(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

alibaba, suika, angel, sheric, jascmy, purelyz & jasmine.

thanks for writing back so quickly! The thing is - i am working in HK now and have very few friends i can talk to! not helping the worrying part here. I have a 3yr old boy already and for him, the pregnancy was so smooth sailing, good OSCAR results. And i was shocked when i went back to spore during CNY to see my gynae at TMC and did the OSCAR and results came up so poor.

all your feedback is encourgaing bec it does seem like OSCAR has a good chance of giving false results and that all who went for amnio or who opt not to, end up giving birth to healthy normal babies!

i am also trying to think on the positive. 1 : 241 also means I have a 99.6% chance of delivering a normal baby right?



that's right, oscar's gives a 5% false positive results.

in fact if u work out the probability, u'll find that u have a lower risk of getting a DS bb as compared to the risk of MC if u opt to go for amnio test (heard its 1:200)

since u r working in hk, do u intend to deliver in hk or sg?

angel - ya, i was thinking no pt doing amnio cos the risk of m/c is even higher!

my company's quite good to me and promised that they will relocate me back to the spore branch office to deliver and to work for another year or two after that. so i m really looking fwd to that as i think it's better to have families ard u when u hv little babies.


that's good to know cos at least when u r back here, u'll have families & friends with u so u wont have to go thru it alone.

btw, how many wks along are u now & are u also due in aug??

i'm in my 18th wks currently. read that bb can hear now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jascmy ,

triple test is i think the HIv test all those lor , got to do the test at 4 mth lor , need to take 3 tube blood i think ...


yah, i heard that the ears are almost develop. can start your "tai jiao"... hehe~ u can feel the bb kicking already?

jascmy & white_lady,

i took the blood test during my NT scan. think they will test on HIV, STD, Hep B and your blood count. I took about 2 bigger tubes and 1 smaller tube of blood.


yah, actually my gyane got advise if OSCAR test not good, and the risk of miscarriage of doing amino test is higher, then better dun do the test. anyway, i think you company is really pro-family. good company to stay.=)

Jascmy: i hav found my CL liao.. hehehe...

Angel: u can feel ur bb moving? i still can't feel it.. currently me only 17week+.

everyday am thinking wat is bb doing, so i very very look fwd the detailed scan...

Hi ladies,

does anyone have nightmares recently? I have been having nightmares for past few nights. Just now took afternoon nap, dreamt that I slipped and fell and couldn't get up and was feeling pain in my stomach. I woke up feeling so scared cos it felt so real...

weiling >> read in 'bonding before birth' by mariam stoppard that nightmares and weird dreams are common in early pregnancy'cos they 'prepare'/ divert attention of mummies in case anything happens to baby. i also had some nightmares and weird dreams...


I also have been trying to sleep on my left side as recommended, and will feel so angry with myself whenever I woke up on my back instead. Am I too over obsessed with the sleeping position?

Diamantz, I also have some very weird dreams... dreamt about ex-boyfriends?!?!?! Don't understand how does this help in bonding with the bb?


dun be so hard on urself... now bb is still small so still okay. i read this from a mag, maybe u can try... place a pillow/cushion underneath ur right butt area, so ur hip is turn to ur left and u can sleep on your back. i tried it but doesnt work cuz i kick the pillow away! haha~

winnie, did she do anything to really confirmed?? Mine only say ok ok. Planning to call her but no time or lazy to call her again.

Starz, I have been sleeping on my right cos if I sleep on my left, the air-con will blow on my face. I feel very irritating and cold loh. Some more my hubby is on my left. I can't really stretch much cos worry might kick or box him.

Not sure what will happen after sleeping on the right??

thanks Starz. the website is great!

Jascmy & Winnie, where do you get your CL from? I intend to just go to agency and get one then keep my fingers crossed. too lazy to think about it.

hi mummies,

it has been quite a while since i last logged in. hope all mummies r doing good! Now we are all waiting for DS....yippie! Mine will be on Mar 22 morning slot (20-21wks) at Thomson. Any mummies having the same date too?

Hi Shay,

Will be doing mine on the same day too. But its in the afternoon @ W C Cheng. Don't know what to expect during the scan. Can't wait!

wl, mine i recuit for the agency lolz.. hahaha.. if not i duno where to find CL liao... if u plan to use agent faster book.. cuz the agent told me June already fully pack liao..

i now got to call Mda Ida cousin cuz i will be doing confinment at my own hse instead of my mum hse.. haiz.. hope she dun mind..

do you gers have frequent visits to toilet in the middle of the night?

so its not only that kidney is working doubly hard and pressure on bladder, but also baby too active on at night..

angel & starz,

i am now 16 weeks. Due also in Aug 10. Is this your first preg? did you go for OSCAR and everything is OK? Starz - u mean your gynae actually advised u no need to go OSCAR?I thot they usually ask u to go for that. I wish i didn go for that. Knowing the 'risk' does not help and just will make u worry more.

Sunflower--> yes some nights i have to wake up 2 or 3 times to go toilet..initially when i was in the first weeks of 2nd tri, i rarely go toilet in the night. but nw im in my 18th week its starting to get frequent back..hw abt u?


i still wake up in the middle of the nite to go toilet. i trying not to drink too much water at nite liao so i can have better nite sleep. maybe u can try taking less water 2hrs before u sleep. if thirsty, take small sips of water.


I'm just into my 15 weeks. It's my 1st bb. my gyane advise me go OSCAR, which I did. But she say if my OSCAR test result is not good,i can consider not gng for amino test cuz miscarriage ratio is higher than the result of OSCAR test for my age. i'm 30 this year. one of my fren, more than 35 years old, didn't go for the OSCAR test which I think is pretty weird. cuz at that age, most gynae will advise to go one...

Cut and paste from babycenter:

Dreams During Pregnancy

Many women report that their dream life shifts into high gear during pregnancy. Interestingly, during the second and third trimesters, you spend less sleep time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the cycle in which most dreams occur. Why, then, all those frequent and vivid dream memories?

It's probably at least in part because you may be interrupting a dream-filled cycle when you wake up to pee, cope with heartburn, leg cramps, restless legs, or a backache, or to shift to a more comfortable position. Waking up during REM sleep makes you more likely to remember your dreams.

It may also be in part that dreams seem so vivid during pregnancy because for most women pregnancy is a time of such heightened emotions — from joy to apprehension and everything in between — but no one really knows for sure.

Here's a look at some common themes and what they may mean, according to Patricia Garfield, a clinical psychologist and author of Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams.

You're caring for baby animals.

During the second trimester, many pregnant women dream about cuddly, baby-like animals, such as puppies, chicks, and kittens. Friendly creatures in your dreams are generally thought to signify that you're tuned in to your instincts. Menacing animals, on the other hand, may represent ambivalence about the strange new creature entering your life.

You have a sexy encounter with an old flame.

Many mothers-to-be are concerned about their changing figure and its effect on their sex life — while many others feel more sexually charged than ever. Both feelings are often reflected in your dreams. Not only do erotic dreams offer comforting reassurance, but they may mirror the sexiness you feel during your waking hours, too.

Your mate is straying.

If you dream that your partner hooks up with an ex-girlfriend or a total stranger, it can signal insecurity about holding his love and attention through a time of great change. Right now, you're dependent on the goodwill and support of those around you, especially your partner. Fearing his loss is a common emotional reaction to being pregnant.

just wondering if any mommies keen to join in if we can gather enough mommies for Blooming Baby promo with TheStudioloft?



Is your oscar test an overall ratio or just background risk?

I'm turning 35 in July and my oscar results show 1:241 under background risk. Gynae said it is normal due to our age.

Alot of ppl told me that keeping a positive attitude is more important than any other tests, worrying is just unnecessary. You are presented with 2 choices, keep worrying and feel stressed abt it for the next 5 to 6 mths or think positive and be a happy mummy. I know it's not easy but we are all here to encourage one another. Being a MTB is really not easy, apart from the initial suffering of the vomiting/nausea, all sorts of discomfort and weird senses, emotional breakdown, every one of us faces some kind of risk during our pregnancy, I've a frd whose bb died in her womb when she's almost full term... Anything can happen. This is my first pregnancy and I know at this age, I'm in the high risk group too, but I choose to embrace it with a positive mind, trying my best to eat well, and sleep well as much as I can. Taking good care of yourself is already quite the challenge, dun let the stress get into action. God bless.


Yours is 11am, maybe when I come out late we might still see each other!


yours is 10am, also 30th Mar at TMC?


My tummy not showing much, just a small bump, I'm still suspecting if they are growing well...


Good le, at least drink milk better than no food at all. My frd all advise me that I've gotta start getting used to kids being down with sickness all the time and get yourself together to be prepared for all sorts of challenges. The last thing you want to do is to let emotions rule over you.

To the issue of some "uncaring" husbands.....

My general opinion of men, they are just being insensitive. To men, they think that certain issues are no big deal, and blame women for being overly sensitive, but to women, every little thing counts. Men doesn't know how to show affection to women, just treat it that it's in their nature. I long given up hope to changing my husband's attitude, and learn to respect him as he is. Becos i know that im not so perfect either. But i tHink of all the good traits that he has and I'm so thankful. God makes men and women this way. Most importantly, don't ever try to compare other ppl's husband to your own....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my 2 cent worth of a blissful marriage.

I hope all the mummies here will live and feel happy everyday!


I did get one call from a CL from malaysia that has experience with taking care of twin babies, but she is asking for $3,200! So my hubby said might as well get 2 persons to do the job. The problem is, both of us are not comfortable with maids. We're surround by frds n sistersss n brothers who engage a maid to help out once they hv kids, and we're really not comfortable with them taking care of such young children. Moreover, we r a weird couple that loves our very own privacy, at every corner of our home. So if I am really so incompetant as housewife, the most we will do is to engage a weekend cleaning auntie to help to clean the house for a few hours. That greatly reduces the housework I hv to do. My mum and sisters are really against this idea. They are worried tat I can't cope but I'm at least going to try first... I understand my sisters who hv maids at home Becos they are working Mums, which I believe is the practise nowsday for both working parents unless their inlaws can help them out...


mayb we'll b able to mit

Taka baby fair from 10/03/10 to 28/03/10

those who wana buy stuffs can go


Abbott conducting the mom's congress again. $12 for members and giving goodies bag worth $90...includes similac 2 and similac mum sachets, vouchers and a Brainy IQ DVD


yea, i just can't wait for the FA scan too....


i reckon preggers are very prone to flu. panadol is safe for pregnancy as advised by GP. rest well and take care.

good morning all! hope all of u feeling better today..

i think what i'm experiencing should be my baby moving inside me lah..but then, most times, i can hear the movement sounds rather than actually 'feeling' it. the sounds made are like, bubbling, sometimes like when were hungry, or sometimes almost like a 'fart' sound in the stomach hehe..are all these sounds reflect baby's movements..? very funny leh sometimes in the office very quiet then my stomach got sound haha.. maybe mummies with experience can help me with this ?

sunflower - i dun know if can see nose bridge or not. doc din tell me? does it matter? if yes, tomorrow is another gynae apptm. i will make sure i ask!

scent - my 1 : 241 is overall ratio. Background risk actually not so bad. Cos i am turning 34, not 35. even biochemistry (which i assume is blood test) is also quite OK. it's the ultrascan risk that is dragging down everything - i think its around 1 : 220

Morning everyone.


take care. drink lots of water. alot of ppl are falling sick because of the funny weather. Get well soon.


Thanks for the article. The article is quite acurate leh.

I heard on radio this morning that a lady, civil servant, 6 months pregnant, was told by her boss that she cannot be promoted because of her "SITUATION"... I was like *&%%#

Which boss on earth will be stupid enough to say such thing?!?!

Bowie : when i had my #1, im only 17yrs old. I have high risk of DS baby too. I took the amnio test, there maybe risk but v v minor if after the test, u get plenty of rest. But if your choice is no matter its DS or not, you still choose not to abort. Then treat it as nothing happen.

When i had #2 and i'm only 20yrs old.

Again, blood test result shows that i had high risk of DS baby. I took amnio test again, everything turn out fine.

Now with #3 and i'm 22yrs old. Everything repeat again but i choose not to take amnio test this time. Just let nature take it course.

Hi mummies, i'm 16weeks and went to see gynae ytd. Baby refuse to open his/her leg so im still not able to see gender. Another guessing game. ~_~

wow thanks for the updated list eeyore! now we can know whois who in a glance.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hiya mummies~

Juz wondering .. for those experienced mummies .. any of u signed up for those cordblood .. cordline .. watever u called it .. before?

Im in my 15th wk nw .. n i feel my bb's movement last sun .. it was like a little flutter (or continuous tapping on the left side on my tummy) so cute~ =) appetite wise .. so far so good ... i feel like a dinosaur nw .. =p

