(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

hi, i would like to join the gathering also.

14th May 1pm at Yishun Blk 738 @ fumiko house

1) duckling

2) jasmine goh (tbc)

3) susan aka pd0513 (tbc)

4) suika (tbc)

5) Cheese

6) Winnie_gal

7) MVH

8) Xuan82

9) cheekrene

10) Alibaba

11) dsqyvonne

12) sunflower (tbc)


1) dreamz

2) Sheric

3) eeyore_03

4) mandyn

Suika's house @ yew tee

4th june

1. Sunflower (TBC)

2. alibaba (tbc)

3. cheekrene

4. fumiko (tbc)

5. Jasmine Goh (tbc)

6. susan aka pd0513 (tbc)

7. Xuan82

8. MVH (tbc)

9. dsqyvonne (tbc)

10.winnie_gal (tbc)


11. Cheese (tbc)

12. Dreamz

13. sheric

14. eeyore_03

15. mandyn

Hi mummies,

I am from the June 2010 thread.

I am now doing my 3rd batch spree for Sophie & other brands, the products can be seen on www.sophie.sg. The discount is 20% off price listed on the site.

To order, please send me a PM directly (I will not be referring to the thread postings). I will close orders on 10 April at 3pm. On 11 April, I will contact all mummies to confirm the orders and ask for payment to be transferred before 12 April 11am. Stocks will be available for collection from 13 April onwards at Pinnacle@Duxton or Tanjong Pagar MRT.

Re-send (error on dates above):

Hi mummies,

I am from the June 2010 thread.

I am now doing my 3rd batch spree for Sophie & other brands, the products can be seen on www.sophie.sg. The discount is 20% off price listed on the site.

To order, please send me a PM directly (I will not be referring to the thread postings). I will close orders on 17 April at 3pm. On 18 April, I will contact all mummies to confirm the orders and ask for payment to be transferred before 19 April 11am. Stocks will be available for collection from 20 April onwards at Pinnacle@Duxton or Tanjong Pagar MRT.

Sorry winnie n cheese...

The slots in 7 may r reserved for cresent n whitelady.. Coz they chop them first.. Cresent is going as for whitelady still waiting for her to reconfirm as e date r changed.. If she not going, only left one slot leh..

xuan> the bag looks nice. how much is it? can't find the price

pd> let's have 1. i go back ask my hubby permission first

ahNah> of cos sengkang can join. everyone is invited

jasmine> i go confirm the date with my hubby first.

pd, ahNah, jasmine, pekkle> any sat that you cant make it from 30th Apr to end May?

Toys > Thinking of renting some toys for my boy but if i rent myself and use for 1 month, he can't try variety and he will get sick of it. So i thinking anyone want to share then we can like each person use 1 week? I can share with pple with those who dun mind meeting up near bt panjang, punggol or bedok area. For bedok and punggol, can only meet to change the toys on saturday.

Swimming classes > Checking out a few schools, will get back as soon as possible on the details.

Magic fiddler > I also contacted magic fiddler, waiting for them to get back.


i found the list you need for this weekend.

Playdate at duckling house

Date: 16 Apr (Sat) 1pm-4pm

(Cap at 15 babies attendance due to space limitation, hope for your understanding)


1. duckling

2. sunflower

3. Jasmine (TBC)

4. Cheekrene (TBC)

5. penguin

6. MVH

7. QQ

8. Cheese (TBC)

9. Winnie_gal (TBC)

10. スーザン (TBC)

11. eeyore_03

12. alibaba

13. xuan

14. snowy55

15. chocochips


As there are 5 attendance put TBC, so I will accept 5 in waiting list till this Friday…

naturelover, how r you? ya, v sleepy so need some color to brighten up my day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

penguin, color formating was sent by Cheese, I save it to my favorite for easy reference. Useful tool indeed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Anyone has file your your income tax returns? Due date on 18 Apr. My company got auto filling but I still need to udpate cos this year got we have a new baby, can get more rebate :p Found something funny when do the filling just now, at the number of child portion, there is a click for "if you have more than 5 children" & "if you have more than 10 children"... just wonder in S'pore really got ppl got sooo many kids meh :p

dreamz: for me, only 21 may is free cuz the rest all booked for the jwt trial class[30apr & 7may], gathering at fumiko'splace[14may] le

cheekrene, great! thanks... I am really lazy to read thru the archive again... must save the list to my pc now :p... So for those TBC, anyone will can confirm the attendance already?

duckling, will still have de but maybe just not..hmm.. aiya..better dont say here, wait kena say i racist.. hahahahahahaha...

duckling, i will let u know by fri can? need to see how is my boy's condition first but i really hope he can recover fast, then we can go..hehe..

yes duckling.. I hope my boy recover if not i give it a miss. update on Friday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yap Winnie. we go another time, i got time I call up and find out more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bakaholic, Sunflower,

I just went to toyrus to check out the trikes. Saw 2 models with safety belt. One at $119.95 one at $149.95 (mothercare model look-alike. I took the pics too but now using iphone don't know how to upload here.

Playdate at duckling house

Date: 16 Apr (Sat) 1pm-4pm

(Cap at 15 babies attendance due to space limitation, hope for your understanding)


1. duckling

2. sunflower

3. penguin

4. MVH

5. QQ

6. eeyore_03

7. alibaba

8. xuan

9. snowy55

10. chocochips

11. Jasmine (TBC)

12. Cheese (TBC)

13. Winnie_gal (TBC)

14.スーザン (TBC)



Waiting list






susan, sunflower, I really think it is hardly find a family with more than 10 childrens nowaday, event other races also :p haha...

alibaba, envy u leh, munching munching also still so slim... my tummy like forever there already...

esther, hahaha.. maybe not 10 children but still can find those with 5 or 6 one.. hehehe...

yalor, i also envy lor.. sometimes, my nanny will say 哇,你的肚子还在hor.. =_="


go pantry find someting and munch?? i am a tibits queen leh.. only today i bring the chips from home den now open and eat liao.. so i better not put any thing in office.


u will slim down after ur cough episode. hehe.. cause cannot eat too much heaty stuff.. but the thing is u're not FAT wat...

knock off soon.. really no mood to work today.

fumiko, just go in and edit to those rebates you are going to have.

Haa.. having said so, my hubby did for me.. cos he richer ma.. need more of % for parenthood rebate.. LOL

Fumiko, you can still log in to the IRAS site, there is an option to amend on our Deduction & Reliefs... I think we all entitle for further reliefs as every1 here got new baby last yr mah... For those who employ the maid, also can get the relief for foreign maid levy...

winnie> ok onz. i will go home early eat dinner den bring my boys down to playground at ur downstair hor.. hehe..

pd0513, pekkle> ok.

Playdate at Dreamz's house

Date : 21 May (Sat) [Tentative]

Time : 1-4pm

Venue : Punggol

(Cap at 10 babies 1st, will see later on the space available)

Attendance :

1. dreamz

2. pd0513

3. pekkle








alibaba, ya lo, now I can not eat so many thing le, chicken la, egg la even some1 told me dun eat fish too... really dunno what to eat...

I am not that fat type... just that the tummy still there, look so ugly esp when wearing my swim suit... really out of shape now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cheese bring ur boy downstair later


i duno leh. ev one say i getting slimmer... i still eat normal and duno why like tat.. maybe breastfeed and stress..

Fumiko, ya, login to efile and change the relief portion.

Working mothers can claim for Working mother child relief (shown as zero in the filing screen cos calculated based on 15% or 20% your income), grandparent caregiver relief $3000 (ur parents or in-laws look after you bb), foreign maid relief (those who employ maid). If hubby earning more than you, best to let them claim all Qualifying child relief ($4,000) and parenthood tax rebate (PTR) cos they only can claim this 2 reliefs.

After your assessment finalised, you can request IRAS to transfer your exact tax payable amt from the PTR a/c to offset your tax payable so u no need pay too.

hai, my MIL coming to see precious grandson lei.. cant join u and winnie... somemore he really cough le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] better stay away from you all..

cheekrene,i cant imagine that. cos everyday i get to see javion and even hours I BTH liao. haa.. my hubby say im too "over" liaoz.

U noe what, he even ask my best friend jio me out for a walk...



alternate day is fine with me. but more than a day, i miss until crazy.. haha. i just like being torture by her... oops...

