(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

MVH, now I'm ok with weekdays. Must go out more on weekdays leh. After BB born I can't go out on weekdays liao.

Tis month a bit packed for me. I'm only free next Mon and Tue.

I'm ok to meet at CWP or Sunplaza cos I stay in Sembawang.


hi all,

Just wan to share, last night we tried to play the baby music CD in order to make our bb sleep (24 wks only) so that it won't disturb / kicking the mama while sleeping.

It works ! ! the free CD is from Abbott

i think normal CD shop might have . or those who sell baby item will have.. but not true.

I go audio forum n ask. Will post here later

Sorry super looong post coz catching up with you marathron runners!


i m sticking with the confinement practises which i did last time. drinking red dates water in place of plain water. showering with the herbal pack in running water, hehe! although i was told to stick to only one pail; how to wash ym hair and body with one pail?!? aircon room and a fan not blowing directly at me. in other words i break almost all the rules!

my hubby is v strict abt me havg a confinement lady and doing the usual practises; which baffles me as he is the "ang mo" type; i m the HDB gal. he even forbids me from going bear-footed at home; which reminds me i nd to find a v loose pair of slippers.


i aso got knee pain on one side but dun dare tell my hubby. i think could be my weight is too heavy so put strain on the knees.


hv more bedrest!


wah u got so much stocks. i hv to tidy up the extra room and find some space before i buy pampers. prob buy 1 or 2 pcks at most coz if baby grows at Kor Kor's rate; will outgrow it v fast.


i aso v big sized and was asked to go for glucose test too; hv scheduled one for nx month. my doc said coz i hit the magic age of 35 tis year so must go. previously i nearly had gestational diabates; so maybe that is another reason.

the plus side is i get another day off, haha! but this time i wont be bringing my son and hubby along coz i heard it takes around 2 hrs to complete the test. hv to rem to fast before the test! when r u taking yours? mine is at TMC in 4th jun.


yes good advice to eat brown rice and bread; food with high fiubre versus those with high sugar content.


gd point on butt size; i think thigh size plays a part too, haha!


i use pampers NB and wl use tat for no.2 coz i think it is really quite good; does not leak. my hubby says first few weeks can use pampers as a way of welcoming baby to the world bah!

27 May Gathering

I am looking forward to that, have not met anyone of you yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think the side view looks v clear, wah so good included in package.

pls monitor and check these signs. this is what the nurse told me when i experienced discharge last month: does leaking happened again? baby not moving? abominal pains? if any of these signs do happen; please go to A&E immediately. Try not to carry #1 too much; yah easier said than done, mine always say "Mummy carry me" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

NUH Baby Talk

I just got a sms rd child birth, vaccination, & nutrition, date is 22 May, 2pm in HPB (dun know where is this place). Admission is free, call 1800-688 6886 for registration.

dreymin, i did mine test last sat..tat y i know i got high glucose level..

ahNah, how to meet u if i need you to burn for me..keke


oic, i thot you r gg for the test soon, mine is nx mth. i let u know how it goes after tat.


i aso wan! i m sick of hearing the same baby music too. are you gg to the gathering? btw wat software do u use to burn? i m v bad at burning dvds [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ok. so Total got Fumiko, dreymin and Jascmy want this music CD.

Gathering .. when ? I shy leh .. some more i'm a man.

I use different software to convert n burn.

clueless crystal,

i tot he got give free. then i must ask him. Haha... Superman? U mean his hair style? Hee... Overall still find him ok la. I go to him cos i heard he super pro-natural birth and willing to accept mummy's birth plan.


Oh... wow... ur day filled with activities! I've jus cfm u as frens in fb. Maybe we can jus say hi hi during that day lo. If i can find u out of the crowd. Haha...

ahNah, i stay in yishun..

where u stay??

dreymin, haha..okok i m goin to clinic tmr to see the nurse..cos the nurse say got to teach me how to monitor my glucose level everyday and teach me wat i can eat, wat i cannot eat..

me gg for the blood test next week.. hehehe..abit scare... hopefully the result ok..

ytd i went home pack my girl cupboard again, i see wrongly ar.. total i got 4 packs of pampers.. maybe i shld use pamper 1st.. then 2nd pack i duno wan to use huggies or mummypoko.. if she outgrow very fast, i will pass the bal to Jascmy liao..


You play the CD the whole night or just listen to it before you all sleep?


Even with the discount, the Medela freestyle still super ex.....

bakaholic - if u got taka card, u may consider get from taka $720 medela freestyle (slightly cheaper)

I am getting from prettymums website instead but no warranty la. its much cheaper $470 only

AhNah > can add me also? email [email protected]


Purelyz > i went Dr paul is becos friend recommended. Was with Dr Joyclyn wong but due to the waiting time is soo long and the nurse piss off my hubby so we change to Dr Paul.I agree- he is Pro-Natural. When i ask him whether i should drink maternal milk he tell me not to as its fattening and sweet. But hor, lately hubby brought one can, so start to try (last week) taking Similac.. really quite sweet lei.. hehehe

Ask need calcium supplement - No need as long as u drink milk.

but his waiting time is what we like, the max 15 mins but charges i think is a bit high end, one visit $150; when is ur next visit to dr paul?

dsgyvonne> when i went for my scan at abt 22 weeks, my gynae also say my placenta slightly low but should be alright.

FDW> anyone can share the rough cost for the medical & personal accident insurance for FDW and also which co. you bought from?

ahNah> i wan a copy of the CD too.

Hi HI, btw anyone working in the city? if can we can try to meet up for lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morn all,

need some advice fr experienced moms again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm looking at milk bottles & milk storage bottles. what are the difference huh? cos my hb was asking how come have to buy separate bottles?? and i was like ???

milk bottles are to feed bb & milk storage bottles are to store BM right? but how do we tell the difference when buying these bottles? also we cannot use a milk storage bottle to feed bb as well??

sorry, this is really confusing so appreciate any feedbacks. big thank you.

btw, we did get the 2nd hand capella stroller at $110 after all. hope its a gd buy.

ahnah > yup... indo chinese..but pretty much educated in sg throughout his life (except uni days) btw TPY stand for what ya? i am working at Taka ;P

clueless, no wonder I see his name looks alike my old school mates name .. liek Suriyati, harihato those kind.

TPY - Toa Payoh, i work in a building call HDB hub.

Clueless crystal,

Taka offer seems better.

How reliable is the freestyle from US? I am concerned about the warranty and if it breaks down, how much will the local distributor charge for repair?


I found this classical compilation 2-disc CD from That CD shop. Only $19.90.Not bad lah.. but after a while, i got sick of it and switched to my jazz. Hehe..


i juz had a peanut butter jam sandwich for breakfast; think this not approved by nurse, haha! i better watch my diet before the test.


hope the test will go well for you!


i got mine from the agency; think they hv a regular insurance co. we signed for the 2nd plan; coz not much difference in price but better coverage for maid.

clueless crystal,

i work in raffles place; think a bit far from you.


aiyah go lah, i think 27 May? ask your missus along too. HDB hub v good leh; lots of shopping! I bought a 2 baby girl dresses at atrium 2 weeks back; factory rejects from OshGosh & Gap only $10 each. Even cheaper than buying from forum.


i use lansinoh milkbags for storage coz saves space and avent for feeding. i heard nuk bottles r aso good, can aso try.

milk storage bottles can be used as feeding bottles; the only difference is in the cap. the storage one is flat whereas the feeding cover can put a teat in it. so if you store BM in fridge; you can heat up the bottle and feed the baby directly just by replacing the cover.

You do not need to buy a milk warmer. I use the old fashioned method. I use a water mug fill it halfway with hot water and put the bottle in. After a while, the milk will be warm enough for feeding.

The other thing you need to watch out is the feeding teats; hv to change from time to time as the baby grows. the teats hv to be changed as baby can take in more fluids as he grows otherwise u wl hv a very frustrated baby trying to suck harder for his milk.

