(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


i suggested that before but he just doesn't want to move out. he's still quite a mummy boy. -.-


tell her off also no use. she used to be a baby sitter, looked after 10 over babies over the years. so she has her own ways of looking after babies. my #1 is looked after by her last time when i was working. end up now my #1 only eats junk food and dislike fruits & vegs. so for #2, i quit my job to be SAHM, hoping he won't be like his jiejie.


Strange leh.. Usually the old pple are the ones telling us not to let bb eat junk food .. Scare too sweet or too heaty .. Ur mil is opposite !


her logic is must let baby eat all kinds of food (including junk food) so when he grows up, he will eat everything. but my boy is only 5.5mths old leh. -.- how can let him taste these stuffs now?


u r wrong leh.. when i go my ahma house, she will give my son tibits.. or cold drinks. haiz. i am always the opposer.. so being a mummy always become the bad person.. or to say "no" person.. usually i v straight forward tell them they are sick cannot eat.. or ask them take care of them want anot. lolz.


omg.. ur mil.. ur boy is less than 6mth leh.. some more got sensitive skin.. better be safe.. same here staying with mil. i already accepted the fact to stay with her. overall, we are still ok. cos both of us are working. only see each other at night. u purposely quit ur job to look after ur boy this time? and ur mil also at home most of the time?


u gals got blend the porridge? i heard from my colleague said no need to blend or else alot of air.. not good..


i see some mummies blend the porridge. i dun see a need to blend it. like what you say, i scare blend in the air. my mum will cook until very sticky for my girl to eat. she can swallow well.


ya. i saw some mummies blend the porridge. so i posting this qn here.. i have not start on porridge yet. now even cereal he still spit .. but slowly get better. so gonna start porridge soon..cook til nua nua den can feed liao bah.. for a start which timing is the best? lunch time? evening time can?


my mum cook for 1 and a half hour. she cook a big portion so that she can feed her at lunch and dinner. no need to waste time to do twice.


oic..i think my mum is the stricter one..not junk food, no cold drinks..

i give porridge for lunch...


kodomo baby wipes damn popular leh..everywhere sold out

ya, no junk food. But my Mum let my boy chew on apple yesterday. The soft type of apple. He use his one little teeth to chew and he like it very much.


Yup, his eczema just get better recently, then now she feeds him chocolate. -.- I purposely quit my job when I'm preggy with #2 cos my 1st tri was nightmare. She's working part time (till 2+pm only) cos she also have nth much to do at hm. My #1 is in sch from 1-5pm.

Re: porridge

Have not start my boy with porridge cos don't know if he's sensitive to fish or not.

Just wan to give my review on tiger food jar. Really good for making baby porridge! Just boil rice for 10 min and pour into thermal flask. U get congee in 2-3 hrs. Taka having sale now $59 plus a small water flask for free. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not juz u....my MIL oso like that....keep giving all the junk food to both my kids....even L who's oni 6mths old....so angry!


is it? so far all my frens put pork into the porridge to make the porridge sweet leh..i tot seafood shld be more prone to allergy..so fish is one of them.


not me leh..is jasmine


ya..my fren also told me its recommended..somemore can just bring the whole jar out..


no used 1....she oni rebukes u with all the rubbish


oh...it's jasmine thought it's u.....heehee

jasmine goh,

i think should not be a problem to put pork.


i am still looking out at taka website on baby fair. i remember it is on 2nd week of march

Jasmine, I cook porridge wif potato only.. Low budget.. Lol.. Coz my gal keep rejecting food so I dun wanna spend so much on ingredients n then she doesn't wanna eat.. Today she rejects food again.. Sianz...

Juz now my gal fell down fr my bed leh.. I put her in e centre of my bed when she naps n I surround wif pillow n bolster.. One of e side I put 3 pillows in pyramid. She kicks off the top n one of e bottom pillows n fall when she keep go-stun-ing. In e end when I go n rescue her, she falls on her back.. She looks n me but din cry. When I carry her n scold her, she even smile at me.. Give me a fright man.. Hope she is ok.. Check le no balugu on her head..


how come she reject food? maybe you let her try bit by bit. oh your girl fell without crying.. she must be too chubby, that is why she dun feel pain.. hehe! next time put her on the floor instead. now our babies can move about out of sudden. my girl can push herself backward when lying on the bed. she is real fast now...

My boy has been sleeping in his cot in his adjoining room since birth. So far ok.

My boy has been rejecting rice cereal lately. No idea why.. everything is the same leh.

Any ideas on the new finding on egg yolk? Tt it aids in mental development, and no link to lower allergies, as opposed to old school of thought tt eggs strictly after one y o. When will u start egg yolk?

hw long do u all feed ur bb pure rice cereal before adding in other things eg. carrots etc?

i have been feeding my bb rice cereal for about 5 days but the tongue pushing action is still there.

i am feeding organix rice cereal. anyone else using this brand? how many tablespoons do u add?

i am feeding 3 tablespoons + 40 ml milk. is it too little?

My colleague told me her PD ask her to steam egg yolk with BM .. Very gd for bb development. Allergy is egg white

Thanks! If so, i would start at 6.5 months, i researched and it seems it is v good for esp speech development and mental development.


I bought the smaller one, think 0.7?


Yup, it's good! dun haf to monitor the fire or wait for it to cook before gg out..


I nv blend. I slice a few big piece ... The purpose is to give sweetness and nutrients to the porridge ..

He can eat wcweything now. Chilled BM also fishy kwb k

