(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Sunflower> take good care of yourself. Dun walk too much.. Last week I walk to e mrt station wif my colleague n she walked her normal pace, so I try to walk on e same pace as her. After 10 mins walk, I suddenly felt sharp pain in my stomach.. I think preggie cannot walk as normal ppl, must really walk like ah Ma. My neighbour also took 1 mth leave to bedrest, order by her gynae n it helps to drag till full term.. But heard from her is have to do all things in bed except toilet biz..

For confinement, I din wash myhair for 26 days. I cut my hair short coz I know after delivery my hair falls easier.. I also clipped my hair. I have no aircon but fan blowing e wall. I also use herbal water to wipe myself before noon. Had a decent shower using herbal water on 26 th day. I tried to follow these rules since both my in laws n parents want me to do so. I continue to wipe my body till end of 40 days.. Food also do till 40 days. But I m not those onz ones that wear long sleeve n long pants la. I only wear t- shirt n 3/4 pants..

Sunflower ,

do take care of urself , try to bed rest as much as possible , if u take shower , best is take a chair , sit in side n bath ... do update us ... take caree


Wish to share my BF problems when I delivered my bb. I think that its easy like abc and even when we hear talk abt bf in the hospital. I really wish to bf my bb since 1st day of my delivery but till the 5th day not even a drop came out. Till my fren advise to get help from traditional holistic postnatal centre. Many mums in these forum has been using her service. Mdm Rokiah was very experience with her bf advise and technique.Till now although my bb is 9mth old I still able to bf my bb well. My advise to all mtb, get support on bf and don't giveup easily. Attend Mdm Rokiah personally bf class for more info. May visit her website jamumassage.com or search frm online todaymotherhood.com


You probably strained yourself by walking too much. Just walk slowly and rest in-btw in future.

Nowadays, i like old woman. If out, will sit down if i see seats available, be it i am tired or not. Have been doing that since preggy cos sometimes i feel my tummy tugging if i am on my feet too long.

I just saw the new gynae's namecard last wk. He seems to be sharing the same tmc clinic with Dr. Kee as well. I guess Dr. Kee must be slowly winding down his practice.

Next time, if you feel unwell or have any queries, just call Dr. kee on his mobile. At least that will save you some consultation fee if it's not serious. This is the privilege of private gynaes compared to govt hospitals.

ah_beee, last visit to gynea last mth, she say I put on 11kg. Last wk I measure myself, I put on 2 more kg liao, so in together, abt 13kg. I will only know my bb's weight next week (KKH's another stupid rule). But during detailed scan, she say a bit small.

alibaba> not hardworking la. just happen all in the same month. very tiring after my aqua fitnes, i go my childbirth edu class very sleep. somemore last week mdm wong keep ask us to do total relaxation exercise. now i thinking of stopping my piano lessons already.


Dun over-strained yourself. I spaced out my yoga lesson on sat and the childbirth lesson on sun. We need alot of rest at this stage so try not to have too much activities.


how many weeks are you now? I know my bb weight is the lowest compared to you ladies but according to the chart, it's still within range.


Dun worry, some bbs will grow exponetially in the 3rd trimester. Anyway, too big also difficult to do natural birth.

i oso worry i gt BF problems then.. Thx adeline for ur infor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bakaholic> hw heavy is ur bb? my last measure for my bb is 650g @ wk 24.

I felt tt i hv problem sleeping by the side at nite. B4 pregn, i always slp by the side.. but nwadays, when i slp by the side, i can feel the bb keep moving, like telling me she gt no space to move or wat.. then end up i hv to slp upright and flat :S = nt slping well most of the nitez..

morning ladies!


So sorry to hear about your situation. Hope the medication works and you are feeling better now.


A few of my friends and colleagues also commented that my tummy is small for 25 wks... my girl was like 400g at 21wk 5 days... will be seeing gynae this Sat... hopefully my girl is growing well...

Re Confinement,

I still havent checked with my MIL about this. haha~ But I will prefer to bath everyday. and especially when I will be having the post-natal massage.

My friends recommend air-con to fan as air-con regulates the whole room temperature. As long as air-con not blowing at you or baby is okay de.

I also can't walk long now, walk 30mins legs already aching. And if I walk fast, my calves will have the tightening feeling.

I'm also craving to wear back my normal office wear and high heels. Very determined to get back my pre-natal size and weight! else all my clothes can't wear le!


I got to learn how to walk slowly now. I used to walk very fast but now I got to admit defeat. Hehe!

Yup, Dr Kee really don't have much time to rush through and fro from TMC to JP. That is why he partnered with Dr Lee. After seeing Dr Lee, I rather stick to Dr Kee as he know our conditions better. Think next time I will call Dr Kee directly.

SunFl@wer, hope u are doing fine now and no longer having much contraction...

Starz, ya u r right...my aunts oso say aircon is beta than fan..cos aircon is dry (no direct wind blowing onto u)...fan will b moist n humid in our sg weather...

i love aircon!! esp during aug, i tink will b super hot!! lolz

other than walk too fast or too long, i will have leg pain, i oso have prob like tightening of uterus if i walk too fast

bakaholic, after seeing the avg weight of the bb on the chart...

i tink my bb v BIG!!


i m only wk 26 ..and is already 960gram...200gram overweight!!

faintz..i hope i can delivery naturally ..dun wish to have an oversize bb and then result in C-sect


good morning

yday's check up got a good 3D shot of bb face.. realise he look quite alike with my #1.. again dun look like me -_- .. he weight 940+g at week 25+.... doc said it's good weight wor...


i tink u dont worry too much... at this stage , bb grow v fast de...


we used to used pampers brand but huggies also not bad... but dont buy too many to stock up, as dunno how big is your bb, if too loose or too big then not good liao...


it's inclusive in our gynae package. he usually scan if bb in a good positiion & try to take a 3d Shot. if good den he will print it out for me.


i used pampers brand for newborn..which the hospital used also.. new born baby i usually use good brand , cause their skin v sensitive. i tried nepia, G'oon. & it's depending on the baby . hence u dun stock up too many of a brand. cos different diaper got different cutting.

alamak..jus got my glucose test result..i got high glucose...

must watch diet and monitor glucose level every day liao..

sob sob..

i read some books..they say if pregnant got diabetis..means next 10 yrs, most likely i will get diabetis too..


hi ladies,

thanks for your concerns, really appreciate.

i had a terrible nitemare yesterday, and thank god things are doing fine now. had a check up this morning, contractions cant be felt myself, but inside uterus,irritable contractions, dilation didnt progress. just hope everything will be fine. will be having complete bedrest for the next 2 weeks before the next checkup. meanwhile, will stuff lots of food for my baby to prepare him in case preterm birth.


do watch ur diet hor... no joke.. i see my fren last time got it.. she cant even take fruits lor...


rest well~ sit or lie down most of ur time hor... dont carry any heavy stuff..& tell ur bb stay in for at least another 1 mth..


really must watach diet. Usually in such circumstances, bb's size will be bigger than normal due to the high glucose. Do take care!


glad to hear that you are doing well. Must take extra care! All the things ask ur hubby to do. hehe~

Oh, anyone experience ankle pain when walking down stairs?

SunFlower, glad to hear no dilation liao..

sob sob....so sad le..now mango season..n i eating alot of mango..now cannot eat le..


last week i experience knee cap pain, like rheumatism, so pain, scared that i really got it...

but likely this week better liao...

this morning, nearly got leg cramp, luckily, in time to flex my feet... hubby not with me as i stayed over at my mum's place, so cannot shout for him...

Thanks eeyore and ablibaba...

my hse got 3 packs of NB diaper so i was wondering can i finish.. hehehe... i got pamper, huggies and mummy poko brand..

too much stocks liao...


at least ur knee is better now... is it the increase body weight that affect your knee?

when I got cramp at night, i use my other leg to flex the cramp leg cuz dun wanna disturb my hubby... Have been using this method for a few times liao and it works...

Re Diapers

i still havent buy diapers yet... anyone trying drypers?


dunno is it the increase in weight, but so far my weight gain is abt 5 kg.

hehe, during my #1 time, i dont care, i cannot shout but i beat him since he's just next to me...


i think 3 packs of NB still okie, that time my gal i think used 3 packs.

sunflower ,

glad to know u r better , dont move around too much ok =) n try not to think too much , just relax ...

I have not bought anything for bb yet , keep thinking is too early , maybe cos is #2 , so not kan chiong like #1 ... anyway , Singapore Sale coming in 2 - 3 weeks time , think will be a good time for us to buy n buy ! as for diapers , i thinking buy 1 pack , cos anytime can also hubby to go buy if going to finish ... or myself also can buy , i remember when got my #1 , i confinment 2 weeks then drag hubby go shopping with me ! haha

Sunflower ,

Glad to hear that you are fine now but whatever it is still need to be careful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


For the glucose test, dun think its a must to do the test rite unless got family history right? I got family history of diabetic also but till now my gyane did not mention anything about the test lei hope i dun have to go through it.


Have you bought any diaper bag yet? Anyone getting any kate spade bag for diaper bag there's a lot of spree going on for kate spade wor. Still thinking if want to get one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunflower, glad that u are better now... rest well & eat well...

Fumiko, my gluclose level was high when I having my #1 last time too... must really watch out ur diet. Try to take whole-grain bread, brown rice if possible...

White-lady, me too, havent buy anything for bb yet... also think to get those bb stuff during the GSS..


jia you!


if glucose level high, really must take care. Cos will affect ur preg later. Wat i heard is, it shd go back to normal after preg.


i didn't buy any NB diapers yet, hospital will give one pack. I remem for #1, i use pampers NB from hospital then later ask my hubby to go buy small size le. BB grow SUPER fast during 1st 2 wks. I agree that diapers need to try diff cutting, some will leak due to that. Not say absorb not gd, jus the cutting dun suit ur bb.


can help to create new events in FB? Thanks!


Experts Talk and Movie by Make love Happen

Date: 22 May 2010

Time: 9.30am to 1.30pm

Venue:Tiong Bahru Plaza Golden Villiage Cineplex Movie: Shrek Forever After

Talk Topics: Shall i eat for 2? and Coping with Crying baby

Cost: $10 per person


purelyz & hubby

ahNah & wife

Registration needed though ALife. Call Mary at 62588816.


2nd/3rd tri MTBs gathering

Date: 27 May 2010

Time: 7pm to 10pm

Venue: The Manhattan Fish Market (Iluma @ Bugis)








ladies i think it is base my mother weight and height. I am now 25 weeks (24 weeks by ultrascan) and baby is 700gram. and gynae say it is normal and average weight hahaha

really each gynae have their own way of seeing thinggs.

So nice, my gynae (Dr Paul @ TMC) don't have packages.. more over 3D scans for free... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my 3d bb scan as of yday... look abit blurry though..


of course...


actually dont have to specially buy a diaper bag... just use any bag that is big enough...

i change to haversack as hb using it, diaper bag too girly, become we carry ourselves...

but if u need excuse to buy ks bag... hehe, giving us excuse...

is the glucose test, same as our every visit urine test??

i thought gynae will definitely monitor our sugar level, in case we got too sweet...


ah nah,

it's at doc's clinic.hehe.. i guess after the scanning even more blurry.. the actual scan look quite ok .

