(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Mvh lucky got label

Let me see if my Fridge got spinach then I take a pic n post

I oso squeeze orange juice and give to my bb but I add water

Where got balloon spree?



my girl used to be very smiley when strangers see her. About 6mths, she start to stare at them. Whenever in lift, she will stare but this time, the moment the stranger talk, she cry! We always bring her out on weekends and my mum also bring her to nearby shopping on alternate day and my dad bring her buy newspaper everyday so we find it weird when she cry!

Strangers: I tink gen depends on her mood leh, sometimes ok sometimes not.. At times, I caught her smile to stranger n show them cheeky face.. But I realise, if the person talk, she like wan 2 cry..

Come to tink bout it, isn't IFC bb more friendly??

haa winnie, ah boy also like that.

must see his mood one, he can wave bye bye to stranger and talk to them. but if at times ppl stop and wanna touch him, he will wanna give a cry face! gosh. i tot he will be friendly lor..

if nt he will give an innocent face.. haha..

I also dun noe why like that lei.


I'm planning too. Aldy bought the candle. Wanting to buy banners, balloons too. Any recomemded spree??

I still have 10kg to go leh. I'm still very fat fat even tot I lost abt 15kg liao.

cheese and winnie, my boy also same same. Depend on mood but most of the time will smile to strangers. When ppl touch him, he will give a blur look.


ya my girl also like that. When someone want to talk, she cry and look at her to "bao bao". I also thought at ifc, they should get used to strangers?!

White lady,

i already confirmed venue and already confirmed theme but yet to buy things!


I bought AIA plan and i upgrade to some elite plan which need to pay additional $200+ (or less, i can't remember liao) per year which you can claim 100% in the bills.


I followed closely to the baby eating guide so alot of stuff i didn't start first. I do have food allergies myself so i am very cautious on what he eats as he may inherit my allergies.

I think there are mummies out there which went ahead anyway so it's up to the individual.

I dun really like strangers touching him cos who knows what they have been touching, esp. now that my boy likes to suck his fingers. I will clean his hands with the food wipes if i couldn't prevent it. I think i am clean freak.

White lady,

You booked your venue liao? I am still looking but have shortlisted a couple.

I have decided on the theme so will start buying the party deco once i booked the venue.

Ah.. the cake, still deciding if i wanna bake for him. Hehe..

Not yet.. But I'm not doing fondant cake.. Most likely buttercream cartoon character cake. U went for that class ?

I was waiting after april cos can claim from company. But hor.. i check their website and found they dun have the class anymore. Anyway, i emailed them to ask so see how it goes.

If not, i just try it myself. Got a few mths to trial & error.

What was the website that can buy cheap party supplies?


my boy is like Seth... js keep looking at the stranger...

but want me to carry will cry quite badly, like the video i post in my FB...

onc daddy put him down on the floor, he'll cry and crawl towards me, until I carry him then he'll stop...

Sunflower, bakaholic,

what class are u talking abt??

I've always want to learn to bake cake but don't have chance and time...


u haven't conduct sharing lesson for us to go your house to learn to bake leh... :p

what theme and venue are u all thinking??

most likely I'll have my gal, 5yo and son's b'day together since they're only 5 days diff...


so u know how to do the normal sponge or chiffon cake??

my mil knows how to do the pandan cake but I didn't want to learn from her leh...

Cute? I think both sell similar products leh .. Just that party city got more items.. But birthday direct cheaper


Ask Bakaholic to conduct.. She's a pro haha..

The helium gas tank u posted, I've already contacted 2 of them.


Pandan chiffon is not difficult.. Just get recipe from online blog , and u can do it if u have basic baking knowledge


You very fast leh.. me still scouting..haha


Then you should start from scratch. At least you have understanding of the basics. And can troubleshoot more easily if the cake dun turn out.

Do you have oven at home?


I contacted them two weeks ago while sourcing.. Wana Noe the price to calculate if it's worth to buy balloons from spree . I just did a few comparation, think party city cheaper leh haha


Yes agreed, it's better u learn the basic first.. So it's easier .


i have not been baking since my econ times in sec school. my house got oven and i dun even used it at all since i move in one and a half year ago.


Yes I confirm Liao .... Theme wise , my girl still too young to show what she like . So I shall decide on a princess tiara theme .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] was also thinking of ordering from spree for the foil balloon .... Cos at first decide to order from those party shop . Those balloon package $108 ... Think we buy from spree will be cheaper ? But got to bring to balloon shop to put air ... Wonde how much per helium they charge


^5 me too, purposely buy bake cake oven, but never used it to bake cake since move in... now moving out, dunno whether to bring it along...


Yours is build-in type by the developer?

Need to turn on the oven every mth to let it run, otherise, the moisture in the air will cause short circuit. I haven't bake for a while but i try to turn on every now and then.

I used to cook alot with oven cos so much easier. Like baking fries, meat. Now, i dun cook as much so it's like a white elephant now.

wah lau, i had not planned anything leh.. i wan to custom make banner but scare waste $..

i still thinking wan to hold the party at home or chalet..sian..i seems to can't decide leh...

if go chalet i will need to put aside $ for this..

cheekrene: ya i duno y the so funny. since they are in IFC by rite, they shld be friendly leh...

mvh > my bb also 8mths liao ah...think she is a fussy eater like her father! yesterday my mom tried to feed her egg yolk, also reject....baby biscuits also don quite like....can only hope she kai qiao soon and start to enjoy her semi solids.

First Birthday Bash for Our July/August Babies:

1) 33 slots are fully taken up. I won't be adding in any slots due to space constraint at the venue. Sorry about it.

2) Estimated Budget

- As we have 33 babies, the estimated budget for Gymboree is $21.67 each. If any mummies are to extend the activity for your #1, #2 or baby, you will have to pay additional $20 directly at Gymboree. Please note that Gymboree will close at 8pm although our activity end at 7.30pm. Final payment for Gymboree will be done after the event.

- Budget for Cupcake will be $2-3 including packaging (if possible). Cupcakes will include your babies and for those who bring #1 & #2. Each mummies will pay depending on number of kids. Will keep you update.

- For those who have made deposit, please note that it will be non-refundable.

3) Sponsorship:

- Bakaholic had already collected 48 packs of Biscotti Organic 60g from Heinz. (Enough to give the babies, #1 & #2.)

- Jasmine got the sponsorship from Goon diaper, already submitted the names to the person-in-charge. (Keep you update)

- Mummies, is there any other sponsorship you can get? Please help! Thanks!

- I am looking for tote bags to put our sponsorship distribution. Please advise me. Thanks!

4) I won't advise on having food on that day due to time constraint as we only have half an hour of birthday celebration after the activity.

5) Theme for Gymboree's activity:

The 2 highest votes

- Farmyard Fun +7

- Storyland Adventure +7

Please vote again!

6) Goodies Bag

Any mummies wanna get goodies bag like adding some titbits for 1 year old babies?


ya lor. i just recently turn on and luckily still can use. then i will start to on it every month then.


since i move in, i got pregnant then no time to use it... now got baby, worst.. haha


i already start toufu on my girl. so far so good.

cheekrene, ok, I will try toufu cos jus saw a receipt using toufu and egg yoke to cook porridge. Lookes nice.

I will be meeting my friend's friend this sat. She is working in pigeon so keep asking me to buy. Haiz. I try ask her whether her company can sponsor some sample wipes or shampoos etc. Let u know on Mon.



i used sweet peas and frozen peas, my boy is okay with both.


i vote for Storyland Adventure again. and i just emailed yan cuppies (the one mvh used) about the price for 45 individual packaging upcakes. will let you know when she replied.

