(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Ah bee, yes don't have to worry abt pri school.. The rule, sibling study in x school, sibling sure can go to x school.. Juz that generally, dragon yr got alot of bb.. Go sec, jc, uni also got competition..

Oh dk born early? Coz according to my unofficial survey, if #1 born earlier then edd, #2 will most prob follow suit.. So must aim properly, else might get June bb.. Hehe.. But then again still need to depend on yr ovulation period.. ;)

WL, language has to slowly teach lor.. Bo pian..


skp has, but quality not good. I saw ntuc xtra carries too.

Otherwise, if specific theme, there are some online sites as well.

First Birthday Bash

For those who had attended the party at Gymboree last Saturday, I already done the breakdown of the total cost. /blue{GOOD NEWS!} There will be a refund of $1.03 for baby only and $3.81 for baby + #1. I will write a cost breakdown in FB event tonight. Meanwhile you can pm me your bank account number. Will start to do the refund transfer once I collected everyone's bank account numbers. Thank you!

Already got the bank account numbers from the following mummies:

1) Sunflower

2) Haitang

Already got the bank account numbers from the following mummies:

1) Sunflower

2) Haitang

3) Jasmine Goh

4) crescent

5) bakaholic

/b{First Birthday Bash}

For those who had attended the party at Gymboree last Saturday, I already done the breakdown of the total cost. /blue{GOOD NEWS!} There will be a refund of $1.03 for baby only and $3.81 for baby + #1. I will write a cost breakdown in FB event tonight. Meanwhile you can pm me your bank account number. Will start to do the refund transfer once I collected everyone's bank account numbers. Thank you!

Already got the bank account numbers from the following mummies:

1) Sunflower

2) Haitang

3) Jasmine Goh

4) crescent

5) bakaholic

6) Ah Beee

Will try to transfer to you all by tonight.

yap sunflower, post in FB! hee.. Lucas got nice dimples and features, photo turnout is nice right?

Hee.. SL thumbs up!

I be going another PS when he know how to run.. LOL


Great! Can see Baby L handsome photos. U selected the pics or u buying the CD? I haven't gone for the selection yet. This sunday. Excited!

Rachel ,

I tot u told me ur selection is Monday (2days ago)?

Jas, cheese

Erm, I didn't comb his hair, quite messy, so not handsome


yah, but my hubby wanted to go, so got to wait for weekend and happen that they have slot this sunday.

i also didnt comb my boy's hair haha...so little hair duno how to comb also. I'm sure baby L still looks handsome with messy hair.

sunflower. feature handsome lei. no nid come also can de!

My JL.. I nv comb too.. cos.. so little.. LOL

Oh, my newphew nowadays kept calling my son "Mei Mei" aka little sister...

Time to cut his hair..

Cheese, JL hair looks ok leh, pics are very nice.

Rachel, I just went to buy. Bought 35 metallic latex balloons at $3.50. It's ok if u buy small Qty. I order the helium tank. They have party flavors too. For the ps , I bought the cd.

Pekkle, jack is ok! Don't wrry!

First Birthday Bash

For those who had attended the party at Gymboree last Saturday, I already done the breakdown of the total cost. GOOD NEWS! There will be a refund of $1.03 for baby only and $3.81 for baby + #1. I will write a cost breakdown in FB event tonight. Meanwhile you can pm me your bank account number. Will start to do the refund transfer once I collected everyone's bank account numbers. Thank you!

Already got the bank account numbers from the following mummies:

1) Sunflower

2) Haitang

3) Jasmine Goh

4) crescent

5) bakaholic

6) Ah Beee

7) cheese

8) sweetkyra

Will try to transfer to you all by tonight.

Cheekrene, I just select the pic and collect the cd

Jas, go to the shop. Will self collect tank nearer to the date bcos it's near my office

Cheekrene, I just selected the pics and collected the cd

Jas, go to the shop. Will self collect tank nearer to the date bcos it's near my office

sunflower, thanks for the assurance! wld u be uploading some of the pics to FB? are we on each other's FB yet? hee....else can add each other.

Cheekrene, softcopy collect on the spot. Selected pics need to wait for 4-6 wks to be printed.

Pekkle, I Duno if we are connected in fb. Haha. But if u wan to view now, u can check out cheese fb. Her boy's pics are very nice.

Hi just to check with those mummy with #1 , I notice that I have to scold my 5 yo son every day ... Why huh ? He do all things to make me angry ... Or is it Becos I have a young one n i have no patient on my #1 ?? hai ~~~

White lady,

Haha me too but is indeed she did naughty things to her cousin, we already give her lots of attention but some days i just open 1 eye, close 1 eye and let others discipline her instead. Spoiling things, busy didi and cousin, jump here and there dangerously, all these can be seen in my house everyday, not surprising. But somerimes i'll js let her be and sometimes I'll use soft approach. She like soft than hard approach, like people to pamper her.


Does Ur #1 n 2 get along ? For me , #1 always snatch toy with mei mei . Then he is not playing certain toy, when his mei mei play , he will snatch or hide the toy ! Then again I will scold lor ... Everyday got to scold him till he look so poor thing , n I haven't even scolding finish , he will say in a not happy tone " ok ok , I know I know " ... He is just 5 , I want to faint n kill myself Liao ..... Hai ....

First Birthday Bash

For those who had attended the party at Gymboree last Saturday, I already done the breakdown of the total cost. GOOD NEWS! There will be a refund of $1.03 for baby only and $3.81 for baby + #1. Already done the cost breakdown in FB event, please go and take a look. Meanwhile you can pm me your bank account number. Will start to do the refund transfer once I collected your bank account number. Thank you!

Already got the bank account numbers from the following mummies:

1) Sunflower - $1.03 (6890420654)

2) Haitang - $25.69 (6890436031)

3) Jasmine Goh - $3.81 (6890469573)

4) crescent - $1.03 (6890458104)

5) bakaholic - $1.03 (6890445176)

6) Ah Beee - $1.03 (6890449857)

7) cheese & winnie - $2.06 (6890464974)

8) sweetkyra - $1.03 (6890417359)

Mummies, refund done. Beside is the transaction reference. Ibanking nick is under my SMH nick.

Hello all,

Long time nv come in le.. Saw the topic on #2.. haiz, i have mixed feelings leh. I just lost #2, it's my fault lah, an accident but already tested positive ard 3weeks.. When i knew the result, my world was crashing down, i still continued with my daily binder, cause scared to grow fat, not enough financial means, quarrel with hb cause he wants and i dont want. Even planned for abortion, finally when my parents said i could move in after my #2 is borned, my mind swayed to keep, went for gynae scan, bb had weak heartbeat, after 3days i was spotting and went back for check, bb had died[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i'm still recovering from the lost.. Many told me i'm still not ready for #2, house, we dont have, money also no.. Really regret.. Just the day before i lost my bb, my hb sis was preg with #2, i'm filled with envy now.. Very sad.

My hb changed his mind, he asked me to put iud and will try another one few yrs later. Hai, my fil's birthday is in feb and this bb, if survived is due in feb 2012 too, very heartpain[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](( i feel like trying for another dragon but have to heal my health first.. Don know how hb will respond[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Same here. My 5yrs old also kena scolding from me everyday. Always crying/shouting/bullying didi. Sighed. Don't know how to teach her. Try the soft approach but she will take for granted.

Cheekrene: thanks! Just felt sad cause hb wants 左青龙右白虎, i always tell him yes, xavier is 白虎, i am 青龙 cause i'm borned in dragon yr mah.. But reason why i dont want from the start is because i'm a dragon, being a dragon is really very competitive, in studies.. And stressed.. I don't want my next generation to feel it.. Planning for a horse, my fil is a horse too.. Discussing with hb.. He's also planning for a car.. So ex!!

Hai.. Suddenly feel the sadness coming back again..



cheese said she got it within a few days.


understand how you feel. i heard about competitive in studies but that was in your generation. my cousin was borned in your year too and i agree it was hard to get in. i think i believe that dragon for next year will be better in 12 years time. hmmm, your hubby need to think carefully if getting a car. everything need $$$ so got to think carefully.

