(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Cheekrene.what is the theme for?

To determine what they should organise that day?

Are we customizing? or shall we stick to colours?


Hi, what do u all use to wash your blender and baby cubes? My avent steamer cum blender is specially used for baby only, so I use the baby detergent to wash but is not clean to me. After cooking carrot or pumpkin will leave the orange stain, how to get rid?

I used mama lemon for the blender cos stuff like avocado too oily. I guess as long it's rinsed off properly, should be ok.

I used pigeon detergent for things like bottles, teats, pump parts.

Does gymboree provide deco since they have themes for us to choose?

Do we need to get anything else? Maybe can order online from spree.


they only have birthday banner. other decos will need to be provided by us... if everyone prefer to have deco, additional cost will be incurred if everyone agree. i am still looking at goodies bags (budget $5-10).

Are we having stickers/small toys in the goodies bags? there is a shop in ghim moh at cheaper price compared to the shops in malls.

I just bought a couple of stickers.

Do we provide candles for the cupcakes or everyone bring their own? The shop is selling those numbered ones for $1.

i am looking for small toys to put in goodies bag. stickers? hmm, i dun think they will know how to play with it. i need party bags and yup, candles (very impt)... all will go into the budget....

yup, we go there for lunch sometimes.

do you want me to buy? maybe can do up a list and bargain for better price. But i cannot bargain too well though. Haha..


how do you gauge how much helium for the those odd-shaped foil balloons? The smallest tank of helium can fill 40 latex balloons.


help me to find out.

here is the list:

- party bags

- number one candle (33 pcs only)

- small toys suitable for babies

- additional toys for #1 & #2

you can look out for other stuffs.

i am thinking of adding some food into the goodies bag (eg, small boxes of raisins, biscuits ,etc) i will source for it.


another place to look for budget gift bags is daiso, everything is only $2, be it big ones or small ones.. they also have decos for party too.. daiso is my favourite playground.. hahaha...

Really? You worked in the west?

Next time should meet for lunch. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


SKP also sells party stuff, maybe can go there to see also.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am trying to distribute the duties... so hopefully there will be mummies helping me out. i chase money, also tiring... hehe! if you help out on the cake, i will help to chase them and pay to you.. hehe!


where is skp? bugis?


not that cheap ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Actually I Duno.. For my case, if I rent, I just order a tank and use up all for foil and latex.. Cos I'm not gg to buy so many foil, only one big foil one for the theme, the rest giveaways are latex haha


not sure if bugis has one.. but there's one next to the KFC opposite BGH..


what thing not that cheap?


ohhh.. MOE, biopolis?

Pekkle, I still struggle wif my gal during lunch.. She prefers milk than cereal.. Thinking should i give porridge for lunch as well or not.. But morning need to prepare this n that, a bit troublesome...

U tried yogurt? My gal dun like.. Those hb puffs she also eat 3-4 then dun wan.. Bo pian lor.. Juz keep offering till she wants to eat one day..


My mum say this vege can grow stones in stomach..Not only mix with tofu.. Like that eat, if eat long term can also grow.. Think I stick to the normal spinach since that can aid constipation.


ohhh.. haha.. i never buy things from there, so dont know about the price, just suggest to cheekrene to have more options in finding gift bags.

Cheekrene, I saw cold storage got sell one big pack of small packing of organic raisins.. I think is organix brand.. Ard $7+ but dunno how many packs inside.. Maybe 15-20 packs..


so far only heinz and goon diaper.

oh ya i was to ask you about organix brand. does woodland cold storage sell it? i always have to go vivo to buy but woodland is nearer to my side. for organic raisins, i was talking about that, got 20 packs inside.

Sunflower, which one is the normal spinach? Confuse already.. I know 菠菜 n tofu not only cause stones but can weaken calcium storage eg bones, teeth.. So dun eat them together..

Got one SKP at sun plaza but small size shop..


ur normal spinanc is 苋菜?? the stalk that need to peel??

if is 苋菜, then it will cause bb leg to be weaken le...

hahaah...v ma fan hor..so many prob when feeding food to bb..

but 菠菜 shld b safe la..i tink many generation of caregiver had been feeding 菠菜 to many babies..


Hmm my mum and mil are giving this for all the bb yhey look after.. And during confinement can eat this spinach, so shldnt be leg weaken.. I tot kangkong shld be the one leg weaken.

Aiya think I give up haha.. Really mafan.. Even broccoli can produce air in stomach..Aiya just give la. Haha

ahaha ya ..we jus give la..

anyway..already give so long..

if really anything goin to happen..i tink already happen..

anyway 2012 is next yr..maybe by then we all die liao..

hahaha :p

ya, I'm confused liao. I always any how combine all food de. Eg. spinach, carrot and threadfin. Hahaa... my sis I combine too many liao.

hehe ya lor. i read until blur. whatever given, i think my mum already given some food to my girl which i dunno. i cant control. but minimal is ok.

Oic, she claimed bought at $8.80 so I thought it's cheaper from her.

Wow... 8 boxes, that's alot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yup, retail sell $8.80. agape seller sell at $7.00. vitakids sell at at $6.90. so far cold storage is the cheapest. i keep many stocks as my girl take cereal in every of her milk feeding. can run out very fast.




There is a skp near my lunch area as well. I can go see then. Hehe..Quality not that fantastic.

