(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


Oh pls take care... I understand that u're actually carrying double weight more than we do, definitely u'll feel more uncomfortable.

Morning everyone,

Dreymin, sorry I forgot to add myself into the list, looking forward.

Central Gathering -

Location: CityHall/Raffles City (Shokudo or Sakae)

Date: 15 June 10

Time : 630pm or 7pm? Please vote




ahNah only





Wei Ling


Ikea baby cot the gate height cannot be adjusted. Only the bed can move. But i think like 1-2 adjustments only.

ahNah, you going in the morning? Can help check whether still have the offer. I'm worried that if I go in the afternoon then no more offer liao. So have to check with hubby whether he wan to go in morning.

I can't see the image in the website that you give leh. Blank!

Scent, take care, kudos to you! I'm beginning to feel the strain of pregnancy, carrying only 1. I really can't imagine how you managed to this stage.

xpink> ya, Nepia's S is still affordable and value for money. but not easily found in NTUC (always limited stocks) and no promotion. that's why i was so upset that the staff "refused" to sell coz i was late last night. still angry. haha...

i also switched to Huggies after that since i think since M or L... :p as for G.OON, yesterday we felt the sample, like not really soft leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ahNah, anytime is ok for me. Now that my buddy is back in action, I can start to abuse the priviledge of being pregnant -> report work late, go home early.

If I'm early, can go do shopping at Robinson, which is my favourite store now, cause I just received my supp card, complimentry from my hubby. hahahaha

June> don't dare to say which one is better leh. maybe you go and feel the sample yourself? but i will say this fair actually Pamper's promotion is not really a lot. Not sure why there are so many people went just to buy Pampers and left leh.

As for the TMC FBI card, i remember for the Apr. promotion when i signed, the salesperson told me can use only either promotion and not one on top of each other. i guess maybe same for the fair? but it will still be better to check it out again. during this fair they are offering FOC PA insurance fr. Manulife for the parents. if you need any recommendation of salesperson i can pass you my contact. just PM me loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear all, need all your advise on what are the things I have to get ready before delivery?

I already have a hand-me-down pram, hand-me-down cot, hand-me-down bb clothes and nothing else.

ahNah> u planning to go to the fair later? I changed my plan. I going to the fair this evening after work instead of tml.


Later, maybe not. Cause when I reach expo after work is around 8pm + + not enough time for me to shop.

Some more today is Fri, got la-kopi.

xpink> last rd i tried Fitti too but price is ex and the absorption like not as good leh. hehe... but that was long time ago. :p this rd the fair really got more promotion and brands, as compared to few years back.

ahNah> i guess Ikea's cot should be safe bah... so far didn't hear any accidents. just feel the price not that cheap leh.

their new high chair that caused accident already been recalled and stopped selling.

Cheekrene> thanks. $670 is just the same as the Carnival Sales leh. hehe, thought got 50% then i can save the hassle fr. ordering Amazon liao. :p


Previous fair we saw the baby cot + items at $299, last night saw him again. It is inclusive of latex mattress (we think it is not a necessary)

On the other hand, we saw another cot (thicker wood, white color, adjuster to 2-3 height. Come with wheels and the price is around $169.

Thinking to get it if cannot get 2nd hand cot from here or ebay.

ahNah> got time to shop lah. last night i went back again at 9pm mah. hehe... better coz easier to get parking lot, no more crowd and queue. :p

ahNah> i also have problems loading the motherhood page you posted. maybe all of us accessing at the same time their server jam liao. :p

Cheekrene> really? that Sat my friend went, called me and asked if wanna help me buy, she told me $670 leh. anyway, still $200 more than if i order fr. Amazon. thanks.

ok ok... i better quickly settle down my decision and go ahead with my order, else later delivery not in time liao. :p

ahNah, yup, you have my hp no. We still haven't find a time to meet up for the CD leh. I burned my CD for you too.

haitang > U didn't spot us last night ? we stay until around 9.45pm.

if go tonight a bit rush lah, like I say. Today is Friday. got La-kopi at Hougang.

ahNah, U mean tmr? I let u know again if I'm going in the morning. Likely to go in afternoon cos both my and hubby very tired and want to sleep late tmr.

ahNah, aren't all the preggies now working for our hubby? We are the one carrying the weight, suffering from the cramps, having hard time breathing, etc etc etc.

But other than that, no lah, me working in a bank. If only the bank belongs to my hubby... that will be nice...hmmmm


Orh.. so good can sleep late. My tummy doesn't allow me to sleep late one. 7 early 8 early wake me up liao.

Even like last time after carry 2 playpen (total 16kg) ... i hungry until cannot sleep, have to swallow 2 banana and 1 milk.

ahNah, I also depends on tummy. Sometimes my Bb will wakeup at 7 or 8am and start to kick, punch and dance till I can't sleep late loh. Only my hubby have no problem sleeping late. usually I will open my eyes big and look at my hubby sleep and snoring. Like what wl say, we suffering but hubby no need to suffer.


Dun say like the preggies is mama alone lah. hubby have to support the wife when mama wan to go toilet in the mid night, when their leg cramp, daddy have to massage the leg. Even have to wear socks for them, cover the blanket and etc.

Work in bank still can surf net, so shiok.

But how come can report work late, go home early if your hubby dun own the bank ? ? Dun gai gai ... we won't kidnap you because you are banker's wife. :p

How come you know my hideout at Block 401 KPT ? ?

Ok, tonight I swap place liao. Scare you take my pics with other gals.

ahNah, that's why you are so sweet lor. My hubby only massage my leg after my cramps are over, talking about slow reaction. I'm so worry that he only arrives in the hospital after I have delivered.

I can report work work and go home early cos I have a sweet boss whose wife is delivering this month, so he empathies...

And no need to change your hideout lah, I used to stay opp blk 401 until I got married and moved to Yishun, so no worries, me wont be in Hougang today, maybe will go expo tonight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ahNah, you so good husband leh. My hubby only massage my legs when cramp and cover blanket when he accidentally pull all blanket to himself and nothing for me.


But I'm suffering as well. I also wake up at 2am and 4 am .. or 3am and 5am. No reason at all, out of sudden my eye can open big big and stare at the ceiling one.

Previously even more weird, I can continue to wake up at 3.33am or 4.44am for a few night. Lucky didn't see any owl staring at me from our bedroom's window.

And oh ya.. our boy .. being to punch and kick non stop in day and night liao.


My wife good to me mah. when I have leg cramp, she also massage for me. ( how come i got leg cramp when I'm the one not preg ?)

my la kopi start from 10 pm to ... mid night.


Not every night I can remember to massage for her one. She ask and I do it, if not both of us busy watching SCV or playing with iphone.

I feel bad lor, some time I do snatch away the blanket all to myself but now hor, she dun complain liao cause even in aircon, she can sweat when sleeping.

Cheekrene, not all Philips Avent at 50% off..only some items and i think the milk bottles. the pump and sterilisers are not.

babybee, Most sporean use P3 model, not too sure about SI model leh..


if u wan nepia, u can call n order from then directly n they'll delivery to ur plc....can mix sizes 1box 4pkts for delivery


do update us on ur status hor....u always MIA so long


really so envy ur wife sia....so good to her...my hb oni blurz blurz wakes up to help mi w my cramps if i can't tahan then he'll KO almost immediately after that liao....



I got bad towards her also, just that you didn't seen it.

I wan to KO immediately also cannot, in the end some time I do disappear from the bed and end up doze off in the sofa while watching SCV.

