(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Jascmy> ya, a little of chocolate really "good". i love the bitter ones. haha...

Ednique> aiyah, too bad you deliver in NUH, else we probably could meet up too in the hospital. :p

SunFl@wer> maybe coz my hair is long, dunno leh, i bent all the way down, so legs got to open really wide to give way. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dreamz> ya, my son always copies the way we talk. he one day asked me "why my friend's mommy does not have a baby but she is also not working?" (i once told my son now i'm not working coz pregnant and wanna rest at home. after give birth mommy wanna go to work). belly button thing really interesting, that's why i'm curious and did a "small survey" here loh. :p


This is one of my DIY pics i took for my #1. I ask my hubby to help but he dun wan. So i placed a camera on stand and press the timer mode. After a few tries, i manage to get quite a gd shoots.

Charmaine> sorry to hear that. check out this thread: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3757509.html?1273201726

someone commented she checked with MOM the following:

After 3 months pregnancy - Company cannot terminate a staff. IF ther TERMINATE they have to pay your 2 months maternity leaved.

After 6 months pregnancy - Company cannot Retrenced a staff. If they do so they have to pay your 2 months maternity.

maybe you can check out what MOM can help and there are a few helpful guys in the thread offering jobs to pregnant mommy (if you interested)... else could take the chance to rest at home and start searching for job again after delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

purelyz--> those are really good shots. is the first pic 32 weeks and 2nd pic 37 weeks? right now i only take weekly 'unofficial' pics of myself from front and side views..

eeyore> your hubby very nice to help in the housework leh. my hubby has no time but luckily now i have a maid but sometimes i guess i'm also diff. to be pleased, picking on her work strictly. very bad. :p

i guess coz my hair is long and i usually put it to the front to wash... my hubby asked me to try leaving it behind to wash, but i'm just not use to it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how old is your girl? my elder son is going to 4 years old coming Aug... very close to my baby boy's EDD. when i told my son i want to hug him, i'm sitting on the chair, and he will climb up on my laptop and lean on my body. but i did tell him next time mommy won't have much time for you, so now hug more... hopefully helps. :p

eeyore,cheekrene> so good your hubby supported you to take the protrait... my hubby said he will take for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Purelyz> you did it very well leh. maybe i could try that too.


ya, one is 32wk and another is 37wk. that time i dunno i grow so much till i take the pic in same position. This time, I plan to do in studio cos i wan my #1 and hubby to be in the pics. I think DIY might be tough

haitang, my hubby don't like the idea at all. Most likely I have to DIY and take the photos on my own when he is overseas again.

Shamlee, I only see Irene Chua once cos previously under subsidies clinic. I find she is friendly and experience.


i got the idea while browsing through website looking for maternity photography. I also do b/w pics myself. Cos when i've #1, my hubby work and not at hm sometime, so i boring and start to play with DIY pics. Now #1 running ard at hm, diffi to do DIY in peace. But i find to get hubby to join in the fun will be interesting...

Hi Jascmy,

Thanks for response. I think she is friendly as well and makes you feel comfortable I think its better to change to her. Dr Kelly there is no connection and comfort so I am skeptical but I also feel guilty and want to give her benefit of doubt as she was in her third trimester when I visited her. Am confused???

Starz, I sometimes will feel breathless even when I was sitting up right.. not sure the cause also.. lying on the back cause bad blood circulation, which maybe might cause breathlesss?

Charmaine, dont think too much. Take this time to rest more ba..

I was eating ice-cream while reading the posts.. alamak.. i cant catch up with the speed the ice-cream melts.. such a hot weather!

purelyz, your DIY photos quite nice leh.. your tummy is pointed too..


my gal is gg 4 on 31 july too... so our #1 same age, #2 also same age... also very close to this #2...

So i think my gal still the eldest #1 here...

maybe that time is #1 so he also quite on to take photos...


u took it naked?? I wonder how u do it, I'm interested to take it myself this time...

how come the background is of diff color, is it the same bg??


mayb gather a few of your good friends to take together...

sorry for my poor memory, soemone here stays near u isit??

eeyore, yes, I stay in the same block as winnie. Will definitely take with her cos very special to have 2 or shld be 3 (have another July Mum staying next blk) preggie women in the photo.

alibaba, want join us too. Hehee.... Then it will be 4 liao.

hihi... really bz these 2 days & just manage to curi some time to log-in... so many posts here & a bit hard to cacth up all :p

Emmm... taking abt photos, I like to DIY myself too... for my#1, I very hardworking to take the photos almost every 2 weeks... I have made a photo ablum as my girl birthday present since pregnancy till her 1 yo...

Thinking to do the same for #2 but this round really lazy le.. till now I only have the photos on my test kit & wk 26 (just taken last weekend) :p ... so guilty...

eeyore, haitang,

My #1 (girl) will be 5 yrs old on 15 Aug. Seems like my gap of 5 years between #1 and #2 is the longest here.... I think I need to speed up my "production" since hubby & I hope to have 3 kids...


your DIY pics very nice and your tummy looks pointed! Your #1 is boy right?

purelyz, yours is really nice. Hubby also say we can DIY but he take 1-2 shots then "close shop" sianz... haha

So i decided to go professional one. Approx $100-150 for approx 7 selected developed pictures. Still deciding who to engaged with ..

I think for those that are #1 should take (at least get some DIY) becos i was told after 1st child, no matter what scretch mark cream u use, the beuaty virgin tummy of ours would never be the same. So smooth and beautiful ... so go get some pics taken [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

purelyz, yours is really nice. Hubby also say we can DIY but he take 1-2 shots then "close shop" sianz... haha

So i decided to go professional one. Approx $100-150 for approx 7 selected developed pictures. Still deciding who to engaged with ..

I think for those that are #1 should take (at least get some DIY) becos i was told after 1st child, no matter what scretch mark cream u use, the beuaty virgin tummy of ours would never be the same. So smooth and beautiful ... so go get some pics taken [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just had my scan this afternoon. baby weighs 1.1kg at week 26.. placenta has also moved to upper mid position. previously was low.

so, ladies with low placenta earlier, dont worry, it will rise.

sunfl@wer : Wah ur bb quite big hor! My bb 25weeks only 600+grams.

jascmy : Hehe... my hubby does tat for me too. cos we can't reach our toes la. hehe

eeyore, haitang & ann : Don't worry la. My elder girl is 4++yrs old already. The difference between my #1 and #2 is nearly 3yrs. But this #3 difference with #2 only 1yr.

I still worried that age gap too near, how am i going to cope #2 and #3. Luckily #1 big liao, know how to entertain herself.

& me gonna close factory after #3 is born.

10years later if financial allows, i don't mind give birth #4. Cos by then, i'm only 32years old. But see how la! Just don wan age gap too near. hehe

nowadays the weather is killing!

me have been on aircon these days and shower with cold water in the afternoon.

electricity bill gonna gone up like mad.


Hi mummies,

I am a March mummy....I have a brand new car seat. suitable for infant to 1 yr old. got as gift but i have one already hence selling. It's good to get a infant car seat first then buy one suitable for older kids later. Infant car seat is more recline as babies can't really sit up as yet. It comes with handle and can be carried like a basket...can use it to bring baby home from hospital if not comfortable to carry baby

retailing abt $90. will let off cheaply at $45. if keen pm me.

purelyz> this afternoon was showing the pics here to my son, and told him, maybe you can help mommy to take the photo while baba put the hands on mommy's tummy? purelyz, dare to ask your #1 to try? it will be fun. hehe... last time i let my son play with my camera, he took me without head!

jascmy> that will be fun if you can take with other mummies nearby... can pose like charlie angel. :p

ann> it's very brave for you to go for the 3rd one... now 2nd one coming i already wonder how can i cope. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully my #1 can help taking care of the #2, he already said baby can sleep with him at night and when baby cries, he can carry baby to mommy's room...

SunFl@wer> wow, your baby 1.1kg at 26wk, big leh. mine only 930g... :p

jascmy> so sweet of your hubby to help you cut toe nails.

xpink> so envy, you are still so young. 10 years later only 32 and considering #4. ya, raising kids in Singapore is really expensive. not only money issue, the childcare also problems... many of us are having headache who to take care of the kids when we go back to workforce...

haitang : That's very sweet of your #1! Willing to look after baby.

Yes, not only money issue. I think teaching them is also another problem. I somehow regret having #3 as i don't have the energy now to educate #2 as compare to #1. Feeling guilty over it. Once #3 is born, #2 still less than 2yrs old and still need lots of attention. Sigh.


wah, your #1 so nice... even volunteer to carry baby to your room... I'm still convincing my girl to help me take care of baby... so far, she promised to help me pat the baby to sleep, feed milk, take new diapers... but she said a big NO to helping me clean baby's poo-poo. Haha.


yeah, you're so young!! I'm 34 this year...... not much time left if I wanna have # 3 before 35. :p

Just now went for my gynae's visit

26 & half week, Bb at 810g but gynae dun seem to be worried, keep assuring me that bb's alright.

eeyore, I think it is okay ba.. last week i visit my gynae he said abt my baby abt 800g which is 25 weeks old. Actually, u know there is some % tolerance in our gynae machine. when i was abe to deliver my #1, gynae told me abt 3.2kg but turn out to be 3kg exact, so abt 7% tolerance based on my statistics.. so yrs might be more than 810g in actual fact.. dun worry too much la..

just wondering whether we r safe to travel when we are able 31-32 weeks pregnant.. thinking of going to Genting in mid june leh.. might need to book hotel before my next gynae visit which is end of the month...

check with u all ah...

is anyone going to sign up to store baby's cord blood?

I am not sure if should sign up with cordlife or stemcord.

anyone here has signed up yet? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear all..i am now 26wks but my belly still sitting low and small.Went for check up on my 24wks..bb weighs at 629g.Gynae said my bb not too small n not too big..its propotionate to my size.Anyone here at 26wks..belly still very small?Thanks

haitang and xpink,

my gynae told me its average weight leh..

but i think some ladies' babies here even bigger.. some already 900gm at wk24.

hey purelyz

haha seems like yr first belly looks bigger than the second!;p

btw ladies

if yr first ones are taking enfagrow 3,check out ntuc....there is discount..normal price 59.9..now 54.45sgd...gd deal...me a little aunty liao..so got a few tins to stock up!;p

Thanks gals.. Your concerns really give me strength..

I wish I am not affected by the retrenchment but sad to say it really upset me..

Seeing all to suddenly went our own ways without having a chance to bid goodbye is painful. It feels like dumped by a bf without a valid reason and seeing him one more time..

I learnt not to ask why and move on.. It is real world so I should be doing fine again in 2 3 weeks time..

The good thing is.. I can join in all gatherings organize by you gals now")

Money is not an issue now as I am compensated.

Haitang, you have links to get job for pregnant lady? I wish I can learn new skills at this time and not to stay at home do nothing..Can you provide me with some links? Thanks a million..

Thank you again gals!!

xpink, ann> since I'm now trying to train my #1 to sleep alone. I told him, "u r big enuff to sleep alone. but baby is too young, cannot talk & walk but only can cry, so must sleep with mommy. else if he cries, mommy cannot hear, how?" then he replied to carry baby to mommy. guess he is trying to get a company to sleep with him at night. :p

ann> yours very good to promise you in helping already. mine didn't really promise woh. after the baby is born, if #1 not jealous and be funny to get attention i'm really happy already.

Sunfl@wer> oh, hehe... actually 100g diff. maybe not a lot bah. :p

Charmaine> i don't have the links, but read abt the comments in the threat i sent you earlier, there are a few helps offering jobs to pregnant ladies. they didn't specify what kind of job, but i guess might be those on-time-on-target/part-time of sales job? let me help you check the threat later and PM you if i get more info. got to go out now. stay happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You can also check out the various internet job search websites for temporary jobs eg. www.jobstreet.com. I noticed that there are some temp or part-time jobs that can be found via internet. However, don't get your hopes up too high cos we are already in 3rd trimester.... Other than work, you can sign up for exercise classes or foreign language/ hobby courses to occupy your time.

MVH, my gynea also told me that I can travel up till July leh. Cos my EDD is end Aug lah so Aug I can't travel liao.

jerlyn chow, different ppl different size lah. My Mum and sis also told me that their tummy very small during preggie. My Mum even say when her tummy reach the size of my hubby's tummy size, it time for her to deliver liao.

Mu tummy now bigger then hubby ler. So both my Mum and sis say my tummy big. Hehee... Actually initially mine also small but it grow suddenly during mid 2nd trimester.

Most impt is Baby size Ok. Don't bother of tummy size.

jerlyn chow, one more thing, even tot my tummy big, Gynea say my Bb a bit small. So don worry abt tummy size ok. Jus worry abt Bb size will do.

Hi Mummies,

i am a dec 09 mummy. i have a Medala Freestyle pump which i have used for only 5months.

In very good condition.

Self pick up near Parkway Parade or Bt batok.

PM me if you are keen



morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Happy Mothers' Day!!

purelyz > nice DIY photos taken.. hw u make the color to become like this? photoshop or the function of ur camera?

Jerlyn > im 27 wks nw.. bb wgt 650g.. small size bb.. my tummy oso bit small compare to my fren who is due in sept. as long as bb is healthy, we mothers need nt wry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee

