(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

duckling, I will cook porridge once for lunch. Dinner will be cereal + puree or most of the time I will give potato + puree cos weekday he eat cereal + puree for dinner so weekend change a bit.


Fumiko_neko, ya, actually not true abt the build immune system. I myself a full bf bb till 5yrs old. I fall sick very easily since birth. Hahaa...

But I still bf cos I read that there are some nutrients that are found in BM not in FM. FM is trying their very best to find those and add in but still not able to be the same. Thats y its call formula milk instead of cows milk.

I will try to full bf till I'm totally dry up. Hope to like my mum, bf till 5yrs old (she drys up). Hahaa... but don think I can cos my supply is dropping fast. If can "dong" for 1yr I will be very happy liao. I also give some FM into the cereal but Bb don seems to like.

fumiko, ya, for those popular school normally very hot 1... you can find the CC info thru the childcare link, can see the location & price there... can shortlisted few first then look for more info after that...


cheekrene, so how does ur mum keep the remaining porridge for dinner? still leave it in slow cooker or take out? then reheat again during dinner time?

sunflower, dun say that la... no doubts bfing will be the BEST to build up bb immune system... i just an wei myself that our kids easy get sick due to enviroment we r here mah... what to do...

creacent, can keep the porridge till next day meh? i also heard my sis told me her sil cook the proridge then freeze in freezer for 1 week consumption... but i hesitate to do so leh... feel not v fresh like that... :p


i think my girl wont want to have photoshoot. she recognise people so dun think she will be cooperative.


my mum will heat till the dinner time. as long as it is warm, still can feed.

btw mummies, anyone using avent via cup to store biscuits? running out of tupperware to put my boy biscuit.. and I bot lock & Lock the biscuit veri fast lou fong.. dun dare to put much outside..

sunflower, like what duckling says. is the environment barz.. like my boy in IFC.. if teacher cough or flu.. our bb will tend to have running nose also.. so.. haiz.. bo bian lorz. even if we take care of ourself, we will also fall sick marz.

yap, agree that BM is the best! continue for those who can still bf, a bit also better than nothing ok? it's ok to give a bit of FM if BM is not enough for them.. as a mummy, we had already tried our best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


too small? but i can only find those 80x80cm type. can't find any bigger one. thanks for your offer but you stay quite far from me right?


it's indeed creative but i'm looking at those classic photoshoot type. does he offer that?


i use avent via cup to store his cereal powder, then put inside a ziplock bag just incase of leakage. btw, how you find the little gym trial class? my boy still can't crawl yet, worth going?


but warm food , put to freezer, then bring out and reheat, really no gd leh..the nutrients are not there anymore leh..maybe dont do it permanently.


how do u cure running nose? mine has been there for a week, now going to lead to cough liao..im very stress..

Jasmine:- little gym classes.

At that time, J also nv crawl so well.. he just play with those toys given etc. Or the classes me and Winnie gal join is like lesson 8? perhaps lesson 1 is more of the basic? Not so sure.. but in the end of the lesson, he is so high and veri hyper.. dun tink he is tired at all..not so keen to join till he is older again.

But for the polliwogs, good for playing!

He is so curious abt those crawling and many balls as compare at home! haha. he show "evil" and mischevious look when he see so many things at a go and many colour object!!! But.. just a note, they will measure our temperature before entering the playarea.. but many balls were "chew" /share among many bb, todclers etc..

Overall, he KO after playing for like an hour?? haa.. good exercise!

Sunflower - yap, i just bb vicks for my boy and will put a thin layer when he is abt to sleep .. im stress too .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my boy cough occasionally and I bring him to see doc.. gave the same old medicine as bb dun have much range of med to prescribe.. just let him recover on his own.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

running nose/coughs,

apply baby vicks at their feet n wear socks before they sleep.. apply on their throat, chest n back.. they will cough less in the middle of the night.. my boy recently also had running nose n leads to coughing, saw one mummy on one of the smh thread posted this method.. i tried n it works, my boy cough lesser n breath better at night when sleeps.. n for babies who suck pacifier to sleep, try to remove it once they fall into deep sleep, this will let them breath better too.

hope this method helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya my mum told me bout it, but I didn't buy, tot ru Yi oil wrks the same.. So has been doing that.


Ya I also realized see PD waste money cos they give same med.. And i still have them. Ok shall try baby vicks.. So ur boy ok Liao? How come the teachers no wear mask? Very irresponsible leh


Oh ya , about the nose drop illadin , I didn't apply religiously, only at nite before slp.. Bcos that one unite strong, can thin the nostril and bleed.. So only if the nose turn tap, then I apply, else only at nite.. But it wrks actually, next morning come back agn


why not keen? cos only play toys and he still have too much energy?


yan cuppies replied me, the cupcake (standard size) is $3.50 inclusive of packaging.

Sunflower:- i dun blame them larz.. like us, occasionally cough and sneeze? adults will do that too marz.. so it's just conincidence that he also had cough le..now he still ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] still as playful and active so i dun worry so much and doc say he is ok.

running nose,

my ger had running nose since last wed, up till now the tap still on. I read that one of the symptoms for teething is runny nose. So not sure if my ger is teething now. Tried to feel her gums but not swollen leh. If my ger still dun recover by sat, will have to miss this week's playdate.

Regarding, illadin, my doc say apply only when she has blocked nose and have to follow the apply 5 days, stop for 7 days rule. Maybe as wat Sunflower had mentioned, not too good for the nose in long term.

Dear Mummies who are attending First Birthday Bash, please read below and would appreciate to get your answers asap. Thanks!

First Birthday Bash for Our July/August Babies:

Goodies Bag for #1 & #2

Does any mummy want to get goodies bag for your #1 & #2?

How old is your kids?

Please note additional cost will be incurred for their goodies bag.

Vote, please?

a) MVH - 3 year old girl

b) Jasmine Goh - 5 year old girl

c) Duckling - 4 year old girl

Yet to reply:

d) Shay (2 boys)

e) Haitang (1 boy)

f) QQ (1 girl)

g) saffy (1 boy)

h) tikey (1 boy)

i) cyn here (1 boy)

j) nekowong (1 boy)

k) mamyvelle (1 girl)

l) purelyz (1 boy)

FYI, I will collect $10 for the goodies bags for your #1 & #2 soon. If no reply from you by 8th April, we will leave your kids out.

Goodies Bag for our babies

We got sponsorship from Heinz and Goon Diaper. Still sourcing for other free stuffs.

We will buy party bags and candles (for individual birthday cupcakes) to include in. Will let you know the budget soon.

Theme for Gymboree's activity:

I will decide on Farmyard Fun.

Birthday Cupcakes

Bakaholic had helped us to look for birthday cupcakes for our babies including #1 & #2.

Each cupcake cost $2.90 including packaging. Will collect money soon.

Total Amount for Goodies Bags and Cupcakes

I will calculate the total amount and will collect the money from those mummies with babies first!

For those with #1 & #2, I will settle with you soon as I am still waiting for the rest to reply me.

Thank you!

re: illadin

i also use it but hor, dun use it frequently. if in need, then use. my girl also recover by herself after 1 month.


the tub is at my mum place, tamp. Let me know if u dun mind coming over.


i will cook the portion just nice for the day; no overnight. weekends, me as a lazy mum, i will cook plain porridge with "kan bei" & then add puree into it. i leave it on slow cooker as it takes least of my effort.

jasmine, wat u mean by classic?? Got eg.?

cheekrene, I'm waiting for my friend's reply on pigeon product. Cos she say she will ask the co. today Hope her co. Pigeon can sponsor at least wipes.

jasmine ,cheese, susan, vick or normal vicks & bb vicks meh? i know vicks but didn't know that there is 1 for baby? how does it looks like?

xuan, running nose is the symptoms of teething too? my boy also teething now. I only heard will fever & diarrhea, first time know will lead to running nose leh...

duckling - I'm one of the mummies who cook big portion of porridge in the morning and feed twice a day.

I get up at 8 to wash the rice and cook.. usually will add vege, fish, potato or meat etc. Around 11.30 I will scoop half into thermos (I have a very good one that can keep food warm up to 5 hrs) and another half I feed him straight away.. like that less hassle for me. then around 4-5 hours later I will feed him the thermos potion. So far ok, both times he finish all.

I think I'm abit addicted to cooking porridge for him liao hahaha so now I will set aside two days of the week to feed him cereal instead :p

someone recommend olbas oil for running nose? so far quite effective for my boy. he also got running nose like for weeks liao, take meds only stop temporary, so I give up on the meds, I think he is teething now (drooling more and keep making that boo boo sound) so I think running nose also one of the symptoms, so I just bochup lah unless it gets more serious.

Thanks Jasmine. okok, I will buy from agape website too. I bot Lansinoh Milk Bags from her last time, din know that she is selling baby vick too... thanks for the info ya...


go ntuc or guardian to get babyvicks.. cheaper than BP..


agape sell very expensive for babyvicks. i go ntuc or guardian, realise it was cheaper.


i intro olbas.. very effective.. hehe

cheekrene, do we want event photoshot for the birthday bash?? My friend charging $80/hr plus CD of all pics taken. Special rate.

duckling, i have tried using baby vicks but i find that the effect not as good as the normal vicks[for adults use], so i applied adult vicks on my boy's feet n also applied very thin layer on his throat, chest n back n also swipe very lightly across his nose..

the baby vicks was bought by my mil with cherry smell but i find the effect not so strong..

cheekrene, how much is ntuc selling huh? I just place order to agape thread then see ur message here.

susan, i heard ppl said put vick on baby b4... last time i want to try, but after i read the instruction on the 'adult vick' it stated not use for baby leh, only for age 2 yr & above... that is why I just learn to know there is baby vicks actually...

jasmine and duckling,

i also bought from agape at $8.50. then i happen to go ntuc and guardian, realise it was $6.50.


i got 1 mummy who can let us have free photography from her event photographer.

wah, sunflower, u so efficient leh... so fast come back from Guardian liao... okok, i will cancel the order from agape & go n get from ntuc or guardian tonite....

Love this forum... the information here is really fast!! haha!


I also prefer plain background or with a bit of wall stickers design... does your friend provide without artwork?? and how much for all softcopy return?? I would prefer to take it in studio as I want family photo... if do it in duckling's house might be too crowded and noisy, not advisable...


i stress ma..so faster react haha


adult vicks? wont it be too strong? i myself already find adults one very 'spicy' leh.. my mum apply concentrated ru yi oil on my boy's chest, he already 'jumping' and fussing till the spiciness faded..

My friend say can do publicity mah. But duckline mus approved. If not will be at my hse after the gathering?? I stay at sembawang.

He can do normal background for you too. I'm asking my friend to do a sample for u to see. Since you are the only one. My friend's photoshot will be $250 (U.P $350)at my home plus CD with all photos return in high resolution. If print with him will get special rate. He also do outdoor shoot This is promotional price only for this sat at my hse.

Anyone else interested?

