(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Wondering will brown rice cause indigestion n make bb wake up several times at nite? My gal can't sleep well last nite leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



according to Gina ford, you can do this.

*should it be in this order?

1) feed 50ml of milk followed by

2) 50ml of milk + plain rice cereal and lastly followed by

3) 50ml of milk

is my order correct? I scared bb dun wan to finish the final 50ml of milk... how ah? *

if baby cannot finish the milk then it is ok! cause he is full le.

however, in order to make sure bb still maintain sufficient milk intake, u have to do step 1 (or u can even increase to 80 ml or 100 ml for the first few rounds, when u feed less amt of cereal). so step 1 is crucial until they reach around 9-12 months.


MVH, my mil said it will cause some indigestion and make our kids dun drink milk if too much brown rice is given, i never tried acuse i din really give brown rice last time to me girl.

however, she cannot sleep might not b dure to brown rice, just coincidental la.

maybe u feed too much? indigestion is also possible. or just her pattern?

Sorry to disturb yr thread.

I've several packs of frozen Ebm to give away.

Self collect at my place at Tampines.

If anyone is keen, pls pm or email me at [email protected]

(I do not take beef or mutton and I watch my diet very

carefully) I'm from nov mtb 2010

Can I check, what causes th oiliness in our BM??

My mum commented mine is vsery oily as compared to my sisters,

but I never eat very oily stuffs so I wonder how to reduce the oiliness in BM??


bm is oily de, and mine is v v oily. the oil comes from mothers body and this oil content is higher in hind milk . tell your mum that the oil is v v good for babies, for building brain cells as well. the oil part also makes baby feels fuller as compared to less oily milk.

contains omega, etc etc.

and the oil content will increase if your diet has omega (fish) and other oils. it is a good thing.

you shall not reduce.


yes, QQ is right leh..the oil is very potent for baby! its the hind milk, lots of gd calories and nutrients.. without these fats, baby will not be full and sufficient.. must swirl the bottle well to merge the fats and the foremilk before serving your bb.


my boy took brown rice cereal - 2 tablespoon..sometimes my mum will mix into my bm (which i told her dont do it anymore).. but my boy dont have nite slping problem leh. he is super slpy at nite.. when he is up for nite feed in the wee hour, i will feed him with bm, and he got back to slp instantly. no need to pat or swing..


usually i feed cereal one hour before BM feed..so they dont clash together, else BM will not be fully absorbed. there was once i feed some milk first, then feed cereal..he was whinning and whinning.. then i gave up and feed milk, he finished up the entire bottle..i think he is frustrated that we gave milk, and then cereal and then milk..keep interchanging till he whines..so i dont do that anymore..i will let him finish his cereal, then give milk.

halo everyone,

long time no see... i see many of you started solid alrady. I would love to start, but I told my in-law not to feed my baby until 6 month otherwise she might have allergies to scare them. Now, I gotta either "ren" until 6 months or I eat my own words... sigh.

May I ask if this is normal:

My baby's feeding time: 7pm, 12am then 5am

Sleeping time: 9pm

If I skip the 12am feed, baby will wake up at 2am then 5am again. How come she is not sleeping through yet? I tried to extend the 7pm feed until 9pm, she will still wake up at 2am & 5am. How to make her sleep through so that I can skip the 12am & 2am feed? Very very tired!

Eeyore, Bm oily is good!! Baby gains more fat when Bm is oily... N good for bb development... Just like fish oil, oily but super 'bu'

Sunflower, maybe it is just my gal... Coz she got sleeping problems... Will monitor again...

Wl, if u r breastfeeding yr gal, can wait till 6months then start solids, else u can start early...

I read fr some internet sources, commented 5hrs straight without milk is considered sleep through... My gal still can't .. The most 4hrs...


my girl same as urs. every nite wake up every 3-4 hrs for her milk. even i tried to give her pacifier or water to drink she will fidget throughout until i gave her milk.


mine also cant slp thru..need to wake up once or twice for nite feed. my mil keeps asking me to feed brown rice on last feed to keep him full so that he can slp thru, but im very reluctant! not all babies can slp thru..

MVH, gave up BF long ago. I can't start solid cos of pride lah and I don't wanna start the floodgate. Cos once start, my in-laws will feed her nonsense stuff. Now, i keep pysco-ing them that if feed her non-sense, next time she cant eat, cos of allergery, blah blah blah, just to scare them.

aiyo, 5hours is sleep through? not enough for me lah. I need to 10hours to sleep through lah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sheric, my girl also same thing, I tried the same thing like you but doesnt work, she still wants to drink. That's why I gotta make myself stay awak until 12am to feed her.

Last night I fell asleep at 10pm, alarm rang at 12am, fed her changed her. Even more tired sia!


my hair also keep dropping like crazy. especially when i'm washing my hair.

pink xuan,

i thought first food to intro should be plain instead of sweet? cos baby may have sweet tooth and reject plain cereal in future.


ya healthy times doesn't have plain rice cereal thus i bought bellamy's.

my boy now likes to sleep on his side, not on his back. And he fusses alot, some times cry just to get to sleep, any mummies have this problem?


she's not a spammer lar, she's a decent seller...

btw, when u approved users to our Aug2010MTB, did u check with them what's their nick?? It's very confusing when everyone starts accessing our group lh, we don't even know who is who... very hard to keep track like that, even though we do have a list.

hi mummies, anyone gotten stuff from cozybabies? I have tried to contact Ashley several times regarding an order, its already more than 3 weeks but still not a single reply from him.

RAchel, my girl also the same. When she is tired, she will cry damn loud, and like very poor thing. Because I don't rock her or pat her to sleep, I only give her pacifier, she tends to turn to her side for comfort. Guess like that gives her more security. Sometimes I see already, I feel very bad for not carrying her.


i saw you add vivy in your fb. who is she? she is also an aug2010 mtb but i dunno if she ever drop by in our SMH thread.


the url of that contact "Uniquehandmade Finds" (http://www.sindeseller.com) is a decent seller. i ever buy pillow cases from her.


you are right. i keep receiving people adding me and i dun even know if they are from aug2010mtb SMH thread. i dun even know who they are.

ya mvh, vivy said she knows you and she's also aug'10 mummy so she added me and pm me also.

sindeseller is a good seller. once win in her lucky draw and won a baby pillow plus case.


she was asking me about the jab thing. i told her to ask doc as there are different guidelines. think she stop replying me... hehe! i am not sure if she is in our thread.


she miss you, that is why she talking to you... hehe!

Cheekrene, jasmine...

Vivy pm me regarding my gal sleeping problems after reading my posts last month.. She said she is a frequent reader but din have chance to chit chat in our aug thread..

Her bb is a aug bb..


If i can start another who is who but i scare like last time, some never reply at all... I thought of cleaning up the nick list first.

then clean up the FB group, probably start another group name then delete the current one... some join already never post at all and some join from the start but never post at all... any suggestion??

anyone still wearing mittens for their bb ?

my bb always keep scratching face, ears, still pull ear, hair etc when sleeping so i still wear for bb when sleeping.. but dunno want to wear till how old


no mitten ... cause dun wan to stop them from grabbing .. they need to exercise their finger .. the motor skill.

scratch har .. no choice..

