(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


cos my maid told me after i started porridge on her, she is like constipated..and stools like very hard to pass out and little...so i stop 2 days ago and feed cereal again...then my maid told me its better...or maybe my gal not suitable to eat porridge first??

jascmy ... hee , u ask the same question i wanna ask. also super blur on weaning.

I just start my boy yesterday on rice cereal. only few spoon as he does'nt seems to know how to swallow yet... issit ok to feed just rice cereal for few weeks or got to add other stuff?

Sunflower, ya hor... I nv think of that... aahahaa. anyway, so far I only tried cooking apples, sweet potatoes with porridge until super mashy. I dont even have a blender at home. Blah!

Dsqyvonne, i think so too... too troublesome liao.

Sigh... Can't wait to experiment all these fun cooking again.


hmm, if its hard, its really constipated .. i think every individual is different ba, maybe u check with ur PD?


mine constipated with cereal..so i dont feed daily.

seems like bb who's using walker enjoy it very much , my boy still can't reach the floor when on his walker leh , already adjusted to the lowest , still can't reach , wondering issit my this kind of walker higher? or issit he too short ,anyone using the same wallker?


Sunflower, ic.. So less urine ok.. My mum keep pestering me to bring her see doc again.. Sigh.. Will monitor again.. Any idea how to get rid of stubborn phlegm in bb? E phlegm juz dun go away even wif medication..

Wl, ya kids sweat a lot when on medication.. My elder gal hair is always wet towards e end whole day when she is on medication.. I keep feeding my bb water but she refuses to drink.. Mine on 5th day of medication leh.. Phlegm still there.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

MVH, you know what I did? I use spyring and force feed water into baby. She crys the house down everytime singe time! But no choice lah.


I have 3 x 900g new pack of Mamil Gold 2, letting go at $30 each.

Self pick up at tampines. Please PM me if you are keen.


I bottle feed med leh.. But if too sweet my boy will refuse, so sometime I add abit water, then he bottoms up. I rem someone recommend the pigeon suction tube? I used that and it wrks. If my bot 'ah choo', I immediately suck out, very effective. My mum sometimes will use mouth to suck out.


How many mth Is Ur Bb ? Can eat fish liao ? Wat type of fish ? My Bb is 6 mth 1 week old n I thinking of giving her porridge too ... Now she is on cereal n carrot puree . But I think I want to stop cereal if I give porridge cos she seem to cough when she eat cereal ...

hi all

maybe i can share hw i cook my porridge..

i will cook one piece of spinach (菠菜) / brocoli (jus the green top part, no stalk) in the slow cooker together with the rice grain..

then after 3-5 mins, the vege cooked, take out..

and continue cook the porridge for 3 hours or more...and the porridge will become mashy..

then 15mins before i serve the porridge, i will put in the fish (乌鱼 - which is high in protein), and then when the fish is cooked, i will take out and mash the fish meat..

as for the vege, i will cut into tiny pieces..and before i serve to my bb, i will add in the vege..

personally, i tink this will keep the vege nutrients intact..

if i use carrots, i will chop into fine pieces and then cook together with the porridge till it mashy..

jasmine, thx for sharing the recipe url..


where to buy this type of Hulled barley (also known as dehulled barley or barley groats) which has the most nutrients?


I don't follow 'rules' one leh.. Just go ahead according my mum. My bb started porridge at 5 mths.. I'm using threadfin ..

yo! happy new year!

i have been busy.. cathing up sleeps because my ah boy still wakes up int he night. sian.

threadfin - 午(伍)鱼(ngor hee) or ma yao yu (cantonese)

anything happening here lately!??????

wow fumiko, you are defitnitely a more hardworking mother than me. I would have just cooked everything in 1 pot and mash up everything. heehee

ahNah, ya... Dorje looks exactly like you man. Dorje is the one on the right, last time dont have Baby Bjorn carrier!

Just came back from EuYanSang, the girl over the counter asked me to buy "hou yi - monkey something" it's like $78.00 per portion. She says buy 2 portions to eat over 3 days. I was like, what the hell is that? Some magicial portion is it?

Then she recommended Bo Ying Dan and said baby can eat there even though the box states for 1 year and above.

Anyone taking these 2? Cos if my gal's cough and phlegm doesnt go away, I wanna try TCM instead.

ahNah, ya lor, they are so expensive. if $150 can cure the next day then ok lah.

See PD also not cheap, the last bill was $110. If go again tomorrow, another $100 gone... heartache man.

suika, I heard from my friend also, but like so expensive leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Fumiko, you seems to have a very good helper, knows how to take care of sick baby. My helper only know how to act blur and gei kiang

Hi Jasmine,

the cereal that you made, 160ml of cereal mixed with FM (6 scoops of FM plus 4-5 scoops of cereal) + 30ml of water.

How does it become 160 ml? Your cereal is in liquid form?


think you misunderstood. i let him drink 30ml of water after eating finish the cereal. i didn't measure the amt. of hot water mixed with cereal & FM. just add till the consistency you want will do.

U gals might want to consider SBCC .. My PD is from SBCC gleneagles. Consultation plus med total arough $75 for cough and flu. Can use CDA card to pay everything.. And got 10%

wl, my maid wit me for 5 years le...she last time take care of my ah ma one..then my ah ma pass away, i keep her till now..

so now she takin care of my bb..

but her eng not gd la...i scare bb learn lousy eng oso..

and my MIL can speak malay..so my maid owas talk malay wit my MIL

Wl, I use syringe too.. But she juz doesn't wana swallow n in e end split it out or sudden drink then choke..

Sunflower, I also mix e medicine wif water, guess too sweet.. But she split it out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rachel, I have bao ying Dan but I search some chinese website states contain traces of mercury n not suitable for children less than 1 yr old


try mixing the med in the milk?

i don't dare to give my boy those chinese med like jing feng san cos the box states for bb above 1yr old.

Wl, last time my gal has phlegm n I bought bao yin Dan fr eys.. Recommended by e salesgal.. Took several days but not effective.. Then search Internet n found out got mercury traces inside, so stop for a few days then my gal got better.. So I dunno issit good or not..

Now I still got left over.. But din let my gal take..

Mamyvelle, yr boy so cute.. My gal is 66.5cm one month ago.. Let her sit in her jiejie's walker.. Her legs can reach the floor when I adjusted to the lowest.. Now need to adjust a bit higher.. My model is e same as sunflower's.. Guess diff walker got different height adjustments..

Sunflower, I use e pigeon suction tube.. It does work at times.. But my gal hates it n cry the whole house down when I use it n she keeps turning her head away so diff to use..


Oh , my hb carries my boy and sit in front on a commercial break.. So my boy kept looking at the tv and blur blur let my hb sucks.. My boy still open his mouth big big to breathe in air. U try this method

