(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

wow... seems like a lot of gd buys at fair. but my hubby say nothing to buy. Dun wan to go to squeeze with the crowd, since i'm preg and we still nd to bring our son along.

For the central gathering, i'll vote for sakae. Shokudo nd to "self service" (preg = lazy) and dunno can make reservation a not. i can't reach at 6.30pm, i'll try to reach ard 7pm.


Yesterd, my hubby took leave and brought my son to KK to see doc again. They came back with a lot of medi for him. So poor thing... i also dunno wat doc give. But this time got antibiotic. Hopefully he can recover soon.

for those who can't open up the link given by ahNah


ahNah, u coming Novana? Then we can meet up wor.The chichken rice here at Novena Garden very nice. Theres a craypot restaurant out NTUC at Square 2 also nice. Square 2 foodcourt westen food nice. Novena sq food court Ban Mien also nice. Wah, I hungry liao. but I can't eat too much leh.


dun worry, my boy that time oso had tons of med....was on antibiotics for 7days lor n ends up he had to stop on the 4th day then continue again on the 6th day due to rash (worry if it's the med that causes) so he ends up taking more days...that was when his fever finally went off...i took leave till i so paisey

Morning everyone

now compare "hubby" arh.. lol

my hubby lagi best.. he wun even know if i have cramps.. lolx

im only going to the fair tmr.. just asking playpen better or cot better? cos i c my frens they all use playpen.. but here use cot more.. so confused again.. =p

ahnah: i duno leh.. am still thinking hw many pkts of SIZE S i wanna buy.... hehehe

jascmy: i wanna buy size s cuz i dun have at home...


added you already.

jascmy, yes. my colleague demand me to go either bishan or novena to eat .. so I choose Novena lor.

Wat time u can meet at novena ? where to meet ?

nature lover, I going to get both.

baby cot for long sleep

playpen for play !

Winnie, I thou suppose to get NB size first ?

nature lover,

if ur bb can slp cot then can invest in 1 if u want to.....some get playpens coz cheaper n when bb outgrown it they'll let them sleep on mattress or bed liao

but for my boi he slept in playpen then yaolan then cot now....cannot change him to single bed coz he turns too much n he likes to slp at the edge so cot is good for him all 4 corners is 'barred' up....hahaha


u save to ur pc to see lor


very fast outgrown NB size 1 so dun stock up too much....esp boi is bigger in size n S size is cheaper compared to NB lah so for mi i'll change to S once can fit in :p

ahNah, so u coming with you colleagues. I'm having lunch with my colleague at 12pm. Not sure where she want to eat. My lunch time from 12pm to 1pm. I can meet u at Novena sq or novena mrt.

ok the brochure say:

The Spring maternity & baby - colombia cot


bonbebe - catalina baby coy


Farlin - playpen


Mums & babes - Summer infant day & Night Video Monitor



Yes,i'm coming with my colleague, so meet you at novena Sq ok ? our lunch is 11:45 to 12:45pm

I will bring 1 CD with me.

Ok, I'm having lunch at Goldhill plaza for their famous Fish soup. Oh ya, Goldhill plaza fish soup also nice! I meet u at novena sq at around 12.35pm. Msg me where u will be having lunch at novena. If I finish early I walked over.

ahNah> haha... maybe the motherhood moderator or admin is also helping out in the fair? :p

ya, i saw one at $169 too, forgot if the wood is thick. wait, i transferring the photo fr. my hp now.

ahNah, yup, have deep fried fish soup. Its nice too. That stall always long q.

Thanks for the reupload of the special offer today.


i have the list but someone (sorry pregnancy symptoms), forgot who say better dont put names...

from my updates... the below ppl are those join already never identify themselves...

Angel Tan

Angela Ang

Angela Chia Sock Hoon

Bis Cuit

Chantelle Sun

Edelynn Lam

Ester Wong

Fazleen Zainordin

Grace Woon

Hui Ngi

Jastina Lim

Joanna Lee

Kely Ngn

Ling Yee

Mandy Ng

Mandy Tan

Rosa Goh

Shila Tan

Sue Fan Law

Suhaila RaeLynn

Tingz Tan

WeiLing Cheang

Yong Mei Wong

jascmy, long queue har... den forget abt it.

eeyore, then it is ok. Because out of sudden got a lot of new friends in fb and here.. make me very confuse.

ahnah: NB diaper i already have 4 packets liao..too much..as wat suika say, bb outgrown very fast, so i intend to buy size s to stock up..


if i remember clearly, the $169 is not thick wood..i think the thick wood one cost $299


for pampers and huggies newborn, 1 pack is 24 pcs. for newborn, can use up to 5kg.

for S size, can use between 3-8kg. so if u estimate ur bb will be more than 3kg, than perhaps can stock up S size more than newborn size. but usually u wont know the baby size until later on..

ahNah> hm... after 9pm very few people liao. guess i was rushing to get the things i want so that my hubby can carry for me, so hardly look ard "leisurely"... you didn't spot me either. haha. i was with the whole family there.

for diapers, don't buy too many NB or S. get one pack of each brand better, in case your baby dislike or not suitable of any. i remember last time i tried most of the brands, even cheap brands like EQ. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dunno how to post pic here leh. i send msg to you in facebook for the baby cot lah.


"niao bu" aka cloth diaper is quite essential.. i used it as bb blanket.. it is at least not as hot as using normal blanket. can use it to wrap bb oso.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i oso used it as "protection" of his rocker/stroller etc... haa.. cos last time #1 is so pukey.. shake abit puke(er ni) liao.. puke on clothes nvm... if puke on the rocker/stroller mus wash.. v leh chek...

Purelyz> oh dear... wish your son gets well soon. you too take care. ya, very pity when see the kids taking so much med. sometimes when my son refused to take med. i can ganjiong till cry. then he panic and will guai guai take med. liao.

Buy 1-2 pack of NB and more S size packs. Bigger size can keep until bb grow up. But once they outgrow, cannot keep loh.

Ahnah and suika

Thanks for the tip.. i think i will stick to play pen cos afterwards bb will upgrade to bed cos i have extra mattress and bed at home..


buy both i will be very broke.. lol

wheres the link to the facebook group? I cant find... can tell me..

I'm going to the expo fair later today.... My neighbour advised me to bring a trolley or empty stroller there to load up all the stuffs I buy.... I hope it won't be too crowded.... scared of crowds and push here push there.... Recently in shopping malls already got pple walk walk and then just shove or push me aside cos I'm too slow... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


take it easy.. to these ppl, our bump is "invisible" de.. i always put my hands in front to shield my bump ans as much as possible, try to walk in between the spaces..


SunFl@wer> yaloh, i remember most cots with thin wood, some a bit "shaky" like playpen. only 1 or 2 brands the wood is thicker, but price ard $299 or $300+ liao.

ahNah> posted the photo in the grp liao.

ann> ya, yesterday when we went at 12noon after lunch still ok, after that quite crowded, or should say the walking path not very wide for us... can be tripped or "knocked" easily by those reckless people who pushed strollers ard. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] do watch out.

