(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Huggies Pull Up pants (M)

Anyone bb still can wear? Tot of selling it away.. :x

I buy too much and ... this one like cannot wear liao..


jasmine, my boy also poo backflow lei..

i think its because of his sitting position, every brand I use also like that..but doenst happen often unless is a lot

Haven tried the 0.60/pc diaper if this happen a not though..

jasmine, yup, WX still wearing M size. Can I will have all. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheese, np, I will collect for you.


really hope to see bb J! but in case you didn't come, will pass the rusks to jascmy. yup if he poo when he's in the walker, will backflow.. size M is v tight for his backside..


okok sure!


Count me on for the trial lesson.

Jasmine. Cheekrene,

My ger can join in too.

By the way, should we each bring a small toy? Then they can share? Or probably snatch each other's. Haha....

Jascmy: nope.. not gg to the trial. i dun tink Gen will wan to play there.. will bring her again when she is older then she can njoy there..


wanna let my boy try the huggies one, he still wearing petpet M size, so thought of letting him to try out the huggies.

jasmine, jascmy,

can i have like 2 to 3 pieces of the huggies? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fumiko, sorry leh, My house full house liao & I cap at 15 attendances only. all slot taken up...

xuan, no need to bring toys la, my house got a lot of toys...

I m waiting for the time to knock-off from office too... raining make me sleepy...

This 2 days my China factory shut down, so I very free... count down gg home now :p


im planning to take cab from bedok to yishun.. confirm v exp.. don't think i can handle jerrenz in bus..


ok.. i will bring all for you and jascmy..

talking about bb crawling, do you all let your baby crawl all over the house? i very scared my bb knock on the floor while crawling. but very tiring to keep catching her back onto the playmat.


great. i will bring the nestle cereal sample.


ok, i will check tonight or tomorrow morning. thanks!


try to see if anyone stay nearer you. can share cab down.


last time always tummy time and flipping..then my mum always put on walker, now refused to even flip..

jasmine and cheekrene,

rem the 3 of our babies need to take pic kekeke


i saw your fb msg. will check bank later or tomorrow. anyway duckling stay near mrt and bus interchange. you see how you get there or else take cab... never see you before, so must come hor.. hehe!


sure, we must take photo of our 3 babies. i will bring my camera... hehe!

Eeyore, ur gal tried alot of trial gym? So which one is good to go?

Sunflower, my gal whole body on e floor. Use hands/ arms to move forward , then body moves forwards.. Sometimes on fours but can't coordinate hands n legs n bang face on e floor..


For me I think kindermusik, gug & gymboree quite nice and gug, for those gym type Bb can js train at home, it helps to train up the mobile skills but still trainers like all not very expert in making Bb concentrate, also all these actually make the accompanied parent very tiring, sometimes need to carry them up and down like kindermusik, oh just rem, cannot imagine how sunflower gg to cope if she's carrying her sumo boy... To add on, training up mobile skills can save $$ and do it at home or rent a playgym for them but still now u'll be afraid they might fall so back to square one, tire the parents only, keep following them..

Whitelady, dreamz, mamyvelle, do confirm whether u wanna go jwt trial class on 30april 1-2pm UE sq..

Anyone else interested in the trial class beside duckling? Tomolo I can call jwt n ask can open another trial class for us but I think must have enuff bb..

Sweetkyra , noted..

Eeyore.. I brought my elder gal to gug before.. Dun really like it.. N too ex! $50 for 1.5hr wif 15 mins break.. They have zoo phonics which I went to the zoo phonics school instead and cost $30 for 1.5hr only.. My gal loves the school n fr 20 months till now she still enjoys going.. Wanna stop her but she doesn't want..


Oic, at least she started on her arms to push herself Liao.. Very fast shld be able to crawl Liao.. Ann's and charmaine's boy's very fast , already can stand unsupported for a while


I am interested in the free trial gym class. I have uob card. Do i need to prepare/bring anything for the class?

alibaba, I don hav safra card. I will be swimming in my sis-in-law's condo.

QQ, Think alibaba wil return the float to you since my swim date not fix yet.


So far I never sign up any of them except for kidzloft, it's a zoo phonics class where the school used to be in cluny court, later stop then moved to near turf city... during cluny court times, parents have to accompany the kids but maybe also due to they're still small need security... but moved to turf city, I js leave her there then come back to her around noon time, brought along her lunch and have lunch with the kids... what i like about the class is the euthusiam of the teacher, very dedicate... but super ex...

Mummies going to duckling's hse this sat. I bought 2 tins of Happy Bellies Organic Brown Rice cereal 198g from a mummy for $10. Anyone want to share one tin with me at $5?

hi mummies,

I used to bring in some girls tees, as now I'm moving to a smaller place hence need to clear my stocks, are u all interested to help to clear??

6 designs - Price: $6


Sizes Available:

Size 5 - approx 2yo

Size 7 - approx 3yo

Size 9 - approx 4yo

Size 11 - approx 5yo

Size 13 - approx 6yo

mvh, where is zoo phonic? what is the youngest age for the class?

wow seem like there are so many pattern of class..

kindermusic only for music rite? got gym inside too?

still got gug..wow wat tat manz..

wow nowadays..really spend lots of money on kids..




i want design 02 and 04.

size wise 11 or 13. thanks

jascmy, roger on neck float.. ok.. i cincai de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

