(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Eeyore> can update my info to your table too? Thx! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 4 Aug

Baby: #2, boy

Doctor: Dr. S.H. Kee

Hospital: Mt A


din know bb can be started by their own movements too. after reading all the feedbacks, have decided to wrap my gal in blanket for the 1st 3 mths too when she sleeps besides me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheekrene, ednique & sunflower,

yeah, its getting more difficult to bathe, dry urself then put on clothes becos the tummy starts to get in the way liao.


so nice of him


it's like that...wait till later part it's even harder to cut our toenails

Angel--> ya i think about 2 will suffice.. the one i bought is a 2 blankets pack. i think the brand is 'Babysafe' if not wrong. i'll go home and check again hehee.. this pack cost $10 so i thought it's quite cheap..

Angel & Cheekrene --> oh ya i guess most of us are having this problem of bending nw that our tummy gets in the way..when i want to put on my pants, i have to sit first so that i can raise my leg.. actually my tummy is soooo big already..and i'm gona be 7mth next week. cant imagine hw big it will be when i reach 8, 9 mths...

haitang--> we have the same EDD! and me most likely having boy too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dreamz> thanks for the info. so the single electric one support battery operation? no wonder i read in forum some people get 2 sets of single electric pump...

aNnah> you are right, not really need to get it now, but coz the sales season is here approaching! so no harm starts sourcing. tell you what, during my 1st pregnancy, i got the Medela Harmony manual pump at motherhood fair in Jun (my EDD was in Sep) due to promotion, and got manual coz also not sure if could successfully breastfed. during the confinment i started trying out the manual pump, after few days, my fingers/hand starts to cramp, work too hard, and worse, the pump spoilt... so i got to order online for home delivery of my electric pump after doing some reviews online, didn't really have chance to do much comparison personally on the products. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cheekrene, will he wake up when his nose being squeeze by you ?

suika, maybe u gals can organise a gathering aka whatever cute at central area, ask those miss to cut the toe nail for all of you at a group price.

haitang, we no need to buy liao. Last night my SIL pass us her dual engine bf pump.. cost only $288 .. but she reminds me to be careful as the machine is very easy to spoil. I so scare and put some cushion on my ride to protect it.


oh yes, talking abt cutting toe nails, think no need to wait till later. i cut my own toe nails a few wks back. took like forever to cut. very uncomfy too. i complained to my hb then he said he'll help me cut the next time. heehee.


oh $10 for 2 blankets is reasonable. maybe have to find time go kiddy palace see see look look again.


i sit on a stool while i shower.. so i dun have to bend down.. maybe u can try to get a taller stool.. coz 3rd trimester might have difficulty in getting up from the stool..

mvh & sunflower,

hmmm... my hb also suggest i use the stool in our bathroom but it was pretty low so i din think it was a gd idea. maybe will consider getting a taller stool then.

not sure if we shd get a non-slip mat in the bathroom as well. nearly tripped the other day cos the floor very slippery. luckily managed to grab hold onto the shower tap for support.

ednique and angel,

imagine i am quite small built, yet my tummy is bigger in 6 months. my tummy really gave way to me.


guess what? he still can continue to sleep. so in future when baby cry, i think i will have to drag myself out of the bed to see my baby >.<

oh ya, i have been going for pedicure every month. cos it's difficult for me to cut myself.


it's better for you to get anti slip mat in bathroom. i got the intention to buy one as i remember i was trying to wash my toilet floor, it was very slippery. i scare i will fall one day

ahNah > looks like normal hankerchiefs leh.....

cheekrene> got pple tell me don't go pedicures cos the nail polish fumes is bad for baby.... I dunno how true!


oh be careful when washing the toilet floor ya. i imagine it must be very uncomfy to wash in ur condition now? perhaps ur hb can lend u a helping hand here?? do buy the anti-slip mat for urself too. i'll be getting one lah just to be safe.

my hb also sleep like a log. cant even wake him up unless its fire or sth that dramatic lah. every morn, getting him to wake up for work is pure torture for me lor. he set multiple alarms fr alarm clocks & pda. the pda one will continue to ring for 30mins if he did not dismiss it. i nearly go crazy when we first live together cos i'm an ultra light sleeper.


i've boy but like soft drink and ice cream. Something that i dun crave for my #1 boy. Maybe this #2 boy is "sweeter"? Haha...


i tink it's not bb kick, cos u change position, bb also change position mah. Got limited space inside, so cfm "accidentally" kick u. Hee... Looking forward to celeb another yr of mummmy's day...

Jascmy & Charmaine>is your baby a boy or girl? my belly button same like yours, pre-pregnancy sunk in one, and now not only flat but protruding out ! same for my both pregnancy, both boys. that day my gf said when she had a girl, her belly button is not protruding at all. anyone heard of such thing before?


i also need to wash toilet once every 2 wks, my hubby will sweep and mop the house weekly. Must be careful, esp now tummy bigger. We plan to get maid, so household chores can get her to help le...


'sweeter'? lol....hv to be that way liao


we not smelling that everyday so it's ok de....alot of us put on nailpolish lor oso like that....oni no chemicals on hair coz we'll leave it on our scalp for hrs that will affect bb


maybe u r right. actually, i can only tell if bb is kicking or moving but dun really know what she is doing inside lor. sometimes, her movements are so big, i'll wonder if she's moving my organs or sth. lol.


dun know if this has anything to do with sex of bb. i'm having a girl too like ur fren & my belly button is still sunken in, din protude out as well.

ann> if the Medela or Avent's quality is good enough and not breaking within a year there should be no diff. with or without warranty. my Ameda last time already broke down after few months use and i have to send for warranty repair. so this time round when i found it not working, i'm not surprised/upset.


i think not true leh..depends on individual lar..

i'm having a boy..belly button not protruding..


i also heard from my colleague saying that. but i do see pregnant ladies going for pedicure. luckily the nail palour that i go, don't have strong polish fumes. so i find it quite safe.


my belly button did not protrude since i am haing baby girl.


indeed it is uncomfortable as it is really difficult for me to squat.


i wanted to get someone to help me to wash toilet only but dont know why my husband dont like the idea. i cant let him wash the toilet as he got the bad habit to use recycle water that is really dirty and he will use it to wash. i dont really like the feeling of using dirty water.

ann> i only had pain on the pelvic bone, it's along the bikini line area, and find a bit painful to walk... but it is come and go one, not every day. like today i didn't feel it at all. last time my colik experienced that also and she told me it was the baby's weight and position which has caused it (she read fr. online forum. her gynae didn't want to comment and just told her not to worry). probably you could check with your gynae and see what he says?

Good afternoon mummies, sorry to interupt. I am a 2008 mummy and i have a used baby bassinet to let if you are considering one.

Condition is 7.5/10 cos there are 2 slight cracks at the base cos i screwed them too tight. It doesn't affect the function in anyway. The wheels can be locked or left unlocked for "rocking" effect. Colour is creamy white while the mattress pad is pale blue/grey. There is also a storage basket underneath it.

Am asking for $45. Can deliver FOC otherwise, pick up at Bedok or Alexandra. Pls call me or text me at 9029 7390 if you are keen.

Thanks for looking and wishing you all a smooth and joyous pregnancy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haitang, I'm having boy but belly button seems like going to pop out but can't pop. I don't have a sunken/empty hole belly button before preggie, so its that thing that fill up the belly button (think is the knot) trying to pop but cannot loh. It only grow bigger but still smaller then my whole tummy.


yeah, I asked my gynae what the sharp pain at my sides or bottom of my tummy is and she said those are actually contractions. She said nothing to worry about unless they are regular and comes and goes in regular intervals. She even told me to rest more and avoid exercise for 1-2 wks. Anyway, I didn't listen to her... i still go for my weekly yoga or pilates.

ann, la lor .. but recommended by my SIL.

haitang, i guess ours is "Ameda"

Sunflower, i can confirm that. Ours is boy and my wife belly button is protruding.


hopefully more "meaty" cos i love to get chicken a lot...


the nail salon ventilation must be gd. i apply nail polish like normal le. Jus recommend dun go dye hair.


actually i enjoy the kicking moments. This is one of the moments i miss when #1 is born. So now i treasure the moments a lot now. After #2, i plan to close "factory" le...


i understand ur feeling. i also wan my hubby to do but he often too tired or lazy to clean, so in the end i'll wash.

starz> you very cute leh, so early already start to bribe your baby with nice clothes...

angel> if you don't find comfortable to read story loud for the baby, it's fine too if you play some soothing music to her too. it's good enough for the brain stimulation or development. talking to the baby is mainly for her to get familiar to your voice, so she will feel more comfortable with you after she is born. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me a 1st time mtb. prior to being preggie, i never knew can feel & experience so much during our pregnancy. i think the feeling of being a mom becomes more real when u start feeling bb's movements & kicks etc becos u realise there is really a little life growing in ur tummy now. its quite a magical feeling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thx but i've since overcame my own awkwardness. just now, i also read 3 short stories (1 page long only, lol) & sang a couple of nursey songs to my girl. before i start, i told her mummy is going to sing some songs now. then i felt her kick. haha. not sure if she's responding or protesting. but she was subsequently silent thruout my singing & reading. maybe she has fallen alseep. hahaha

starz> you very cute leh, so early already start to bribe your baby with nice clothes...

angel> it's good that you read and sing to the baby. it's actually main for her to get familiar to your voice, so she will feel more comfortable with you after she is born. guess that's why usually the baby cries when baba carries them but quiet down when mama takes over. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dreamz> your hubby very on leh. my hubby is too busy nowadays and hardly touch my tummy and talk to the baby as compared to my 1st pregnancy. instead, my elder son is doing the job, every day sayang my tummy few times, and before he goes to bed, he must say "good nite, baby i love you", "when mommy is sleeping, you must also sleep and not to kick mommy ok?" :p

aNnah> you very bad to ask your baby to kick your wife leh...

haitang, got karma one u know .. she kick me in the middle of the night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

eeyore> thanks, you all are so fast ! I was still reading yesterday posts... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ednique> you didn't ask your doctor for the baby sex? want a surprise?

Angel, SunFl@wer, cheekrene,jascmy> i don't really believe in telling baby sex by tummy size/shape and of course this belly button thing. i guess the belly button sunking in or protruding probably has to do with our individual tummy and baby's size... when we meet we will know. :p

ann> i thought yoga should be gentle enough for pregnant mommy?

aNnah> is it the pump in this link?


it's cheap & good, but not very durable. i passed mine to my gf after i stopped breastfeeding my elder son, she said that time suction already a bit weak, now took back the pump i tried, heard the motor sound but no suction at all... as i said, it spoilt after few months i 1st used, so not surprise of it broken down. :p

angel> your girl definitely loves you talking and singing to her. poor baby has to be confined in the small space in our tummy for 9 months... so boring. my hubby was saying it was scary.

ahNah> ya, karma... later when he is born, more will come. haha...

Hi mummies-to-be, i'm new to this thread. I was introduced to this thread by Sunflower. My EDD is 26 Aug and i'm having 1 boy and 1 girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

purelyz> it's glad to hear that bkk is safe... enjoy your trip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dreymin> your maid experience really similar to mine leh. guess like toto, luck is really important. your current maid takes 1 day off per wk?

babyhopepath> welcome and congrats for the twins ! you will get very busy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jascmy, suika> i think chocolate not advised could be it contents a small quantity of caffeine and high content of sugar.

i'm having a baby boy this time round, but i did crave for some preserved prunes at the beginning and now for ice-cream, puddings... i even checked and tried out recipes on ice-cream and puddings making! not for my 1st pregnancy which is also a boy. my mil was so happy (before the baby sex is known lah) when she heard different pregnancy reactions, since she is hoping for a baby girl. hehe...

eeyore, angel, MVH, SunFl@wer> ya sitting down on stool sure helps in washing legs... but how you girls wash your hair? I still have to bend down leh, and probably my tummy is bigger than last pregnancy, find very diff. now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

putting a non-slip mat in the toilet is definitely good. I slipped in my toilet during my 1st pregnancy and the head pumped onto the toilet bowl, while knee got swollen. luckily baby was fine. really scary...


babyhopepath--> welcome! congrats on ur pair of twins!

haitang--> yes i was told of the gender during my detailed scan..

Angel--> i think it could either be responding in excitement or protesting. but i always like to see it as a positive respond hehe unless like baby got startled coz of loud sound or smthing.. probably your baby kept quiet when you were reading/singing is because she's listening to you and enjoying it..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yesterday, i was feeling down and was resting on my bed as usual, my baby likes to kick around and was very active.. then when i started to talk to my hubby abt my problem, i cried. then suddenly, baby stopped moving and became very quiet.. i think he feels my emotions and became sad too? then after i stopped crying and tried to sleep, baby started to move and kick again.. its really a magical feeling and nothing beats this intimate relationship of mother and child in the womb..

