(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


take care of many children doesn't mean experience... my mil also take are of few children before but all very skinny, still want to keep feeding my kids until fat fat, still ask how come my gal not fat enough... their exp also machiam nia.

actually BM has antiboies for kids to fight against illnesses, that means your BM is enough for her to fight... she's strong enough, so don't worry so much... your gal is already able to fight the virus...


pinkxuan: ignore them lah, their kids are brought up by "la sap jia, la sap pang" (hokkien) one.. of course fall sick many times one mah!

Just like my mil, she "taught" me to blow hot air on top of xavier's head when he cough, wah liao, no scientific proof one, i asked around, no one knows, then my mum told me it's very traditional way..

Last time grandmother put the spoon heaped with food into their mouth first then feed their grandchild, so they fall sick easily also.

your #3 never fall sick is good thing, she's guai! help you save money.

yup it's friday, but not like a friday to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hb have to go back to work on both weekends. Thinking to go where with XL myself. want to bring stroller but no lift to take, ultimate sian!

pink xuan,

don't listen to their nonsense.. not scientific proven at all.. my hb also seldom fall sick when he's young.. now he also hardly get sick..


take cab? if not use carrier?


u still bfg?? total bfg or partial? handling 3 kids alone still can bf, well done! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah i'm boiling mad with my colleague!! Talk to him nicely, then he shouted back at me. like wth.....

jasmine: are you staying on lift level? how u carry the stroller down the stairs? actually i also don dare to push stroller up and down escalator, especially the down side. my hb not staying on lift level, yeah, gg back my mum's place tonight! can use my sis's stroller and mum's staying on life level.

bakaholic: that cream for what?

jasmine: Agree, carrier is easier but i feel the weight of xavier on me when i carry him on carrier back from ifc.. he is 9.6kg now, and so heavy! my body aches very easily when carrying him, imagine taking bus with a carrier with him everyday. Hai.. Stroller is better but house not at lift level..

Hi all, long time no report here..

Busy busy n somemore elder gal sick again for 3 days Liao.. Sigh..

Penguin, not that I wanna scare u.. I also hear elder ppl saying if din get sick for a long time, when sick, will be super jialat.. N it happen to me before.. Dunno coincident or not..last time I seldom get sick, maybe once every yr or 2 yrs.. Then if sick, jialat type, 1-2 week to recover instead of 3-5 days.. But now I more weak, sick more often..

Anyway, for me, I choose not to believe the myth.. Our bb is exposed to germs n bacteria even at home, somemore got virus fr vaccine. This shows that yr gal is strong!! She got fight virus n win without having fever leh.. Good job!

Jasmine: u have any good ones to recommend? I'm using avent brand hands down from sister. Quite taxing as it distrubute weight only on the shoulders, those distribute over hips and waist one need others to help "clip" from behind is it?

Mvh: haha think u direct msg at wrong person, should be xpinkxuanx, anyway i also didnt fall sick when i was young then fell sick seriously at 6yrs old, after which health became weaker after giving birth, have fever every month. It depends on individual, those are just myths.. Thanks i will take care, am taking confinement food to "bu" back now and really feel the difference between "bu" and no "bu" when i had Xavier. Health definitely is better! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

First Birthday Bash

Mummies (SMH nick) who have not given me the bank account numbers for the refund:

1) Fumiko

2) Nekowong

3) Mamyvelle

4) Mirai

5) QQ

6) Saffy

7) Purelyz

8) Chocochips

9) 4seasons

10) Dreamz

11) Ednique

12) Sheric

13) Glamglem

Please let me know soon so that I can do refund soon.

Thank you!

First Birthday Bash

Already got the bank account numbers from the following mummies:

1) Sunflower - $1.03 (6890420654)

2) Haitang - $25.69 (6890436031)

3) Jasmine Goh - $3.81 (6890469573)

4) crescent - $1.03 (6890458104)

5) bakaholic - $1.03 (6890445176)

6) Ah Beee - $1.03 (6890449857)

7) cheese & winnie - $2.06 (6890464974)

8) sweetkyra - $1.03 (6890417359)

9) cynthia - $1.03 (6892187955)

10) duckling - $3.84 (6892190723)

11) jascmy - $1.03 (6890429411)

12) xiaozhuzhu - $1.03 (6892192376)

13) MVH - $3.81 (6894865874)

14) charmaine - $1 (by cash)

15) xuan - $1 (by cash)

16) shay - $1.03 (6895628015)

17) tikey - $25.69 (6895625036)

Mummies, refund done. Beside is the transaction reference. Ibanking nick is under my SMH nick.


i'm using manduca since bb was 1mth old. it's really a gd carrier. have been using it everyday cos need to bring bb out when bringing #1 to school. few mths back i bought a new stroller but it's faulty after 1 use. i was lazy to go down the flagship store to ask for help. so for quite a few weekends, i just manduca bb out with hb and #1. shop the whole day also not much problem. think beco and ergo should be good as well.

Jasmine: where u get it? Is it ready stock? My sis has one that needs help from ppl to clip it from behind.. Stroller is heavy but also hands down one..

Anyone let yr baby tried the food jar fr birthday bash? I opened one jar today n found out that it is so watery.. I thought it is mashy type n can mixed wif pasta.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Like that how to eat ah?


Ya v watery. I just feed like this as I was outside. If at all can mix with cereal. Strangely I tried other Healthy Times food jars before, nt so watery. But it tasted okay so I feed.

I add in cereal for JL.. he doenst like leh..

But still manage to finish the HL bowl, by coaxing him to eat..dun waste.. dun tink im going to open it again le..

My gal is refusing porridge n cereal lately n I think it's due to teething. Even refusing her fav bread. So headache! Any mummies facing similar problem? She's drinking her milk thou so I add in some cereal for her. Another problem I face is that my gal will not want to drink much when we go out. Haiz. End up we always try to keep our outings short!

Jasmine, yah, i saw the little tikes bike from dear baby website.

Penguin, i am using manduca too. I went to the shop that jasmine mentioned to try before buying cos it's not cheap. And i bought from isetan sale cos got 10% discount.

Jasmine, cheese, sweetkyra, thanks for info..

I mix e food jar wif pasta star n some veg.. My gal doesn't like it.. Keep showing her tongue n doesn't wanna eat.. After much coaxing n tv entertainment, she only ate half.. Sigh.. Anyone staying north wants e food jar? I still got 4 bottles..

Pekkle, dentinox no use?? Maybe give more watery porridge?

My gal is teething too n she bites me every latch!! So painful!! Sigh.. Hopefully it is only this period..


After u mentioned , I opened one jar to try . My boy like half hearted. I dun think he likes it. And I tried myself, it's quite awful leh. Haha later I will email HT to find out how to consume this at a nicer taste.

Oh no , my girl fell from my bed !!! She land on the floor on her back of her head !!! I m so worried now , what shall I do ? She was ok after crying awhile ... N now playing


yah, monitor for now. Like what Cheese says, as long as she doesnt vomit and doesn't show any abnomality, should be fine. My boy also fell from the hotel bed, the floor is carpetted though. He also landed on the back of his head. My friend was staying directly one floor below and he said can hear a loud thud.


i got the photos. Bought the CD as well as enlarge one picture to 16"x24". My hubby is weird, he likes those photos that baby isn't smiling. He said difficult to capture those expressions compared to the smiling ones. So all my prints are no-smiling, serious looking photos haha. Baby B looks more like a boy than baby.

white lady,

juz monitor for 48hrs....see if she's behaving normally (play, eat & sleep as normal) and no vomit


His Canine or pre-molar totally out yet? My boy's 5th and 6th upper teeth still very short... think more than a month already. Recently he starts to bite us again "ouch".. even bit my thigh yesterday.

anyone bought tupperware to put bb's snacks?

and using the snack cups - 110ml ? is it good to put the melts and puffs?


is $5.90 for 2 of these containers cheap?

mokie, i use this. Very good! just nice for the bb puff. a bit overflow.. so i eat a few each time to close it.. hehe.. Price I cant remember.

DEFG,QPON out already,Canine not yet..

base on the chart, should be "I" coming soon?

My boy tooth all short short one.. been 2mths till so short. so I tink its really like tat.. haha

My boy's DEFG and PO fully out le. Only Q and CH very short. No sight of 1st molar yet. Maybe erupting also, cos he keeps biting and always biting his jaws too.

cheese, got another one is smaller than the snack container. I think 3cm high and 8 cm diameter. will it be too small for puffs / melts? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur hb really weird.. my hb told me to print those with vibrant colors ,and baby must be smiling..also must get a family photo cos they can touch up the eye bags and pimples for us .. cos those that they print for us are of good quality. so we choose those really striking color photos. if we want the other photos to be developed, we can easily go Bras Basah to check out the printing shops.. have u uploaded? i wana see Bess!

my boy only one bunny tooth..they other bunny tooth halfway out..both are really big bunny tooth..


Bakaholic: thanks! Will go and have a look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: teeth

Bb XL still no signs of teething yet! So worried[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Want to ask for those bb in ifc, do u do party packs for all children there or only for the infant care session? Headache leh..

