(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

dreamz, i tink it's ok lah.. anyway it's up to our convience when to go for the course lor... nvm abt them lor.. just insist the slot u wan they oso cant do anything unless the slot is full then no choice


No lah, u not blur, I was told background risk is based on age, but I dunno my adjusted risk cos I didn't take blood test. There are 2 other types of risk for DS, but gynae said the statistics are okie... I dunno where I put my Oscar results!


Are you drinking enough water?? I know our body temp is now going up but you shouldn't feel feverish, so better get advise from doctor. Are you resting enough?


I think $3000 is reasonable for twins. I tried calling some who ask for $3600, she's from Malaysia.

Can I ask what is childbirth education course, is it the same as Parentcraft? I haven't signed up for any cos hubby busy now... not sure if got time to attend courses with me.

For 1st pregnancy is it recommended to sign up for such courses?

Lately a close friend ask me to consider Cordlife..I'm still wondering what it is all about, I was told Cordlife is better than getting insurance for my babies. Has anyone already sign up for it?

white_lady, better to check the label to see if it states not for preggie.. i know some lozenges off the shell not for preggie and lactation mums.. if not, call yr gynae and ask.

scent> this course is conducted by Parentcraft. i find it very useful for 1st time parents as it teach you stuff to note when u are preg, when u deliver and basic stuff like bathing the baby, feeding etc. also some basic exercise like breathing exercise

jascmy, can... all can attend even if not giving birth at TMC... just tat for those giving birth at TMC can sign up for the FBI/SBI card got 10% discount on the courses and some other stuff like the OSCAR Scan, hospital stay etc.


i'm interested and wan to go their website to see. It say will harm computer, so i dun dare to go.


i tink nowadays i'm in EMO mode. i can jus cry with no warning. Yesterd talk to my hubby abt who is taking care of bb and other blah blah blah issues. I can jus cry and feel hopeless... Like no help from anyone. Then this morning hear ah-mei song "i wan happiness" on the radio, feel emotional again. Sighz...

I agree on the insensitive hubby thing u say. I'll try to look on his gd side...


must take care. U can take panadol and the yellow flu medi.


where got boss like that one. Preg is not handicapped le...


must take extra care.


hope that ur girl recover soon. Better to separate rm, in case u get it too. Now preg need take special care.

alibaba: call her and she told me she is full..argh. she rec me her cousin call suria? i was like i never heard bout her before leh...

maybe ur edd is further.. mine is 1st week of aug..

white lady

u having flu now? i just went to unity n bought flu med...name is Chlorpheniramine tables....i msg woody n he very fast replied saying can take

winnie> mine Mdm ida also told me if my delivery date is 1st 2 weeks of Aug then her cousin Suria will take over. But she did mention if I not satisfied with Suria's service, she will personally come over to see to me. But she did assure that they are all trained by her so should be alright.

purelyz, my gal cant sleep without me.. half way thru the nite, she will look for me also.. so cant separate her leh.. sigh.. now only see how things go lor.. thanks for yr concern! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ppl says adults catches virus from kids is higher then them from us....so u better be extra careful...drink more water

suika, sigh.. ever since preggie, i dun really like to drink water leh.. morning till now havent drink 800ml.. sob sob.. anyway, thanks for your concern.. will be careful..

MVH > Thanks for the advise. I've got to control what I snack too cos put on more weight than recommended this CNY period. =(

Scent> The 2 private cord blood banks regularly conduct talks together with other pregnancy topics. You might want to go for a listen. The other option is to donate to Singapore Cord Blood Bank (SCBB). No fee but no control too. Can be used by others but if it's still available and suitable when u need it,

Hello Ladies! Long time no chat. Angel, hope you're feeling better. Does anyone feel itchy on their tummy? Sometimes at night when I wake up my tummy is soooo itchy!! But I heard if you scratch you get stretch marks!! Argh!

winnie and jascmy,

ex meh? $120-$150 only wor..cheaper than TMC

but i also didnt attend, save cost.. haha

i went to check out ParentCraft last Sat and have a look at their schedule. Most of the classes in Apr are booked esp for Wong BB's class. She conducted her classes at AMK. I'm still thinking whether to attend her class as I heard rave reviews about her but I stayed in the east...=( Weekday classes are usually from 7-9pm, Sat classes will depends, usually 1 afternoon class and 1 nite class. they also have class on suns.

came back from my gynae visit , gynae try to see the gender , but say cant see , so sad , got to be in the guessing game for another 3 weeks .

my gynae ask me to book the FA scan - Obstetric U/S (18-22 weeks) one , but i had already book the FA Scan that done on 20 weeks one , any one know is there any different ?


Do you intend to bank your babies' cordblood? think I will ask my gynae for opinion the next time I see him...share with u something funny, my hubby just don't feel comfortable, he remarked that what if the bank uses the stem cells to clone babies??? Though Im not sure who will want to clone his babies lah....hahaha


I know the Amei song, in fact, I used to love 93.3 and used to listen to it everyday UNTIL I decided to give it up cos some songs are really quite "manipulative" and affects my mood which I think is not healthy... heez, maybe if you have an ipod that stores your favourite songs, be selective and try to listen to happier songs ok?

Lately I kept throwing temper behind my tenant's back...haha. That one really hard to control. You see, my new place is still under renovation so I've been staying in my in-law's place which is now empty except one smoking tenant. Everytime he opens his bedroom door the smoke just gush out and it is KILLING me! I ran upstairs to my bedroom, shut my door by slamming it real hard.... its quite silly doing that, each time I did it, I regretted my actions cos I scared my babies inside me will be "scared"... (btw, I'm 15 weeks now, not sure if my babies can hear...)

Well, just a silly side of me being emotional...My hubby couldn't stand him either, but he's trying to be nice by voicing out his frustrations just to his mum...hahaha. My MIL has already asked him to move but so far no news....I worried that the 2nd hand smoke will kill me since I'm at home most of the time.

I can't wait to MOVE OUT!


i dun intend to bank but i plan to donate. Anyone noe if any fee incurred?


sometime need to listen to radio for traffic news as i driving mah. i got "happier" songs on car. Will listen more... Today feeling better le. i tink my emo is like rollercoaster, go up and down... My hubby also can't control.

Ur tenant very bad le. He noe u preg a not? 2nd hand smoke not gd le. Should ask him to smoke at corridor mah. I agree, better dun slam the door or make sudden loud noise. Not gd for bb. At 15wks, ur bb can sense light only. Only at wk18 to 19, then bb shd be able to hear.

angel, diamantz - after you told me abt nasal bone, i rushed home after work at 6pm immed to dig out my oscar results. It says 'Nasal Bone presented. 2.6mm'. As for NT - it says 2.8mm. Does this sound normal?

scent - my detailed scan is in April. Thinking abt going back to Spore (now based in HK for work) for this since i am already used to TMC & my own gynae cos she delievered my first baby. But anyhow I am seeing a gynae in HK today for the 1st one - let's see if i am comfortable with him. Can detailed scan also check if BB has DS?

hi all , my flu become flu + cough today ! so miserable ! ah ... and i keep coughing till i think my baby faint liao , haha ...

Bowie--> i'm very sure whether detailed scan can check if baby has DS but the scan is to check for any abnomalities of the baby's organs..actually to check for DS, its more of the NT scan and also amniosynthesis. i have a DS niece.. actually my sister went for the detailed scan and the sonographer noted that her baby has a hole in the heart.. from there, they did the amniosysnthesis on her to confirm if baby has DS..and the percentage was very high..

Scent & Purelyz > I don't think I will bank. The stats so far show a low probability of using the cord blood. But the costs to bank and store is not cheap. I have also checked the SCBB website, no fee involved. But the cord blood will belong to them. I also read somewhere that should you need it next time and its still available and suitable, then can be retrieved FOC. If a sibling needs it and it's still available, then the cost is $2,500 to retrieve.


i noe to bank cordblood is very exp, so dun intend to spend. But i understand corblood is very precious, if i can donate, i'll.

My colleague did bank for her boy, but i find it with gd reasons, cos her hubby side got history of a lot of cancer illness. Her MIL, ah-yi, uncle die of different cancer.

angel, white_lady and all those who are sick,

do take care, drink lots of water. weather is very bad these days!

for cord blood banking,

anyone knows if we can donate to public bank if we deliver in private hospital, e.g. TMC and Mt A? we wanted to in 2007 but SCBB wasn't able to make collection arrangements with TMC. Not sure if anything has changed now.

for cordblood , i heard that actually , if the child drow bigger and got any illness , actually the amount of cord blood is not enough . Wonder how true is it . I know can donate , not sure is there any cost , but i know that if u want to donate , u need to do blood test also , they need to confirm u r healthy .

Thank Saffy ... sick is miserable , especially when u r preggy and sick ! sucks ... but lucky hubby sweet , take 3 days leave to take care me n my #1 =)


I also heard that it would be good to store if got family history of illness. But the amount stored is very little.. thus if bb grows up (a few years), most likely not enough to use.. I heard cordlife has their first case of withdrawing cordblood and first success case in Singapore these few years (bro's cordblood use to treat bb's blood disorder or something like tat)...

I also heard that can use baby bonus to pay for the fees la.. But quite ex. Withdrawal also need $$..

Can call cordlife and they will come to your place personally to explain the details to u..

I din get to donate for my #1 coz my gynae said need at least 1 week for them to prepare the storage bag to bring to hospital during delivery..

bowie> that's good. sonographer says NB present reduces 2/3 of the risk. i'm not sure of the median though.

cordblood > i think i will bank. I don't know the exact cost but friend says its not that ex.i think can look out for the promotions.

white_lady, i think i m also getting sick.. was sneezing away this morning.. n a bit sore throat since last nite.. sigh.. bad weather.. so sweet of your hubby to take leave and take care of u n #1..

diamantz> if i nv remember wrongly to bank you need to pay abt $5k for 5/10 years of storage.


i check with my colleague. She say initial cost is $1K plus, then yearly cost is $250 then can use CDA to pay. They also got say the cordblood is more suitable for the bb, if parents need, the amt might not be enough. Even sibling cannot cfm can use.

thanks purelyz. i think she got cordlife then.

summary from various forums:

cordlife http://www.cordlife.com/sg/eventpromo/eventpromo.php?target=cost

$5,650 for 21 yrs

only bank in southeast asia accredited by AABB

[imo: seems to be better at this pt of research]



no price in website

stores in different container in different location but read in forum that to optimize treatment doc will use all cells so no point to store in multiple location

[read that they were using vials but cracked and changed to bag storage -doesnt seem v safe to me]

for private banking:

* get a referal ; look out promotion events ; credit card discount



hey ladies,

those under Dr Ang, do u know if we can buy flu tablets from his nurse over the counter without seeing him? can sense that I might catch the flu bug.. nose a bit watery..

Hiez all mummies to be...this is my 1st bb..i'm in my 16th week..but have yet to decide my gynae..i need some gynae recommendations at KKH...i'd prefer male gyane thou coz many feedbacks said that men are gentler...;)

Does any1 noes the difference b/w The Private Suite & Normal clinics, which is better? How abt charges wise?


i think u can try call him n ask if u can get the med from him if nt u can go unity buy...v cheap oni

If you donate to SCBB. It's free and can be done at all private hospitals too now. Might consider doing that.


Not sure if it's still true but according to the link below, if baby donate to SCBB and need it later. Can still be retrieved for free if it's available.


Cord blood is useful for blood amd immune diseases like leukemia. So if you have family history then yes, might be worthwhile storing. Curing cancer, etc is at the moment a distant fantasy.


starlitz 16th week means you change gynae issit.

I'm at private. Supposedly private suite faster. Best thing is the scanning machine is inside the room. Think charges only $7 difference.

I'm with Benjamin Tham and like him. But I only saw him once. Anyhow he's much much better than my previous gynae. However, read online he's moving to Thomson. I haven't seen him since then, so I'm not sure of how it will map out.


u take care of urself . for me , i try not to take too much medicine and drink alot alot of plain water ... cos i also flu n follow by sore throath then follow by cough ! cough till breathless type ... and nose block ... bad weather , last night when i went check up , at gynae clinc , so many preggy mummy sneezing n coughing ... hai

and 1 more thing , anyone had went to take the H1N1 jab ? cos got another 5 years old boy die from it and Experts say that H1N1 is really dangerous to pregnant women, younger children and people with asthma. According to statistics pregnant women are six times as likely to die from H1N1.



i'm also at private suite. the waiting time is lesser than normal clinic. however, not all gynaes are there. The charges is slightly higher, but you enjoy slightly better service. The gynaes service is also better when they operate at private suite. As well, during delivery, i heard the service is faster.


yes i also heard Dr Ben Tham is leaving to Thomson.

