(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Oh jasmine, u call j&j before? Mm.. Then 凶多几少... See how my fren response...

Duckling, u wan me to get at sun plaza n when u come broadway makan, I can pas to u?

Jasmine u still look young lor..



i emailed them.. i'm young but i don't look young.. -.-


GOO.N diaper company replied, 33 sample packs of XL diapers are ready for collection.

21 Bukit Batok Crescent, #08-72 WCEGA Tower, S(658065)

Collection time: 9:30am - 4:30pm (Must call them before going down to collect, I will email the number to whoever is helping to collect)

But who can go collect?? I'm staying in the east and I don't drive so I can't help, anyone can help??

Jts a mn incident yesterday.. My gal was in the walker n roaming in e living room.. Mum n elder gal went out to buy food.. I m in e kitchen peeling pear for my gal to eat.. Suddenly my gal was crying loudly non-stop.. So I went n take a look.. My folded stroller fell n the handle hook over her neck.. She can't move n the weight of the stroller was pulling her down.. Luckily no bruises, juz some redness on e neck.. N also lucky that my combi (old model) is light weight! Cannot imagine those 8-10kg stroller hooked her neck.. So mummies watch out for potential danger when u leave ur bb in e walker...

Any mummy wan to exchange fm? I give u 1 tin similac + 2 $5 abbott voucher, u give me 1 tin mamil gold. 400g. Prefer to meet weekends at united square. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Actually house Alot hazards .. Once, when my boy was on walker, he also cry loudly.. Then I saw his hand sandwich between his walker and coffee table..got a red line on his hand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think for bb, everywhere and everything in the house is hazardous, be it heavy or light.. So we need constant lookout for them.. We need 4 eyes instead of 2. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How old are u? But ur girl already 5 yrs old!!


U can one, it's up to u if u Wana give up giving full feed to ur boy. If u can let go, then u can relax abit.


thanks for your help! i've forward you the email.


so scary! my boy was in the walker then suddenly my capella (super heavy!) fall onto the floor. luckily, my boy was not near it.


im 23.. but definitely don't look like 23.. haha..


go for it! bb J alrdy so handsome & pretty =P confirm his meimei also ver pretty!

MVH, thanks for your offer... I had smsed my hb ask him to buy this morning, see whether he can get it not, if not, then I ask your help then, thanks ya.

Jascmy, very strange. I pm you this morning & copy myself too, I have recd the email leh... anyway, I have pm you again, check it out.


hmmm how come your stroller in the living room huh??

should at least keep somewhere out of reach since it's easily topple...

yah agree with sunflower... house got a lot of hazard, especially now they know how to crawl and climb... my son tried to reach out to a higher place, be it sofa or tv console... if he don't have much strength to pull himself up or it's slippery, his hand give way, then again if he not fast enough to react fast to use his hand to support the floor, he'll also bang onto the floor or bang forward... so dangerous.

Jasmine, majority of us is envious about your age! and u no nid to work!!! so good.. im nw working.. today super no mood.. ALSO HAVE TO WORK.... ARGH...

Duckling, strange, no leh. I received MVH's PM but nvr receive yours till now.

Jasmine, u r really very young! You look young too.


no need jealous! have to give up freedom and my youth to my kids.. i will rather have kids few years later..

sunflower, rachel,

17 preg, 18 gave birth.. seriously nth to envy about.. all my same age friends are still studying.. i'm more envy about that..


i was working when i only have 1 child.. my mil looked after her for almost 4yrs.. but end up my girl is v naughty and only eat junk food.. >< so i don't want my mil to look after #2.. so i quit my job after i know im preg with #2..


no 1988, same as penguin!


my hb always say i look like aunty. -.-

Jasmine, how old is ur hb then? there is pro & con to have kids at the younger age... ppl said hao ming... but yes, need to sacrifice the freedom earlier...

Jacsmy, really v strange as I sent twice already & have received both myself. U pm mr your email address, I send directly to ur email then.


you look v young!!


oh ya.. can see the age from ic no.


he's turning 27.. if they are filial if future then im hao ming..

Ya I'm curious ur hb age too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cos he look young too..

But 18 give birth really sacrifice lots of freedom leh.. But u happy can le..

jasmine, actually u will have your freedom again and earlier than us once your 2 kids grown up.

You can still go climb the mountain, run and jump etc..

I worried when I got my freedom again I can't wlke too much liao. Cos very old liao.

Jascmy, I have reply to your email, let me know if you have received it...

Jasmine, both u & ur hb very young...haha, you r right... if the kids are filial in future then can consider hao ming... but at least when u r 30yr old, ur girl already 12! My #1 was born when I was 30 :p


23yo is v young for a mother of 2! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway is fate la. xian ku hou tian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and i am older than ur hb.. haa..


u dont look old la. as long ur heart is young! if u feel old, no matter wat's ur age u also old... wei lao xian shuai :p

Duckling, got it. Thanks.

Will call them tonite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

alibaba, yup, mus have a young heart. Now whole body aching here and there most of the time loh. Heart still young. I wan go skydive!! Hehee...

You mus be younger then me too rite?


i am born in yr of dog...paiseh to say the yr.. cause i know there'a alot of younger mummies here.. skydive is wat?? me sua ku :p u got body ache because u got not enough rest mah..

haa. maybe my topic too ah soh..

my friends haven even got a house, married and my topic to them is like "today NTUC got offer"..

tat kind.. haha no similar topic to chat with.... they still choing, KTV etc.. while im at home cleaning up..

I always wanted to have a bb at young age, but till now then have the ability to...

Hi, finally manage to get thru jwt hotline.. Have been dialing +65 but engage e whole morning.. Now I try dial without +65 n it get thru rite away.. Strange..

Anyway, for our bb age group there is no weekend classes..

So I ask if possible to arrange a class for us..

Date given to us 30th April 1-2pm UE square..

Max 12 babies only.. Free for uob card members.. Else have to pay $44.94...

I will come up wif e namelist for those who reserved originally.. Pls re-confirm again.. Need at least 1 weeks notice to jwt..

jascmy, you so happening and DARING to go sky diving. My hubby tried that together with bungee jump when we were in NZ. I thot he is siao!


same!! so now i'm closer to mummies friends instead of single ones. -.-


but i think you look younger than your age~


i'm interested! but i don't have uob a/c.. my hb also doesn't have..

Cheese, me too!! Check out ntuc, shop and save, giant!! Pampers got offer?! Apple how much? Haha

But u also look young la, where got ah soh


Pls confirm whether mummies in e list going or not..

Duckling, sorry have to put u on waiting list

1. Mvh


3. Jasmine Goh

4.white lady

5. Sunflower

6. Mamyvelle

7. Cheekrene

8. Eeyore

9. Fumiko

10. Dreamz

11. Xuan

12. Jascmy

Waiting list

1. Duckling

Sunflower, mine also don know how to crawl and refuse to learn. He want to stand now. I will still bring him go. Can play other games mah.

haha... I think we all same here, that's why we join the forum as we have the same topic...

Share a joke... I rem that when my boy was abt 2-3mth old, I was v v bz due to bfg... then one day one of my single friend msn me, jio me to go mc for breakfast... then i reply her, breastfast huh? cannot la, too bz cos breast feeding... she get shock on my reply of 'breastfast'... :p said i think to much of breast liao... lolx

MVH, count me in ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmine, Eeyore, yes scary!! I put it near the shoes area coz go out easy to take mah.. But she super kpo.. Go everywhere drag here n there, pull, bite.. But she very cute.. Got once I was showering my elder gal in my master toilet, the door 3/4 close.. Daddy put her in walker n she walked fr living room to master bedroom n search for us.. When she saw us thru e 1/4 open door, she is so happy n stand there n watch us..

