(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


not yet...from wat i know still have one more coming... aiya when they are cranky... we do wat also no use.. u try the ice one. maybe can.. apply dentinox gel before he slp also


yes.. BITE..=_= and he still tot i playing peekaboo with him cos putting on nursing shawl.


today no mood to work at all .. holiday coming liao .. and i still hang over from my son's midnight play time.

what is Peekaboo ? ??

Morning all mummies,

I tried to feed my boy using syringe when he refused to drink by bottle. It doesn't help as he still fuss when he wake up and saw my hb feeding him. Then we tried to change to a smaller size bottle and teat also failed. Now we really dunno how to make him drink in silence. My girl(other twin) does not have such problem during feeding...dunno what happened to my boy. Every feed is like declaring war. Haizz...


it's rather common to have bb on milk strike.. quite few bb here are like tat.. inclusive my boy.. sigh.. dream feed him so far is the best way to feed him.. also same like urs if he wake up and he see the btl in his mouth, he will cry!! if we force feed, he will vomit..

heard from PD say .. baby on milk strike is quite common on 4th month.

So ... i wait for my son to scream for milk then give him. if not ... 4-5 hours in daytime also no milk for him ..

the other method I do is .. if he dun wan to drink. .. i make him do tummy exercise until he cry father cry mother then let him rest and drink milk.

peekaboo is a game .. oic .. i got play with my son also .. but i afraid he kana scare by me and cry out. So I try to control myself not to do so.

My colleague just told me her friend's baby , changing diaper in the nursing room. She just made 1 turn , the next moment, her baby flip and head down to the toilet bowl.. the bowl is made of porcelain, yet she didnt bring him to see the doc immediately! still waiting for any vomitting..thats too late!

we really must watch out for our baby every second!


hope the bb is fine..


1st time will maybe scare . but after awhile shld be happy to play one de. haha.. my boy loves to be tickled...

alibaba, then i let other ppl go n try on my son first .. anyway .. my son not scare of tickled... maybe i use the wrong method..


i tink tat day she bad mood leh.. even my fren tink so.. got the v dao face.. maybe cos i nv call her before i go. initially already agreed to go down her place in the afternoon..and i only sms her when i otw there.. she got alot of pyjamas like those disney character long s romper.. for gals. have dress but mostly for big gals.. i feel she shld have more la. but she seems no mood at all.. i bot one sleeveless romper and one long sleeve romper pyjamas for my boy.. for boy limited choice, u shld know.. next time u organise with suika.. i not gg down liao cos no much for my boys unless i wan more pyjamas..


Same like yours. Only dream feed is the best for mine too. That's only the time where I can have peace. Wonder if I should change formula? What FM u using?

ahNah, you have any idea when the milk strike will gradually stop? 4-5hrs no drink in daytime is ok? I wanted to do that too but afraid he can't hit the minimum intake amt daily. Aiyooo...dunno what to do.

babyho : nope.. PD didn't say when .. my son's record is day time sleep straight for 5 hours and no milk .. but when he wake up to drink milk.. he suck the milk like nobody business. We see liao also laugh.

If worry .. ask PD better .. cause every baby is unique


oh u mean u didn't pre-arrange with her to go down and view... mayb that's why she bad mood...

sure will arrange with iris if i gg down... but most probably will be after work...


u plan to go down??


yeah!! My boy bites too....... when he bite, I will shout "Oi!!!" very loud then he will get a shock and let go.


Your #2 had umbilical cord hernia is it? Just wondering how long it took to heal for your girl? My cousin's twin boys have it but her doc only ask her to tie and bind the boys' tummy.. so far, its not getting better leh.

Suika, this is wat e pd said la.. My elder gal din really have fever during teething.. Just dun wanna drink milk n fussy..

Sunflower, actually go see doc also not much use if bb fall down.. If not bleeding or obvious bruises, They will ask u to monitor for 24 hrs if got vomiting or fits or roll white eye ball.. E most they do is x-ray which bb is too young.. Poor baby.. My elder gal fell off the bed several times when she is a baby.. Also scare me off.. Once even fell off the pd observatory bed while me n pd nurse talking n din notice.. Pd not in e room.. Got a cut on the eyebrow area.. So we really have to watch our baby closely

Alibaba, Suika, my elder gal is going to 3.. Her last molar still not out yet.. So still have 4more molars to go

My bb when go out also sleep strike.. Sleep 20mins for 4-5 hours when we r out..

Ann, my gal took ard 2.5 -3 months for e belly button to sink in.. Her pd said normal cases took 6-12 months to recover.. He told me not to tie or attach anything to it coz scare water trap inside then infection then problem comes liao.. Just dun touch it coz it is e intestine that is protruding out..


it's prearranged one. i asked her when was her convenient timing.. and she give me the timing de.. but she still expect me to call her before i go down... actually i sms her told her i am on my way lor. den she wasnt at home.. anyway it's ok la.. i didnt wait v long but she seems to be in bad mood..


he drink BM, at night one feed FM (brand mamil gold)

btw, anyone transfer the FM to another container? i realise the FM opened for almost 1mth the powder will become lumpy..


i forgot how many molars more. but i heard shld come out before 2yo. haha.. anyway let it be bah..now i scare of #2's teeth come out lor.. he bites!


u ooi him, he will stop ah.. when he bite me my hand will keep on slapping his backside to stop.. hhaa.. wat happen if he got teeth... jiu ming ah... i dun want to lose my nipple..


u know wat we talking about ah. hahah .u went to her place also? v little variety for boys. so it's not a place for me to go..


i mean even the FM are kept in the FM container for almost 1mth.. it become lumpy lumpy..mamil container is those flip open type, i tink it doesnt seal well..and i dun have this problem when i use similac.. tinking to transfer some FM into lock lock container..


i do transfer milk powder from 1 tin to another tin. scare it will become lumpy if open too many time especially friso is the vacuum type.


suika still has not confirmed if next wed can go. i have yet to apply leave.

hihi... was really bz nowaday & come in for a peep...

QQ, so how's ah will now? u have choose to bring him to private or KKH? I am not sure of the bill but I think if it is one time thing then just go for pte ba... Gov hospt normally need to Q for very long...

sunflower, huh? bb fall into the toilet bowl?! Think my heart will fall too... anyway, like MVH, my #1 also fall down from bed few times when she was young.... :p really need to keep our eyes to them when they still rolling...

alibaba/eeyore, u all talking abt gg to ade's place? i m thinking to go n get some dress for my gal too. eeyore, may be we can go after work together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunflower, yes I'm here. (are you in my fb btw? I'm Inex Yip)

btw.. I'm urgently looking for a tuxedo romper for my boy to wear this thursday.. anyone got lobang lemme know k.. thanks.

alibaba, ur boy drink mamil gold? i have 2 tins new mamil gold Step2 (400g). if you want I can give it to u. PM me if you interested. if not i will post it to WTG section liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



ya. he is taking mamil now. can give me if u not using. wat brand u giving ur boy? still BM? u gals shld organise go in group to ade's place. more mouth can fetch more discount.. me & my fren go nia.. tink nv really get much discount.

Alibaba, my mil transfer half the tin of formula into another sealed container to keel fresh.. Anyway, formula must consume within 3-4weeks after 1st opening rite?

My elder gal is a late teether so only got 16 teeth.. By rite children should have 20, so I assume still got 4 more molars..

Cheekrene, oic.. Then u gals see when can make it lor n tell me again..

I check ade online price n e one we bought last time.. Each piece cheaper by $1- $2.. Think it is the postage cost ba..

Mdm Yip,

i just added u!

i wana ask u, u just bought the playmat from small small world. then u are entitled to buy the picnic mat for $12..

u can buy 2 pieces..can i tonbang u to buy 1 piece? im asking dsyonne if she can get, else i get it from u instead?


FM shld consume within 1mth. last time i used to exceed abit.. also no lumpy powder.. for similac. now mamil i have this problem when it's only 3week+ nia..

the pyjamas she sell online $8.90 and still sell me at $8.90. no discount...


ya i noe ..hehe..i went to her place twice liao..always cant get boy's clothes..not much selection..


yalor..i think my heart will sank immediately..!!

alibaba, ok see when u free then come & collect from me. SMS me for collection time arrangement. My boy still on fully ebm, will bf till next mth when he is 6mo old. I intend to let him take similac & had bought 2 tins too. Mamil gold were the 'samples' given during post-natal check-up at Lawrance Ang clinic. I think MVH has it also cos we met each other that time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i bought S26 milk powder for babies below 6mths.. but until now i haven open it..

dont think will use it cos i will still be breastfeeding..

anyone wants? i wana sell away.. its 900gm..

oic.. sunflower, I dun think got time leh cause they are delivering my mat tonight already.. I can email them now and ask them?

but is dsyvonne getting for you?

dsyvonne checking too...but hers already delivered, so i dont think she can get them too..

u help me to check can? they dont do self collect hor? thanks!


ok, I just email them. hope they reply quick. But how are you planning to collect from me? I stay at whampoa.

eh I dunno about the self collection leh but I dun think so.. didnt hear any mention of it in the bp thread.

