(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

i give gen eat abit of char siew bao lol.. hahaha..and she taste yummy..

Mvh: u stay near 300+ in sembawang? is ur hse near broadway coffee shop?


Winnie, yes I stay opp the broadway coffee shop!

Fumiko, still got stalk can peel n cannot peel one sia..later I go n see what type I buy..

mvh, er..cos spinach in english words got only one type..

but spinach in chinese got alot of type..

the one tat is suitable for our bb is 菠菜 and its stalk cannot peel one..

苋菜 stalk can peel

for NTUC, their packaging got state their chinese names..

cold storage packaging i dunno le...

ahnah..oh ya hor..scar li eat durian liao...重口味then dun wan drink milk or eat cereal/porridge..

faint la..

btw..those who wan porridge to have iron..can cook chicken liver once a wk..

mvh > good for u lei....angeline has started to enjoy her porridge....mine still v resistent to porridge and puree...cereals also don like anymore! haiz....meal times are challenging!


not giving him one whole seed ..just let him try abit and see if he is ok..for sure not going to make a bowl of durian puree, cos its really damn heaty..we want him to like durian, dont wan him to hate the smell next time, so definitely letting him try..

sunflower/chreekreen/ susan, we shake hand la... I also notti mummy let my boy eat outside food... haha & yes, he tried durian last week too!

ahnah, talking abt durian, I still rem last yr we post the durian photos here in the forum... so far now our bb 8 mth liao... time flies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Winnie / MVH, I also always go Broadway coffee shop eat lunch leh, cos they got free bus come to my office area... may be we can meet there to eat lunch next time :p

MVH: maybe the person u saw might be cheeze.. hahah..cuz her sister stay near there..

Gen: got 2 teeth? she dun like spinach too..i tink maybe too green for her.. so far she have tried, pumpkin, carrot, potato, "yin yu", threadfish, broccoli, peas . i giv her salmon too..

duckling; hahaha.. the video is cute lah.. imagine next time our babies meet together n have their own chatting, that would be very fun to watch lor..


my boy ok with unblend porridge, yest aft he finish 1 bowl of porridge, while my mum feeding my gal rice, he still come and kajiao, then my mum feed him some whwite rice too... he happily munching and ask for more...

btw, curious??

for bf mummies, if u at durian, will milk have durian taste or smell too??

eeyore, no, not the ssc 1. For Boardway coffee shop, there got a free bus come to my working place...

sunflower, shall we having a durian feast during the north side playdate... wauhaha...

talking about adult food, my dad also keep feeding my girl white rice..

even tear white bread for her to eat..

i find it a bit dangerous cos she might choke on white bread..

tell him dun feed then he get unhappy..

but very hard to change his thinking..

duckling; durian feast good idea!! hahaha..hopefully my boy can recover fast before the playdate, if not, i will have to miss it le.. =(

haha... just kidding la, I think on the playdate itself my house will be very crowded... can't imaging if we are having durian feast at the same time... what if our babies crawl & take the durian shell... hahaha!!

Yes! as what ahnah said, durian feast should go down & eat! or next time when our baby 2 or 3 yr olds, we arrange a fruit farm tour - go Msia & eat durian! kekeke...

Oooohh...i almost wanted to feed my boy with kiwi fruit but in the end never cuz he was having flu n cough with phlegm.. shall finish up on my own.. hehe..

mvh mum,yap might b me!hehe my sis stay there who had juz given birth.i didnt c u eh.im veri blind 1.cal me if u hapen 2 c me again!hehe.i oso naughty mama.i gave him eat bao,kfc,haha.those flour larz,he even drink 'OLD cucumber soup'.haha.i gif a bit kiwi 2.

Fumiko, u r rite! I bought spinach today n thought it is 菠菜 but I look at the label.. It states 皇帝苗.. Alamak.. In e end I cook porridge for my elder gal eat.. But e smell very strong.. She doesn't like it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pekkle.. I also trial n error n now I know I need to blend a bit the porridge then she eat.. But slowly I will stop blending it coz got alot of trapped air.. I m sure bb R will accept solids one day. Juz take it slow la.. My gal already 8m le..

duckling - wah I didn't know leh. Already intro orange to my son and he quite like leh..

I also intro porridge to him liao, now take twice a day.. got fish, pork, vege, sometimes I add potato, pumpkin or carrot. Someone was asking how to prepare the pork right? When buying the pork ask the seller to grind twice for you, then put in together with rice to cook, when cooked liao, take out and mash with spoon.. I have this mallet that I used to pound fish and pork with after they are cooked till they become paste like.

I have also introduced egg to my boy liao, although he only takes the yolk.. I think I will introduce him to durian soon hahaha.. all these talk of durian is making me drool.. I long time no eat durian too.

Citrus fruit include strawberry as well!! So avoid best..

Tomato also avoid..

Duckling.. I never try other stall excel mixed veg rice.. Coz I usually tabao home n wait till I gaotim my gal then eat.. Nooddles will become fat fat.. I hope I can go makan wif u but scare my gal whines..

Cheese, next time u can come n knock at my door if u visit yr sis.. Lol.. So qiao indeed, Winnie!


wah i didnt know got mummies trying to give durians to babies! Even my mum want to try on my girl as she know i hate durian and see if my girl follow me! Lolx!

Outside food:

sunflower, seem like some mummies are doing the same as us. Hehe! No harm since we also grew up like that when parents do the same last time!


does any babies scare of strangers? My girl start to cry the moment the stranger look at her or talk to her. She was so scared that she look at me crying, wanting me to carry her away! She was not like this previously but recently it was serious!


i think she's starting to recongise familiar faces and rejecting unfamiliar faces le.. did ur mum always bring her out for marketing or to buy things? my nanny always bring my boy to downstairs when she needs to buy things, all the provision shop owners also know my boy.. hahaha..

so far my boy wont cry or rather have not cry..haha.. when he sees unfamiliar faces, he will just keep staring at the person but will still let the person carry.. anyways, my boy very kaypo one, like to look at people, touch things, grab things.. hahaha.


Sometimes my boy is okay with strangers but sometimes he will just cry! Just now my father in law wear spect infront of him (he nvr wear spect before), then he cried & scared of my FIL. Lols..

I bot a few HT banana puree n wondering how many days can I store in e fridge after opening? My gal is a small eater so I think she cant finish in 1-2days..

Cheese.. Yes near the lift.. Same as yr sis but opp.. Mm.. I din smile at u before leh.. Got once I saw u but u r entering e lift so din manage to call.. Another time is I saw u at e void deck walking to the main road but I m in e car..

Cheekrene, my gal will smile at strangers when they play wif her.. But doesn't wan them to carry her.. Once leave my arms, will cry.. Now she more n more serious.. When sleepy, only want me n even daddy also cannot console her..


All along my girl super kapo one . When in lift n I carry her , got pple come in , I purposely carry her turn away then she will use all her strength to push n squeeze to look at the people . That day a girl in lift eat tibits , my girl keep Lookin at the tibit n the girl mouth ! Then she will smile to anyone ! So I thought she is ok with stranger cos I bring her out very often since young ... But yesterday saw 1 of my friend n he Carry her , my girl blur awhile then the lip like duck then cry n cry till very Chiam . Then she dont dare to move , only dare to use her eye to look at me ... Haha .... Poor thing ....

So I guess she is same as alot of Bb , play n see can , touch cannot ! Haha

And any mummies start planning for our darling 1st birthday ? I very kiasu ... Now sourcing for cake ... Venue confirm ... Haha

Mummies weight :

Did all mummies lose all the weight u gain from pregnancy ? For me yes BUT my weight is same as before pregnant . But I look alot fatter than last time !! I don't know y ... My arm , hip , leg n tummy look fat that last time but weight same ... So weird ... Any mummies same ?


I bring my boy out a few times a week. Weekends sure go out, since 3 weeks ago he started recognising people too. He will stare hard at unfamiliar faces. Last time, he will smile and laugh with anyone. Now will keep staring, if the person respond to him, he will smile but not everyone liao. Now he got preference haha. I notice he started doing this when he knows how to stretch out his arms when he wants me to carry him. If he doesnt want someone to carry him, he will turn left, turn right, like pretending to be very busy... very funny.

So far when I leave the house for work, he still ok, sometimes he wants to follow but if i didnt take him, he doesn't cry. I hope this will continue.


what kind of peas do you give bb? I read that sweet peas has calcium, Vitamin A and C and Iron too.


cannot give baby corn ar? oops, I just fed him today.



Yes me.. Starting to plan the birthday theme.. Cake , balloon etc.. Now got spree, thinking of the balloons and other party stuffs

