(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


maybe you were very pretty in school, that is why fumiko's husband can remember you.. lolx... hope your elder girl can get well soon. poor you, its like never ending. i feel heart pain for her...


edah son is having fever, unable to attend today kindermusik class, she asking any mummies interested to replace her?

thanks ah bee n serene .. so sorry cant make it .. anyone wana go? i think i shouldnt bring my boy as i dont want other babbies to get it too.. if anyone wants to go just take my plc no need to pay me back coz otherwise it will be forfeited anyway. if not, those gg but with #1 can take the plc also.


no problem. take care of lil K.. u rest well too.


we post at d same time.. lolx


u go lor.. i saw winnie go, then din c ur name.. tot lil J & G are qing mei zhu ma.. hee


ok, confirm! I also thought why you did not go when i only see winnie's name!!

Ah bee,



no worries! Hope your baby get well soon!

thanks ah bee.. ya he's getting more cranky n messy now.. gonna bring him to doc later. u all hav a gd time k i wana join next time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks cheese!

bee n cheekrene.dun noe if my boy like music tatz y nv go..bt hw ever,Thks eDnique,u pm me ur details?im so paiseh 2 take ur slot.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

our babies gt no music talent except meow meow's. so did u sign up their pkg?

my arms v tiring.. shereen arms must b v aching.. its fun still!! hee! shall c u all on wed for the peekapoo gym!

Bad timing to bring my boy to kindermusik cos its his nap time. He did enjoy himself but totally KO for 2hrs almost immd after the class! (he usually sleeps 30mins) Guess he's super tired, so is the mummy~

See some of u tomorrow at peekaboo!!

Ah bee, yah my arm super aching..

Am building up my muscle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmine, he slept so long; nite time how??

Baby R also slept on her way home, super tired [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kindermusik is fun but hor tiring! My whole body ache as my girl is very active and strong these 2 days! Mine enjoy the balls and toys, totally not interested with the music. Luckily she did not fuss as she was hibernated on her bus journey to tanglin! Phew! Thanks jasmine for organising!

haha..but my ger cannot sit still le...

i oso dunno wanna sign up or not..

u gals not interested?

teacher jane is only available at 2pm (class almost full), 4pm (not full yet), or 5pm (a new class for us)

cost for 8 lessons is $307.43

and registration fee is $53.50

it is cheaper than those gym one..but i dunno wan to sign or not

she oso not v concentrated..not guai guai and follow instruction..

she keep playing wit the mat!!! sigh...

i m goin for gymboree trial at tanglin mall on 21st may..

then i decide again ba..


Ya he's still very awake now.. As usual, an owl..

Is kindermusik or jwt more fun??

Re: peekaboo

Mummies, remember to bring socks tomorrow! Or can purchase from them at $3.

jasmine, thx for organising

i tink kindermusik is more fun than jwt..

btw, jas..i bought the brand plum fr brown rice paradize..

but there is another 2 tibits (store in tupperware container) u bought yest ...wat is tat brand?


Both are plum. One is plum tots fruity fingerfruits banana (mixture of melts & grain bites, i only bring the melt) the other one is plum baby super puffs purple. Let me know if u need me to take pic of these 2.

I just went brown rice paradise too. Bought lotsa stuffs! Mostly ella kitchen items.


still an hour? Have you thought of changing his routine?! I think kindermusik is fun as my girl seem to be attracted to the toys! I am hesitating to buy more balls for her! Hehe! Thanks for reminder, i nearly forgot that peekaboo need us to wear socks!


Ya now still wide awake! V hard to change his routine cos if he wants to sleep, he must sleep.. Even if it's at 8pm.. Welcome, cya tml! Will sms u if I reach early..

Wow.. Seems like u gals r having fun at kindermusik.. Make me tempted to try.. But I think my gal dun appreciate music..

Jasmine, u can try to adjust bbJ routine.. Last time my gal also sleeps at 1am.. Super tiring for me.. But I try the light off method.. Beginning, I light off at 11pm.. She will play in my bed n I lie beside her.. When she whines I carry her and then when she stops I put her down.. I juz let her play till tired n when I see her yawning or rubbing eyes, I make her sleep.. Now her bedtime is 930-1030pm.. Same as her jiejie..

I read that when in dark place, our body will create some sleeping hormones n make the body sleepy.. N it works for me! Maybe u can consider doing this.. But it is not a miracle method.. It took me a few months to adjust her bedtime..


My boy didn't enjoy much.. kept staring at other babies and wanting to put the egg rattles into his mouth. But i do think it's a good learning class for babies as it helps them to develop the motor skills and concentration. I am tempted to sign up but 8 lessons is too much.


I find kindermusik more educational and jwt is just fun and play, not as structured as kindermusik.

btw, thanks for organizing the class. We had a good workout..

Sunflower, I nvr ask them abt having more Bbs cos I know u all jus went for the kindermusik, not sure whether you all will be interested for another one.

I will ask them if I got more than 4 Bbs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If cannot then we will form more classes.

Jascmy, my Fren jus went to trial n her toddler love it n she sign up le..

Btw u org this musikgarten only allow 4 bb?

Where is it

Fumiko, your friend went for musikgarten?? Its at jurong west. Ok, if mroe interested I call them later to check whether can have more than 4 Bbs in the class.

sunflower, cheese and winnie, I have call them and they say their weekend slot quite full, only left with 12.30pm and I agreed with it.

As the studio is very small, they can only take in max 6 Bbs.

I can help to organise another class if you all wan to. Pls let me know the date. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aarrrgggghhhh, cannot stand it, want to vent out here... where got ppl so inconsiderate.

As u know, I'm staying with my mum and my son is taken care by her.

Just now, hb, my gal and I just left the carpark, suddenly my hb rec'v a call from his mum, saying that she's at the bus interchange near my mum's plc, reaching her plc soon. It was like "WHAT", why didn't she call to inform, we would have stop her from doing it... why didn't she think ppl might be still sleeping, wouldn't that call disturb?? why didn't she think ppl might not want her to see the just woke up face, with unclean face, untidy hair, etc... she think she can wake up so early, ppl also must do that?? she kept saying never mind, but who never mind... u never mind but ppl mind... why is she so unconsiderate... already don't like her, why she still want to do stuffs that make ppl irritated... btw, when I left house, my mum and son still sleeping... oh through the phone conversation, my hb asked her to wait downstairs, he'll help her to open the door, then before he drop me off in office, she call again, she says she's at the doorstep... my hb told her again lor... tell her to wait downstairs, there's bench for her to sit, why must she go up and stand at the door...


totally understand how u feel. Saturday, i also recv sms from mil that she is on her way to my place to see my son. Her sms even said "can i come" then her next line, she puts "on her way" and the next thing you know she is at the door.

I also just recv sms 15min ago, she is on her way to see my son too.

There was one time, I brought my boy to see PD and she also "on her way". Too bad lor, she got to wait at void deck.

pris, ur mil goes out at such early hours, just to go to your mum's place?? waa..shd have call n ask if convenient to visit at such early hours mah.. usually, people still sleeping at 8plus leh.. especially when there is sick baby to take care of.. can understand how u feel cuz i also hate this kind of last min visit without calling to check if it's convenient anot..

bakaholic...u wearing green rite?? yes yes..i m sitting next to u...

jasmy, i saw the website..and tot of goin to AMK branck since i stay in yis..keke..


yours always comes so early??


she usu will drop by on wed after 2pm... but today is so extremely early without informing which i find is really really rude.

yalor, furthermore ppl is sleeping, even if my mum is awake, she also need to go to the nearby foodcourt to meet her friends for b'fast...

if my mil comes then the routine will be break just bcos of her...

taking abt in-laws... mine oso like tat... just come as & when they like within advance informing... so sickening!

there's once sunday ard 5 plus, where me, hubby & bb all having a nap.. then they kept pressing on the doorbell... then my ger got woke up by they! so irritating!!!! arg! taking/thinking abt them really makes my blood boil lor! really hate them... during my confinement oso like tat.. just go in & out of my room as & when they please... somemore wif me inside nv even have the courtesy to knock on the door!


why they like that, if u changing or feeding bb how??

when I was having confinement, I ask my hb to stop them if they wanna come inside my room...

Scare this list is lost, since the date is so long...

JWT TRIAL @ UE Square (beside Clark Quay)

Date: 18th June 2011

Time: 1.00pm

1) dsqyvonne

2) winnie

3) eeyore

4) starz

5) jasmine goh

6) Vivy (aug mummy)

7) ah bee

8) Michelle (aug10 silent reader)

9) mrs ahnah (just apply the card)

10) glamdem



Jascmy: sorry, we gg to give it a miss.. \

me & cheese. cuz i forget i got sean lau this weekend..

any mummy is keen to take me and cheese slot?

i will sms them and re arrange again.

