(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

i go check out..wow alibaba, u have so many already, still order? btw, is it hot to wear beanie or not? my boy drinks milk in air con room , head can already sweat like mad..

haha... i love to see my boys wearing beanie leh.. they look soo cute in it!cant help to buy more.. my #2 is wearing hand down already look old. so i buying new one for him. haha..

i saw jasmine keen to get one too. and same design as the one i get..


wear when go shopping lor.. drink milk take out la.. sure sweat de.

something to ask ... abit blur blur liao.

Feedin semi solid , actually wanted to start with happybellies brown rice cereal. but pd say its better to start off with white rice cereal 1st. And dunno y i gong gong nv ask why. haha , anyone know why?

Bakaholic, chiem explanation but thanks! Bb needs irons so looking for iron-enriched or iron-fortified cereals..

Sunflower, bm has no nutritional values?? My elder gal's PD encouraged to bf till 2yrs.. Somemore America association of pediatrics (AAP) encourages to bf till 1yr as it helps to prevent infections in bb due to our antibodies in bm.. Bm got iron but very very little.. Hence not enuff at 6months... So when u plan to bf yr boy till?

Af7680, my gal still got hiccups almost everyday.. But she has reflux when younger.. Now better but still got occasion throw up n frequent split-up.. Read somewhere that hiccups might due to reflux too.. But dun worry la.. Maybe give a bit of water to ease the hiccups?


My gynae told me. Think every gynae/PD say different thing. Duno who to heed advice from. Haiz!! My hb wants me to stop soon but I wana stop at 9 mths.

Wat bout u ?


Ok will buy!!


My fren giving rice cereal too. Her PD say easier to digest, unlike brown rice . But I feel brown rice is healthier.


yep I also read somewhere, hiccup might be due to reflux. He hiccup after every feed. He doesn't throw up, but he has history of milk refusal n phlem ( which still

on going) , which dr said it's might be silent reflux. Thinking to bring him to pd once hubby back

home from overseas. Some say silent reflux is more dangerous than normal reflux [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

don't know still have stock or not. if pre order then must wait so long. zz.


same same. boys' accessories only have beanies and caps.. so i bought a lot of beanies..


last time they have a new diaper, so free 10pcs sample. the rest of their diapers, i also received just 1 per type.

Af7680, what is the difference between silent reflux n normal reflux? How come more dangerous?

Sunflower, bf is personal choice.. If u think u can provide n want to bf n yr boy wanna drink also, then continue la.. No pressure no stress.. Unless u r busy at work n still need to take care of boy n tired out then maybe u can consider stop early lor.. For me, I wanna bf as long as I can provide la.. Save $$, more antibodies n probiotics than formula. But need to give more nutritional foods to complement things like iron etc..

I guess giving organic or non-organic food is optional. Giving organic means more $ and also problems of letting them adapt to normal food next time. I have a friend who says her kid never fall sick on organic food wor.


i read that Frisocream is for 6 mths onwards? Will not waste lah, just keep for future use.


Do you want more huggies dry comfort M size? I still have like 8 pieces left cos i dun like the texture.

2nd nite sleep train fails.. My gal cries super loudly (louder than last nite) on n off for 1.5 hrs.. Choked twice n kanna blocked nose can't sleep.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cannot stand her crying so now put in yaolan..

bakaholic, yeah I don't mind more huggies dry comfort M size but I stay too far from u to collect leh... i'm at pasir ris but i believe u are at jurong?

MVH, can understand how u feel... my boy also crying super duper loud nowadays when I try to sleep train him. The bigger size he grows, the louder his cries. I cannot stand his crying so I just throw him to my hubby to sleep train him.

Re: rice cereal

I heard from my mom that nt every babies can eat brown rice cereal cos they might cause baby stomach to have wind wor..

My gal is officially 4mths old today.. Don kn shd try giv her cereals nt. She seem nt interested to drink milk... Hw many mummies here oready start giving semi solid??

Re: baby crying at night

My gal oso kept crying this few nights.. She seems to wan sleep but don kn y can't get to sleep.. End up we try giving her abit of milk (30-60ml) even though she jus finished milk 1.5hrs ago.. Surprisingly she finished and fell asleep Liao...

Mayb can try giving ur bb some milk if nth seems to pacify her?

Sunflower, I don't have cot.. I Put her on my bed..

Ann, ya n so xin tong to see her tears rolling down.. Somemore cry so long n still can't sleep.. Sigh..

Ber-Mi, I latch on all e times.. Tried latching, she still cant fall asleep..

anyone needs carters rompers?

I have an extra carters 5 pc romper set letting go for only $12.50. cheaper than BP price. size: 6mths

bought too many. hee..


Just to check , mummies Ur Bb now wear Wat size diaper ? My girl wearing L size for fitti premium n huggies ... I was thinking she is just 4.5 mths ... Need L meh ?

Ber mi

My gal sudd lost interest in milk too. From 120 down to 90ml. But her head is still a lil wobbly so i wont start solids so fast.

Will start with rice cereals.


If you are using contact lens of -7.50 degree, and interested in daily disposable contact lens, pls contact me at [email protected]

I have two boxes of Acuvue for sale and price is negotiable.

Expiry date 2012 & 2013

Thank you!


bb with silent reflux will not vomit milk cos they will swollow back but acid will give them pain n will not drink milk or will drink little by little if they do. So some of cases r not realized. read somewhere that silent reflux is more dangerous but don't recall the reason.

Hi mummies, I am a July mummy. My baby is going to be 6mth soon and I have overstock 2 cans of Similac infant formula for 0-6mths. Would like to sell away the two new unopened cans for $60.

Details of the milk powder:

Mfg date: 20 apr 2010

Exp date: 09 apr 2012

Self collection at sengkang or Serangoon mrt station.

Please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested

Jasmin, my bb weigh about same as urs. May I know how much ur bb drink per feed n how many times a day? Tks

i need help,

can someone tell me if you know about the price?

what is the price of surgery for bilateral inguinal hernia?

cause i asked kkh, they said dunno.?

then there is this pte rate and subsidised rate? if i wanna take subsidise rate, then have to go poly and get referral. if not, then consider pte patient.

each consultation is differnt in price.


$28 each consultation,

earliest appt is 25 Jan.

Pte rate:

$80 each consultation,

earliest is 30 dec.

there is 1 month diff, and i feel like going pte.

just dunno if i am being kaykiang and might have a huge bill next time.


I Duno about the rate difference. is ur boy feeling discomfort or cranky? if no get referral better. Else scare huge bomb of bill.

alibaba, i think he is in pain though pd said not painful. but he is v cranky if on tummy (or because he is fat)

he will scream until we put himin lie down position.

i scare big bill too but then if the difference is not a lot, i would like to fix it earlier


those mothers of 2!! anyone noes wad's the name of the teething gel??

After fever of few days now my #1 is screaming away, i think he's feeling v painful due to teething....i got no choice but to give him some flu med to calm him dwn to sleep.....how to tackle such situation har??

QQ, go facebook ask penguin.. Her boy also went KKH for surgery, think a month ago? I read online, for some cases it can be painful for the bb leh.. Better get it treated early.. Poor boy...

Suika, u try dentinox? Can get fr guardian.. Or u give him cold teether to bite? Poor boy..

But my elder gal PD told m before that teething doesn't cause fever.. It is during teething, bb or child bite or chew on things often n ate some of the virus/bacteria on those things that cause infection in the body -> fever.. If fever still continues, maybe see a doc better?

Af7680, ah? My gal has been swallowing those milk that flow back from tummy leh.. Coz I saw some milk flow out at times but she swallow again.. I thought her reflux is getting better coz no or super seldom throw up these days.. Now I wonder issit silent reflux... :S

My bb has been sleeping well for the past 4 nites.. No more waking up in e middle of the nite and play!!

I carried out my modifier cry it out method. I put my gal to sleep on my bed wif me accompanying her..

1st nite. Cry on n off for 2hrs n fall asleep by herself.. Only wake up for short feeds n then doze off herself.

2nd nite.. Somewhat not successful coz after 1.5hrs of crying on n off very loudly, she can't fall asleep by herself.. So I put her in yaolan n she sleep within 5mins of swinging.. After that, also wake up for short feeds n doze off herself on my bed..

3rd nite. We went for wedding dinner. She only slept 20mins at the dinner n we reach home ard 1130pm.. Way pass her bedtime.. Change her n put on bed she cries super loudly for 15mins.. Put her in yaolan coz she too tired Liao.. Slept from 130am to 7am, then drink milk n sleep till 10+am...

4th nite (today) I left her on bed to cry for 15mins. And then yaolan.. Also no waking up to play so far.. Rather it was I who can't sleep after her milk feed .. Lol...

I hope she can continue to sleep this way!! Yeah!!!


teething no cause fever? but my #1 always gets fever when he's teething wor

i already brought him see pd last thurs n as usual says it's viral infection whenever it's fever


dentinox is the teething gel... some children will have fever when teethin de.. esp if it's the molar one.


haiz.. my turn soon bah.. i'm still waiting.. u try the dentinox.. probably will help abit.. if no choice give him ice to chew lor.. tat's my sil does when her #1 teething with the molars..

morning ahnah..

duno if u guys got this problem anot.. my #2 dun wanna to slp or drink ESpecially when go out.. haiz.. yday went out.. make 2btl of milk.. both nv drink , i no choice but to latch him on.

nowaday latch him, he will BITE.. gosh.. anyone has the same experience ah? how? pain sia..



it's in the middle of the nite....give him wad oso no use...in the end got my hb to grab him n i 'force' dwn the flu med so he can rest

ur boy older then mine he's still not out yet?

morning ahnah!!

