(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


me too.. me is almost every alternate day around a specific time. Mine is like menses pulling cramp that last for an hour.. Usually on the left side..will check with gynae the next visit.


Morning ladies,

M)phosis is having sale now. They were carrying some pants and skirts with elastic band on top. Like maternity clothes. Apparently maternity-like fashion is in trend. I bought before the sale. You might want to check if those are on sale.


I also having cramps on my right leg. Woke up in the middle of the night cos muscle is pulling. My colleague told me because of the water-melon I ate?!?!


I have leg cramps too, but another pregnant friend taught me that when you have leg cramps, point your toe downwards (like ballerina) and stretch the ligaments there - that should relieve your cramps and you don't have to even wake your HB up to massage for you.

Is anyone signing up for the Mt A Ladies card? the privileges seem pretty attractive. $68 sounds worth it for 2 years.

Suika & WL,

I have ver early leg cramps for my #1... so the doc advised, eat less salt and best if u buy those calf sock to cover up during your sleep... it'll help...


ur boy is another handsome boy... baby time was cute, older become more handsome mah..he's now 3.5yrs old?

maternity clothes

i didnt get any maternity wear for my 1st pregnancy.. only got a few hand me down tops & bottoms. most of the time i wore dresses, long top, bigger size shorts.. my company implement uniform.. hence no need to buy office wear.. save some bucks for me then... recently just asked tailor to come measure for maternity uniform...

Sukia, ok can we meet up one day to get the clothings from you. maybe tmr??

I'm supre stress now. Today is my partner's last day, I'm now doing all her work. She use to be doing all and I'm like her helper cos she knows I don like the work and I have some other works to do too. Now having big headache and stress on how to do and I don't like to do it. My main works are piling up leh. I wan to tell my boss leh. I just cried 2 times this morning bcos of this.


watermelon? hmm like that guessed i've been drinking too much tea ba....been taking 1 bag everyday if not i'm not able to intake any liquid at all wor


wow...got uniform best liao...no nid think of wad to wear to work

MtA ladies card? from where? no heard of that before

jascmy--> i can understand hw u feel.. it must be really hard for you.. but i hope u will be able to calm down ok..i also stressed recently..this morning i also just cried.. nw that we are preggie, we are more emotional right..at times i just feel like taking no-pay leave or just quit..but i need to have the money leh..i hope u will be strong to go through all ur problems k.. but i think it's better u voice out to ur boss so that he/she knows what ure going through..maybe they can get some temp help asap or something..

hi all, i went for my gynae appt yesterday..she was very busy as she had a long queue at the clinic after she came in late as she had to attend an emergency..so i didnt do any scans but gynae listened to baby's heartbeat.. i'm so happy that she said bb is doing fine. so now i'm counting down to my FA scan next mth then can know gender.

by the way, i went to the library and collected the mtb baby kits. its really nice.it includs the baby journal which is very nice and useful..u all should go collect ok.. they asked me to fill up a form..they will also check if we are a library member and if got any outstanding fines ah, must pay first, like me, hehe...

Ednique, Thanks. I actually love my job. But is bcos of this additional task that make me headache and stress. I don't like to do system work leh. I'm not good at computer at all. I love my main duties but not this additional work. Not sure whether can directly tell boss that I don like the additional work. We need the money, so no matter what have to endure. So good that some of the mummy's here can quit their job and stay at home.


i tink u can bring up to ur boss that u cant cope cos of the additional task assigned to u & ur main duties are "neglected" . probably he can distribute some duties to other colleagues..btw ur boss not employing new staff to replace?

my side here oso a few resigned b4 cny.. den 2 newbies are here but on training.. must take some times to take customer.. we all must back up those who left... & one of my colleague gg maternity next month.. & i mostly will kanna her work also.. stressed... one more colleague recently jus tendered.. this one also duno how.. newbies couldnt cope & old bird probably over loaded.. haiz... den take v long to employ new pple.. sianz...


but uniform look unglam ... haa..anyhow.. co oso no pple to see.. so dun care..

Thank all ...

eeyore , ya lor , my boy young cute , now not cute liao , hai ... but girl different hor , young cute , grow up more n more pretty ...

alibaba , yes , my boy is 3.5 yo now =) talk n talk whole day ! haha

Mdm Yip,

i thought leg cramp, the more we should pulled up our feet instead of straighten?? It'll heal faster...

during my #1 i always woke up my hb bcos tummy slowly became bigger and can't bend...

jascmy> i think maybe u just tell your boss abt the situation that u cannot cope with so many things on hands, hence there might be some delay here and there. at least u already inform him else later he/she might say how come all the work pile up like that.

for me also a colleague's last day today, but luckily her things are split among 2 of us, so not too bad at the moment.


this is a new promo card....hmm if there's other promotion going on then can use 2 discount at the same time?

coz last yr DBS got promo....5% off hospital bills n i saved alot when i delivered my boy there that time....if no hv getting this card oni saves mi $22 like not very worth

alibaba, for my side, newbies only coming in May. And my additional task cannot be done by newbies. I have a new partner but he himself also very busy and learning abt this new task. I think this time I will be doing all the work and he will be my helper liao.

Jia you to all the Mummy that are stress out at work.


same as you... i keep feeling pain in the tummy area... and it could be for a while... i'm gng to check with my gynae tml... will msg here on her response...

Thanks p_eeyore and suika! I am very tempted to get a pet dog... but scare will affect the bb...


aiya whether girls or boys, as long as they are happy, listen to u, healthy, that's the most important thing.

Just before Reunion day, my gal got stomach flu, seeing her keep gg toilet, i feel so heartpain, i rather i'm the one taking all the sufferings...

but when i vomit, she'll be very sympathetic, concerning and telling my hb that I vomitted...


haiz.. my side also no much differences.. newbies can only take in customer about 4-6mths later after training... my side here cannot come in & start working.. must learn about products & the systems... GAMBATE together!


oh.. i can foresee my turn sooon.. one little boy yakkie non stop..


ur gal is such a darling.. so sweet..

white lady,

ur son so so cute... I tink he also look a bit Japanese boy le. Maybe it's the hairstyle?


occasionally, i get cramps when i sleep. I'll point my toes away from me and toward me. Jus keep moving and i'll massage my legs. Or sometime kick my hubby... Haha... He will wake up and massage for me.


my mum also say if preg eat too "cooling" food, will get cramps. Dunno how true... I tink we also need to eat less kang kong, it'll give leg cramps.


i understand ur feeling. my boss say wan to get a staff to help me. Say, say from last yr, till mar soon also no one come.

Hi all mummies,

Sorry for the interuption. I have something on my mind which I hope all mummies can help me. Hmmm... Im planning to to confinement at my own mother's place after delivery, but as for the newborn baby, plan to leave it in the care of my mother-in-law cos my mum cant take care of both me & baby. but alot of ppl are telling me to breastfeed. How can I breastfeed at two diff places? Can anyone help me?


the clothing r still in my ofc tml too rush coz quite heavy today cannot bring all back in time let u see....nxt wk can? i start bring back some each day?


i think quite true...kang kong best we dun take...coz this veg too 'liang' liao...if u like this dish alot u change to order potato leaves instead....it's nice oso n best of all this 1 can take regularly unlike kang kong

i also encounter pain on and off leh.. sometimes left side somtimes right side..

Jascmy: the tube top i can lend it to u. since i can't wear.. i also dun have much maternity clothes.. i only have like 3 sets...

p_eeyore (eeyore_03), apparently if you turn your foot up towards you it worsens the cramp. I personally tried the ballerina (point away from me) and the cramp is quickly relief.

Well you can try both ways, if turning towards you make the pain worse, then turn your foot towards the ground away from you instead.


I just called up to ask, apparently not leh. the dbs promotion they are having now only applies to normal surgical procedures and health check-ups not for maternity packages.


i never tot of separating from my newborn bb. Are u sure u bear to do so? Bb will feel familiar and safe when they smell and hear mummy. I tink to bf, the sight, sound and smell of bb help to bring milk in. It's a 2 way thing. If in 2 different places, u can try to pump exclusively and pass the milk to ur MIL. But i still find it a bit sad le... (my pt of view). Maybe u can ask ur MIL to come over to help ur mum during daytime?

any mummy here feel after u eaten something like u never eat?

this few days after dinner shortly i will feel hungry...

like ytd i finish my dinner ard 8+.. but ard 9+ i start to feel hungry liao , and my stomach is making so much noise.. so i eat 2 slice of sara lee cake and a cup of HL milk.. then i went to zzz.. but before i zzz i feel hungry again?

pls help me.. i duno wat shld i do leh... eat or stop?


this ur 1st child?

u wun bare to leave ur bb at another plc once u delivered....actually ur mum n u can handle, she oni cooks for u during meal time...other then that she oni nids to help feed n change bb while u pump/latch n rest/sleep...at nite u take care of bb urself lor (that's wad i did for my 1st)

if u really wana leave bb at ur MIL hse then u can pump out n get ur hb to pick up supply everyday back for her to feed bb (tiring for him lah)


that's common....during 2nd trimester we'll hv better appetite so dun go over board if not later hard to slim dwn...for me till now i'm still not really able to eat much (duno why)

Hi Ladies! TGIF

re leg cramps, p_eeyore is right. You should flex your toes not point them - I used to have killer cramps in 2nd month but now I flex every night and sleep through out the night with no issue. The best way to flex is to stand near a wall with one heel raised and toes up pushing against the wall - like how we stretch for PE growing up.

Hope this helps. Went to gynae that day I'm 15 weeks 5 days and he confirmed we're having a boy. Hubby really wanted a girl but is soon warming up to the idea that he will now have someone to watch basketball and wrestling with! :p


long time no see. How's your yoga class at Como? I signed up with absolute yoga so have been going there. Cos Como refused to extend the special promo to me. a bit expensive there lah.


Yup I heard about kang kong also. They say even if we are not pregnant better dont eat too much. It's in the same category as water-melon.

To the rest, thank you for all the lovely pictures. I wish I have my own collection of cute photos too. But since this is my first, the photo collection gotta wait... sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

winnie> i also heard that try not to have sudden gain in weight as it is one of the cause for stretchmarks. gradual gain reduce the tendency of having stretchmarks. so if u get hungry often, maybe try eat small quantity at each time.

suika, ok, np. let me know when is the best day to get from you.

winnie, My appetite changed this week leh. I will still have hungry sickness every 2 hrs but I feel full after eating half bowl of rice every meal. I will force myself to finish up the whole bowl. I also eat less during snack time or when I feel hungry. Hehee... good sign for me cos I won't put on so much weight anymore. yesterday I weight myself and I'm still the same weight as that day we went KK last week. hehee... I feel hungry at night and I will sleep so that I won't feel the hunger.


if u keep feeling hungry, best is u take small meals 2hrly...like that reduces chances of u over eating...like mi last time n i found myself not able to lose the weight till now

aiyah sorry. my blur. just clarify with frn. foot shd be point inward not outwards (maybe I'm just odd, both ways work for me)

suika, maybe I can try this method now. Last time I can't use this method cos if I don't feel full, I will continue to puke air (hungry sickness). Now with the reduce in appetite, i can have small meals every 2hrs liao. I'm also worried about putting on weight cos I spend a year to lost 10kg for my wedding, I don't want to put back. My BB's tummy also bigger than mine leh (I saw it during the scan last week). I don't want him or her to be overweight too.


I also... after eating lunch, my stomach still feels empty... will snack 1 hour later... i will usually eat more during breakfast and lunch, and lesser at dinner...weigh myself, didnt seem to put on much weight... which is a bit worrying for me cuz gynae say should put on weight during 2nd tri...

Re stretchmarks

what brands are you ladies using?

Hi mummies/mummies-to-be

Sorry to interrupt but i've got a pack of Anmum Materna (350g) and a tin of Similac Mum maternal supplement to let go (both brand new). Price negotiable. Pickup in Jurong West. Pls PM me for details if keen. Tks.

i also eat a lot. Since i'm preg, i've gain 3.5kg. A bit fast le. Cos before CNY, i only gain 2kg. For the past few wk, it jus shot up another 1.5kg. Scary... Yesterd quickly go back to my gym and do yoga plus 2km walking. Hope to burn a bit more calories.

Round ligament pain is a brief, sharp, stabbing pain or a longer-lasting dull ache that pregnant women commonly feel in the lower abdomen or groin, starting in the second trimester.

perhaps some of u mtb are experiencing this pain instead?? i felt sharp pain when i sneezed on a few occasions!! sharp pain but very brief, lasted at most like a min or less.

jascmy and starz--> i am also having the same hungry sickness as u both.. just now i had lunch about 12.30 and on the way back from lunch i felt hungry again! the thing is, when i eat during meals, i will feel very full and i dont really eat alot (like half a plate of rice with fish/meat, vege). i'm worried abt his hungriness also leh.. how ah.. yesterday i went to see gynae and she told me nt to put on too much weight also.. but feeling extreme hungriness after 1-2 hrs of meal is quite frustrating..

Angel--> i also feel the same pain as u..actually it started even before my 2nd tri. i will get a sharp pain (like muscle pull) on my lower abdomen when i sneeze, cough, and sudden turn during sleep. now i even get that pain when i get up from bed/seat. it usually last less than a min but i will have to massage the area abit to make it feel better..

starz--> i'm using Bio Oil brand, recommended by a friend. heard that it's good but have to buy in Malaysia coz SG dont have. other than that, maybe u can try Palmer's cocoa butter for stretch marks.. in pharmacies / watson got sell.

me almost went crazy leh..eat liao 1hr later feel hungry again..

every morning, i need to take breakfast at hm then reach office eat again ard 10am hungry again..argh...

like ytd after u eat i can feel my stomach is bloated liao but the sound still come out from my tummy...haahha...

the best part is i eat liao, very gyane visit appt i only put on a few gram...


I do experience the sharp, abrupt pain u mentioned during sneezing on bed... it was so painful but like u say the pain is short and sharp...

but leg cramp is different... it's the pulling of ligament and it'll cause u few days pain thereafter...


haha... me too. actually since preggie until now, alr experienced a variety of pains liao... got menses-like cramps, headaches, lower backaches, round ligament pains and at times, when bladder very full, pressing agst my uterus, also got sharp pains.



Bio-oil has Vit A and I heard too much of Vit A not good for bb? Still can use? I bought 1 bottle, till now dare not use... if you girls wanna get bio-oil, let me know cuz my colleague go back JB every weekend.


same here lor...eat about 7.30am at home, reach office 9am eat again.. then 10-11am eat again... lol~ very piggy leh...

FYI, there's a baby fair for BHG. Details at http://www.bhgsingapore.com.sg/promotion/index.asp. =)

