(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Just an update,

I signed up for cordlife liao. Consulted Dr Yong at SGH and she say that if you don't feel economically stretched there is no harm in signing up for it, like some insurance.

I am skeptical about such 'insurance' coverage and I guess so does she but even if there is a 0.1% chance... i guess i don't wanna risk it.


QQ & Haitang,

No lei i am bleeding and still leaking fluid amount can be like after finish a light pee have to wear a pad now. When lying down also leak thats why have to monitor closely.. Gyane says if no excessive bleeeding and leaking remains the same its ok. We are worried but feel if can drag drag a while more till 35week to let bb's lung mature so we also decided to go ahead with gyane's decision although she did ask me if i wanted to be induce today. Now i can feel slight cramp and feel like pooing but nothing come out feel wonder if its contraction wor next check up will be this Tue hope everything go smoothly within these few days and see what my gyane says on tuesday before decidin the next course of action [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will update you girls again..

To all mummies, PLease do take care..


I am sure everything will go well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Saw this post by a mommy from the july thread. I thought it looked useful... hopefully she don't sue me for plagarism


"My birth story started on 8 July:

3am- woke up to pee but had poop feeling. Sat 30mins on toilet bowl thinking wd poop. Nothing so wiped and saw bright red blood! Panicked coz thot it was bleeding so checked "what to expect when u're expecting" book, says to call gynae so I did. Turned out to be bloody show, bright red blood ok. Phew! Gynae said if wanna csec, then should fast if not just monitor for contractions 5mins apart to go hospital. Woke hubby to discuss- we'd wait it out. Went back to sleep, trying to time contractions-to me they felt like BH. All irregular so went back to sleep with cranky feeling

7.30am-woke up to pee and when wiped, still bloody show, bright red but as I wiped more, discharge less red, turned slightly pink eventually. More crampy feeling, contractions irregular

10am- gynae called to ask how was I doing. So nice of her! Told her hubby & I decided that we'd try for natural, if baby couldn't come out, then e-csec. If nothing progressed, then go ahead with scheduled csec on Sat. Ok, gynae then said perhaps I cd go to hospital & hv it check out ie. CTG thingy or monitor movements 1st, if fewer than usual, then only go hospital. Okie

10.30am- drove mom to buy groceries to cook dinner for th day + tmrw's dinner cum early morning brekkie since scheduled for csec on Sat

Throughout the day, life as usual. Baby still very active. Had lunch, went to sleep, woke up to pee. Still bloody show but dark red/brown blood. Not much crampy feeling

6pm-told mom I'd be going to hospital to hv baby check out, just to be on safe side- couldn't live with myself if anything happened. Mom said to hv dinner 1st b4 we go. Okie as I thot it wd just be 1hr and nurse wd say no dilation, then could come home

7.30pm- arrived at delivery suite with mom and nurse put me on CTG. Baby's heart rate normal- phew! Then Nurse did VE -I was 3-4 cm dilated! I asked "so I can go home?". Nurse "no, at this stage, we won't allow u to go home". Haha! Silly me! So nurse called gynae to inform then gynae asked what was my decision based on that morning's conversation. Had long talk with hubby (he was still at work), decided to proceed with natural, e-csec if couldn't come out. Hubby said this could be a sign as he'd been praying for natural delivery. All so unexpected! My hospital bag still at home so told hubby to bring

3 nurses all got the ball rolling, diff duties-admission, health check questionnaire, drip to increase contractions on gynae's advice to push baby's head down further

8pm-another VE:5-6cm dilated, contractions still manageable. Was thinking if contractions were like this, maybe can tough it out and not take any pain relief

9.30pm- 6-7cm dilated. Getting very painful. Took deep breaths to relax. Hubby & mom said I looked very pale when contractions hit. Couldn't take it anymore, requested for epi. Remembered reading some mommies' post-Dun be a hero! Hehe! Didn't even try the gas

10.30pm- by this time, epi administered, relief started coming in. Yay! Shivered but it soon passed. Managed to rest and sleep. Now VEs seemed such a breeze- no more discomfort. Hehe. Contractions, dilation going well

1.30am-fully dilated but baby's head still not down enuf to start pushing. Continued with drip. By this time, had pressure in pelvis, quite discomforting. Nurses said so I cd feel when pushing start

2.30am- 2 nurses came in and pushing starts. Had to imagine that I had major constipation when pushing coz couldn't feel a thing! Nurses very encouraging.

3am - baby's head not progressing much and heart rate below 110. I was thinking "aiyo, hv to do csec oredi la" Nurses called gynae & she's on her way. Gynae arrived, assessed me and said "got space". Yay! There's hope. So team got into position- 2 nurses by my sides, ready to push on tummy, hubby by my right to support back and push me fwd, also cheerleader. I prayed "God, pls help me". Gynae git ready vacuum. 1st push, not much, still couldn't feel anything but gynae very encouraging. 2nd push felt baby's head and gynae said she'd had to turn baby so shoulders could come out. 3rd push felt baby's head out. 4th push, all of baby's out, and the next thing I knew, baby's on my chest! Was still amazed that I managed to push her out-gynae had cautioned us on baby's estimated weight of 3.8-4kg during checkup. Had episiotomy + natural tear "

MVH> I have been using NappiKleen powder wash for Bum Wear. i think most powder detergent do not contain softener bah. Most detergent actually didn't list their ingredient out. Found these 2 websites for reference:



In the flyer i got fr. Bum Wear when i bought for my #1 2 years back, it recommended Kao Attack and claimed it works marvellously w Bum Wear diapers. Now you can't find this info on their website i guess coz they are promoting Country Save Detergent that they carry.

babybee> hm, what you described sound like a contraction to me leh, slight cramp and feel like passing motion. I had the same experience when i was admitted for my #1 last time after water bag burst. but after i took the jap, and detected contraction, my gynae gave me dripping to control the contraction in hospital, till later contraction too serious, couldn't be controlled by the dripping anymore so i was sent to labour rm. As long as the contraction not that serious, you should have no problem to hold till Tue bah. take care.

Sunflower> that's what i read fr. the book loh. "In 1st pregnancies this head descent can start as early as 36wk, whereas in 2nd or 3rd preg., the fetal head may not engage in the pelvis until immediately b4 labor starts". Don't worry too much, just sayang your tummy and tell your bb not to come out too early loh. Enjoy shopping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunflower> just fyi, when my water bag burst last time, i was abt 34/35wk, and delivered 2 days after admitted to hospital. my bb was already engaged and born naturally. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

scooby> that's really a detailed journal taken by the mommy. thanks for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cordblood: I donate cordblood to public bank for my boy n will b doing the same for my girl. Sign the form oledi during last visit. =)


take k, all the best to u, ur family n ur little1. Dun worry too much.


u must take care and b alert. go hospital anytime ok? cause still dripping water mah.

i go out first. bye

This is my details...

Gender: Boy

Baby #2

EDD: 10 Aug 2010

Born on: 07 July 2010

Gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang

All the best to all mummies who have yet to deliver. Have a smooth delivery. =)

Below is the birth story of our 2nd bundle of joy.

6 July 2010

11pm+: Started to feel contractions. Menses cramps type. Unlike when I was carrying my #1, the contractions was like diarrohea type. Thought I was having tummy ache (coz a bit forgotten how menses cramps feel like) and just continue to lie on the bed.

7 July 2010

12am+: Hubby came back from work and told him that I was having cramps. He asked whether need to go hospital but he felt that baby won't be out so early coz I was only 35 weeks preggie. Decided not to go hospital coz my #1 was sleeping soundly and he is only 16.5 months old, didn't want to disturb his sleep. Decided to tahan. Meanwhile, went toilet and poo poo twice.

Contractions all the way (on and off) till 6am+.

6am+: Woke up, thinking of going to wash up so as to go work. Cramps again and poo poo. Saw red!! That was the time I knew need to go hospital. Woke hubby up and we left for hospital. #1 still sleeping, left him in the care of my in-laws (we stay under the same roof).

7am+: Reached Thomson Medical Centre. Admitted to delivery ward.

8am+: Did a VE check, already 4cm dilated. half an hour later, Dr Ang came and check, 5cm dilated. He said I might deliver in the next 30-45 mins and advised that I administered epidural coz I got zero threshold of pain. He also broke my waterbag.

Dr Ang was very concern that baby's lungs won't be fully developed as he will be a premature baby. He told us to cross our fingers and pray for the best.

9am+: Administered epidural. Relieved. No pain at all when epidural was injected. Let me know if you all want to know the doctor who administered epidural for me, maybe you all want to request for him.

Had a bit of side effect after epidural, felt like vomitting.

Dr Ang came to check again and said that I should deliver between 12noon - 2pm.

Rest in bed all the way till 1pm+.

1pm+: Nurses came in and asked me to get ready. They switched off the epidural thingy coz they said I need to have some feelings when pushing else hard for them to guide me through on how to push correctly.

2pm: Dr Ang came in. I had requested not to be "cut" but he said then the tear might be up to anus and will be very painful. Indeed painful coz for my #1, natural tear till anus part. Agreed to let him cut.

2.02pm: 3 pushes and 2 minutes later, my little boy is out!!! Premature baby at 35 weeks. Weighing only 2.335kg, maybe that's why so easy to push him out.

Pediatrician was on standby when baby was born and told us that baby is healthy, lungs fully developed. *phew*

Mummy and Baby discharge together on 9 July (Friday =D

Hope I didn't miss out on any details... =)

Wow,Aug mummies started popping already.

Congrats to those who popped..

Awaiting for my c-sec to be scheduled prob ard end of this month.

mvh, haitang & winnie,

it'll be nice if nurses can bring bb to our bed at our requests lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that way, i need not have to move ard so much.

btw, do u guys intend to bath at the hospital itself? i thought of beginning my confinement only after i discharged fr TMC. i dun want my visitors to see me with greasy hair lor but hb a bit hesitant as he thinks confinement practice shd begin as soon as bb is out leh...


thanks for sharing ur birth story. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if the administering of epi is really pain-free, i would very much like to know the name of the doctor. kindly PM me ya. i'm gg to have my c-sect on 15 so hope its not too late to arrange for the epi doctor. just wondering if i need to let my gynae know in advance??

Congrats Butter!

Was worried because i had menses like cramp since 6 plus am today and it lasts till now. Just feeling uncomfortable. But there is no regular contractions. So worried that i will go into delivery soon as i have so many unfinished work. Hoping BB will come out only in Aug.

Hope tomorrow will be a better day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I have delivered my little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Had contractions last night and when i wake up decided to call hospital to check was told to ne admitted to check. In the end bb Ayden still cannot wait for tuesday to come out and choose to join in to celebrate our wedding anniversary that happens to be today also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Had natural birth with epidural i must say that is really a HAPPY DURAL... Had quite a pleasant labour experience think without the jab i will cry..

Salute to all mummies without who give birth without epidural [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will update my birth story again.. Take care girls..


congrats on the birth of ur little princess! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant wait to hear ur birth story & see pics of ur gal. but in the meantime, rest well & take care ya.


yes, pls do chk with ur gynae as sometimes, menses cramps can also be a sign of labor. keep us posted again.

babybee: Congrats!! Yes, totally agree that epidural is a life-saver... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ojs: If its not regular contractions, it should be BH... I also have such menstrual cramps that can last over a long period of time but it doesn't come regularly. Nevertheless, do let your gynae know about it so she can prescribe some medication to calm the muscles.

Babybee--> congrats on the birth of ur newborn.. glad to hear that both u n baby are fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats butter and babybee. Envy that you both are already cuddling your lil ones in your hands right now.

Now 35 plus 2 days only. How i wish time will fly. Haha.

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I hv many BN items for sale ! Do take a look to see anything interest u ?

PM or email me at [email protected] if keen / any queries as I seldom check forum ?

Thks !

flickr website link :


Breastfeeding & Baby items


Baby Clothes


Gift sets


Women Clothes


Congrats babybee!!


I also had menses like cramps that day... then when reached hospital, already 4cm dilated... Hope you are feeling better now. =)


Already PM you... =)

morning mummies and daddies!

Wah, a few days didn't log in, another mummy pop already.

Congrats Babybee! Do take care. Rem to post some pics of your little girl ya.

Can't wait for my turn! Just 34wks... 6 more wks to go...

Congrats babybee!!!do take care and remb to post yr bb pics...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Depends your wife can tahan the pain anot lor...my friend told me to take...ask me dun be hero...

yvonne, she only breathless when lying down on bed, it takes a couple of mins to get use to sleeping position.

other than that, she feel very warm hor.

She want to go for natural birth without epidural. But scare she cannot tahan it.

ahnah: i tink is depend on ur pain tolerance leh.. if she can tahan thne no need.. but if i go for natural birth i confirm wll take... hahaha.. cuz i know am low tolerance..

Hi Everyone!

Been a long time since I logged on.. =)

Congrats to Babybee and Butter! =D

Think the rest of mummies anxiously waiting for our turn... =P

Re: Epidural

I have decided I will not take epi.. i know try not to act hero.. But most of my frens & cuzzies never use epi so I have conditioned myself.. since the first stage of pregnancy, will not take epi at all costs! so jia you for me okies! heehee.. =P I also told bb during delivery time, come out fast fast.. (antenatal conditioning) =P

Morning all,

congrats Babybee and Butter!

Went for checkup last Friday, bb is already 3kg at Wk362d! OMG! I have a giant in the making!

My massage lady told me last night, I better not be hero and don't hesitate to take epi. But really wish I can tahan without it... how?

Morning all,

congrats Babybee and Butter!

Went for checkup last Friday, bb is already 3kg at Wk362d! OMG! I have a giant in the making!

My massage lady told me last night, I better not be hero and don't hesitate to take epi. But really wish I can tahan without it... how?

Nature Lover,

I also decided not to take epi. not to be hero also but as this is my #1, wish to experience the birthing pain. A bit crazy hor?


me too lor...feeling very very hot lately...cannot stand heat anymore...i also duno can tahan pain anot...think have to wait till the day comes and see how lor...


ur baby is big, mine too..abit scare cannot deliver naturally.

did ur gynae suggested you to induce if ur baby hits a certain size?

AhNah, why not just have the epi on standby in case your wife needs it? Thats what I plan for myself too. If can tahan the pain, then tahan, if cannot tahan, don't be heroine, may do more harm then good, they don't give out medals for bravery in the delivery ward.

Sunflower, how big is your bb?

I kept asking my gynae if bb is too big, she kept saying don worry, its good size....

How can be good size when she gains 250g per week???

But I'm sure my gal will be a "tam chiak" like me.


congrats butter and babybee!!


side effects depend on individual. for mine, i just kept shivering non-stop after the birth for not more than half an hour. that's it. some people may vomit also.

