(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


I m feeding my Bb with nestle rice cereal . Feed her once daily ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she is now 5 mths ... At 6 mths then I m planning to intro more food to her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I give brown rice cereal. Now introduce sweet potatoes. 6 mths will start porridge and other puree

Mvh, ur gal so cute leh! The way u describe her is always so funny!

Morning, i buay tahan liao. Won't be waking up tonite to p ump milk any more.

Yesterday, ah boy really bully me. Teacher say he very good boy in school, nvr cry much, finish all his milk and always laugh happily in ifc. But once he reach home, he start to cry almost whole of last evening and never finish his milk. Faint!

Sunflower, sometimes dunno wanna laugh or angry wif my gal.. trying to behave like adults sia.. But when she throws a tantrum, it is really hard to calm her down, pulling hair time..

ydae my girl is drinking better...whole day got abt 700ml.....hopefully she gets better ba....

don think she is having sorethroat lei...cos she has been like this close to 1 mth already...keke....

ahNah, u forgot to give him milk again? really not happie liao.

MVH, i am asking u to enjoy the momentsssss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she is a xiao3 da4 ren2, makes me think of my girl. she is now a even bigger kid (going to 4yo this year) and last time she really like your dotter, talk a lot of things and sometimes made me angry. most of the time very funny one.

my dotter said: mama, you are fat.

true enough, v fat woh. haha!!


i plan to start when he turns 6 months old, v soon!! 2 more weeks nia.

1. rice ceral (plain rice cereal will do). add some milk/water to feed.

2. steamed apples, pear, etc.. slowly introduce.

i dont give brown rice before 7-8 months because i am afraid that brownrice has too much fibre and it is hard for him to digest. after he is used to kick off the digestive system on solid, brown rice can be introduced.

my rule of choosing cereal, no additional salt or sugar, etc. cannot b too sweet. (do i dun give friso, nestle, v sweet)

last time my gal i was also doing the same thing.

QQ : got give lah.

That "not happy" photo is few weeks ago .. when me and my wife went swimming without bringing him out together. :p

Today told my maid and mother his schedule liao.

Morning - Learn 123

After Lunch - Learn 一二三

After tea break - Learn Satu, dua, tiga ....

i tasted nestle, its really sweet..but already bought liao, so continue to give..will switch to organic next round

Hi all..

long time never log in...need some advise from some mummies here...

My gal went for her 2nd jab 5 in 1 on 23 Dec at polyclinic.Before the jab, the nurse was looking at her health booklet and told me that my gal took rotavirus(1st dose) on 8 Dec, and told me dun know can take the jab anot cos it's within 1mth..but later, she still proceed to give the jab cos she said it's more then 2 weeks already but tell me its better to wait for 1mth..

May I ask, got such things one meh??And my gal's next rota will be this month(haven book for appt)and next jab will be 31 Jan..So when will be the best date to give my gal 2nd dose rota??


How do u all mix the cereals with milk ah??If my gal is drinking 150ml, do i just add 2 teaspoons into the milk??


rota need to separate in 1 mth for the 2nd dose.

solid cannot mix with BM, the nutrients on the BM will not be fully absorbed. but old pple like to put cereal into a bottle of milk and bottle feed, they feel its fuller for the baby.. but if u wan, can do that..not sure about FM though.

u can mix some warm milk/water into cereal to make a creamy consistency, and spoon feed ur baby.. u can start weaning so baby can start learning how to take in food with spoon.


it depends on you. some ppl likes to mix in milk and give buy i dun like the idea. to me, solid is solid, have to eat with spoon.

so i mix with some water, or fm, or bm (for texture oni, not for absorption hor), then feed. the texture starts from v watery to ngoh ngoh (sticky) so that bb can learn to chew and swallow.

say if u give 150 ml milk, give 50ml milk first, then mix 30-50 milk with cereal then give. the rest u continue to feed after cereal.

white lady, you try to taste the cereal and see if sweet? i oni hear from frens then i never buy. sweet is ok, but i am just afraid that too sweet when i first intro, then end up baby will want flavourful food in future rather than taking plain one.

plain one is good..

MVH, i share one simple story...

My #1 told didi: didi please dont cry, I will protect you. (as if it is true)??

didi, please drink your milk, otherwise I dont give you sweet later.

I was like: hah?? who gave u sweet?

#1 said: nanny...

that's how frank they are. and we can obtain many leads from their conversations.

Nestle cereal is sweetened. Need to check the ingredients label cos if they start with sweet foods, they will not like bland stuff next time.


I took the 6-in 1 jab so the rotavirus is taken together with it at 2/4/6 mths.

My friend just passed me alot of Nestle brown rice cereal. Hmm... I have to start with other brands first. Anyone knows if Healthy times cereal is sweetened?


healthy times doesn't have sugar added.

currently giving my boy bellamy's rice cereal when he's 4mths 1wk old. now is day 2, he loves it. always wanted more when it's finished.

was planning to introduce him his first veg/fruit this weekend. what should i intro? avocado? apple? pear? butternut squash?

Ahnah where to get the bamboo chair?

My boy feeds every 5 to 6 hrs. Read that it's normal for them to stretch 4 to 6 feedings at 4 mths so dun fret.

QQ, I buay tahan n start my gal on cereal today.. For e past few weeks when she sees us eat, she will stuck out ongue n give us hungry look.. Last nite I was eating green pear n as usual she gave me e 'lao nua' look.. I let suck on pear n when I let go, she eh eh eh.. Repeat e same actions several times n eventually I purée one teaspoon n she ate all n want for more.. Forget shouldn't start on fruits first coz bb might thou solids r as sweet as fruits n might reject others.. So today went ntuc buy healthy times brown rice cereals.. Wanna get plain rice cereals but can't find it leh.. So no choice.. Got another organic brand but use to healthy times Liao as my #1 eats it last time. Just now make 2 tablespoon of cereals but I only gave her half.. She likes it n keeps eh eh eh for more.. But I wanna go slow so give a little first.. Fed her 1 hr after milk feed coz scared affect e iron absorption of bm..

White_lady, u can compare the sugars amount on e box/tin label.. Healthy times states 0g sugars, 0g sodium, 0g trans fat.. I always look out for these 3 qty in bb or kids food... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

QQ, ur gal loves dido lots..

My gal also loves meimei but she dunno how to sayang meimei.. Keep pat my lil gal head, tummy, squeeze her arms etc.. I told her not to do so, just sayang her hands can liao.. One moment she says ok, the next moment forgets Liao n repeat the same thing each time.. Sigh.. Her cousin did these to her when she is young also.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think she thought like tat means sayang..

yip, I got the chair from neighborhood furniture shop.

My mum still keep the bamboo chair that I sit when I'm a baby. Now my niece and nephew is using it. Very long lasting.

Mixing cereal

The tin say 200 ml of milk then put 4 table spoon . But 200 ml is alot . So I use 50 ml milk n put 1 table spoon cereal so I stir lor then ok Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i put 2 tablespoon but didnt measure the milk..just pour according to the texture i want..


im thinking of healthy times too..where is the cheapest i can get?

I bought plain rice cereal from bellamy and brown rice cereal from healthy times. wanna let him start on plain one then slowly change to brown rice since brown rice is harder to digest.

Sunflower, I bought at ntuc.. I thought it is $6+? can't remember Liao...

Jasmine, did u manage to see got plain rice cereal fr healthy times? Last time have .. Today I can't find leh..


I don't think they have rice cereal leh. Only oatmeal, brown rice and barley. I double check their website, don't have rice cereal. I think it's $7+ leh

Anyone knows when we will stop dropping hair ? Almost 5 months already still dropping like mad, think I m going botak soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

plain rice cereal which brands better or which brands are mummies here using?

So we should start with plain rice cereal from bellamy and brown rice cereal from healthy times subsequently?

how long to feed plain rice cereal before we switch to brown rice cereal? 1 month?

by the way, if say my bb drinking 150ml of milk, then for that meal how should i feed ?

should it be in this order?

1) feed 50ml of milk followed by

2) 50ml of milk + plain rice cereal and lastly followed by

3) 50ml of milk

is my order correct? I scared bb dun wan to finish the final 50ml of milk... how ah?

sorry if the question sounds stupid.. me first time mum so I am clueless on solids...

Sunflower, I think they have plain rice cereal 2 yrs back.. Coz I gave it to my elder gal.. Too bad can't find now.. They also have mixed grain.. Ya it is selling $7.30 at ntuc , checked receipt..

saw tat u all started semi solids liao.

my girl now 4months 2weeks old, i still havent started cereals yet.

my husband make apple puree and i fed her, her tongue keep sticking out and never eat at all.

is it not prepared to eat solid???

my MIL say she dunno how to eat solid yet thats y her tongue sticking out.

hi mommies!

if anyone is keen to bring their babies to hwa xia at vivo, plazasing, yishun or parkway parade for swimming and would like to take over my balance package, pls PM me. Good to train their muscles!


Bellamy got some herbs as ingredients. Anyone knows what type?


Mine never stick out tongue but didn't swallow either. The tongue sticking out means not ready to take solids yet, according to internet sources.


Give about 50ml milk with 1 tbsp cereal, then followed by 100ml milk if their usual feed is 150ml milk.

