(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

let me share something cute with all....heehee

Look at my boy...yest my dog notti being punished at his noti corner n my boy went in too to sayang n HUG him....my godmum says no matter how she tempts him to come out he juz refuses to....oni came out when she allows my dog out too....hahaha

he still finds it funnie n smiled to the camera somemore



jascmy> $170 for 5 lessons. i checking with them if there is any discount with any credit cards


so cute!!

here's my girl with our doggie when she was 3 mths old.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she's so adorable when she's with him.. he's like her personal rag doll..



later bb got blonde hair. Hee...

white lady,

my tummy also like that. At night so big and look preg, but morning become smaller balloon le.


he dote the dog so much. So cute...


kids are so cute!


ur little gal. "xiao wu jian da wu" so cute... ur dog wanna sayand ur gal.. huskie are just so beautiful! how u upkeep? mus really slp in aircon for this kind of dog?


if bb got blonde hair .. i jialat. hahaha... my this "arnonet" already have brownish hair.. ev one thought we dye his hair...

wanna see more pics.. post somemore lei.. it really brighten up my day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

purelyz, I trimed her eyelashers when she was sleeping; with using a small curved scissor (we use for trim our eyebrown type), just trim a little bit can liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Suika, u boy very cute le, but the dog's eyes look very pity, lol...

whitelady, ya, my tummy also bloated very big esp evening time, look like 6 mth pregnants like tat... I met 1 of my gf during CNY & she is 6mth preggie, our stomach size almost the same le... Arr!!


ur dog is BIG.....heehee


my dog sad lah coz being punished


This is my boy playing with my dog's tail last nite


that's the oni way to shit him up....if not at nite he still screaming ard very disturbing.... esp slping he'll want it for comforting

Talking abt tutu (pacifier), i think i m failed le... my girl still eating it till now (27 mth olds), i tried to quit it for her since she 2 yr old but can not le... she needs it whenever want to sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Anyone got suggestion how to take out this habit from her huh??? I tried put chili, cut a hole but all not work :p


haha yea.. actually he wanted to lick her so we got this shot just in the nick of time. i groom him weekly and he sleeps with the fan.. our place is cool cos of the hills behind us so lucky for us no need aircon.


i used to stay landed.. which was when i got him.. but now moved to hdb.. lucky our neighbours like him so they dont mind. my dog is an "indoor" dog.. as long as we're inside, even with the gates open he wont run out.. so the space is not a problem


the pic makes him look bigger.. he's actually not that large for a husky


had got a friend who's boy quit coz his dropped behind the cupboard n they pretend cannot take out liao so he's like no choice but to go without it n soon he forgets abt the whole issue

wah eelyn,

your dog so big huh... i like to keep dogs too, but never have a chance... lucky never, otherwise home got 1 terror enough, not 2...


my gal pacifier got a big lobang, then my hb ask how to quit huh, in front of my mum... straight away my mum pulled it apart show my gal, no more tutu already... from then on she stopped... that was when she's 31 mth old...


Ur dog very pretty... but ur girl look small next to him.


i tink pacifier easier to quit. My boy suck his thumb. How to quit... I can't possible hide it from him or destroy it. I try the "ka ka" way, tell him that he will swallow 'ka ka" to his stomach. He believe for a while and stop for 1 wk. But came back after that and suck non-stop. Now he can a bump on his thumb... When i ask GP, she say my boy still small, can stop him later. I also dunno...


i didnt give tutu from the start cos afraid to have the same problem.. think will do the same for the next one.. however old folks keep saying it's ok to give... cos bb are easier to take care if they eat tutu... true?

suika/eeyore, seems like u/ur friend kid can quit the pacifier easily le... i think i will try eeyore method as seems like my girl current pacifier will spoil soon (she likes to bite on it nowaday)

purelyz, at first my gal also suck on her thumb, then my PD said it is better give her pacifier instead of let her suck her thumb... that's why i started using that...

alibaba, yes, i agreed using tutu bb more easier to take care, esp when the first few mth... i used tutu to 'dong' while she crying, drag & control her drinking time etc... i think it's work lo...


i can't try peeyore's way to my boy....he'll cry his head off....now if u take away things that he wans he already doing that....not to say DESTROY it infront of him....i can die man....hahaha


i oso no wana give but my MIL keep insisting then keep pushing it to him (he rejects it in the first plc) till he sucks

talking abt sucking bb thumb, i suddently rem that my #1 was start sucked her thumb since in the womb!! Below my 3D scan during 6mth pregnant for my #1, can see she was sucking her thumb right :D



so sweet, can doll up ur girl. my boy at most style his hair and then nothing much i can do le.


i try pacifier when he is a few mths old, but he dun wan. He prefer his thumb. But honestly speaking, i find him easier to handle. Cos he can suck it whenever he like. Not like pacifier, when it drop out, will start crying. He can calm himself down. This is the only gd point.


i heard that to stop bb from pacifier, the parent need to be tough. Destroy in front of kid will a gd way and works. I heard one. And seems, it's true for peeyore.

hi mtbs,

me just came back fr gynae's visit.

tdy scan printout looks confusing to me becos no longer got CRL measurements, instead got bb's weight: 216g, AC: 12.9cm and FL: 2.5cm, i'm @17wks + 4days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

again, woody commented that my bb looks more like girl but din cfm the sex lah, guess have to wait for my 20wks scan in 2wks time to know for sure.

and i used the readings fr my bb's scan to buy toto. lol. see if my bb brings me luck or not. haha

hehe, of course my daught will cry... but i insist don't buy any for her... first few nights will be the most difficult... but we must endure... try it during weekends, next day don't have to work...

her pacifier...



i seldom doll her up... js buy her clothings...

now she's very particular with her dress... if it's too short, she won't wear...

Forgot to share a story that my frens's mum told me. She say how my frens stop taking pacifier is on a X'mas eve when she is 2.5 yrs old.

Mummy told girl that she is not allow to peep thro the doorway for her x'mas gift. But girl peep thro and saw the doll house and is very happy. Mummy told her Santa will take the doll house away, cos she didn't listen. On X'mas day, mummy found her pacifier at the door. Girl told mummy that she will be gd and use her favorite pacifier to exchange for the doll house and hope Santa will not take the doll house away. So mummy (Santa) took the pacifier away and give her the doll house as X'mas gift. It's when my frens stop taking pacifier. I find it an interesting true story...

Dunno can copy and use the same way on my son a not...

nice pics of kid & doggie together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope my bb when born can get along well with my doggie. my doggie quite hard to get along with.

he basically dun like strangers. until now, after so many years, he still hate the sight of my hb & will bark like mad whenever he sees him. >_<ll


how many wks are u in now??


ur girl is very photogenic[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

angel, thanks!!


the story sounds like a bigger child then will negotiate terms with us leh... not so easy but worth a try...


actually having a pet in the house is really good i feel.. exposes them to more things.. and even to share.. my girl shares her food with my dogs.. very cute to see.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


she is still small here.. 3 mths only.. hehe


how we introduce our newborn was to buy a doll or soft toy.. wrap like baby and carry ard the house.. haha and even let him sniff.. if he gets too agitated, we'll reprimand him. after birth, we took a blanket she was using and wrap the doll and let him sniff again.. after that when we were home, he didnt seem that anxious to see a new "member"..


sounds like a gd way to get doggie to know a new member... just not sure if it works in my case. my doggie alr 12yr+ and stubbon like a bull. once he thinks he dun like u, the impression stays all the way. god knows how many times we tried to get my doggie to react friendlier towards my hb but to no avail. lol.

he is also staying with my parents now so not sure ur method still works...


u can start telling ur dog abt ur bb....i did that to mine n i guessed he did understands coz at times i ask him to sayang bb in tummy he actually will placed his head on my tummy (his gesture to sayang bb) n he used to jump across me if he wana cross over the sofa to the other side but now the moment he steps out his 1st step i stop him telling him cannot n soon he stopped....he actually would jump den to the flr then walk past me then up the sofa again

i read from mag that u can get ur hb to bring back ur bb's clothings or mittens etc to let ur dog sniff first so he'll get used to the new member's smell so when u bring bb back he'll noe....n dun shoo ur dog away when u step in....maybe get ur hb to carry bb in then u can go pat pat ur dog....a way to show them that u love them s much s ur bb etc


i tink i can consider my #1 is easy baby.. he wasnt that "cry" baby when younger.. tat's y i can totally dun intro tutu to him.. hopefully little tiger will be the same as kor kor.. which i tink harder.. cos i heard if #1 is a difficult one #2 will be easy. if #1 is easy, #2 will be difficult... keep my finder cross now..


despite mother in law & sis in law insisting on tutu.. i still dont wan to give.. hehe.. i find that it's not a need..

oh the maid course... alot of rule & regulation... all side the maid one...

my gal rejects pacifier when she is abt 8-9 months.. coz she prefers my breast.. lol.. anyway, i heard from my colleague that she talked to her boy and said he is a big boy so need to throw away and she let her boy throw the pacifier into the bin himself. Of course he will look for the pacifier for a few days but got over it soon..

when my gal has runny nose and refuse to blow it out, i will tell her that if she dun blow, the worms will travel down to her stomach and eat her fav food.. then she will listen to me.. hehe.. purelyz, maybe u can try the same tactic on yr boy sucking his thumb..


oic... and woody commented bb is small? did u ask any cause for concern? so far, he never commented my bb small or anything... he just said everything is normal, everytime. lol. even at times, i felt my bb quite small cos i got compare the size to the bb's growth chart online, he still says its fine.

i think i can only carry bb back myself (w/o my hb), my doggie treats my hb like his arch enemy so the moment he sees him, he will bark the house down. i scare his barking will scare my bb. his barking very loud & sharp. we stay 14 floors but u can hear his barking fr ground floor even fr a few blks away!!

i even have no piece of mind during my customary wedding last yr when my hb & his bros came to pick me up, my dad had to keep my doggie away in the bomb shelter! lol.

I have been trying to get maternity clothings from my colleagues and friends but failed. Sian. I can't be buying so many leh. My order for 2nd batch of clothings from internet also not here yet. I can't wear all my clothings.


that's bad wor....like that u hv to b prepared in case u nid to choose between ur dog n bb


where u staying? i actually hv some maternity clothing extra....giving by my previous thread mum...she close factory liao


lengthy course but lucky finish in time

Here's my son =)


2mths old , 4mths old and 3.5years old =)


hmmm... think dun have to choose btwn doggie & bb lah. doggie not staying with me, he's at my parents'.


wah, ur son also another heartbreaker. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the thread is moving so fast!

All your kids look so kawaii!

Re sucking thumb

my cousin used to suck her thumb when she is younger. think she only outgrow it when she enter primary school... till now her thumb still have a small bump and she is 20ish now... so try not to let your kids suck their thumb...

Re pet

I heard that it is not good for the bb if there's a pet in the house due to fur dropping, etc... is this true?

Hi all

these few days i kept having on n off dunno hw to describe the pain at my sometimes left or right stomach..the pain just like pop me one time then go off after awhile came again...wonder what happen??Anybody like me??


mayb u're too skinny, that's why u feel more expansion isit?? check with your gynae is the best thing to do...


your boy very cute when he's young... and he looks like korean...


I heard about the fur too... but seems like more towards cats...

if u have bb at home, best that u doesn't have cats, the fur might affect their breathing system... that's what i heard...

not very sure if dogs too...


mi in yew tew...hehee not too far, my work plc is at tiong bahru....if u nid more clothing can come over....not all is maternity wear lah, some is those bigger size clothing coz i dun nid formal wear in ofc here


oh....like that then no hv to worry....juz separate both of them for the time being will do ba but i'm afraid his barking might scare ur bb

white lady,

ur boy very kawaii look


wad i do is shave him down so my boy will hv lesser chances in contracting asthma kind of illness


ME ME!! got a kind of pain on off recently....but went gynea on mon he says bb fine ask mi not to carry heavy stuffs but i told him i can't coz my boy needs me....esp now at this stage

jascmy> my fren just informed me yesterday the aqua fitness at KKH got a new class in Apr. Cost is $110.30 for 4 sessions. I will be gg for that one instead as they are using the Hydrotherapy pool so the water is always warm.

ignore the top part of my message. the Apr class at KKH is full already. so back to the sembawang country club.

