(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


i've not experienced leg cramps to date. been sleeping with my legs elevated. even while watching tv etc, i still try to keep my legs elevated.

before preggie, i got encountered leg cramps & sometimes toes cramps (like last 3 toes stuck together) lol.

i read that leg cramps are very common during pregnancy hence i started to sleep with my legs elevated, hoping to avoid this prob. heard leg cramps are more common during 3rd trimester. not sure if i'll experience leg cramps then?


Hi angel

yaya..i feel the pain is like something stab on me at my sometimes left or right stomach and its only last few sec n after awhile came again..but that usually happens when i am sitting down..wonder is that ligament pain.I will ask my gynae during next mon check up..looking forward to see my precious during ultrascan... ;-)


yes, when in doubts, always chk with ur gynae cos he/she is in the best position to advise u lor.

i went for my gynae visit yesterday too. my bb is not moving alot though & my hb thinks bb may be sleeping.

i told my gynae, woody, that my nose now very sensitive to all kinds of smells. he says that is normal. my hb quickly told him i go toilet or kitchen also feel like puking. then woody stared at him & says that IS also normal. my hb then says i cant take plain water now, gynae says its NORMAL becos most preggie mtb dun like the metallic taste in plain water. haha... after that my hb just keep his mouth shut.

prior to this visit, whenever i told him i cant stand the smell in the toilet etc, he always look at me in disbelief cos he finds no bad/funny smells whatsoever.

Starz--> Bio oil is indeed actually for pregnancy use and also for other problems like dry skin etc. this is what is mentioned in their website. high amounts of Vit A comes from food eg liver. however, if u are not comfortable using it, better not. i've heard of someone using olive oil (for body) also.. maybe u wana try that?

Starz: ya lah..but i try to control lah.. hungry let it be lolz.. no choice...

weight everytime only few gram then where is the food i eat...argh..

Stretch Mark cream -> i'm using pigeon brand..


u must understand, guys wun get pregnant so they'll never understands all the weird stuffs from us....it's not that we did it on purposed but it juz happened


ya lor... men just cant fully understand lah.

when i told my hb sth he couldnt fully comprehend, he wont think that this has sth to do with my pregnancy, instead he'll think that either my mind is playing tricks on me or i'm trying to be funny!!??


u would never want to experience it... terrible...

I have experience before (as early as in 1st trimester) so this pregnancy, try to prevent it like always cover my calf with blanket (as advised by gynae).

do some simple exercise, like flex my feet before i sleep.

eat less sat...

so far **touch wood**, i haven't feel it yet...


thanks for the explanation. think i will go home and try... =)


maybe you can get those tap filter, it helps to remove the metallic taste. my hubby used to hate drinking plain water cuz of this taste. after installing the tap filter, he drinks more plain water now...


for my 1st pregnancy i used clarins oil & bodyshop cocoa butter, & have no stetchmark.. now am using hand me down palmers... will still invest on clarins oil though..

Just had a v full lunch with colleagues.

re: weight

my weight didnt gain for my 1st & 2nd gynae appt but i lost some weight instead. even i am eating normal.. But not to worry as long gynae say bb is growing well shld be alright.. And also we will start gaining weight fast soon... weight will increase by 2-3kg per mth.. if scare bb too small, then eat Durian bah...


my 1st pregnancy i drink ribena most of the time.. this time round, i am ok with plain water..


i'm not entirely sure if its the metallic taste turning me off. i used to drink alot of water before preggie (be it room temperature or cold). to be more specific now, i couldnt stomach the the blandness of water at room temperature.

hot soups or drinks also make my stomach churned.

nowadays, i only drank cold water, cold fresh milk and cold fruit juice.

i got those low fat, no sugar added types.

my hb & mil keep telling me that cold drinks not good for me & bb but i really couldnt drink anything unless its cold now. sigh...

Jus had a super heavy tea break. My colleague treat us with lots of cakes and pies for her last day. Super full now!

i feel like drinking pokka green tea , but dont dare to drink cos is tea ... can drink anot huh ? and can we eat mussel ? haha ... feel like eating fish n co later ... yummy


actually cold drink best dun take too much but this time myself oso can't helped keep drinking

i cannot get plain water dwn at all n worst i nid olong tea....in ofc i made jasmine tea but i dilute the drink....used the bag for a few dips oni then later keep adding water to dilute it if not i'm not able to take in any water....till now still like that

previously i nid green tea but after ML i came back ofc i quit drinking n now green tea turns mi off so i turn to chinese tea which is even worst :p

dare not let woody noes....he'll sure give u a super BLACK face!

white lady,

can lah...juz dun take too much....last preg i got drink coffee at times....when i cannot tahan lah

winnie, i opposite from u... craving for durian... haha~

i still can take most food... just not too much of the same kind of food...

for cold drinks, i've been taking sprite, F&N grape/orange... after taking, i sure got cramp one... but just can't help it... hehe~


dun take too much durians now....coz we still at early stage....later bb gets too big we'll hv problem with natural (if u going for natural birth)

try not to take outside ice....coz they're made from tap water....juz to play safe...take it cold from the can directly instead would be better

leg cramp

During my #1, i experience leg cramp 3x per night (last tri). Doc ask me to take calcium pill before sleep. He say body lack of calcium. So i take 1 in the morning and 1 before sleep.

i read up and say wear socks le. I didn't try la. I wear socks, cos i put moisturizer sometime.

cold drinks

i still drink normally during lunch, from cold can drinks to ice tea.


i trying not to take too much durian... it's heaty somemore...

agree with suika on the ice. i usually take my drink directly from the can...

i dun like green tea but i drink lipton tea... well i tink take in moderate lah..

like weekend, i eat breakfast i sure will drink tea.. sometimes during weekdays i eat mac, i will drink also...

my bb seems to dun like coffee smell.. hahah so i can't take coffee..

cold water i drink also dun care!

starz> i'm using the green box one from guardian. forgot the name. tell you tonite when i reach home.


i have a fren eat alot of durians as she wants a chubby baby..in the end baby small size..

so its not proven lar..i think it depends on how your baby takes in your nutrients .. but durian has high sugar level..better not to take too much, else develop diabeties.

Hello, some sad news to share, my confinement lady "chicken out" and now I have to start looking for confinement lady again....

Well, reason being, during my Oscar scan, the sonographer told me I'm expecting twins..

My EDD is August 2010.

Also, I will be looking for another helper to help out the poor confinement lady who will have to look after 2 babies...

I'm a desperate MTB....haiz. I can't locate the thread that contains a list of confinement ladies that I can call up, I remember seeing it somewhere, can someone help?

Yes, Suika. My gynae scan me twice over 2 visits and told me I have one baby... only when he schedule me for Oscar did I get the shock of learning I'm actually having twins!

Now having trouble over finding a confinement lady, I am wondering whether this is double happiness or double trouble...


then no choice liao coz ur CL not prepared to look after 2 NBs....u got maid? if not tell her that u'll get helper for her see if she can help?

Thanks ladies on the info for stretchmark cream.

Went to see gynae yesterday. BB is growing well. But cant see the gender cuz BB is shy... he/she either lay with back facing us or sitting up... *faint* hb and i guess it's a girl, cuz so shy... haha~

have check with gynae on the tummy pain/ache. she said it's normal and should subside from wk 20 onwards...

Scent, maybe you can ask ur gynae to do another scan for you to confirm.

weather so hot today ! cant stand !! no cold drink will die ! haha ... this few days i keep eating chendol ! haha ... having appt with gynae on wed , hope can see the gender =) and last night , i felt my baby hip cup ! haha , so cute

white lady,

try not to take too much chendol....got coconut inside in case our stomach cannot take it

Suika, yes, although I dun hv a maid but I will try to find temp. Helper to assist the CL. At first I thought to engage 2 CL, but worried they might hv conflicts.

Starz, my gynae told me I had 2 sac when I'm 6 weeks pregnant. But when I bleed at week 5, he told me the possibility that one sac is not growing. He also told me the same at week 9 when I do a 2nd ultrasound. So I long accepted the fact I only carry one baby. Until when I do my oscar at week 12....suddenly 2nd baby pops out... I was the greatest shock of my life, yet a pleasant joy. God works great miracle....

Hi Scent ...

Have you found another CL? I ve a contact highly recommended by my fren who used her before. I actually booked this CL for july but she is having another customer in june. As I'm expecting my first baby, I didnt dare to take the risk in case i go into labour early. So if u like her contact, juz let me know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mamyvelle, thanks, I hope it'll be fun but I also am taking up double work, still worried cos this my first pregnancy,

Atomickitten, I will pm you, thanks!

As for the issue of cold water, count me in as well, I can no longer take in room temp. Water cos it makes me want to puke. I drink water cold without ice. And I love ribena but I dilute with lots of water. For those drinking directly from can drinks, remember to wipe the can before you drink, I worried can might be contaminated, u dunno how long it has been in paper carton or on the shelves.

Scent, congrats. Do u know the gender of the twin?? It will be tough but will be fun too. My sis also having a twin and she told me if can choose, she will not have a twin, cos its really double work and now both of them run around at the same time. hahaa.... so fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You also finished the work all at one go without having to start all over again from pregnancy to taking care for the 2nd baby.


that's great! seems like you are the only lady having twins here! must be fun... hehe~

Having monday blues today... =(

My #1 got hand-foot-mouth disease. Yesterd go to A&E. Doc ask me to separate from him, in case i get too. But doc say no risk for my #2. If i get, jus take care lo.


congrats!! it's really fun having twins but then again the problem will be taking care of them... i search my CL thru' agency but it's recommended thru this forum threads... if u need i can give u the agency's contact and see if they could help...


must take care too... adults will get it too so must always remember to cleanup yourself aft taking care of him... that time my gal got stomach flu, also contagious, so must always rem myself to take more precaution on cleanliness, luckily, everything went well... must always sanitize yourself, clean your hands aft attending to him... my gal CC also got 2 HFMD, worried abt my gal...


congrats on having twins. ur family have genes for twin ??


take care! hope ur boy get well soon..

hi mummies,

hope u gals had a great wkend...Went shopping durg wkend in great world and bot a maternity top fr Dorothy Peking, they sell tops ranging fr $26 onwards but their maternity range only available in Great World outlet. Not a big section though, but i find the price quite reasonable.


Anyone has got recommendation for stroller? Should get stroller suitable for newborn onwards?



wow, twins! that's really exciting. that will be double the fun AND double the trouble! the great thing is that they will have each other to play with and won't be bored so easily


my boy had HFMD just before i found out i was expecting. not so easy for adults to contract it but it was tiring to look after him. take lots of vit C ...

