(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


I seldom latch Leh, fully EBM . Only latch when my bb scream for milk as I'm still warming up. I don't dare to stock up in freezer leh, scare he dislikes the taste. Maybe I test out

1 pack , if he is ok , then maybe I also give FM and stock up. Maybe u shld let ur bb taste freezer milk first, else if he dislikes, u stock up so much, next time throw away more wasteful


Angel, can help me ask ur gynae? I did my pap smear last tue then got spotting after that.. Still now still have.. 1 week Liao leh.. Issit normal? Thanks!

Alibab, dun apply powder.. I din apply on my gal, coz my cousin-inlaw advise me not to.. As bb nose/ airway sensitive, e powder particles might get in it, she also added, some bb got sensitive skin, so those folds got sweat n mix wif powder might cause itchiness or watever

Dun worry abt bb dun like e frozen milk.. Let continue to feed them n they have no choice n get use to it.. This is what happen to my elder gal.. Hungry le she still drink one.. Initally surely got resistance, just like latching..


my boy already start taking frozen milk at times i'm out for whole day. He is fine with it. Tink it's essential to keep stock when u start work or need to travel. My #1 time i went for short trip during ml and he was fed with frozen milk.


My elder boy is fine with powder except #2 got problem. Ur nv use powder? Wat did ur use? i bot liquid talc to use now.

my freezer's gonna arrived today....so happy can shift all my EBM out n start stocking up food instead ;-)


so good ah.. u got so much milk to store ! i got pathetic 2 bags left in the freezer.. haha.. now trying v hard to stock up the freezer..

Hi suika,

i am interested in getting freezer too. what brand you buy? how much? not sure is it worth to invest or not...

thanks in advance.

Hi Aug 2010 Mummies,

I'm new to this thread. I just delivered my no. 3 in end Aug too. Would like to find out from you all if any of you have recommendation for a good baby carrier? I've been using the hotsling for my past two but would like one which can be used by husband.

Anyone using the Manduca or Ergo brand of baby carrier here? Care to share share some reviews? Thanks much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

penguin: thanks for letting me know wat's KOI. i so "Suah-ku", i usually jus buy bubble tea fr any shop (didn't see the shopname)

POwder: I use for my #1 n #2. initially CL didn't want to use on #2 but then he got heat rash, so i told her to use the medicated ones on the rash area (it works!) and then apply normal ones on the folds of his hand and leg to avoid heat rash again. i follow traditional way.. when we were babies, my mum use on us lei. but avoid the face la (esp nose n mouth).

Colic: I thought Colic drop and gripe water is the same (except diff brand)? tat's wat my pd told me. btw, i'll b giving my baby Rotafene which is probiotics (its 5drops a day), supposed to be good for the tummy digestive sys and also gd for preventing colic.

xuan- ur house got nursing area/rm for us? :p will need to latch on when baby cry for milk lei. or else ve to use nursing cover. i try to go but will call first b4 i go, also my 3 yr old #1 and maid will tag along too (nobody at home to supervise them).

sleeping position: I let my baby sleep on tummy during the day (only if i'm near him so can check on his breathing), night time he sleep on the side with beanie on his body and 2 bolsters on the 2 side. sometimes if he refuse to sleep in his playpen, i will ve to carry him and let him sleep on my bed with me. if still cannot, i will let him sleep on MY chest or shlder or tummy. i ve electric sarong but still hesitating to take out to use, don't want him to get used to it if possible and also house too many things, no space liao to put lei. But most of the time, sarong will do the trick (it work for my #1 when small)

Baby gals- i also want GAL lei! but dunno can afford #3 or not and also worry wat if again ah-boy??! *faint*.. but my sis told me "luckily u ve boy again this time, or else u will ve to move house liao!!" bcos my house already full of my son toys, clothes etc! if gal, will ve to buy gal toys, clothes, dresses, cutie stuff etc! n gals tend to buy more!!! ;S

this BP selling ready and DIY headbands for baby gals and other stuff like pacificer clips etc:


2 days ago, i tried to bottle feed baby with fm, he cry for 20min, kept pushin out, till v hungry then he suckle n drank abt 80ml, follow by my bm. but last nite, he cry n cry still don't want to drink and finally drank only abt 50ml then i forgot to burp him and let him latch on bcos he was crying so loudly with so much tears (like WHY-MUMMY-DON'T-GIVE-ME-HER-MILK??!!), then he merlion so MUCH! then next feed after 3hrs, i latchon, he was happily suckling and midway merlion BIG time! so pitiful! think ve to stop trying for awhile, so heartache!

btw, how do u mummies keep ur milk bottles? air-dry first or wipe dry with tissue/cloth after sterilising? if i don't dry them and just keep them in containers (i got a few excess so not all are used everyday), is it ok? and also i notice the NUK latex teat will change color and smell too.. i ve just bought 1 NUK and ve wash n sterilise (but didn't dry it) and kept it, jus now i open the bottle, the teat smelly lei.. haven't even let baby use it.

Now my supply drop for no reason.

i'm so so so sad la!

now i only manage to pump out 3oz and that's it le.

i used to be able to pump 5-6oz.


does milk supply drop for no reason?

This is my first time breastfeed my bb so long. I very scare milk supply will stop suddenly.

cyn here: my hse only got 2 room. i will try to make space for u all to nurse. no problem, feel free to bring elder kids along, my 4yrs old girl and 1yr old boy will be home also!

shld we wear name tags to identify ourselves when we meet? I'm still trying to figure out who's who!?? hahaha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

East gathering

Date: 08/10/10 friday

Time: 12pm or 2pm??

Venue: xpink_xuanx's house (Chai Chee Street)

1. xpink_xuanx_1987

2. naturelover

3. Penguin

4. mamyvelle

5. ann

6. ah bee (TBC)

7. cyn here (TBC)

so we put it at 2pm for teabreak ok?

Vida - Thanks. Susan gave me the same contact too. Will order from them cos the Boots milkbags is out of stock... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bearyhugs - Yup, I used the Ergo Sport Carrier but I have sold it off. It offer really good support (no aching shoulders!!) but the straps are too thick for a short lady like me. Hubby said I look overwhelmed by the carrier. Hubby was also too lazy to learn how to use the Ergo carrier. Also, the Ergo carrier is a bit bulky to fold and bring along. End up, both hubby and me rather use the sarong sling cos its so light and easy and suffer the shoulder ache. If you are buying the carrier for hubby use and don't mind the bulkiness, you can consider the Ergo. Its cheaper than the Manduca.

xpink_xuanx: Sometimes milk supply can drop suddenly due to variety of reasons (like too tired, never drink enough water etc). During such days, I make sure I overload myself with loads of water and keep latching bb on or pumping. I also take 1-2 pills of domperidone tablets.

re: East gathering

If 2pm for teabreak, the food/drinks how we settle ah? Everyone buy some cakes or snacks?

cyn_here: Latex teats very lousy one... it will be sticky and smelly after a while of use/ sterilisation. I don't keep my bottles. I just leave everything in the steam steriliser and only take out when need to use.


for those feedin frozen bm, wat is e color?

Mine is yellow

n my bb will vomit water plus small pieces of yellow n white thing after burp

n is more smelly

is tat bcos frozen milk? I wonder is it not fresh .. My frozen milk is less than 2 month

Hi Ann,

can share wit me ur contact for boots milkbag?

Anyone know e difference btw boots milkbag n nanny milkbag?

I currently using nanny milkbag.. It cost $7.85 for 25 bags (per box) if u buy 13 boxes

got double seal

I running out of milkbag

susan : the motor is $148-168 depends on brand. The stand and spring cost $89.90

ann : but u all got 'hand' to take snacks meh? if got car den ok la. if don have car, den v difficult leh. either we order mac/kfc lor. Lol!

i only can give myself excuses to eat fastfood at this gathering. Cos i restrict myself from eat high carbo food, cos don wan gain weight. lol


when u said stand n spring means just manual w/o motor rite? if e whole thing is auto with motor will cost that much?

susan : Yup w/o the motor. There's no yao lan attached with motor one. Its seperately.

susan: I bought a whole set of the yaolan, $210 inclusive of everything. the stand, the motor and the sarong. So far so good although the motor is abit tricky to use.. but once you get the hang of it, is ok.

Dun think I can buy food...dun think I will bing pump also, will pump before going out, even if overtime dun care le, now not so onz in pumping every 3hrs. Will be taking cab with maid , 2yrs old and baby. So me and helper each handle one. Think we order things to eat instead? Will be going to the toy r us sale tml also , wonder is there any great buys. Buy somemore hubby sure kill mi de! I spend my every mth allowance 80% in tis forum ... Kind of hate logging in. Lol

fri gathering: xuan, sms mi ur addr. i can go if gathering 2pm but if majority gg 12pm, u all juz go ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2pm snack: i can tabao KOI but i worry i will reach even later time.. haa!

anyone knows where to see freezer suitable for storing breastmilk? opening from top better or from side? keep wantin to buy one very long le , hubby think breastfeedin very ex ! haha , cause still must buy pump , storage bottles , milkbags , freezer etc... i now using both bottles and milkbags , bottles can only store 100ml while milkbag can store 250ml, but cause i got alot of glass bottles + i already brought alot of bottle caps from tmc so got to make full use of the bottles also. use container to stack on top of the bottles when the space fill up. how to make full use of space? abit hard to persuade my stingy hubby to buy freezer lor unless i pay myself ...


anyway i just make an enquiry online


think got free shipping if got 33boxes... anyone wanna join in ordering? $5+ per box of 40pcs.

xuan, mdm yip,

ok, thanks for the info. will go kiddy palace to check out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamyvelle : about the boots website, i enquire before already. They only allow max 10boxes. Cannot exceed it even though i told them its for my personal use. They insists that they are not able to change their system.

issit? saw someone opening spree at overseas section more den 33boxes got foc shipping. will wait for their reply.

is shipping ex for 10box?

mamyvelle : Is it? I enquire so many times, even 1 of the mummy also enquire. They keep on say cannot.

Yes, their shipping damn ex!!!


You making me jealous with your BM stock. I would be happy with 5% of your supply. :p

Any good bouncer/rocker to recommend? Me thinking to get one.

looking at the milk supply make me sad only. after my abdominal pain & operation, my milk supply drop to only to 20ml. just started pumping again, must work real hard to get back supply

Fumiko, I got the contact for boots milkbag from mamyvelle but that lady say no more stock.

Mamyvelle, i'm also running out of space in my fridge freezer too. But I don't want to spend more $$ on freezer.......... other than the cost of buying that freezer, also got electricity cost leh...

bakaholic, the Fisher Price rainforest rocker seems popular.

i also drop alot of supply when "menses come" not too sure if issit menses also. from ard 200ml can drop to less den 100ml. think keep pumpin will resume back the supply de

xpink_xuanx: I got hands to buy snacks..... cos I use sarong sling mah... hee!! But ok ok I get the idea - order in food is more practical.. Wonder if got delivery for bubble tea or not?

we can order from macdonald? kfc ? pizza hut? or even old chang kee? talking bout food now i very hungry lor. still must wait till 9+ for hubby to be back to tabao for me. wan to die of hunger le


My milk supply also very low. I wasnt' feeling too good in the 1st mth so i only pump out and hardly latched. Then now, at 5wks, trying hard to latch and pump to increase my bb. Even resort to meds and herbs but still like that loh. Now, only about 60+ml per 3-4 hrs pump. Xianz!

Let's jiayou togther ok? Got some better then dun have.

ann : freezer consume alot of electricity? if yes my hubby sure dun wan to get de, my monthly bill on average is already ard $350 le... i also dun wan to get leh , tat y till nw still haven buy , even 2nd hands ones. dunno will breastfeed how long also. my #1 i gave up during the 3rd month. so dunno i can tahan till when.

wow mamyvelle, you had a lot of milk!!!!!

hi mummies, does anyone has contact for balloonist? do pm me.

Thanks !


Bakaholic> ya let's jiayou. Hoping next 2 weeks can increase if not will delay gg back to work. Wanted to go back work earlier.

mamyvelle, usually fridge consume a lot of energy.... so I think freezer will just add on to the cost. My electricity bill is also $300... scary. Do u stay near your in laws or parents house? Last time for my #1, my fridge no space, I put some of my frozen EBM at my in law's fridge... haha.

Ann ... My mum will kill mi , lol , hers is freezer at the top kind so limited place. And inside already super full. Electricity nowadays really damn ex! We dun on air con in the day de. Hse only gt me, hubby , my didi , helper and 2children also so ex! Scary got 1 time comes 400+, called up and they tell mi is estimated

So gathering Friday wad time? 12pm or 2pm?


mamyvelle - U ve so MUCH MILK!!! All the bottles FULL FULL, the packets also FULL FULL!! are those BM in ur fridge or freezer? (bcos they look so neat, u don't ve any other stuff in ur freezer? i can't freeze mine bcos my freezer has meat, fish etc, don't want my milk to be contaminated or smell of fish!). looks like for sale! ur baby better drink up or else wasted mummy's energy! ur hubby shld thank u and be proud of u for putting in so much effort, bm save milk powder $$ lei (nowadays 1 can of milk can costs easily >$50) and babies on BM tend to fall sick less (so mean save on costly PD fees avg >$100!).. ur bottles and pump can reuse so many times, last for yrs (until dunno how many kids!? haha!) so if multiply the costs, u tell ur hubby actually still save alot$$$! ;P

Bouncer - i got mine fr Msia.. traditional type , those net net ones (more cooling, i find FP ones hot) but now new model, can rock also instead of bouncing and can also adjust the height.

