him to turn last min cos he so small. He might already turn a few days after checkup or b4 delivery. Still consider last min rite.

jascmy : i also sprain my wrist since first pregnancy. After that, i keep having pain on and off even till now. Been to 'tui na' alot of time, but it doesn't cure for long term.

Was told that i will need to go operation to get it done.

if choose to induce/c-section on national day need to pay extras.

if happen that baby is born on national day without any plan, no need to pay extra.

Mummies, even though im 3rd time mummy liao, i also dunno how to see fake and real contraction. Cos both kids are induce one. I hope this time, i will have DRAMA abit. like waterbag burst or have 'SHOW' den i can go hospital deliver instead of forcing bb out.

Of cos, i don wan too drama until give birth in taxi la. lol

xpink_xuanx, don scare me leh! Actually I don know how I sprain my wrist. Jus feel a pain there suddenly. I ask my chinese physician colleague and she confirmed sprain. She even did a very simple and light tui na for me and immediately not pain anymore. But after a few mins. Pain comes back.

jascmy - what you might have may not be sprain, could be carpal tunnel. You can check with your gynae.

I believe wearing a wrist guard may help.

jascmy : its true leh. Mine sprain becos i use my wrist to hold my body weight up. Just once only and from that onwards, i keep having pain on and off. Its been nearly 5yrs liao. Spend alot of $$ on tui na. When i try to swing my wrist, there's a 'click click' sound. Was told that my wrist very loose liao, do how many tui na also no use.

Fazriz--> mine is 4 Aug.. who is ur gynae? do u go for checkups in NUH or their Jurong Clinic? i go at jurong clinic and my gynae is Dr Annapoorna.

duckling, but my CL is not ready then around end july. she has another assignment till early aug. so if i really c-sec at the same day same time, then need to tingkat food from your CL liao. haha!! i see what dr ang say next friday during check up then keep u updated. 8.30am sounds good.

jascmy, i am at week 36 this week. at week 35 bb in breech posture. hope very low, but still can la cause my tummy is big, maybe he has some space to move? haha!! *consoling myself oni*

QQ, so doc give u 2 more wks of chance lah. Will they do a scan before c-sect? If turn liao then cancel c-sect immediately. Hehee.... Hope mine will turn at 35wk.

yeah, jascmy. dr ang said SEE HOW FIRST. keep my fingers crossed. i told him ok la. lets wait.

I think they will scan again before c-sec, but if turned liao? they will still carry on with the procedure bah.

unless i die die wanna wait till waterbag burst/show.. etc, then maybe consider last min c-sec?

QQ, but last min c-sect need to pay for delivery rm and op rm leh. Sigh! Will ask hubby later whether he willing to pay both if I opt to wait.

U not doing the manual turn procedure hor. Cos have quite a big risk on Bb.

Urs also boy hor.

Mus tell our Bb to be good boy hor. Pls turn and don be lazy.

Sprain wrist: my chinese colleague say she brought the medical oil and will help me tu a bit later after work. Hope it helps.

xpink, u can still carry ur Bb?

jascmy, wah got manual turning! so CHIM sia.

u got more info? i wanna turn if can. save $$$ woh.

haha!! i know nothing about this double payment ior wat, i wait for dr ang. he will advise. i must tell him i no $$ see what he say.

Fazriz--> oh urs is Dr Chua.. i saw her on Monday coz my gynae was on leave this week. yes i've done the pre-reg. when is ur next appt? usually the nurse will do a financial counselling at 32 weeks.

QQ, KKH have this manual procedure. Only 2 doctors there knows how to do. They will use their hands to massage tummy and turn Bb around. Like the HK drama, 妙手人心. But its done at week 37 not like the drama done on the delivery day itself. Mus pay for it hor. The risk are:

1) injure Bb during the turn, eg. broke arm or leg etc.

2) early delivery cos Bb tot its time to come out liao but since its already 37 wk, it ok.

3) emergency c-sect cos Bb's heartbeat slowing down or up etc during the turn (Bb under stress)... so we need to book the op rm too in case (money again).

4) only 65% success rate.

Gynea only give me the pamphlet to read. She will tell me the details on my next visit at 35 wk if Bb still no turn.

Sunflower, I heard of it too. We can DIY turn Bb. But not sure how to do it. Have to search the web. I will be visiting my gynea only in end Jul. Too late to do at that time liao.

ahNah, no need to think. I will not take that option. For me its either plan C-sect or wait till delivery day then emergency c-sect if still not turn.

jascmy, got so much risks. i dun want to go for manual adjustment le. sounds scary.... broken arms, etc.. the baby is so wu2 gu1.

i think c-sec for me ok. close my eyes, then bb come out liao. also good la.

there is one exercise, prop up our hips. so that there is some space for bb to move about near cervix. by right, bb auto will prefer t put the head down. so hopefully bb will turn.

i tried this. aiyo headache. supposed to do 20 min, 3 times a day. then i oni did once, at night, less than 5 min, i cannot breath well le. so i din do in the end. cannot catch my breath le.

any one expereince baby so active during day time ?

my one has been active since this morning start work, unlike last time, he only active at 10 .. 12 or 4 pm .

QQ, hmm... I will let it be. If hubby agreed to pay more then I will wait. I prefer to let Bb choose how and when he want to come to the world.

jascmy, we let bb choose ba. like that we wont have headache. i think that is the best. so that i can b happie and he can be happie too. haha!

ahNah, my bb is active whole day de. except at night . he will sleep with me. i got irritated cause i need to go toilet v often at night and now not enough sleep.

ahNah, mine same as QQ. I also wake up very often for toilet. Then Bb will also wake up with me when I wake up for toilet. Then when I lay back on bed, he will kick kick (think he uncomfortable when I sleep on right and sometime left side)for a while then stop and sleep liao.

suika: oh..in that case i only can go for FULL GA...

Pekkle and ducklingshop: u all also choosing full GA OR 1/2?

our bb will share the same b'day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunflower: i choose 4 bedded room and the fees gg to cost me close to 6k... shiong..


ahNah, everytime I open toilet door, hubby will wake up by the noise. Initially he complained that I open the door so loudly. I told him the door have some problems too, have to pull hard then it will close properly. So he nvr complain liao. But he very poor thing leh, I wake up, he also wake up. Same to u leh.

