(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


I got condition one. She also take some cream n massage my leg as well... cause I also scare she cramp i also cramp.


hi ladies,

im in hospital now..was admitted last nite 230am.. had contractions during slping..the pain was intense till it squeezed my whole tummy from the intestine area to uterus.. its every few mins, i woke up perspiring, tot im suffering from food poisoning..rush to toilet to poo..but nothing comes out.. i remember i did poo the day before, so ruled out the cause by constipation. so my hb rush me to hospital..contraction was detected through the machine and i was 1cm dilated. now taking injection and medications to prevent contractions.. i'm praying hard that bb dont arrive so early..i'm really upset. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

im going to ask for 2 mths hosp leave to bedrest till baby reach full term.


i also go walk the "stupid" helix bridge on sat, after i got back from Bangkok. It's so tiring. I dunno is the 2hrs flight from Bangkok affecting me or the walk is really long. Then over at the Sands also nothing to see. Regretted...

now we are getting heavier. I'll tink to reduce walking and take short break in between. Better for lower back too.

cheekrene: my mum also say i can't bath for the 1st 12 days? yuck so smelly.. i can't stand it leh...

nowdays i feel so tired and sleepy.. one more week to 3rd trimster..

and i have backaches somemore...argh..

oh sunflower, take care...

did doc say anything about the possibility of early delivery??

how is the injection and medication gg to help??

Is it to stop the contraction and dilation??


dont be scare of by confinement food... i think the worst part is only not to bathe... some confinement food can still be very nice... especially if the ginger is sliced until very very slim, then with steam cod fish, yummy...

that time my mum cooked for me... i've always long to at that again... and even simple fried egg also make me drool... i even long to eat biscuit with just milo during my tea-break time...

糟糕, 口水在流了。。。


for my #1, I saw my gynae 1 wek aft i delivered.

so first 3 days in hospital got bathe, got ac then go hom only 3 days never bathe then see gynae again... still quite alright...

can't imagine the long hair never wash .. stink already and pass the smell to pillow.... OMG. .

Anyone like to 黑醋肉 ?


oh... i agree a bedrest is needed till full term. It is always better to deliver when bb is full term. but if worst come to worst *touch wood*, the chance of bb survive pre-term delivery is very, very high with the high tech hospital equipments and experienced staffs. Dun worry too much, let nature do its work now. Relax...

ahNah> haha. US size usually bigger. for me i wear their XS also abit big.

alibaba> i hear longan & red date tea good to boost milk supply. Me every sat in may, my schedule is 1-1.45pm at KKH lesson and 4.30 - 6.30pm at AMK hub for lesson. from now to 14th I will be staying at bt panjang, 14th to 22nd will be in bedok. so see where u convenient, but if u want to meet me in bedok, u need to tell me by thurs afternoon so that i can bring the things over.

haitang> you can buy thru spree, some of my spree websites have like mybreastpump.com, diapers.com. Usually i will place orders once a month if I can meet the min. For mybreastpump, some of the prices are not stated there. if you need you can email to [email protected] and I will send you the price list which i got from them.


u mean u had a drop of pink blood due to the walking?? to be safe, better chk with gynae lah. dun walk too much in the meantime. take care ya.


oh dear, so sorry to hear abt that. luckily, ur hb rushed u to hospital in time & u can take the necessary medications to stop contractions. that time i also worry abt pre-term labor but luckily, so far so gd. *fingers crossed* do take a gd rest till ur delivery. push the hospital to give u the 60days HL. u take care too & keep us updated when u can k.


medications to help stop contractions..injections to mature baby's lung to prepare for emergency delivery.

if the dilation continues, i may go into labor soon. so now i need lots of bedrest..no walking, no squating from now onwards.

very sad to hear this...trying to relax as much as possible..but its not easy..

purelyz, angel, ahnah

thank..ya, bb can deliver from wk26 onwards, but definitely need to stay in NICU for 3mths..the cost is really too exp! will try to fight for HL leave.

eeyore_03, oh yes .. but my version is take away the 猪脚 and replace with muscle meat. A style that my noya granny pass on to me. So the method of cooking is slightly different.


You better take care. now coming to 3rd trimester, we got to be careful now.


I already started to have back pain and yesterday it was worst. I agreed with you that there is nothing to see in MBS and helix bridge. Worst is that there are limited chairs at MBS shopping mall.


Although I am coming to week 25, I already started to feel sleepy and tired since week 23. Now my legs started to cramp. Back pain came back again. Gosh, I do not know how long I can take it.


I planned to have a good shower at hospital before going home for confinement. Hehe! I am sure I will be crying if I can't shower after delivery. I had to cut my hair shorter again nearer to my delivery. So sad to cut it away. Sigh.


then u better bedrest... did u do something vigorious during the wekkends??

2 weeks back I had red bleeding due to frequent squatting, i didn't go back to gynae, I just monitor myself...

last sat told my gynae abt this, and I was told I should at least see him the following day...

hehe he says at least from scanning bb looks okie...

I also ask him how come the bb heart beat look a bit slow and weak then he let me listen to his heartbeat and was at 146 bpm... so interesting...


dont worry the nurse will ask u to bathe yourself to ensure everything's okie...

so shiok to bathe before confine for abt 28 days...


do take lotsa of rest~ tok to ur bb. tell him/her to be guai guai..


there's some ting call drywash shampoo for confinement use... i tink can get pharmacy. not sure good anot. but could be useful for those who cannot bathe or wash hair..


last time, i dilute 4cm also no cramps for me during 37/38wks. Only hope the medi can stop contraction, cos cramps can results in show and waterbag break. I tink that the things that can result in early labour. i've a few frens also pre-term labour, bb a bit smaller in size but all babies are healthy toddlers now. I agree that the hospital bill will be high. Jia you! Talk to ur bb and ask him not to come out so soon...

Sunflower, Take care. Hope everything is ok for you now.

ahNah, thats why I cut my hair very short now. Colleagues and hubby say like man's hairstyle. I even tot of shaving cos 4mths at home for the new hair to grow. But hor, Bb full mth I will be very ugly lah. So I cut it short will do.


how many wks are u in now? u'll still be closely monitored before they discharged u right? are u at KKH now?? i was advised by my gynae in the event the worst happened & bb is delivered prematurely, only go to KKH cos they have the best facilities & are the cheapest. elsewhere can easily cost u like $30-40k!


me also sad to cut my hair. had to cut to bra length. no choice, for the sake of easier confinement + also afraid might encounter post-natal hairloss, got to cut it lor. my hb still think its too long & want me cut to shoulder length...

Actually I can still feel a bit of discomfort when I stand up to walk leh. The cramp start last nite, as its very mild, i ignored. Until jus now after my lunch where it got worst for a few mins when I'm buying groceries in NTUC. Still have to carry it back to office even with the pain. No choice. Hmm.. later how to bring home ah.


Yes I have a drop of light pink stain. I was surprised as it was my 2nd time. The first time was not that big drop, just a dot. But this time, it's a drop. Now I am consistent pain in my tummy and I tried to check with my gynae's nurse just now but they only tell me they are busy. I had to tell them off as I do not know anything, what will happen to me if it is serious. The nurse said she will call me back later. So pissed with their service.

My husband also want to cut my hair till shoulders but I was not willing la...

Sunflower--> have a very2 good rest and take care.. try not to worry to much, afraid that it may make u stressed up more.. do update us k.

ahNah, good idea! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then I will not be the ugly one ler.

alibaba, my manager told me for her not good leh, cos the powder become frakes on her hair cos her hair is oily type and it drop into her Bb's eyes leh. I wan to ask her how she got it out from Bb's eyes but someone else call her liao. But another manager say its good loh. She say different ppl different reactions. I don dare to try lah cos my hair is oily and I don want the risk of my Bb's eyes.


dun tell your hubby that it is my idea.. wait 1 day I kana box up for nothing.

btw. Who else is going for the 22 May ("Calling all Mums-To-Be")

Thanks ladies for your support!


i did hse work, went jalan jalan..do alot walking and squating too.. maybe thats why..


27weeks..yes , kkh has the best equipments so far..if there is any complication delivery/pregnancy from other hosp, they will send patients to kkh directly. but kkh , depending which ward u stay, the services can be very bad..


yes, i heard many cases too.. but full term or near full term is still the best..im aiming for 34weeks if possible.

Sunflower, pls take good care & rest well... hope everything will be fine for u & bb...

Re: Confinement

During my confinement for my #1, I bathed everyday (with da feng cao) & washed hair on the alternate day. I do slept in aircon everyday too...My previous CL was really good in cooking & I love to eat the confinement food very much le... hopefully the new CL for #2 will be good in cooking too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I didnt cut my hair durinf my confiment for#1 & I will not cut this round too. I think long hair is more easy to manage as I can tight it up compare to short hair (unless very very short la)... Anyway, I did cut my hair when my #1 turned 4 month old last time due to terrible hair drop...


help me to ask around who wan to buy my own one leh.

Just spend over few hundred at Perfect Mum last Sat.

sunflower: sorry to hear tat! jia you! i'm sure u can do it..tell ur boy to come out after 34 weeks.. rest well and take hospital leave...

u go jalan jalan and squat ar? me so scare leh after i see ur post.. u and me share the same edd leh... stress..

sunflower> omg do take care. get as many rest as possible. but like purelyz say dun worry to much, nowadays after 26 weeks, the chances of baby surviving pre-term labor is very high already. so try to relax and rest.

ahNah> sad to say no, unless you want to exchange it but it will incur more shipping cost.


i'm also very active, doing house chore and walking. Only squatting i try not to do. Tell ur bb is aim for 37th wks... He is jus too excited to see the world. Rest well! Update us if can...


u very hardworking leh.. got so many lessons to attend... i tink either amk hub or ur bukit panjang home would be better for me... i let u know again.

i am getting this headache now.. haiz.. tonight got gynae appt... duno how is my little boy doing..


Pls rest as much as you can and dun worry too much cos it's not good for both mother and bb. Just need to monitor closely. Have you started counting bb movements?

My gynae asked me to start monitoring as i am on a high risk side, even though i am only 24 wks.


You should call Dr. Kee directly if you have any queries. He always answers his calls.

sunflower> u better rest well.. nt cheap to pre-term labour. I had a fren who oso contraction 1.5 mth earlier.. end up she on drip for that 1 mth then 2 wks earlier had her c-sectn. But she mentioned her hospitalisation bills goes v high up.. but bo bian case. But for ur case, its like 3 mths ahead.. u better don walk too muz le. take care & update us ok? Rmb, chk w ur HR if u can take the full 60 days HL. some coy 60 days include the 14 sick leaves, so balance oni 46 days HL u can take.

Now i oso scare to squat le.. at times i need to wash clothes @ home.. so so called "squat" but won last long.. get diff breathing @ times. Then nwadays a walk awhile my right leg get tired easily.. then will wiggle my leg abit then c'td walkg. like tt make me no mood shopping too.. tends to find a place to sit down after shop awhile oni.

i did tot of cutting my hair but i tot w long hair can tied up our hair easier on hot weather during confinement? and worry full mth when relatives come over i look v ugly. at times i see my fat body, i v v sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i cant wait till after birth then slim dwn soon..

ah_beee, me too leh, very sad to see my fat body. Everyone keep telling me I put on lots of weight liao. I hope I can slim down after birth too.

jascmy>u put hw many wgt le? i put on 8kg le.. but bb oni 650g.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i miss wearing high heels shoes and pretty office wear.. rather than the same maternity clothes i have :S

ah bee: i also miss rebond hair and those nice clothing... now i look like aunty...sianz... i only got a few pcs of maternity clothes so sad, every week like same clothing..


Do rest well. The injections and bed rest should help as long waterbag is not leaking. I gave birth to my #1 pre term @35 wks cos my waterbag burst so I think as long as waterbag still intact, the docs will be able to sustain the preg.


i just went to see the gynae. I just realised dr kee will not be in JP clinic on every mon and fri. the other gynae said that i had walked too much yesterday, that's why i will have slight light pink spotting. now i got to rest more if i want to walk more in future


Hi Mummy,

I'm letting go a JJ cole body support (pink colour) to be used in prams and car seat. Suitable for newborns. I have used it less than 10 times cause my baby simply refused to sit in the pram. Selling price is $45, am willing to let go at $20. Interested parties please email me at [email protected].



