(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Cheekrene, I remember I have a fren working in johnson baby .. But he is working in India lol.. Anyway, I send an email to him asking for sponsorship, if not get contacts of his colleague in sg branch.. Hope he will reply to me soon n not throw my email in his rubbish.. Lol...


My girl will cough once in awhile and night time while sleeping , she will always get choke leh ... Y huh ? And hor , her flu n cough on n off and till now she 8 mths Liao , her 6 in 1 last jab haven't taken leh ! Jia liat lor !!

Penguin, since it is the current arrangement, u should take the chance that u can bond with baby more and this is really a privilege! Think positive, you will be happy... Or happier.

If u are too tired, rest more when bb is sleeping or when someone is around to help, e.g. Hb.

It is v difficult to distinguish the roles and arrangement, but both parties should help each other,

Rachel, cold sweat means body is weak. Called xu1 in Chinese. U may try to give more warming food, red date water? And let him wear socks...

My ah boy is also xu1 sometimes.

penguin_88, ya don compare. My hubby always compare and I hate it. He always make me feel EBM is a waste of time. I'm trying hard to think positive too so that my supply will go on.

Currently, our arrangement is also the same. I sleep late cos I need to pump and wake up early to pump and prepare myself to work. I do all nite feeds too. Hubby will sleep earlier then me and wake up 30mins later to prepare Bb to ifc. Then we both left the hse at 7.05am for ifc then work. After work I will hav to rush to fetch my boy and walk for 15mins home. Carrying my boy and a bulky luggage bag. If it rains then worst, hav to carry bag and Bb up the bus. Hubby knock off at 6pm and wif the jam he always reach hm at 7+pm. So no choice I hav to fetch my boy. Now without part-time maid, I'm also going crazy soon. Hse not clean for 2+wks liao. Faint hor. No time leh.

I'm used to the life liao. But everyday still zombie at work. Endure! Think positive! Jia you!

MVH, can I have the contact of your part-time maid? Or anyone hav part-time maid in sembawang area to recommend.


I called my PD. He told me two reasons why the body cold and damp. One is he is in a warm environment and he perspires to cool down his temperate. Second reason is he is in pain or discomfort. I think my boy is the latter since he also cries abit and very manja. That day i brought him to see a performance at a CCC he even bit his lip and wanna cry, thats not his usual behavior.


wow, you have to leave house at 7.05am, thats very early. That time I try out the ifc, have to leave house at 7.35am also feel so stress. Especially i have to make my baby take medicine also. Now with maid, I leave the house at 8.05am and only make sure I feed my boy medicine. The rest the maid will settle.

Rachel, cos I start work at 8am so I mus leave at 7.05am and catch the 7.30am train or I will be late for work. I wake up at 5.30am and sleep at 11.30pm everyday. Plus nite feeds... so tired. No mood to work but no choice. We need the income.

I can't employ maid. Cos one day my whole family sure gonna poison to death. My hubby very supper fussy and da nan ren. My Mum, CL and part-time maid scare of him liao. Only I can tolerate him.

I can only ask my part-time maid to come on weekdays when he not at home.

Mummies attending first birthday bash:

does anyone has feedback on the GOODIES BAG? do give me and bakaholic some ideas if possible and we see how we can get.


do let me know if your friend can help us on johnson.

Goodies Bag for #1 & #2

Does any mummy want to get goodies bag for your #1 & #2?

How old is your kids?

Please note additional cost will be incurred for their goodies bag.

Vote, please?

a) MVH – 3 year old girl

b) Jasmine Goh – 5 year old girl

c) Duckling – 4 year old girl

d) Haitang – 4 year old boy

e) QQ – 4 year old girl

f) tikey – 3 years old boy

g) saffy - 3 or 4 years old boy

Yet to reply:

g) Shay (2 boys)

h) cyn here (1 boy)

i) nekowong (1 boy)

j) mamyvelle (1 girl)

k) purelyz (1 boy)


- Goodies Bag for #1 & #2 consist of party bags, some titbits & Yakult ($1.50), cupcakes ($3), stationery Set ($2.50), etc.

- If no reply from you by 8th April, we will leave your kids out.

Goodies Bag for our birthday celebrants

We got sponsorship from Heinz and Goon Diaper. Still sourcing for other free stuffs, awaiting for Nestle, Johnson & Pigeon.

We will buy the following:

- party bags

- candles (for individual birthday cupcakes) ($1)

- Some titbits & Yakult ($1.50)

Budget: $4 each.

wow, last nite so many post here...

Sunflower/ MVH, which gurdian you all go n buy the baby vick huh? I went NTUC at civic center last night, there dun sell that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

eeyore, it is ok if u din bring ur DSLR la... bring ur girl, she can be friend with my girl!!

chreekrene, thanks so much for your arranging for all the baby bash thing. I will transfer the remainding $$ to you later & let you know the detail.

QQ, finally u r back huh?! hehe, Ah will on FM liao?! good good, we can start plan for outing!

Gathering at my house is this sat 1-4pm, I will resend the attendance list on Thu or Fri again.

Jascmy, I just pm you my part time maids contact, check it out. Hope it is help.

ya duckling, my boy also have running nose for weeks, my sis say is teething but I see no sign of tooth. but surprisely after a week or 2, he have 2 little pearlie liao! my boy still occasionally cough.. dun noe if really another sigh of teething? recently he kept rubbing his plam into his mouth..

Winnie_gal, jascmy, i might not go sat gathering cos of his cough now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sob sob.

Maybe when u all gather, i jus pop by and see everyone bb without him? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rachel, temp 36.6 is consider normal, dun have to worry too much. When u cook porridge, can put some 四神粉 in it, it helps baby 开胃and eat more. I tried it & it works for my boy.

White_lady, how come ur girl havent take 6in1? tot to be take by 6 mos?

Xuan, okok, thank fyi. Now I know running nose is one of the teething symptons... then my boy might due to it too...

cheese, ur boy got running nose too? so many of our babies here sick.... why u all always think our baby dun get well by Sat? I opp leh, think he sure will be ok by then... dun worry so much, just come la! haha!!


haha i scared my gal bully your gal as she always play with boys one...


why don't u try to drop the morning pump so that u need not wake up so early, or u pump the first thing u reach office... although bm is good for bb but if u never take care of your own health, u also can't give quality milk right?? stress and tiredness will affect the milk supply also, so what for tire yourself out... bm is not the only thing bb can drink, u can still supplement with fm...


just a suggestion la..dont knw the rest agree or not hehe.. since most of our babies are sick, shall we postpone? i guess the mummies still wana join the gathering, but babies are sick! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i bought from my office leh..millenia walk..if u wan, i can buy for u first..then u pick up from me since we stay so near..but will be tomorrow cos tday not working.


we have the same timing..every nite slp between 1130pm-12am..wake up at 530am..but my boy only fuss for milk ard 5-530am..and i also need to pump and get out of the hse by 715am although im working at 9am! u try to train ur boy to wake up ard the time u need to pump, so u dont wake up so many times.. i noe how u feel cos its really tiring!!


He had occasionally cough and doc say might lead to flu.. now I apply vicks on his nose to prevent it.

cos they got limited med.. and I know cough, flu will take some time.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I also wanna come lei! let them play.. I hope he can recover fast!

funny is why he cough more frequent during mid night? he start to cough at 3am to 6am a few times.. give him water to help a bit..

i remb someone send a FB msg askin for confinement lady..

i remb tat time QQ got a gd confinement lady..

but i dunno QQ real name ..oso dunno she was asked in the FB msg or not..

maybe the ger lookin for CL can ask QQ for contacts too

QQ, oh ya, you also have DSLR right.... sure it will be OK for your ah Jay to bring it to baby Bash for PS.... dun think anybody here will reject for free photoshoot!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eeyore, haha...just bring her la, let them play before we can conclude who bully who mah...

Jascmy, I agree with eeyore leh, you wake up at 5.30am & sleep at 11.30pm + night feed... this is really tiring... dun over stress for yourself, give some supplement is ok too...

sunflower, it is ok, later I go CWP guardian see have or not. I think my boy getting better liao, eventhougt still have running nose, but the mucus is those dry type already... hope he can speedy recover...We see the situation by coming Fri... if still many of us can not make it, then we postpone... but now let's keep the positive thinking that all babies will be fine by then ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheese, come lah. Maybe we set an area for sick bbs. They can play wif each other there. And Bb tok with the rest of the Bbs for far. hehee...

Think they will get well by sat.

Duckling, Thanks. Waiting for the email to pop up now.

eeyore, my hubby also asked me to pump 1st thing when I reach office. Maybe can try. Reach early and pump b4 start work. Now hoping that bb can sleep thru the nite and hubby don compare work done then I will hav no more stress. Cos I have actually got use to the life liao. Hubby always say I do so little work and he did a lot cos I sit and pump most of the time. So angry. With such thinking my supply sure drop leh.


try guardian if got baby vicks. if you cant get, let me know. i can buy from my jurong side. oh i didnt know running nose can be cause of teething as my girl had it few weeks ago.

quality of BM:

er..if i dun really watch my diet, does it really affect the quality of BM?

Do i need to eat fish and vege every meal to provide gd BM?

i eat all food le, tibits la, tom yam soup la, curry la, milk la, deep fried food la, bbq food la, vege la, durian la..

so all the BM i produce is lousy?

any advise?

then wat food can i eat?

i have a coll who eat fish soup every meal for 23th months..i dun tink i can ...she really wei da..lolz


my ger last nite suddenly flu..i tot my aircon too cold..last nite i on a fan to circulate air..

ok wil check whether she pop any tooth out few wk later..lolz

Sunflower, train liao. Failed! Cos he different pattern everyday. Sometimes sleep till 5.30am, sometimes wake up at 3am, 4am and sometime every hr last last weekend. Haiz.... pattern more than badminton.


i eat economic rice every lunch and dinner..so i make sure i have fish, vege and meat .. just try ur best lor..


why dont u slow down ur pump..its really tiring leh..my hb once complained too..he really did alot lar, he does all the hse work, look after bb while i pump etc.. still gota fetch us to and fro everyday...so i think he is really tired lor..so wat i do now is to slow down my pump..dont stick to the timing..ok pump 2-3 times a day, as and when im free..so when i settle my bb to slp, then i quickly pump..u have less stress, and less quarrels with hb...i tink 8mth of full bm is sufficient, now u just pump as and when to supplement ... dont tired urself too..woman after 30yrs age very FAST!

Fumiko_neko, I also eat everything except, raw food and coffee. I try to have fish for at least 1 meal a day. Sometimes no fish at all. Hehee... I can't control my diet leh. So long nvr put on weight can liao.

i eaT DHA pill everyday la..cos i noe i cant possible eat fish everyday..

anyway, i dun dare to weigh myself again after i pump less...cos i tink pump less = lose lesser weight...hahaha..and i cant stop eating...lolz


I emailed johnson baby before for sponsorship but they replied & said they don't do such sponsorship.. But hopefully your friend has such lobang~

Sunflower, I can't leh. My supply really very little. I need 5 pump in order to meet my boy's demand. Few more mths to go. I will do what u did now once my boy is 1yr old. I don care abt my hubby now. Now I will multi task. I will feed my boy while pumping, used computer to do some stuff for my FIL, look after my boy while my hubby do his own things etc...

OMG, after 30 age very fast ah. Chiam, I aldy age a lot after given birth to my boy.

Jasmine, after pregnancy and delivery of Bb, we gals will age a lot. No matter the age. Then with age 30 will age faster and more...... Haiz....


like i say, no prob with supply drop, there's always fm around... u've done your best already since u've past the 6th month mark... I rem someone mention before that after 6mo the benefit for bb drinking bm actually reduce that's why they need to start on solid food to get the other nutrients right...

if your hb likes to compare so much on who's doing more or less, then u tell him to switch roles with u, ask him to get pregnant, give birth and pump milk... if he cannot then just shut up... we ourselves also wish to have more time... but when bb is more clinging to us, everything is worth it... like last night, both me and hb is sitting down, hb is carrying bb but when bb saw me, he keep crying for me to carry him...


sure i think i'll bring my gal, to give hb an excuse to rest...

btw, causeway pt no guardian currently leh.


I rem u mentioned before every 3 hrs pump, u get about 80 to 90ml is it...

pls lar, u haven't met those more than 3 hrs got even lesser than u... 1 of my colleague got very less supply like few hrs only get 30 to 40ml but she still try her best... ppl keep saying their supply reduce, like u lor, then she get very gek sim bcos hers even worst...

nah, no need..i jus checking only..u can still buy yakult..

if really can drink yakult..tat wil b great!!!

kekeke cos i love drinking yakult..then i can buy more and let my ger drink too!! hehehe

eeyro, yup, I will try my best and don stress myself. My boy clinging to both me and hubby. He jus wan us to carry no matter me or hubby. But when someone else carry him and he saw us, he will stretch arms and wan us to carry. At least hubby is helping to do lots of work. Think positive!

How I wish men can also get a taste of menses, pregnancy, delivery of Bb and bf.

chreekrene, I transfered S$17 to you liao, have sent the info to you FB message, pls check, arigatok!

eeyore, huh? CWP no Guardian liao? alamak... nvrmd, I call my hb, ask him to check out his area there got sell not... thanks for the info

Ageing :

I also lor... Age very fast lor . See my photo I scare . Poor mummy haha .... Y age fast but fat reduce slow huh ? Hai .... I very lazy to take care my face one , but after #2, I will apply serum , dayscreen on face n even neck ! Haha

eeyore_03, yup yup, I know. But when see supply drop by half or more, we ourselves will feel sad too mah. Jus try our best. Pump and give whatever we have. If not enough then give FM.

BTW, my boy now taking Mamil GOld (put in cereal). I find it very sweet and my boy also don like it. Next time will try Nan.

Most of your Bb taking the organic cereal and they like it?? Cos my boy sick of the brown rice cereal liao. Have to change brand.

Jascmy: actually u need to stress over ur pumping mah? i feel got milk mean got milk de.. somteimes when ur relax u manage to pump more?

u shld try like wat sunflower say? better rite?

me retire liao, pump when i feel full..hahaha..

last time i 6 hr only can pump 50ml nia? worse.. but i take it easy..

gerber bottle jar food:

for those who buy this brand..now giant is selling 2 bottles at $2.50 for small size..

2 bottles at $3.50 for big sizes


My girl's upper incisor had come out & i discovered that she grinds her teeth during the day. Is it heredity cause his dad do it in his sleep? Will she outgrow it?

Jascmy, sent u a pm le.. U really need someone to help u out wif e chores else u r too overloaded wif bb stuff le..

Cheekrene, I m waiting for his reply.. He is in India so can't call him.. Juz email him last nite so might take awhile for his response..

Duckling, I buy at sun plaza guardian.. Another brand sniffle baby also not bad.. White packaging wif a bear n a moon.. Or olbas oil for children.. But olbas can only apply on a tissue n air it near yr bb... All can get it fr guardian..

Cheese, I realize kids cough more in e early morning.. My elder gal has cough very frequent n if she takes medicine in e nite.. No cough throughout e nite till ard 7am starts coughing.. Maybe morning han2 so cough easily?


Fumiko, occasionally eat unhealthy stuff is ok la.. I read that somehow our bodies can still produce good quality milk for our bb despite our intake.. But maybe will be bad for mummies coz no more good nutrients left for ourselves if we keep on eating junk food? I also cannot eat fish soup every meal.. I think yr fren wanna boost the milk supply ba..

