(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

dreymin: Thanks! i forcing myself to eat leh.. when i see food it turn me away haiz..endure!

i also feel my bb is pressing down...

2nd time mummy izzit necessary to have binder after c-cestion?

btw i m rolling out from my job; going on leave from 20th Jul, CS on 10th aug.

so maybe can join you all for shopping then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eat slowly, and take ur drink 30 mins afer... ma fan but works for me!

i was a wreck on mon and tue juz like you; doc gave me v gd advice.

if u can see a doc, ask for some gascol/antacids pills, that helps a lot.

yes i think stl need to hv new binder.

coz the first binder one would hv lost elasticity right?


really? my gynae came by with the binder and asked me to use it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not easy to retake you know. Especially I touch, he stop, i lift my hand, he move again.

I click stop, he move, I click record, he stop.

He smart bb sia.

Then the belly button, he move until the button can sink it.

My gynae nvr ask me to use binder. Nobody told me must use binder so I din use when giv birth to my boy 2 yrs back.

dreymin: Thanks for advice...

the binder is for after c-section use to protect the wound wan izzit? i very blur also..

was tinking shld i buy anot??

how long u all took to recover after c-section?


yes. Not easy to take video. I still fail to do that.

Baby is ard2.5 kg now at 36.5weeks le. He ask me to try cut carbo. Coz my bone small bb consider big for me. He say I should deliver early coz bb quite low already.

Very worry need c-sec in the end.

Got a Swarp check this time too. Result in a week.

Hi all,

I have been reading in silent. My due date was suppose to be on 10 Aug but who knows, my darling boy decided to come and see the world on 7 July. =) He's a premature baby but thank god, he's healthy and fine. We are now back at home. Hope I am not too late to join in the discussion. =)

Btw, this is my 2nd baby. My 1st one, also a boy, is 16.5 months old now. =)

If I remember correctly, I get out of bed myself within 1 day after c-sect cos my gynae told me if only I can take care of myself (move ard myself, go toilet) then I can discharge. N I wan to go home asap so no choice but to force myself to b independant. Wound super pain for first few days. But after tat ok oledi. But c-sect must b careful in duet. According to my mom, cannot eat chicken before heal. So I din take any chicken for 2 weeks.

ahnah: shld be diff frm ur wife de.. ;)

Charmaine: mine also 2.5kg at 35 wks + leh... my gyane never ask me to cut down carbo leh.. maybe u small size...

i also did the swarp test.. after i did liao, then i realise i nd to go for c-section.. so no need do the test also can..

wah.. getting excited for u... u shld be able to go thru natural dun worries.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

butter--> congrats on your newborn! thank god both u and baby are fine. of course ure welcome to join in.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ure the first mummy to pop in AugMTB!

n_g, to test whether have virginal infection. Cos if hav mus treat now so that Bb can born naturally by BB traveling out from there.

Thanks for the warm welcome. =)

I was delivered by Dr Lawrence Ang and I must say his stitching skill is DAMN GOOD!!! No pain at all now!! So unlike my #1 who I delivered in States, I was in pain for a very very long time...

I also wanna join the Aug2010MTB in FB... I will go send the request now. =)

n_g: Thanks.. look like i also need to force myself out of the bed... i scary cat...i very scare of pain leh.. but i got no choice to go thru c-section...argh...

super pain i wan painkiller..

ya my mum also say we must have a stict diet for c-section...

Thanks ahnah.. i will go to the link and check it out..

Congrats butter!

Thanks mtbs for ur encouragements!

Still worried because he say my bone small. Keeping bb small give better chance to natural ba. He press my bone already pain. So nervious now!

n_g, not urine test. Your gynea will poke something into your viginal to get a bit of your discharge for testing. It depends on the skill of your gynea, some can be very painful (I even bleed for my 1st test by a inexperience gynea) and can be non painful at all if gynea experience.

I have been having this infection since the start this pregnancy. Been poke many times liao. Esp initial part by different doc cos I under subsidies for the 1st trimester.


my baby oso not yet turn down. At 34 weeks now. If in the end still dun turn might end up c-sect again. I wish can deliver via natural delivery but I trust my gynae, will let him decide which is best for me n my baby.


I nvr go thru tis test even during my 1st pregnancy leh. I guess tis test only carry out if they suspect or discover protein during routine urine test? Cos I always pass my urine test in the end. Heeheehee...

I also pass all my urine test except for the recent one with urinary track infection. The viginal infection cannot be found in urine.

Most of the mummies do during the final stage at abt 35wks. How come u no need? Eg. winnie also passed all her urine test but still went thru the swap test.


I oso dun know leh... Nvr mind lah, just trust our own gynae will do lah. Or mayb he will sent me for the test during my next visit. =p

charmaine: My ex-colleague is even smaller sized than u but she gave birth naturally to her bb girl (3.2kg).... so don't worry, you can do it!

butter: congrats! good to know that your bb need not stay in ICU even tho premature.


Yes, we got a few years back for my SIL and I reserve 1 for my wife and 1 for myself (but i lazy to use).

the massage lady that is taking care of my wife say good.

congrates butter!!

the test is strepB...it has nothing to do w the urine test that we normally takes....this is an optional test which test if there's virus at the V area esp those gg for natural birth....if tested positive then during delivery time they'll insert 1 med in to prevent the virus being passed thru to bb during birth


ic. Probably can chk with my gynae during next visit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrates to u butter..pls take gd care of yourself and bb...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun worry too much....see how it goes...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah it helps to close the wound together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur baby is quite big! take it easy.


congrats on your newborn, it is so exciting, we have more mummies popping already.

re:swap test

yes this is very routine for mummies gg thru natural birth.

they nd to cfm no bacteria to go thru the birth canal.

if there is an infection, the doc usu prescribe antibotics or virginal wash.

Babybee, jiayou & hope u have a smooth delivery!

butter, welcome & congrat to your new born bb!!

I just back from the Dr Ang clinic... Bb is 35 wk+ with 2.429kg. Did the V check too but no sign of early delivery yet... heng ya... hope everything smooth till my c-sec date on 28 Jul la!

QQ, i re-confirm my timing with dr Ang, he had already schedule 3 C-sec patients on 28 Jul morning le... scary! He asked me to reach TMC by 5am & the procedure will be at ard 7-9am. he said he can't confirm the exact time cos 1 of the patient is selecting the particular time (with extra S$500 paid)... after my scanning, he was eating his KFC lunch while explaining to me... felt a bit funny & weird but my hb said he poor thing too... bz till need to see patient & eat together! ha!


dun worry too much abt the pain, i went thru CS once, it aint too bad!

the doc wl aso prescribe painkillers if u really nd them.

