(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

My hubby also nvr give. Most household and Bb stuff he pay. When I no money then he will give me some money to spend. Hehee...

nowadays seldom hear hb give wifey jia yong. unless u're SAHM.. i work i spend my $$.. his money transfer to me to clear bill. the cc bills include my spending too. sometimes overspend and i gotta help out lor..

cos i tink the new gen man tinks differently... somemore now society always says equality in gender...

older gen man will give ba, cos they will feels responsible towards the family... even if wife is working...


I same as u, #1 drinking also used to have prob, now #2 also same but he not hong sim or teething, he can open his mouth but once teats is in his mouth, he either turn left or right or use his tongue to push the teats, if we force him to drink then he'll cry, now #1 also no prob drinking, at night sometimes can drink 3 bottles every hour, solid food also little bit but if her favourite then she can eat 1 whole pack, but her food intake is only white rice with soup without anything or bread.

bp air-con service i tried before, like that lo, nothing surprise bcos I did normal cleaning only...

crescent : me new generation man ... i take money...

jascmy : who told me to earn lesser than wife. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My hubby say he want to be penguin papa. But he can't fullfill his dream cos I'm not a career woman.

Also heard a lot of my male colleagues who prefer to be penguin papa leh. I'm surprise on how modern men are nowadays.

ahNah, if my hb wanna stay home, i also sack maid first. haha!!

but this day wont happen cause he doesn't want to stay at home.

$$ or not, we all share share de. one person income is not enough for the whole household, bobian.


my girl ever milk strike. she can dun drink for 6 hours. sometimes she can push her teats or pretend to vomit. she even can push her bottle away instead of holding. i already got used to it. slowly she will outgrow. till now, she can milk strike once in awhile. i even tried all means to distract her then she can finish it. used whatever methods you can do, eg distract her by watching cartoons.. hehe!


my hb never give me "jia yong" lor. he even never help to contribute the money when my mum is helping to take care of my girl. he said he got lots of loans to clear.

my hb is not those modern man. he want to work . want to be own boss.. but now setting up biz v difficult.. must tink v carefully.. i prefer to work also.. but i'm not career minded. hahaha.. not a person can stay at home whole day to take care of kiddo and housechores.

cheekrene, wat to do...that's the new gen man....

in another way, i tink sometimes they r still not so matured yet as compared to gers... i feel tat my tinking changed alot after giving birth... everyting now i do, i will put my ger priority 1st... even if buy tings i oso will buy for my ger... my own tings only those tat i need...

I tot jia yong would means that hb give a lum sum for wife to do marketing and pay house bills. So if hb pays everything, then it won't be jia yong Liao. If hb pays everything and still give wife money, either he is loaded or he dotes wife Alot.

But if our hb is not those loaded type, we shld be glad that they already paying everything. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


how many hours withuot milk? is she having sore throat?

my ah boy also milk strike, but i am used to it le. just make sure baby is hydrated then ok le.

my boy this few days can stop for 5 hours dun drink milk. .but each time is 150 to 200ml ..

so consider milk strike or not ?


you are right. if hb give me money, he must be rich. now at this generation, both of us are paying everything so it's impossible to differentiate it.


i am dead tired. carry my girl for past few days till my whole body ache. luckily we went to milk house for awhile as they said they want to go out. so we went out with them for lunch then they come my house and sit. thank god, they cant do much things on my girl. phew!

ahNah, so bad? hm.. u need a break!

5 hours day time v long.(milk strike woh). if it is night time ok la.!

carry to her sleep or shopping? lucky u told leave today... if not they sure bring ur ger out then dunno wat them do to her....

me oso lucky, only see them on sat lunch time... when out for lunch together then accompany them to travel agency to pay balance... then dinner we eat urself cos hubby wana cooked... then sun afternoon they go out to visit their fren tell us to eat by ourself, dinner mil cook so as usual hubby go over eat liao dabao back for me... hehehe

then tis fri hubby goin to hk until next mon then back... i'm goin to bring my ger back to my mum's.. another wkend w/o seeing them... hehehe

QQ : if i take a break now.. then Mar or Aug then got chance to get a job again (it happen 8 yrs ago .. jobless for 8 months)

Yes. 5 hours in day time. But I told my wife and maid dun give until he cry for milk. Then he will only take 5 to 10 mins to finish 150ml of milk.

cheekrene : not yet .. i thou only 6 months .. maybe end of this Month i ask the PD.

my ger will sometimes have 4/5 hrs inbetween feeds, mostly when going out shopping or when she super tired sleep until forget to drink milk ....

but @ their tis stage shld not be a concern cos they r able to store some reserve in their stomach...

as long as they are still having abt 5-6 feeds per day it's still ok


carry to sleep. very tiring.

his mum said wanna bring her to see her sisters one day. i must go or else my girl will scream and cry.

aiyo... she dun wana sleep on bed/cot ar?

for me i will nv leave my ger alone wif my hubby or mil... they cannot handle lor... like last wed, my ger got enzyme, IFC ask my hubby to bring her to c pd cos scares is HFM (cos got cases there) then he call me ask me can take off anot... he cannot handle her...


she is fine sleeping on bed at nights only. in daytimes, she just want to carry and sleep. all my hb's fault lor. he said she must be cant sleep without yaolan. so carry her and sleep on chest for past 2 weekends.


hand really break. last sat, we went to MBS. i carry until my whole body and legs are aching.

cheekrene, my ah boy big size, he is also carried to sleep most of the time. thanks to my hb and maid. i have no eye see, cause i am not the one carrying. told them dun do it le but ah boy cried until they cannot stand. sigh!

no eye see, wait till they outgrow , i hope v soon.

ahNah, cannot la. max 4 hours must feed le. if more than that then at night he will wake up for feed de. lagi worst.

QQ : cannot meh ? let me monitor and see how .. if not .. drag until 11 pm..then give him extra power of milk .. see can tong until morning or not.

poor dorje.

no milk until 11pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think 5 hours too long le. my ah boy makes noise every 3-3.5 hour. if 4 hours he will kill me. but then he drinks oni 100-120ml nia

body fat fat but tummy v small

QQ : but of course if he scream earlier.. will def give him the milk lah .. me not that cruel .. just some time i whack his backside only.

Sunflower, ya I told her cannot point finger n point gun.. So at home she din dare.. But last week I caught her naughty cousin point finger at her, scolding her then she talk back n point back.. Both point at each other.. Faint..


I agreed, Try to give 4 hrs. 5 hrs too long leh. By the time he cry for milk, he is super hungry Liao, that's y he drink milk very fast in one shot . Don't do this to dorje leh .. He very cute leh, dont make him slim down la.


i got carrier but she is kpo. wanna see around the place.


i hope she will outgrow or else my arms sure break.


try to give 4 hours feed. distract him if he dun drink

MVH, i must say your ah girl v smart, cousin point finger at her then of course she has to show colours mah.

I was teaching my girl dun do this dun do that last time, then when she went school she got bullied and dunno how to fight back or scream for rescue. then we have to teach her to stay firm and talk to her friend so that she wont get bullied. anyway, kids at this age dun really chap her.

so your ah girl is good, at least she wont be easily bullied. what's wrong?

we can tell her that it is wrong to point finger etc but she did that out of protection woh.

i dun ask my girl to beat ppl, but if ppl beat her she has to be able to hold the person's hands and scream, or run and scream , etc.

it is late, i go orh orh liao.

and the photo of dorje is not that unhappie. quite cool, but i tot he is am4 chio3 while taking this photo?


QQ, u think very positively leh..

Today my gal 1st day in school.. N she is not use to the napping timing so she din nap fr 1-3pm.. Guess what she told me juz now.. She said she go ard n beat her peers who r not sleeping n ask them to sleep.. Faintzzz..sound like me leh!! I think she really like to copycat!!! Luckily no parents complain sia..

My #1 also getting very naughty recently , I think all the gor gor n jie jie r just trying to catch attentions of the adults. We have to think for them , last tine before Bb born , when #1 play or watch tv, he is allow to talk loud . Now when got Bb. I think we tend to say too much " can u pls don't .... " , " can u pls stop ..... " . So they will think why got Bb out then I can't do this n that. So I try not to say too much no n don't to him. And I use to believe beating is a good way to teach but now if I beat him, he will tell me , not pain ! Faint right. N he will give me a unhappy face n ask , mummy y u beat me ? Is really not easy to handle 2 kids. N I believe there is more to come when #2 grow bigger. They will snatch toy n fight for tv programme ! I dont dare to think ! but overall my #1 love mei mei [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I m planning to bring them to genting in mid Jan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


anyone starting to prepare the solid food diet?

what should i give my bb as first food? am really clueless. anyone can recommend what food i should give and what brand of rice cereals etc i should buy?

thanks !

