(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

I"M BACK! Smooth journey from BKK back to SG. Celebrated Mummy's day yesterd.



the pics taken for my #1. Cos boy mah... so pointed belly. Now also very pointed. My colleagues all say can't tell i'm preg from behind, cos tummy pointed.


it's the same background. I also dunno why diff color. It's my master room toilet door. I off the room light but on the toilet light. I only wear bra and underwear.


ya. #1 is boy boy.


for #1, i also very hardworking. Now a bit lazy, esp it's the same boy again. No difference in tummy. Pointed lo. Ha!

clueless crystal,

my hubby also same thing. As him to help me take pic, like force him to do wat like that... For me, i agree, the tummy not as nice le.


ur hubby so sweet. I ask my hubby to cut my son nails, he also dun wan. So he let me go pedicure. Hee... But i pay!


my #1 like to throw camera on the floor. Or he like me to take pics of him. I dun tink he can take pic for me. Too young... So sweet of ur #1 to take care of crying bb.


of cos la. It's taken when #1 is 32wk and another is 37wk! Taken in 2007. Not now one la...


Thanks ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eeyore, I'm under Dr SF Loh at KKH and stay in Woodlands. Thanks much for the update.

2nd/3rd tri MTBs gathering open for "registration"!

Date: 27 May 2010

Time: 7pm to 10pm

Venue: The Manhattan Fish Market (Iluma @ Bugis)









it's the toilet door color. As mentioned, i off the room light and on the toilet light. I didn't use photoshop or special camera function. Cos dunno how... Jus camera on stand and timer mode to take. Very "caveman" method. ha!

morn to all,

need some opinions fr experienced moms, all comments much appreciated. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yesterday, we went to view a stroller.


brand & model as per abv link. item in gd working cond.

physical outlook also not too bad as seller got maintained & washed regularly.

item is 2yrs old & seller is offering at $120.

both my hb & i are pretty clueless abt strollers.

what do u guys think of the brand & price ratio?

i thought the price is quite decent for its cond.

i also like the reversible handle feature becos bb can face us when we go out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the stroller is heavy but hb says its ok as he'll be the one handling the stroller most of the time.

also, this stroller is supposed to be suitable from newborn & there is a infant cushion attached but seller has misplaced it.

her price is alr reduced to $120 becos of this. she wanted to sell at $180 initially.

my concern: can the bb still use the stroller if there's no infant cushion?? can we get the infant cushion fr shops easily??

item is reserved for us, we promised to revert by tmr so doing a survey here to decide if its worthwhile to get this 2nd hand stroller?

big thanks!!

also, for those 2nd time (& more) moms,

did u all follow the confinement practices strictly?

my mil was telling me cannot drink water, cannot open the windows, cannot on the fan, cannot on the air-con,

this is on top of the cannot bathe & wash hair for 30 days!! faintz!!

i think i can endure all the abv but if alr so hot, sweaty & smelly, if cannot on the aircon somemore, i can just die.

i mean if door & windows are closed, no fan allowed somemore, there's basically no ventilation at all right? wont we suffocate??

roughly how long does it take for menses to come after delivery? i heard that the 1st time the menses come after delivery,

can last for pretty long, like wks & some even mths??!! really huh? >_<"


Personal feeling, althoughit's much cheaper than retail price but stroller is a well invested product that can used from infant to 4 or 5 yo. if there's ability, why not buy a new one instead of buying 2nd hand one... my gal is gg 4 yo this july but we're still using her stroller whereever we go...

however to reply your question:

if u dont mind 2nd hand and u think the condition is good.

compared the retail price and the let go price, can buy... can she reduce to $100 since aready 2 yo and some missing items.

infant cushion can always buy from outside.

frankly speaking, I've tried the reversible pushing with bb facing us. I like the idea but dont like the feel as we kept kicking on the wheels, not sure if other mummies have this exp b4...


some mil can be stricter than others...

but some elders understand that with our singapore weather, definitely cannot stand it...

u can follow some and ignore some lar...

is she doing confinement for u, if not then u just show her u follow when she's around.

then on air-con when she's gone lor...

i think what we have is not menses but some sort like bleeding... for my #1 i think i have it for abt 1 week plus then stop, then as we breast-feed regularly, it never came until out feeding became irregular...


Capella strollers with reversible handle are generally bigger so if you push pram around in crowded shopping malls.... a bit difficult to move around... I also bought a 2nd hand stroller (something like the Capella one) when I had my #1 but I ended up reselling it off as I found it too bulky, heavy and difficult to move around... The thing about buying 2nd hand is that you don't have a chance to try try push around and see if you really like the 'feel'... plus, no salesperson to answer all your questions..

Anyway, if u bought this 2nd hand stroller and don't like it in the end, u can still sell it off again thru this forum.... Eeyore is right, maybe you can bargain down the price to $100.

As for confinement practice, its really up to you. My confinemt lady also told me all these practices but she never force me so when its really too hot, I just hide myself in air-con room.... air-con room got no wind or draft mah... As for bathing, I washed my hair every alternate day. Cannot tahan the practice of no washing hair for at least 12 days or more. As long as you use hot/ warm water and blowdry your hair immediately after that, it should be okay I feel.

Are you getting a confinement lady or yr MIL doing confinement for you? If MIL doing confinement for you, then you may have to be 'guai guai' listen to her if she very strict....

angel> my cousin told me that there is this herbs you can buy in medical hall which is for ladies to use to bath during confinement period. basically you just need to put the herbs in warm/hot water and bath with the water.

Hi..sorry to disturb. I am from April mum and i have BN similac mum milk for pregnant and breastfeeding mum to sell at $12/tin.

and also a lot of pretty maternity clothes for work and casual wear to clear.

PM me if you are interested


re: confinement

i replace water with red date water thru out the confinement. although still v thirsty but i endure.... i still bathe during confinement. but with chinese herbs or cooked gingers with lemon (malay style). bathe 1 time a day. sponge myself with rice wine water at night. wash hair about 2-3days interval but still with herbal water... wash machiam nv wash. cos the water is brown~ anyway better than notin... slp in aircon.like eeyore say. air con shld be ok. personally i feel the closed window concepts, is more for those winter country... in SG, i tink need not.. unless ur house is v windy lor..

Jascmy: is normal leh.. tat time i also got that kind of feel... but after awhile ok liao.. hehehe..

Angel: my mum also say i can't bath i dun care, cuz she is not doing confirment for me.. hahaha.. hw can dun bath wah lau. so smelly..

i tink it's important to bathe leh.. imagine u still gotta breastfeed ur baby leh... dont bathe... soo smelly.. unhygienic...


another method i use is cook ginger with lemongrass and bathe...

in our singapore weather, if no air-con will die manz...

my this month sp bills sure shot up... when i woke up or reach home definitely switch on the ac...

my #1 confinement, i only bathe about 5 times, but like alibaba, sponge myself everyday with rice wine (must use the white rice wine) after 2nd week but my mum say must be before 12 noon... never ask why thou...


yes yes.. ginger & lemon grass... i love it man! much better than the herbal one... smell much nicer... my PUB bill oso shot up... haiz... somemore i find the aircon like not cold liao.. tot of asking service man over...

My mil say we can also use dried pemelo skin water to bath. I did ask my confinement lady and she say ok. So during CNY, I kept a few liao.


dont tink too much la... when the time comes den tink.. hehehe... i myself although #2 liao.. oso scare to tink of it...

Charmaine> i can't PM you leh. anyway, this is the thread i sent you earlier. Many jobless pregnant ladies in this thread.


There are the 2 users who offer jobs to pregnant ladies: eun (eun), Wellness (health). they did not leave any contact info in the thread so you may need to send them a private msg to check out for more information.

those companies offering part-time jobs might not be interested to take up pregnant ladies even though they will not be required to pay for the maternity leaves, since there will still be job interruption to the companies when you go for delivery.

since you have got the compensation and money is not a major issue now, probably it will be better for you to take this chance to have a good rest and prepare for the delivery. It won't be too late for job hunting after you settle down with you new-born later. Take care and hope to see you in the coming outing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

you means in wk24 .. will star to feel the cramp or contraction ? ?

my wife is havin some numbness on the hand or leg (left hand, right leg) after wake up.

ann> if i'm not wrong you mentioned you may want to buy the breast pump from US right? may i ask how are you going to buy? is it via online shopping or thru friends? i'm considering the same too...

eeyore & ann,

thx for sharing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually, as mentioned earlier, we alr have 2 handmedown strollers fr a fren, 1 combi for toddler & another maclaren that can hold up to 20kg. both still in working cond but physical outlook is less than desirable lah. cos got many unremovable stains & pretty worn out etc. hb din want to get another stroller, he thinks we can just get new seat covers & cushions then both strollers as gd as brand new lor.

i so happened to come across this post for this 2nd hand stroller. the price is also reasonable thats why my hb willing to consider but if get a totally brand new one & have to spend a few hundreds, he prob wont be very keen lah.

i think the price prob cant be further reduced. she initially reduced to $150 only & finally reduced to $120. thats a $60 discounts & she said the infant cushion wont cost that much anyway. is that true? we have no idea how much an infant cushion would cost... anyway, when reduced to $120, her face alr changed abit like take it or leave it so wont haggle on the price liao.


oic, i din know when pushing the stroller with the bb facing us, we'll kick on its wheels?


yes the stroller is indeed bigger, heavier & more bulky than the 2 strollers we have at home.

as for confinement, i'm not getting a CL as we'll have a maid & i'll order confinement food for 28days. my mil is not exactly doing confinement for me cos her health does not allow her to do so but i'm staying with my mil so if i on my aircon thruout, she'll prob know lah.

actually, my mil is very nice. she wasnt really forcing me to follow thru all these practices but just telling me that was how she went thru her confinement last time. i did tell her abt the aircon, she's just worried that i may catch a chill & later suffer when i'm old.

main prob is my hb, he's such a mama's boy. he said since his mom & many others have been thru this, no reason why i cant. then if i insist want to on aircon to sleep thruout, he's going to sleep in the living rm with my bb!!!

dreamz, eeyore, alibaba & winnie,

yeah, i also think very hard to tahan in our weather. maybe now body's temp is higher so really feel like super, crazy hot & humid, maybe its better after delivery? i'm not sure. but i think my tolerance level is must at least give me aircon, the rest can still try to tahan. i did tell him if really cannot have aircon, then how come all hosiptal also have aircons/fans??

jascmy> how come you suddenly feel the cramp? did you just eat/drink something that might have "triggered" it? though i'm having my #2 now, still a bit scare dunno when the "bomb" will release. :p


I am worst than you. Although I am 1st time mummy, my mum want me to have confinement for 40 days. Not only that she want me to shower every 12 days. I think I will be very smelly by then. I also don't want my baby to find me very smelly when breastfeeding so now I am negotiating to shower everyday especially my hair.

I also heard from my SIL saying that she can use aircon instead of fan so I wonder if my mum allow me to use if I stay at her house.


Same here. I started to have leg cramps whenever I woke up. But my cramp is like it is pulling my veins. In the end, my legs were numbed for 1 whole day.

btw, will be seeing woody tmr.

excited! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the last FW known to me was 631g at wk 22-23. now alr wk 28, hope bb more than 1kg liao.


i tink the cramp that ur are feeling is call Braxton Hicks contraction. It is ur body trying to get ready. I'll sugg to change ur position (eg. from standing to sitting or vs vice). Take deep breath and let go slowly to allow ur body to relax. Cos the more u tense up ur muscule, the pain u feel.

Dehydration, tiredness or straining one’s self could trigger these contractions. These contractions could occur as early as the 16th week of pregnancy, but more often after the 20th week


i've the same numbness on my palm a few wks ago. It's water retention result in pressure on one of the veins. Massage the hand or leg in a way as if u r trying to push the water out... Or jus keep moving the hand or leg.

ahNah> i have the same feeling as you wife sometimes after wake up too, not sure if due to the sleeping position. but after a while it will be gone.


leg cramp hor.. i help to massage her potential cramp area before she sleep. So chance will reduce.

But is the numbness that I worry .. wat if she fall down.


push the water out .. to which exit ? ? Use Qi Jong isit ? ?


i scare she has no one to attend to, some time I left the home before she wake up.


i jus scare cramp and numbness will affect my driving... So now i keep "hint" my hubby to drive me to work. It's difficult for him cos his shift working hrs diff from mine. Sighz...


slight cramp is normal.sometimes we eat someting wrong. we get cramp. & feel like PS. the real one is more intense & repeatly with interval & if u have the "show" sign - meaning spotting/bleeding, den u mus inform ur gynae & monitor.


how come ur hb will slp with bb in the living room.. 1st few nights. i slp with fan on but no blowing direct on me... wah lao. i cant slp lor.. my hb oso cannot tahan... lolz.. end up, we give in to air con.. but not tooo cold temp.. best to have 24-25 degree.. which i felt not much difference... eventually. the temp is adjusted lower each time..


whoa, 40 days really tough ya. 30 days i alr felt like crying/dying. just now i talked to my mil again, she said at the very least, try not to wash hair for 12 days, body can use da feng cao & cloth to wipe lah.

aiyo, i try not to dwell on this yet. left only 10-11wks for me to go, i try to "enjoy" as much as i could during this period before the "nightmare" begin.


dun worry too much abt contractions. i read up, BHC can start as early as 16wks but will become more obvious/frequent when u hit 20wks or so. (of course, there are also those who never experience BHC thruout). i also got cramps occasionally, then i try to switch to doing sth else. the cramps will go away after a while. if u r lying down when u have the cramps, u can try walking or taking a bath. if u r walking etc when u have the cramps, then take a rest in bed.


real confinement supposed to be 40days lor.. i actually took red date water for tat long... for food wise.. after 30days not so strict over it liao...


becos, he's the type dun like aircon, if sleep aircon rm, needs to cover fr head to toes lor.

then he thinks aircon also not gd for bb so if i must insist, then he'll bring bb outside to sleep lor. >_<"

haha, after posting then realised, purelyz & i were posting essentially the same thing on BHC. lol.


my gynae say if palm numb, massage the palm and "push" toward the wrist. If leg numb, maybe "push" toward ankle. He ask me to imagine as if water is filling up the whole palm or leg.



My mum also want me not to shower for 1st 12 days. I was like "huh". What if I need to see gynae during that 12 days? I advise her to get more dao feng cao to shower but I wish to bathe with hot water and my shampoo for hair.. Haha...


I heard got to drink red date water throughout whole confinement. I do not know if I can take it for 40 days. As for confinement food, my mum definitely want to eat throughout 40 days. I was already half-sian.


You are so good to your wife. Yesterday night, I had to make my husband to massage for me but he doze off within 5 mins. I had a long walk yesterday from Helix bridge to Marina Bay Sands. I regretted walking too much, in the end today, my leg still numb. I agree when numb, we might fall easily. That is how it happen to me before.


Is walking too much really make me have 1 drop of light pink spotting? Is it serious?

