(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

xuan - u haven't pm me ur address? i ve pm u my contacts.

btw, i will b at suntec on fri morning, so if gathering at 12pm, think i will leave straight after my son school end at 11.30am. but b4 tat, i might be able to get snacks fr Carrefour if anyone of u want something (provided my #1 don't scream for his lunch, if so, will be late cos ve to feed him 1st). i drive and ve helper, so got hands! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, for lunch if u gals want to order fast food, i'm fine.



Wow u make me envy leh. U say u pump 200ml each time, but after feeding ur baby, how come still can store so much? I pump between 180-260 each time, but I dun have storage leh. how much ur bb consume? Maybe mine is big eater, taking 160 ml on 2 hourly.

sunflower, alibaba,

My boy still drinking 110ml only leh, last sat I increase to 120ml, he pukes leh but was fed by hb lar so i dunno is the feeding method or really alot that makes him puke...

My boy don't wake up for might feed already so initially I still need to replace by FM, now he doesn't wake up for milk and my BM just enough to supply him...

Sunflower , ur bb drink so much , mine 120ml every 3hrs ... If based on 6 hrs urs already drink 480ml , mine only 240ml, double leh

Cyn : cause I dun cook leh :x but helper gt cook for herself but nt much things la... Think tml will pack the things find space, dun intend to have anymore. Stopping at 2 so tis will be the LAST! Have even ask my gynae for pills coz scare of accident! If one more think I no chance to go out work , dunwan struck at hm at tis age


Thanks for the reply. I bought the Manduca carrier in the end cos was looking for one urgently which can be used for all my 3 kids. My eldest is abt 4 yrs old. I've been using the pouch sling for the longest time but find that its diff to carry a 4 yr old w it. Hope that it would be a good investment...



I also have 2 boys and decided to try for no. 3. Got a girl (XX) in the end and we were so happy. So we are very ready to officially close shop now, haha..I do understand your fear abt having a 3rd boy cos tat was how i felt too. Now my two boys behaved like monkeys whenever we bring them out, like hell break loose. Tat's why I need to buy a carrier to carry one of them else would be diff to go out w 3 kiddos.


Sure envy your milk supply too. By the way, if you store your milk using milk bottles, of cos, it would take up more space. I store all my EBM using the Lansinoh milk bags and I find tat it takes up very little space cos it can be laid flat, not standing. You can get it from this website but I'm not sure if you find it cheap. http://www.agapebabies.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=60&zenid=2254d2aec1d96be2d3f3b23e68866659



Someone was looking for a balloonist? Can try this website from kidzparty...


Anyone here a blogger? Care to share your blog with me cos I blog abt my kids too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] PM me..


Really good to be able to keep so much stock! My #1 time i can keep til the whole freezer full of milk. This time pathetic few bags. think mainly due to the intake of the little one. but if u have 200ml for 3hrly is really good supply! my best the most 150ml. And i not so hardworking anymore. Can drag up to 6 hr for next pump especially at night. Hardly able to get up to pump. Btw breastfeeding can take pills for contraceptives meh?


I Tink puke Abit is fine. As long not merlion that type.


I have 2 boys and i am quite determine to stop at 2. but everyone start asking me about #3! ask me to try for a girl. Including my hb -_-" It not cheap to have kids in Singapore. And moreover having 2 boys i can foresee i'll be like a mad woman soon. screaming my lung out with their mischievous acts! How do u cope with three? do u have helper? And u work?

Alibaba, I totally din use any powder.. Scare nose sensitive.. Coz at times my gal sneeze a few times a day even not in fan-room.. I think till she is moveable by herself n sweat more then I will start to use powder..

Cyn, after sterlize e bottles dun use anything to wipe.. Esp tissues got those small dusty particles... Latex teats have to change every month coz it will become sticky n smelly after sometime...

Bearyhugs, alibaba,

Opposite of yr case... I have 2 gals n alot of frenz including mum ask me to try for a boy for #3.. But I scare in e end end up all gals.. So thinking of closing shop..

east side gathering: think order food more efficient! =) i cant wait!!!

mamyvelle: envy u very much! so much milk!!

kids: i haf 1 now n wants to stop just @ 1.. i love my bb gal very much even though she's hot!

milk supply: how will it stop? how long does the effect of domperidone last? pumping @ work, how do u manage?

Cyn: can lompang u at suntec on fri mah? Hehe.. Kidding though, will set out frm tiong bahru if nth goes wrong[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lunch wise im anything..


many say my next one shld be a gal... Even the one who calculate name for my boy also say so. Some say if bb nipple is inverted next one is gal. If is pop out is boy. So can anyone here can justify?

Nature lover

Ur work place has a nursing room? for me, i Will pump and keep the milk in the fridge den bring home. On sterlising part i used hot water method. U mean stop breastfeeding? u need to slowly drag the interval of pump and pump lesser milk each time eg. Usually u pump 3hourly 200ml next pump u drag 1 hr and pump 150ml and if u feel v full and engorged. Can just hand squeese to relieve Abit. This Will send signal to ur brain to produce lesser milk. And til one day i dont feel full anymore and u can just stop pumping at all.


is it true? my mum said inverted nipple will be boy for mine... if it is a girl, i dun want to have 2nd child cos my MIL is biased.


Not sure! but i guess cannot believe too much on all these la. They say inverted nipple is gal. I Didnt see my #1 is Wat type that time. So Duno can justify how accurate it is. Be it boy or gal healthy more important. Y still got parents still zhong nan qing nu. Gal better Wat.


she keep mentioning all the times even after i gave birth to my girl.... she is not "open-minded" type of person.... that is why i quite dislike her *tsk tsk*


I'm also using lasinoh milk bag. Last night I tried to store 1 pack, but mine is not lying down leh, I put it standing. IF I lie it down will have air inside. How much u store per bag? Maybe becos I didn't fully utilize the entire bag as I'm only storing 180ml indicated by the bag?


Oh I see, no wonder u can store so much. I think I Gota wrk doubly hard to exceed demand so that I can keep storage too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunflower , u work double hard den by the time ur bb intake increase also leh, nw my boy intake less that's y can manage to store so much , next time when he drink more I also not enough le

Alibaba: my boy has inverted nipple leh! But i also want boy for nxt one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cuz no1 can play with didi.. See how true is this.. My colleague had one chart very accurate for all of us.. I hv tried other charts online all showed i will hv a girl but my colleague's one showed boy, and true enough for my other colleagues n their wives.

Cheekrene: ignore ur mil lah, i still strongly believe boy or girl= not our business:p i cant imagine if mine is a girl i think my mil will ask me to shift home!

Angel: okie.. So many of you stay in north area.. Im thinkin of applying flat at yishun[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Boy or girl i also spotted this trend, my grandma had 3 boys, 1 girl (my mum), my mum had 3 girls, 1 boy.

My eldest sis had 1 boy, 1 girl. Second sis had 2 boys. Me had 1 boy... Discussed with my frens before they say its sort of true.. Anyway, its fated one.. Dont hiam some ppl have been trying for yrs yet cannot concieve..

Can ratafene drops be bought off guardian or any pharmacy?

Any of you

Wad is ratafen? From east move to north will get used to the environment? Guess I'm too used to staying in the east

Anybody going to the toyrus sale? Am on the way over , not sure if any great buys

Hi mothers,

Need help from all of you. My Bb gal is now bout 7 weeks old & is taking formula at 2 hrs interval - 6oml. Is it too little? some times after feeding, she will struggle & in e end, the milk comes out b4 I can burp her.

Can any mother tell me, how should I know whether my BB gal is having enough milk? any chart or calculation?

2ndly, my BB has sensitive nose as confirmed by the paediatrician. Was given nasal decongestant & doesnt help much in making the mucus come out....she has phelgmy sound too when she breath. is ther anyway to settle the mucus & the phelgm?

lastly, do any mothers have any paediatrician to intro in the east?I went to see Dr Loke in tampines twice. She behaves so impatiently & not approachable. Being a 1st time mummy, I have few concerns to ask, but upon asking 1 or 2 questions, she starts showing the impatient look & I was unable to proceed asking... Im residing at marine parade area & hope mummies here can recommand me good paediatrician near here...

Thanks in advance mummies..

alibaba, my gal nipple is inverted.. so means next one is gal? then i better stop liao... lol..

sunflower, u have to squeeze out the air before zipping the milkbag.. then u can lay it flat le..

hi Regina, welcome on board.. =)

dun say that u r a lousy mummy, all of us here are learning too.. we all have our ups n downs.. =)

yr gal drinks 60ml per 2 hr should be the same as my gal drinking 125ml 3.5/4hrly.. that should be enuf but really depend on yr gal appetite.. in the beginning, my gal will also merlion so i see from somewhere which works for me: after feed, continue to cradle bb for 5 to 10 mins for the milk to go down before burping her..

if she merlion, its becos the sealing disc in the stomach area is not developed fully yet.. dunworry too much as long as yr gal continues to put on weight..

stay positive okies!

Wow, many gathering on going...

I had missed d 1 in eeyore's place, how abt having another 1 for north mummies at my house next Tuesday?

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 12 oct (tue) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

That's continue d name ya....

My elder #1 who is 2yrs old now drink 60ml all the way till 1yrs old every 3hrs.so scary and everyone keep askin mi to feed her more but she doesn't wan, Pd advise tat's it's alright as long as gaining weight and healthy

Hi nature lover, thanks for ur consolation. do u know that im lousy till from birth to 6 weeks old, i brought her to see dr loke twice. the current 2nd time was jus 2 days ago. she had wind in her stomach. was given nose drop for her too. it hurts me to put the drops into her nose...i cried...

i tried hugging my bb but she likes to struggle when i hug her (im the main caregiver to her since birth), when i see her struggle,i will quickly burp her & put her on the bed & she will play herself. but after 10 -20 mins, her legs & hands will kick or "wave". I donno what she wans. put her to sleep, she oso struggle. give her pacifier, after awhile she will spit & kick again... i seriously donno what she wans...

Regina: u can check the wt of yr bb by just going to the polyclinic and tell a nurse that u wan to weigh yr bb.. can walk in anytime de, they will direct u to a rm to do the measurements.. =)

okies, dun worry.. im also learning.. slowly u will catch her pattern..

in the beginning, my gal merlions like nobody business, i cried too thinking im an incompetent mummy, dun even know how to feed bb and when she cries i also dunno wat to do

but i learn, when bb cry, its either the following, hungry, wants to cuddle and carry, wants to sleep or have wind in tummy so i do the following: feed as per my 3.5/4 hr routine, cuddle her for a while, if she drowsy means she wanna sleep but i cradle her longer to make sure she's fully sleeping before putting her in bed.. sometimes she wakes up n i will give pacifier (it takes time for them to learn how to keep the pacifier in the mouth) so u have to hold for a while, if the stomach is kinda bloated, then i put ruyi oil.. oh n forget to add, sometimes they just want your attention.. =)

im still learning to read my gal's signals too.. so u will get the pattern soon

sorry for long long post to read

oh and about hugging i.e. carrying.. diff bb diff style.. like my gal, she dislikes the lying down position, she likes to have her head on my chest or shoulder.. like to look look see see..

so u can try diff position, u have a sarong sling? u can try put bb in the sling.. my gal dozes off while i can continue my chores with both hands.. my gal feels more secure so sleep faster.. =)

My son Dorje's last feed is 9pm (120ml of BM) and he wake up at 3am. Won't hungry meh ?

Or he is going to reduce milk intake liao .. some more last night he didn't finish all the 120ml.

ahnah: if my bb overslept, the next feed i will increase the amount, can finish good, cannot finish also nv mind.. but usually can finish cos they will be hungrier than usual..


gathering for north side can make it another day? 13 oct ? cos my gf is on leave on 12 oct and expect me to acc her..


sensitive nose. doc advise dont apply powder also no furry soft toy at bb slp area. if ur bb have the phelgmy sound from nose and causing breathing problem den it will be a cost of concern. cos i know most bb have this sound.. my boy have this problem recently and was given the nasal spray and drop. i suppose the drop is more effective.. how come u feel heartpain? i can see my boy do feel better after it.. and can slp well.. however i still can hear the phelgmy sound.. and i highlighted to the sin seh when i brought my #1 to see her. she said young bb not advisable to take medicine. she asked me to give "hou ni san" to help dissolve the phelgm.. hope it will help.. now observing whether it's effective...

Alibaba, I m ok on13 oct & just SMS QQ n she is ok too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So we change d date to wed la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

Mhv, eeyore, Winnie, jascmy, Angel wanna join us?

Naturelover > I would like to join the gathering but I really cant handle my BB. She doesnt want my hug... Hmmm...i don have the sling, dont have time to go out & buy... its only now that my mum comes over to help me, then I have time to go online... if not, my 24 hrs gotto give it to bb..cant do anything at all... cos its seems like after feeding, i put her n sarong to sleep, she's tired (yawning) but she dont wan to sleep. eyes open big big look at me, then when I thought she's asleep, i walk away, she starts to make noise again. i cried thrice from her birth to now...i wonder if i had depression?

alibaba > doc says that my bb sensitive nose is family history cos she ask if me & my hubby got sinus, & indeed my hubby got... the nasal decongestant drop inside her nose, she seems uncomfortable...actually the nose decongestant is for wat use? i didnt get the chance to ask the clinic asst cos bb was wailing then... whenre can i buy the medicine u said to disolve phelgm...

regina, dun feel bad...

my #1 also like mamyvelle's #1... drink 60-80 ml throughout her 1st yr.. only during 4-6 months, she drinks 100-120ml.. like wat most mummies have said.. as long as bb put on weight n is satisfied after feed, no problem..

my PD said my gal has reflux problem as she was merlion-ing when she is only 3 weeks old..merlion almost after every feed.. which make me scare n go n see PD..given medicine.. n she hates the medicine.. sometimes merlion those half-digested milk after medicine due to excessive crying.. there is nothing i can do except cuddling her and comforting her.. this is only a phase.. now she is 10weeks+ and so much better.. once a blue blue moon then merlion.. most of the time split up milk.. the quantity can wet the whole handkerchief type.. but i am glad that her condition is improving.. so dun worry too much abt yr bb.. guess we need a lot of patience to help them grow stronger..


Regina: u r notr the only 1 who cried.. i suffered from post natal blues as well.. but it passes as u gain more confidence in yrself as a mummy.. =)

try n come if you could, it'll be fun as well as a learning experience.. im bringing my bb out for the first time by myself too.. (i.e. to bedok) okies cos anywhere not within tampines (my base) is scary.. hee. but i gotta try!

