(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

duckling: i also did the v-chck also not dilate yet...meaning i still can tahan till 38 weeks ar? hehehe...

n_g: my bb already turn liao, she turn when she is at 28 weeks ... haiz.. but too bad mummy need to go thru c-section cuz of spine problem...

dreymin: thanks... i scare until tis few days i can't zzz leh...stress me leh..


winnie, go plan for something good, nice and relaxing on the day b4 your c-sect the u will not be so stress or scare liao.

We are all waiting for the day to call...

So nervous..

I will cross my fingers and hope that my bones can be flexible to let the bb come out.

My gynae ask me to start cleaning my nipples with cotton wool for 10mins with warm water before bath and massage breast already..

winnie, nothing to be scare la... c-sec procedure is very fast 1, just that it tk longer time for recovering... u can plan what to do in advance & dun have to play with the counting game... like me, i have un-officially tell my parent & close relative bb full mth will be celebrate on 28 Aug ha!


Mine is through natural birth. Had contractions on Tuesday night and waited till morning before going to hospital coz beside contractions, also bleeding fresh blood...

when is your due date?

Suika: ya lolz.. cuz i complain to gyane say i have lots of V discharge then she test on me after awhile we chat bout my back problem so in the end CS...came out frm the clinic tell my hubby waste $ to test the thing... hahaha...

Thanks ducklingshop, jascmy and n_g: am getting nervous leh.. can't help it.. when i tink bout it.. i just feel stress...

thanks both for ur encouragement! i shld look forward instead of stress.. my hubby is looking fwd while me a scary cat...

Charmaine: did ur gyane teach u hw to massage? i wanna learn leh? u sure can do it.. go for natural...jia you...

Butter: my CS date is 28 July..Take care! and enjoy ur motherhood...

White Lady,

My boy is only 2.335kg at birth...

And today, before discharge, they took his weight again... only 2.240kg... =)

Dr Ang is very glad that baby need not stay in ICU. He's very happy that we will be saving few thousand dollars!! LOL.

He was very concern that baby's lungs won't be fully developed when I checked in... so he said, we could only cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Nipple Massage> my gynae didn't say abt clockwise or anticlockwise. Just say make sure to apply the cream not only on the nipple, but also the joint area to the areola. This is to "strengthen" the nipple and also to prevent bleeding during breast-feeding

StrepB test> usually needed for natural birth to prevent bb fr. infection during birth. my test shown positive result but my gynae never gave me any wash leh. just said will give antibiotic/jap during birth.

Hello Butter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to you! My sister also gave birth to her son via c-sec on the 35th week and baby was fine too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charmaine> maybe you can try to do squatting once a day. it does help to open up the pelvic bones and make delivery smoother.

butter> welcome to the thread and congrats on your bb's birth.

how many weeks is your bb at birth? good that no need to stay in ICU. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just slipped in my toilet on Wed, luckily didn't fall down. it was so painful when i tried to stand up and move my legs slowly. worried i have hurt my bone or joint. hubby brought me to hospital immediately. BB is fine and gynae found that i just spraint the muscle near my V area. told me to rest at home, didn't even prescribe me any pain killer.

When rushing down to the hospital, i even brought along the hospital bag and got ready to give birth anytime liao. really exciting. Can't wait to stop my Ventolin/Medolin next week and have another surprise anytime. :p


Take a good rest. Hope we can pass the 37arkin a few days and have a smooth delivery.

Was very scared I slip too. Almost fall on the street the other day.

Thanks mummies,

I went for a growth scan this afternoon in TMC bb was fine just that my water level is low according to the sonographer 8 is normal level, 6 is below average whereas mine consider low its 4. Service in TMC is excellent so far yet to meet any nasty one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nurses were attentive and very reassuring. Tomorrow morning i will be giving another butt jab to strengthen bb's lung thought i saw the bill just now a jab like cost $600 wor.. Think my hubby's wallet is going to suffer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My gyane will be doing a VE test for me again tomorrow to check if cervix is open and it is really a very uncomfortable check if open will most likely induce if not she is opting a wait and see situation drag as long as possible... Thanks for all mummies well wishes.. Lets jia yu together....

butter, welcome! and u are #2 mummy who popped in this thread.

1st one is happie, then u.

haitang, serious or not? u need to rest well. i am also stopping my medicine next week. then start to wait for next visit.

duckling, serious? he has so many patients hor. so i cannot choose 28 july le. i see how. haha! keep u updated again.

suika, when the wine is ready at your place then u let me know. will go over and collect from u. arigato!


last time after my waterbag burst, i waited for more than 36 hours before induction. cause gynae told me bb will pee and replenish the water level. i did not feel anything (no contraction) at all, and just wait there oni.

no worry about the bill, most importantly u happie and bb healthy ok?

that time induction was dragged for so long cause i had oni 1 cm dilation, and gynae said better do it later so that it wont be so painful for me.

One more thing those that stay in TMC its confirm that companion need to pay for night stay. Its $60 with breakfast only and $75 include all meals.. For your info the coffeeshop opposite TMC sells quite nice beef hor fun if you take beef..

QQ ,

Yah that's what my gyane tell me also but she hope can drag for another 4 days when bb is 35 weeks. Me the same as you last time no feel of contraction. How many weeks are you at that time? Can remember how long you stay at TMC at that time is it a one bedder? Roughly how much is the bill huh... Very hard not to think of the bill hahaha

babybee, that time i was already wk 39. so kind of can deliver anytime de. but hor, drag 4 days sounds very long woh! hope bb can dong3.

i stay 4 bedder room, so the bill ah. very chim.

i stayed 6nights (induced on 2nd day am), cause bb jaudice and stayed there, so i also stayed together lor. so kind of non standard le.

total bill (with bb) around 3.9k. then end up paying cash 600plus, cause can claim medisave for baby $400 per day. end up pay less cash but medisave kena more.


I also feel if stay 4 days very long more ever i am staying one bedder cannot imagine the cost of hospital bill man.. But now also bo bian my hubby die die must stick with me tats why choose one bed. Never expect waterbag break so early without any warning. Thanks for the info...

babybee, 1 bedder more ex. if u wanna change now can also right? u can use the day rate x # of days of stay.

nevermindla, we call our girl, high class bb last time. cause stayed in hospital for so so long. almost whole week liao. haha!

Not sure if can change or not dont think my hubby ask also.. Anyway when i admit myself all the beds were full i got admit at 4am my gyane suggested a transfer to room at 8plus have to wait till 2pm before i got my room more ever we had already book one bedder in advance think even if we ask to change they will say no room also but from what i see when i was wheelchair around to do my checks from floor to floor the hospiotal was really very packed also. Now just had to prepare myself for the bill. My hubby take it like a pinch of salt lor just that i find it sayang la waste $$.. D

babybee, dun worry then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] see open. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah, i feel so so so sleepy. hardly get quality sleep cause need to go toilet very frequent at night. sian.

i go orh orh first. i hope i can sleep.

jia you! babybee..

Just back from gynae visit. Baby has already engaged, dr asked me to prepare already..My baby is quite big now, 2.8kg at 35wks+. He said if too big, will need to induce early.


take care and all the best! I remembered I took 2 jabs for baby lungs, but its not so exp leh..mine i think less than $100 only.



StrepB test : I did culture test, also to test for infection,. This is also for natural delivery to prevent baby from getting infected. I’m still having green discharge, so gynae prescribe me with antibotics inserts.

Sunflower: wah ur bb gt gd weight.. So u in standy by mode! Ur bb so fast engage liao.. Getting excited..

Babybee: take care n rest well.. Dun worries bout bills ist.. Most impt bb is healthy!

morn mommies & daddies!

wow, morning come in only got so many exciting news le! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1stly, congrats to butter on ur newborn! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do indicate ur details here so they can be added to our chart.


u r also 3cm dilated? same here & i've been staying this way for a wk + liao. think my dilation started when my muscus plug dropped over 3 days. anyway, try to relax & dun worry so much. i read that some mtbs stayed 3cm dilated for as long as 3wks.


oh dear, sorry to hear abt that. i hope u r alright now? i also nearly tripped once in the bathroom (that was a few mths back), since then, i've been using anti-slip mat. esp at this stage, we must all be very careful lor. take care ya.

babybee & sunflower,

so both of u on standby too... looks like we'll be hearing more bb news in the upcoming days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] both of u jia you k & keep us posted ya.

i was looking at TMC hospital guidebook, it says visiting hrs fr 10am-2pm & 4pm-8pm. me taking a 2-bedded (in the event auto upgrade not avail) so wondering how strict TMC are with their visitng hrs?? any idea? somemore they say shd limit to only 2 visitors at any one time. but i read got ppl commented that relatives come in big grps & stayed till 10pm?? not that i have big grps coming to visit me, just that my hb may want to stay with me for a longer while lor cos he took 1wk leave for my c-sect.

btw, if mine is not single-bedded, do u know if the nurse will still wheel the bb to my bed? i may not have any BM yet so will prob instruct the nurses to put bb on FM. will we get to bottle feed bb ourselves huh? was wondering if everytime, i need to walk to the nursey rm to see my bb (with my c-sect wound somemore)??

Congrats butter! Take care of yrself n bb.. Glad everything turns out fine..

So many mums on standby Liao.. I better pack my hospital bag this weekend..

Seems like we have a lot of mums under dr Ang.. No wonder he is so busy n only see me 3 weeks later..

StrepB test: I read an article on this before.. E accuracy of this test is super low.. Can't remember e percentage Liao think ard 60-70% ba.. last time Dr Ang din do this test for his patients unless already known infection.. But now he told me during my last visit, he makes it a point to ask every patient.. Dunno y.. Earn more $?

Charmaine n haitang, do take care.. Quite scary to fall down at this stage..

This morning I had terrible leg cramps for 4-5times.. E moment my hubby let go of my leg, e cramp comes back instantly..

Angel, I think u can request e nurse to wheel yr baby to yr room.. Won't it difficult for u to bottle feed yr gal as it might hurt yr wound?

babybee> for my #1, my water bag burst at ard 34wk6d (my hubby & gynae said 34wk though i remember it was 35wk), but i took only 1 jap and on Ventolin dripping to delay contraction (contraction started only in hospital). i was admitted on Sun midnite, and gave birth on Tue morning. my gynae in fact said the bb should be fine and should not need any jap, furthermore he said the jap is costly and painful to take. but knowing my friend whose has similar case took 2 japs, i requested and he gave me 1 loh. i stayed for a wk coz i have problem passing urine and motion after delivery. my bill was near $6k, and i was in 2-bedded (i actually booked 4-bedded but got "free upgrade") in Mt. A... anyway, don't worry much, since mostly can be claimed fr. Medisave lah. just take care of yourself and as long as the bb is fine and healthy. All the best and keep us posted. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

QQ> now ok le. still in mild pain at the strained area, at least can stand up and waddle slowly loh. so how much Ventolin are you taking a day now?

Sunflower> my bb only 2.56kg at wk36 leh. but you are tall lah, so your bb's size should be still good. 1st bb engages early at wk35 is quite common actually. you are still strong and shop around every day now? or like some of us, bbs' position are low and having difficulty to walk?

take care and keep us posted. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel> I'm much better today. Thanks. my tummy is much bigger for this pregnancy as compared to my #1. so only slipped and not fell down i considered myself lucky liao. my #1 time i fell down once in the toilet and bumped my head onto the toilet bowl, luckily not the tummy. :p

my #1 i was in Mt. A, and they wheeled the bb to the ward anytime when we requested, regardless of the room type (i was in 2-bedded). i supposed it should be the same for other hospital bah. but during my #1 (born on 8 Aug), the next day was 9 Aug and it was full-house at the hospital. Nurses were too busy even all of them were called back to work, so we were told to pick up the bb fr. the nursery rm ourselves if any of our visitors want to see the bb.

Have been busy recently and no time to login. Having a hard time catching up all the posts.

Congrats to the mummies who pop, the rest of us need to jia you, it will be our turn soon.

MVH > I also got greenish discharge went to see woody he said is normal. Did not ask me to go for the StrepB test just prescribe me some medicine to put into the v-area. I was wondering without taking a swap how he knows if it is really infection.

Haitang > Mt A also have free upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded? I thought only TMC

Karen> i read abt the free upgrade during my #1 time, so i booked 4-bedded, and when delivered, they really upgraded me to 2-bedded woh... i checked their guide book realised the charges between 2/4-bedded are actually not much diff. i guess maybe they have lesser 4-bedded?

i remember some mommies mentioned here before that the "free-upgrade" chance now is lower, not sure if it's true.


I am discharge from hospital liao.. Took another jab this morning, no contraction feel not dilate yet so my gyane allows me to go home but bedrest is instructed have to mointor Bb's movement and bleeding if too much bleeding or no bb movement got to be admited again. Will be seeing her again this coming tuesday and was told to bring my bag just in case i need to be admitted again.. The hospital bill was not as ex as i thought it round up be about 900 after deducting of medisave. Thumbs up for TMC service but their bill breakdown is very confusing can't really figure out what they charge de... Saw something funny indicated in my bill they print there Episode 1 hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Next bill i wonder if they will write episode 2 like watching drama series wor...Oh if your water bag break like my case dont forget to change into a darker shade of clothes me stupid see clothes grab wore a grey bermudas on that day gan jiong luckily happen in midnight not much people my bermudas was all wet from the back luckily not much people in the hospital at that time if not very paisei...

Jiayou Jiayou... Lets all enjoy our last Lap of pregnancy....

babybee, wah can go home le, must rest rest. and now no more water dripping?

haitang, i am taking 2mg x 2 a day now. half dose than before.

i am left with a few pills oni. going to stop then. *scare*

HI everyone,

I would like to join in too.

My edd is 2 Aug.

#1 baby

Gender: Boy

Currently seeing Dr LC Lee at KKH, TPS.

36 weeks now and counting down. Looking forward to gynae visit in 2 weeks time.

Dear mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I'm bringing in Avent Duo Breastpumps (US sets) at $480 each, with SG adaptor & free delivery (less $20 for self-collection at Jurong). For the month of July, there is additional 5% off for orders of minimum 4 sets.

More information available: www.mybreastfriend.webs.com

Ojs, welcome..

Hey mummies who bought bum wear or cloth diapers,

can share what detergent brand did u use? Can't use those wif softeners rite? Must be in powder form? Thanks..

babybee> good that you can go home liao. so your water is no more leaking?

QQ> oh, then i think i'm taking the most here, 6 pills a day in total. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

OJS> welcome and let's count down together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, still doing shopping every weekend..haven bought bedsheet yet..so far walking still ok..oh, its common to engage early har? Then I better not worry so much..I was hoping my baby can come out on his own after wk38 rather than inducing.





I use Pureen ABD powder detergent for bumwear. Washed it in the machine, hang it out to dry and repeat the process another two times so that the material is well-worn for better absorption.

Re:Strep B test

Strep B test is important. Ask for it even if the doc doesn't think it is necessary. Cos Strep B can cause death and permanent and dire health damage to the infant.

In any case, if a mother is tested positive, the doc will prescribe antibiotics through the iv drip during natural delivery to reduce the occurence of infection to the baby.


I don't think the fetus have turned down too, hope i don't go for c-sect. Two friends got the c-sect done in TMC and they told me they don't feel the pain at all! I think this is what sets the private doc apart from public docs... really hope i don't need to go for c-sect

