(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

argh... i tink my acid will sure come out ard this timing.. i just puke out acid from my stomach...

feel so nice the feeling... if not my stomach is so bloated....

starz: i vomited that before i was wondering wat that too. my sis told me is acid..

Hi mummies,

hope you all had a good weekend. Hey i think my baby is a vegetarian, I do not eat much meat nowsadays espcially at night. I can only stomach fish for lunch. So it is mee sua with fish or ban mian, or lei cha... boring!


Hey you are not alone... I am 34 going on 35! This will be my second kid with 2 yr gap.

Yes, pls sign up for the TMC FBI program. It is very worth it if you are planning to give birth there, get also get discount from Parentcraft classes. BB Wong is very good, her class also full house! Also if your gynae is in the program (which mine is not), you get discount for his fees as well as well as the OSCAR tests. All in all, you will get back more than what you have paid. The 3 books are very good, i read it from cover to cover for my first one.

Seems like a lot of us r going thru the same phase nw ... My ms started on wk 5 til nw wk 9 le but doesn't seem to get better I'm still vomittin out most of wat I ate ... Feel very sianz to eat but no choice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Duno hw long it's gonna take for this to subside ah super xin ku nw ... No mood to do anything ... I'm actually thinking of applying for a month of no pay leave but in a dilemma cuz I scare the bonus will get affected ... Haiz

Thank you ladies, I finally found the super small print EDD!! So excited. So for me it is 21 Aug.

Dreymin, thanks for the info. When I go for my oscar on 8 Feb I will sign up for the FBI. Comforts me to know you are my age, haha, but hey, you are having No.2 already!

Dreymin, may I ask what are those Parentcraft classes for?

Yes, my gynae is in the program, does that mean I can get a discount off my consultation too? Yippee... cos to me he is abit expensive.


Thanks for the feedback about the oscar test! My gynae has yet to say anything about the test..my next visit will be when I'm around 13 weeks..dunno is it too late? Maybe I should call him and ask...my gynae like not v "pro-active"...

wah p_eeyore, your boss is so caring! I declared to my female boss yesterday that I am preggie. She like no reaction, just ask me to take care, and workwise, there will be pple covering me. :S

Hello all mummies!!

Is mid week already! Must bear with it then is the weekend again!

Yesterday nite, my hubby notice that our bed is slanting. I told him don't care abt it and not to shift the bed, but he don't listen to me and shifted the bed back to the original position. I quarrel with him because of that.

I'm worried that the shifting of bed will affect my BB. I cried and can't sleep for the whole nite.

My pregnancy already having so many small small little issues, I'm even more worried now.

Now super tired. Hope my BB not pandang abt all this things.

saffy> doesnt feel like heartburn leh. i also not sure cos to me i tot heartburn is ard chest area. but sometimes at night i will suddenly need to take deeper breath to be able to get more oxygen in.

starz> me too, when my stomach empty and i vomit, there will be this bitter taste. it is some yellowish bubbly like liquid. also not sure if it is stomach acid.

miraj> haha i had the same thinking as you, but financially i dun think i can afford taking 1 month of no pay leave.

anyone did the oscar test at TMC already ? how is the procedure ? how long does it take and how much ?

Re : moving bed

i heard pple say dont move bed , but my bed also need to be move leh , cos getting some new furniture ... but my mum say , maybe move bed that time , ask me dont be at home then ok liao , try not to pantang =)

hahah , jascmy , dont think too much and spoilt ur mood , sometime this hubby so stupid , that day i at home , my hubby want to screw the door down dont know do what then i scold him and he not happy , some time they are just not so sensetive lah ... they think we think too much ! haha

jascmy: dun tink too much... next time ask ur hubby dun do that again..

my current bed also slant... me n hubby chose to ignore it...

dreamz> im still toying the the idea .. cuz i told my boss dat i will be constantly on mc or leave given my current condition .. so either way i think will affect my appraisal n bonus bah .. n plus the journey back n fro from work is a torture ... imagine im staying in the east n working in the west ... motion sickness ah ...

morning ladies!!

hahaha mi reading till now then realised i've forgotten eat my pills then realised mi no bring folic...haizzz

Ok, I will not think anymore. I will start thinking that I'm going Marina Sq this evening with my hubby to buy maternity clothing with my $50 vouchers. Yeah!

dreamz, exactly what you describe. But i feel vomitting gastric juice better than food...

hmmm... didnt know cannot shift bed... my mil only says cannot stick things on walls... so ladies, if you pantang, dun stick those CNY deco... ask ur hubby to do it...

today i feel so much better... no ms until now... hope it last!

hello mtb, i'm back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiya, according to my gynae (aka mr. normal), its normal to experience dry skin conditions when u r preggie. so far, moisturising cream & calamine lotion did not help. i smsed my gynae to ask if its safe to use an anti inflammatory cream with the name & concentration. he just reply no prob. so i been using that (its a form of steroid so i just used a little lah) to help curb the itch.

charliebrown, whitelady & others who wish to know more abt the oscar test at TMC,

i went for the test on 18jan. my appt was 9am. but we reached ard 830am so we can sign up for the FBI program at the information counter. its $148 for a period of 2yrs. its very worthwhile in my opinion. our discounts for the oscar + FA scan package is alr $40.90! my gynae participates in the program so there will be another 5% off his delivery fee (he charged $1600 for c-section so discounts is $80)) + other misc discounts, the FBI fees will have paid for itself & more. in addition, there's a whole lot of goodies, like 3 informative books, diaper bag, baby mats, a 700g of similac milk powder for pregnant & breastfeeding mums etc etc.

i was told to go in with a full bladder so i drank 3 cups of water. we din wait long for our turn. our no. was called next. the sonographer asked my hb to wait outside first while i followed her in. this sonographer (short-hair lady) wasnt too friendly. better pray u dun encounter her or if u suay suay do, dun bother ask any questions lah. she was quite rough as she used the ultrasound equipment to shake my abdomen quite violently (2 times!). i was a little shocked but i kept quiet. later, she just told me to go drink another 2 more cups of water and come back in 25 mins (no toilet trips). i casually asked is it becos the image is not clear? then she gave me a 'look' and said, she wouldnt have asked me to go for cups of water if its clear! then she asked my hb to come in and proceed to show him the head, the body etc & told my hb that bb is not in an optimum position. my hb asked her very innocently if its important for the bb to be in an optimum position. again she gave a very incredulous look that says we must be the most idiotic couple on earth and told my hb matter of factly that it IS VERY important for bb to be in an optimum position, otherwise she cannot take any measurements which is why she told me to go for water & come back in 25mins. we looked at the image on the scan, it appeared that bb is facing up so i asked if the optimum postion is facing down or sideways or what?? she said its facing up! by then, she looked like she's ready to pull my hair out. i just told her i couldnt quite make out the image on the scan. luckily thats the last we saw of her as it was another (much nicer) sonographer who called me in the 2nd time.

while waiting for the scan, i was called to take blood test which was another scary affair for me. however, to my surprise, only 1 tube was taken. when i commented i thought it was more than 1 tube, the lady said only one test was ordered by my gynae. so phew!

the other sonographer who called me in for the 2nd round is very nice & reassuring. bb was in the correct position as i was telling bb to be good & co-operative. if not, we might have to come back again in another week. the sonographer did various measurements & at times, she did shake my belly gently & told me she did that to 'scare' my bb into changing to a new position. this sonographer is funny. there are 2 times, she laughed to herself and commented 'so cute'. lol. (the scan machine is facing her so i dun know what made her laugh). when she has taken all the measurements, i asked her what was the NT measurement for my bb, she said its 1.3 (din mentioned if its cm or mm) but i assumed its in mm becos she said the measurement is quite thin but still have to pend for results of my blood test.

then she asked my hubby in to show him the bb, she told my hb that this is the skeletal-like face, these are the 2 hands and these are the 2 legs, they were crossed! lol.

when we were done, it was nearly 10am. i decided to go to the information counter to ask if there is any hospital tour. and they have 1 at 11am & 1 at 2pm. we took the one at 11am & was given another small goodie bags which incl. milk samples for pregnant mothers etc.

overall, the hospital tour is very pleasant & informative. we saw many babies in the nursery and even saw one that is fresh out of 'oven', the father of the bb was busy snapping pics of the newborn. haha. so if u r there with ur hubby, do take up the hospital tour too.

i called my clinic last night, they still have not rec'd my results, they said depatch will take abt 2-3 working days so i'll prob get my results on fri. quite anxious. hope my blood test is fine. finger crossed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi angel

that's a very detailed description! i will be doing my OSCAR this coming friday too, at 9.30am. hope i don't get your first sonographer.


did u get to count the little fingers n toes? the nurse did the counting w us....mine was NTscan, oso nid to hv bladder full (mine almost burst sia) i went in 4 times lor n it too mi 1hr juz to take the measurements coz bb refuses to lie flat n in the end the senior was asked in n she push push n ask mi to turn left n right to get him to budge

did u get to know the gender of ur bb? mine 1st was boy so can see his P during the scan

if boy can get to know earlier....last time i 10wks time already noe boy liao coz he showed his P to woody...heehee

Thanks Angel for the detailed account! Good luck with the result.

My gynae never mentioned anything about the OSCAR though. What do you ladies think? To do or not to do?

mirai> ya i am spending quite abit on transport now. every morning my hubby send me to work, but after work i will take a cab home. every cab fare abt $15, 10 days already $150.

but take no pay leave the most they prorate your bonus by 1 month rite?

Angel, thanks for the details.... If I see a short hair lady on 8 Feb when I do my Oscar, I'll think I'll faint!

Starz, when I was paying for my gynae fee during my 2nd visit, I asked her if they have any package, but my gynae don't offer package, but she told me abt the FBI, while she is scheduling a date for me to go. So on my next visit I will be signing up for the FBI b4 I proceed with Oscar.

I do have a question, do we have to tell our gynae that we are going to deliver at TMC? Cos he didn't ask me, but I assume I shd since he only delivers there. I know TMC is sometimes over-crowded but I don't mind. If it is dragon year then it will be worst bah...

Also, my new home is under-going renovation now... regarding the bed thing, I'm going to move my entire bed over there.... is this going to be a problem?

anyone having body aches already? my back has been aching, my right arm also keep very suan for the past few days.

winnie> me too mine is on the left only, the area ard the left bone. my back i think at least 2 weeks already. my hands ard 1 week. how i shake, stretch, hit, press also no use.

saffy, scent & others dued for their oscar test at TMC,

i certainly hope u wont encounter the first sonographer as i had. when we came out of her room, my hb was asking me, before she called him in, did i say or do anything to piss her off? i told him i only asked one sentence - is it becos the image is not clear? then my hb remarked how come her replies & attitude are so XYZ#$%@??

suika, nope, din get to count the fingers or toes. din know can do that lah. also since bb's legs are crossed, din get to see gender. lol. my hb said maybe its girl that's why shy. haha. but we did get to hear bb's heartbeats for the first time (cos u knew no chance to hear them at woody's lah)


usually oscar is recommended for mtb age 30 & above. it became compulsory for the amnio test when u hit 35. i think it all boils down to individual preferences. if u'll not terminate ur pregnancy regardless of any defects in bb then u can jolly well skip the test. for us, we dont think we can handle a down's or defective bb that's why we chose to go for the test.


my gynae did not have a clinic at TMC itself hence my scan is not done by him but a sonographer instead. however if ur gynae have a clinic there, then i believe the scan will be done by ur gynae personally.


You can check with the information counter at TMC if your gynae is in the program. They will know and advise you accordingly.

Parentcraft Classes & Other Services

I went thru this 2 yrs ago and found it very informative. They always encourage couples to go thro the lessons together as this fosters their relationship and also some classes need our partners to participate like prenatal massages (how to alleviate back aches, leg cramps & etc), babycare (e.g. changing diapers, feeding, washing the baby, baby massages).

So this is very good for first-time parents so we wont be too nervous caring for our newborn.

One tip is Parentcraft sells very good quality baby diaper cloths, wraps and towels. My boy is still using them till now and the best part is they dun spot or shed. You can drop by their office during their opening hours to get some.

Another tip is they also help to be a liaison for mummies who want to sell/buy 2nd-hand electric breast pumps. They keep a list of those who wan to sell their Medela PIS (Pump In Style) and gives the contacts to those mummies who want to buy them. I have personally used both Ameda and Medela PIS and I totally swear by PIS.

I got the Ameda before I gave birth and I was so frustrated that I could not pump any milk or very little milk. I tried for a few days till I nearly gave up BF coz my breasts were engorged and my pump could not help me. I had to go to Parentcraft and get help fm the lactutation consultant, Lynn. They helped me massaged my breasts till soft and use their PIS. After that I got my own 2nd-hand set which helped me to successful BF my boy till he is 21 months.

I also wan to encourage all mummies-to-be not to be too hard on yourself when BF your kid. Dun kick yourself if it is too hard. It can be very daunting; my first pumps totalled like 5-10ml and i nearly gave up but with encouragement from ur spouse and some help like drinking soups, that wl help.


not sure if we will sign up for the parentcraft classes? do u know the estimated costs? in case, we did not sign up for the program, do u know if i can still buy the 2nd-hand pumps thru their services?? i'm quite keen to get the medela PIS too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes, can hear. i din request for it. while my 2nd sonographer did the various measurements, she also turned on the sounds for the heartbeats reading, i think it was recorded in the report too. i told her its my 1st time hearing the heartbeats. she is very nice, when my hb came in at a later time, she again let my hb hear the heartbeats. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just now, i read fr the julymtb thread. there is 1 mtb who had good NT reading but bad blood test results. made me super paranoid. her sonographer told her that her bb got a nose bridge. aiya, i din know that in most down's bb, there wont be a nose bridge so i did not ask if nose bridge can be seen on my bb.

then i called up TMC to ask if the results of my oscar out alr. they told me they have faxed to my clinic on 18 jan itself at 3pm+. so i very kan chiong, i called up the clinic (they are closed actually but still have duty staffs ard) & told them to please help me check the fax machine cos i am very worried. the staff then quite reluctantly checked & said my overall results is normal but she did not give me the risk assessment. she just said it is normal so dun worry. but i think normal could also mean borderline results too ya. can only feel at ease when i see the actual report myself.


not to worry lah...for woody side, if there's anything slightly not right, they'll call u back immediately liao....no news from them means everything is ok n normal there's nothing for us to worry abt

Hi mummies,

I did my oscar test on 18 Jan. Gynae said once we can see the nose bridge, the chances of DS is low. Initially I was v puzzled...y nose bridge is related to DS. So i goggle and found out that a flat nose bridge and small nose r characteristics of DS. So when you go for your Oscar, may wan to check wif ur gynae whether nose bridge can be seen on your bb. No harm asking. =)

Praying hard that my blood test and Oscar test r ok....

More info on TMC Parentcraft Classes, the course which i went through is this one. Sorry I do not remember the costs, i think it is around $150-180 (rough estimate). There is a 10% discount if you sign up for FBI.

Link: http://www.thomsonmedical.com/parentcraft_centre.htm

Childbirth Education Course

We regard childbirth education as an integral part of our family centred care. Awaiting the arrival of your baby can cause unnecessary anxiety and apprehension.

The Childbirth Education Course consists of six weekly lessons. You may wish to sign up for the full course or any two lessons (only for subsequent deliveries) and we will include the Doctor’s Talk at no extra charge.

With this in mind, the Childbirth Education Course is organised for expectant mothers and their partners to prepare them for the experiences and challenges ahead.

Course Duration

6 weeks (5 weekly lessons plus one Doctor’s Talk)

When to book

Confirmation of pregnancy around 20th week of gestation

Time (subject to change)

Weekday Classes 7pm to 9pm

Weekend Classes

Saturday 2pm to 4pm, 4.30pm to 6.30pm, 7pm to 9pm

Sunday 10am to 12pm, 12.30pm to 2.30pm, 3.30pm to 5.30pm


Lesson 1

Physical & Mental Preparation • Antenatal Exercise

• Nutrition Before & After Delivery

• Myths & Traditions

• Coping with Pregnancy Discomfort

• Back Care & Postures

• Instructional Video

• Q & A

Lesson 2

Pain Relief • Antenatal Exercise

• Physiological Approach to Breathing Relaxation

• Changes in Pregnancy Leading to Signs & Symptoms of Labour

• Other Alternative Types of Pain Relief in Labour

• Instructional Video

• Q & A

Lesson 3

Labour • Antenatal Exercise

• Physiological Approach to Breathing Relaxation

• Learning to Cope in Labour

• Mechanisms of Normal Childbirth

• Husband’s Role

• Instructional Video

• Q & A

Lesson 4

Practical Hands-on

Baby Care • Hands-on Child Care

• General Care

• Skin Care

• Diaper Care

• Bathing

• Coping with a Fretting, Crying Baby

• Coping with a Sleepy or Wakeful Baby

• Coping with Colic

• Instructional Video

• Q & A

Lesson 5

Feeding • Breastfeeding

• Bottle Feeding

• Sterilization of Feeding Equipment

• Weaning (introducing solid food)

• Learning to Enhance your Child’s Physical & Mental Development

• Q & A

Lesson 6

(Doctor’s Talk)* • Husband’s Role during Childbirth

• Problems Associated with a Newborn

• The Process of Labour

• Living with the In-laws

• How to Raise a Brighter Child

• Post-natal Depression

• Back Care & Postures

• Instructional Video

For more information or bookings, please call our Thomson ParentCraft at 6251 4090.

morning ladies...

There seems to be something wrong with the main Year 2010 mums thread... i only got in to this thread through the notification email... weird..

i think i will book my oscar test for next saturday ... by then i m like 11 weeks 6 days , should be ok ... but confirm cant see gender even is leg open wide right ... actually so amazing lor , the baby is still so small , then can scan the nose bridge all , so cute ... so is confirm ONE TUBE BLOOD ?? hahaha ... cos i heard some mummy say 6 tube ! i going to faint ...

As for what to wear for CNY , i m thinking , by CNY , hopefully i look pregnant and dont look fat , cos look pregnant then i can take out my normal clothes and wear tight fit , more modern mah , if look fat , then got to wear baby doll clothes liao ... or many dress will be good too ? haha


I didn't log in yesterd cos i'm on leave to attend my frens wedding. I was the jie mei but i didn't stand at the gate (luckily, cos the bro push open the gate!). I was in the room with the bride. Doing all the preparation before groom comes. i quickly go upstair when groom arrive. My mum actually ask me not to go, cos patang. I tell her i'll not do gate crashing games lo. Quite enjoy the day.

finally maybe to come into this thread. the whole morning most of the year 2010 threads were missing.

dreymin> your $150-180 was for the full course 1 couple?



thanks for the details.... i think i'll go see GP to get some cream. Now not only my legs are dry. I start to feel skin all around body are very dry.


finally i find someone with the gynae as me. Ha! Yes, Dr. Tseng have no package. I'm considering to apply for SBI if i plan to deliver at TMC. So when is ur next visit? My 2nd appt is on 6 feb.

When i 1st visit him, he didn't ask me where i plan to deliver. Cos i tink it's still too early. Dr. Tseng deliver TMC, Mt. A and GlenE. I read from other forum.

