(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Sunflower: i paid $1900.

Ednique: I also hav the same feeling like u leh.. was thinking izzit maybe moving...

like got of sound..


juz noticed that ur boy n mine are juz 3 days apart on DOB n now oso few days apart on our EDD....heehee


i also have the same feeling.

my hubby had been listening to my tummy and he said that my baby was making too much noises inside... hehe... it's so cute and funny.

winnie--> i think it should be it right.. since u also have the same exp. maybe the 'fart' / bubble sound is when the baby moving (like moving in water)

i felt it!!

just now i was washing my dishes..suddenly one plate trip and smash the others.. the noise was so great and suddenly i felt a kick on my stomach! i think my baby heard the noise and was scared, and jumping inside..

Hi all

i had went for my 16wks check up on mon already.Doc said everything is ok and she confirmed with me is a baby boy.Doc said my bb very active..i can see him moving about..hehe.Going for my detailed scan end of this mth..looking forward to it ;-)

Bowie, dun worry too much.. if you wan your baby to grow healthily, you have to be happy.. coz your baby can sense your worries too.. constant prayers help to relieve your worries too.. may God bless you and your baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suika : haha! u know baby gender yet? i THINK mine is a girl. Maybe this time, we will have GIRLS. keke...

oh, we got same surname also leh. :p


It is quite unusual for the case of civil servants. I used to work in a law firm as a legal secretary, you know my boss ask me first thing during my interview is, DO YOU INTEND TO GET PREGNANT???? As if if I am, then he won't offer me the job! I am so mad at him that time... so I understand maybe from the private sector, they really don't support the govt trying to promote birth rates.... Ain't the news just reported that last year there's a tremendous drop in babies, especially the Chinese!!!

happy that alot of mummies felt baby movement already ! its amazing right ! haha ... enjoy more baby kicking ... cos after the baby born , will miss the baby kicking feeling ! haha ...

I m going for my 16 weeks check up tonight , hope can know baby gender too , haha ...

jascmy & winnie,

hmmm... i dun really feel my bb moves yet. actually i was wondering since my tummy alr fat before preggie, i think i maynot experience bb's movements either at all or only during late 3rd trimester?? i'll need to ask my gynae abt this again cos i read during the 3rd trimester, u ought to monitor bb's movement & be alert once u din feel bb's movements etc.


yes, i took the oscar's myself too (during my 12wks in jan). my background risk is also pretty high, 1:300+ only but my overall risk is ok. this is my 1st bb cos i just got hitched in june last yr. during ultrasound scan, ur sonographer will measure the thickness of fluid in ur bb's neck. it is said that DS's bb has thicker than 2.5-3mm NT. in addition, they'll also chk for presence of nasal bone (nose bridge) becos its said that 70% of DS's bb do not have nasal bone. so either or both these 2 factors could pull ur ultrasound risk down. nevertheless, i've also read that even with NT as thick as btwn 6-10mm, when these mtb went for either CVS or amnio test, almost all got back negative results.

btw, u took ur oscar's at TMC right? do u have the report with u? cos ur report will state ur NT's measurement (thickness of fluid in bb's neck) & indicate if nasal bone (nose bridge) is present & if yes, measurement etc.

hi all

is it alright ppl tapping on ur back but not very hard...i really hate those ppl tapping on my back.Want to say thank u just said will do la..can don't tap on my back mah.But i also understand they didn't know i pregnant lah.Haiz..angry.

sunflower--> yay u felt it too! im so happy that we are all starting to feel baby movement/kicking at this time..hw many weeks are u already?

winnie--> talking abt feeling hungry, ya at times i also thought my stomach is growling coz of hungriness. i get hungry / or i thought i was hungry, like 1 or 2 hr after a meal.. like the hungriness sickness we were talking abt..then at times im confused, if its really hungriness or isit heartburn..?

ytd i go checkup, through the ultrascan i saw bb kicking but i can't feel. my hubby say cos my i got too many layer of fats blocking maybe can't feel . -_-

scent > me n hubby also against maid. do you work? how are you going to take care of your baby after maternity leave? for my case, my mum should be taking care, but i'm afraid she may not be able to cope. I'm still trying to think of alternatives.. like having a part time helper come in everyday. but so far what i see are just cleaning helpers...any suggestions?

bowie > can u see in the report "NB detected" or something similar?


No, I'm not working since I return from the States in Aug last year...cos I am planning for babies and I know I won't go back to work as a legal secretary. And after not working for 5 years I felt that I am not in touch with the industry anymore, so decided to become a housewife instead. Which is why I thought it is unnecessary to employ maids...

I intend to get weekend helper.

Sunflower--> ya me same as u.. my previous gynae visit, doc only listened to bb heartbeat and no scan.. my next is DS scan in NUH on 29th Mar..


actually i woke up with a fever (>38 deg), sorethroat & persistent coughing since yesterday morning.

except for some fatigue, i din feel that sick (as u can see, i'm still happily posting on forums both days).

but my hb is quite concerned, especially abt the fever. i din take any medications at all becos not sure if they are safe for bb. (i do have fever, cough mixture & lozenges at home)

yesterday, my fever was hovering pretty close to 39 deg (like 38.7-9). i drank lots of cold water & use the icebag to put on my forehead thru the night.

this morning, my fever was 37.8 deg but an hr later, it went back to >38 deg again. i sms my gynae & he wants me to monitor my fever until tmr night.

he's concerned if its some kind of viral infection which may or may not affect the bb. if fever is still persistent btwn 38-39 deg, he wants me to go to KKH A&E!

i'm feeling feverish all over but generally quite ok, just wondering if my fever still din go down by tmr night, is it really necessary to go A&E?? what do u think??

anyone already booked for the childbirth education course by TMC in May?


gynea still can't see the gender yet ley....hope it's a girl

mi think i caught a flu....haizzz been sneezing away since after lunch time

daintyaqua> i think to be safe it is better to go to A&E. even when we are not preg, to have persistent fever for a few days is already not very good. gg to KK A&E i think is also to give urself a peace of mind that your baby is alright.

Angel--> i'm sorry to hear that ure unwell..i think its better u heed ur gynae's advice and go A&E lah.. its better that they do a thorough checkup on u..if its just normal fever, then u can rest assured lah..


how come urs so far away? i thought u already wk18? can do DS from wk19 onwards.. im doing mine on 19th march

sunflower--> ya lor.. today i'm 18 weeks.. the hosp scheduled the appt for me at 22 weeks..i tried to change but seems that the slots are filled up..

dreamz & ednique,

thanks! reasons i'm pondering is becos must monitor until tmr night then if suay suay still got fever, by the time we travelled to KKH, its like pretty late at night. not to mention dont know how much time i'll spend down there.

my hb just started on his new job on 1mar, if he accompany me, then he'll either not have enough rest for next day's work or need to take urgent leave (which is not cool since its a new job). but he'll be worried if i go by myself... sigh...

btw, its ok to have the FA scan during ur 22wks. some gynae prefer to have them btwn 21-22wks becos they believe more anormalies can be seen during the later wks as compared to 18-20wks lor.

crescent> did they just allow you to book or they keep ask u to go to the June session?

i can't feel the kick yet...

i only can hear sound movement... hmm...

gg to ask gyane when i go for DS.. this coming 17th...

i'm sad.. Mda Ida cousin can't do massage for me cuz i change my confinement location.. instead of doing at my hse house. i do it at my own hse which is at sembawang... so i sms her, she told me she cant make it cuz too far...argh...

Angel--> ya i can understand ur concerns esp when ur hubby just started work.. but maybe u can consider to go in the afternoon tmr instead of night? coz it will be 2 days already you having high fever..

dreamz, ya cos i book on my last appt in early feb... but the lady tell us dun need to pay 1st in case we got any changes in timing etc...

so tis sat most likely we will go down to make the payment after my appt.

cheekrene> i also not sure. i just call say i want may one. they told me for may is start on 1st may. They dun have the schedule on the website. must call them and ask i think. i enquired that other time i went for my NT scan.

Scent : my CL was $3,000 which I feel is ex. But she came recommended and I find her prompt and pleasant. My fren managed to get her old CL back for her twins at a much cheaper rate. But her CL is in her 60s, so I'm not keen. Yup, going to TMC for DS too.

I'm not sure if anyone else is feeling this way but sometimes I feel hungry all the time!! Even after eating my meal. How to tell if it's heartburn instead??

Angel, my gal was having fever (high 38- 38.8) since monday early morning 4am+. Last nite she still have fever (37.7) after seen by PD and eat medication. She has no symptons for other causes, sore throat, cough, runny nose. Her PD said if still have fever till thurs nite/fri morning, need to go hospital for blood test. Afraid that it can be viral infection which lead to bacteria infection which can be dangerous.. (affect other organs).. so I think you should seek gynae or GP for some medication safe for preggie. I also heard that fever for too long can damage the brain, not sure how true it is... now i am scared that i might catch the bug from my gal as she is sleeping besides me every nite.. pray hard and cross fingers. Take care

marisa, heartburn is diff from hunger. Heartburn is like some food stuck mid way down the stomach.. uncomfortable and sometimes burning sensation coz of the undigested acid or food..

it is normal to feel hungry all times.. eat light meals and more meals ba..espcially if you have heartburn often. I can't finish my whole bowl of noodles juz now ard 1230pm.. but now i am also hungry and eating biscuits..

crescent> arghh was so irritated with them. i called just now to book. then the 1st lady keep tell me still so early, now i like only reaching 4 months only. if go in may, by the time give birth can still remember the stuff meh.

Then after that i just tell her i not in town in June. So she say ok, then she pass to another colleague to answer my call. Then the colleague repeat the same thing again and i got fed up and told her I already tell the previous person i cannot make it in June. Didn't they say the course can attend after 20 weeks and yet they like keep ask pple to go later even is the person already tell them cannot make it during that period.

I also wanted to book in mid feb cos i was there for my nt scan so was thinking can shun bian book and pay, no need to go down again. also I heard Mdm Wong's class very hot, hard to book.


even if i'll to go in the afternoon, my hb would prob still want to accompany me there cos he thinks i'm very blur type so he feels better when he is present too. maybe i shd just wait until sat then so that we can both go together & he need not have to take urgent leave etc.


sorry to hear abt ur gal, hope she recovers very soon. yeah, my gynae was concerned abt viral infection too. but i felt quite ok in general. i rem when i had chicken pox, my fever was as high as 40deg & i was like hallucinating & simply felt like dying lor.

dreamz... for me the lady ok lah... sh even ask me wan april class anot... i told her april abit early... then the june will abit late for me cos the course will end in jul.. and my edd is on mid aug lor...

angel, thanks.. it is better to play safe since you are preggie.. if not, fri nite go since i presumed yr hubby doesnt work on sat? anyway my gal PD also said good to go on morning coz if require blood test, the lab is still open.. sat lab got open?


crescent> i think maybe i just shuai, my edd only later than urs by 2 days. but if i gg for c-sect then will be early aug so end jul also abit late for me.

