(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


ya lor. i need to rest more otherwise my girl come back on weekend, i will have problem... haiz... what a tiring week.



after steaming and blending, i just pour the puree into the baby cubes and store in the freezer. they are bpa free so it's okay to put hot puree inside.

hi jasmine, so u will straightaway store inside the freezer when its hot ?

by the way, how do you warm up the frozen puree when wan to feed bb?

take out the frozen puree from the cube and re-steam it?


actually fish shld be introduced at 9mths or 1yr i think..but i intro both pork and fish at 5mths.


my mum gives 菠菜..


yes, put in the freezer when it's hot. just take 1 cube and thaw overnight in the refrigerator. 20mins before his feeding time, take the cube out & put inside a cup of hot water to heat up.


nope. i only bring her back on weekend. my house is at jurong area. it's not easy for me to travel to cck to fetch her back home. so i stay at my mum's place from sun night to tues. then i visit her on alternate days. i have to stay home to do housework or else i wont have time to do on weekends.

cheekrene, no hurry & u take good care

Sunflower, I think 2 of us same la, dun follow all do & don't law... hehe... I always believe kids are qin cai jia, qin cai tua (Hockien :p) hehe...

fumiko, I use 菠菜 & borcolli for bb porridge...

anyone here using healthy times brown rice cereal. i mix 1 tablespoon with 2 scoops of FM powder(i.e. 2 ounce) and put 60ml of water, didnt know that it turn out so watery. How to make it thicker? more FM powder and rice cereal, but add less water? will it be ok?


i use 2 tblspoon of healthy times to 1 scoope of FM and 1oz of water.. after that i feed my grl some water.. she doesnt take much water though.. ard 1/2oz only.. but no bowel problems so far. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hth.

I have 3 tins of Mamil Gold Step 2 (900g) and 1 tin of 400g expiring in 2012. Keen to sell it at $30 each for 900g and $12 for 400g.

Collection at Tampines, do PM me if you are keen.


I don't follow too, I play by ear.. Mix abit , stir and see texture.. Then continue to mix until the consistency texture I want.


Ya.. Cheekrene also.. Think the 3 of us are the ones don't follow rules.. Haha

Hi mummies, where do you buy the cubes to steam purée? And how to make the purée? Just started my boy on cereal (nestle one) and he don't seem to like it much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

That time i made organix rice cereal. Tried to follow their 1part cereal:3 parts liquid but end up very weird. So in the end, i just mix fm and cereal and then add water to get the consistency i want.

Can try with pumpkin, avocado puree. Bananas also nice but i can't find organic ones near my place yet. I read that Banana skin is porous so will absorb more pesticides thus should get organic ones.

I have a chicco steamer/blender which is also quite ok but not as convenient as avent one as need to put in the blade.


i bought organic banana from cold storage at taka. i think most branches shld have. but sadly, my boy doesn't like banana puree. too sweet for him. -.-


you bought the small one? 0.5l? enough for how many meals?

Jasmine, so far only try the nestle one. You have other recommendations? Thanks for the heads up on the cube thingy.

Is there any purée recipe online that can share? Thanks!

Hi Jasmine,

read from fb that healthy times causes allergy for your son. What kind of allergy? Is it skin?My baby has slight enzema and don't want to worsen his skin condition.

Thanks Jasmine..me so blur.

For introducing new purees, should be on a weekly basis to isolate any allergies?

Any mothers have same experience as me? My boy makes a vomiting expression/sound and someone told me it is cause he has lots of phlegm, is that right?

ahNah, thanks! What is the brand you bought?

Thanks Evelyn! Will monitor these few days... hopefully it is just a one-off constipation.

Re: fruit puree

My girl is having phlegm, can she take apple, pear and avocado puree? I wanna start her on some fruit bt scare will worsen her phlegm

Hi ladies,

but are u all feeding the cereal in addition to your bb's existing milk feed in the same timing? How would you gradually replace that milk feed with cereal feed?

i want my bb to drink the same ounce of milk in that feed, but if we are making the mixture thicker next time, then less water should be added right? But I tot that the water must equate to the oz of milk we put in, means 2 ounce to 60ml, 3 ounce to 90ml, if we put lesser water than the oz of milk, would it be ok?

Hello all,

Seemed like most babies here have tried semi solid food, mine spits out most of the cereal i fed him... Is it normal? He only grabs the spoon and starta to bite the spoon and dig his mouth till all the cereal comes out..

Can see that many babies are sick too.. Xavier is also sick and has diarrhea going on for days.. Till then we still haven brought him to any pd or kkh, as he is still very active and doesn't look ill, from past experiences, pd or doctors analyse baby's level of illness by seeing their activity rate, as per normal, xavier is always so active when seeing a doctor so we are always sent home from kkh..

This morning while my hb was changing his diaper before bringing him to the ifc, his diarrhea flew out and soiled our bedsheet in big patches. Hb was whining after that as he was going to run late for work.

Regarding semi solid food, i have seen some of you all shopping for organic fruits. Just a question, is it ok to scrap from non organic apples to feed baby? This is what my sis always do.. But me being more kiasu worry this and that.

To add on, i have the followings below to exchange for similac stage 2.

1) dumex mamil gold

2) friso

3) nan pro 2

Pm me if interested. Thanks!


sunflower is right. I also dun follow rule! Hehe!


my girl always make vomit sound. Either she is full or dun want to drink, she will do that. In the end, she can be merlion!


i got 2 similac. Can exchange with you but i have to check if suika is exchanging with me. Where u stay?

Cheekrene: i stay at tiong bahru area.. Actually i haven let xavier try stage 2 similac.. But most likely cause he is drinking similac 1. If it doesn't suit him i'll have to exchange with you all again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i have 2 similac stage 2..

Hi all, finally brought my gal back to her pd after 10days of gp medication n no signs of recovery. Luckily, her lungs r cleared.. But pd said too long le so do a swab test on her nose mucus n see if got infection or not.. Only will know e results 48 hrs later.. Meanwhile he changes e medicine coz said not effective since haven't recover after so long. N also given sea water nasal spray. Hope e result come back is normal else might need to start antibiotics..

Penguin, mine also spits out the cereal -.-". Looks like I have to shop for other brands to try out with him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Did u vaccinate Xavier against rotavirus? Diarrhea must make sure bb stays hydrated, v impt.


Usually I follow the 4 days rule before introducing new food just incase of any allergy problem. But at times the ingredient is not enough so will be just 2 or 3 days.

My boy will have the vomit expression when i feed him the puree he doesn't like.


If your bb has phlegm, better don't feed sweet purees. You can try veg purees instead.


Maybe your bb doesn't like cereal? Try puree?

Sunflower, noted with thanks.. Good thing it's not expensive like milk powder else damn heartpain. What cereal are u giving your boy?

Mdm yip: we're using friso cream cereal.. He doesn't like it.. Maybe he likes potatoes like his daddy? Haha.. When we rmb the rotavirus vaccine it is too late already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] think must vaccine before 3 months is it?

Jasmine: i'm trying apple sauce sample by nestle this weekend.. U blend the fruits to get puree? Need to sterilise the parts?

Any of you stop sterilising bottles? I read about the egg white, do you all give half cooked or hard boiled ones?

God, i feel so frog-in-the-well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hee.. Sorry i think is egg yolk.. Nurses in polyclinic advise us to feed egg after 1 yr old.. Feel like feeding xavier honey.. Honey is so tastey...


Yup steam & blend. I never sterilise the blender, too big. I just use bb safe bottle detergent to wash. But i still sterilise his milk bottles. Egg yolk is ok to give bb but egg white must wait till 1yr old & must totally cooked.

Jasmine. Thanks for asking.. Dunno why the sea water spray makes her nose runny.. Argh.. She can't sleep juz now n whine the whole nite.. Juz manage to put her in yaolan at 11pm.. Gosh from 10am to 11pm she only nap for 2 hrs! Hope tomorrow she gets better..

Penguin, dun give half cook eggs.. Some recommend egg yolk given at 8months. Egg white after 1 yr old n before MMR vaccine at 15months I think. Dun give honey to bb below 1 yrs old.. Like wat jasmine said allergy..

Haiz all... Life is sooo fragile.. Just received a news that my hb bro in law's father just passed away due accident.. He was so strong and healthy.. Never did we thought that he would just go like that.. Quickly picked up the phone and called to my mum.. Realise we are all so busy with lives that we forget our families[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] here i announce i miss my parents so much ever since i got married haven really have the time to visit them every weekend.. Hope this will be a lesson learnt for all of us to treasure others...

Just a passing remark..

Jasmine & vanessa: thanks! I will take out all appliances this weekend and whip out nice 'dishes' for xavier.. But maybe will be busy with the wake and everything too.. Arh soo tired.. I have also tendered resignation from current job to take a short break before finding another new job..

for those mummies feeding organix brand of rice cereals, how to replace the milk feed?

i add 3 tablespoon of milk + 80ml of FM and the mixture becomes so watery. then if i add too much rice cereal to milk, bb also cant finish.

how many tablespoon of rice cereals do u feed ur bb?


Penguin, my condolences.. Yeah life is short n unpredictable. Treasure everyone in our lives..

Monkie, I realize 1 tablespoon of orangix plain cereal can give ard 80ml if I wan it to be watery.. My gal can't finish it.. Normally she eats ard 60ml before she got sick.. For healthy time brown rice cereal I need to use ard 3 tablespoons to make ard 70ml..

