(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

elise, jacey down with flu lor.. coughing and running nose.. hope she will get well soon...

you try distracting your gal with toys? then feed her? i need alot of things to distract jacey hor.. then after that still need to carry her to walk around to feed her.. i can go from high chair, hand carry then to bumbo seat in order to make her eat.. feeding is not easy as ABC..


xx, whats considered healthy snacks? just chop and wash carrot sticks for my britt to snack on is it?

Monsterlim, u got the exact adds for it?

Irene, thanks. if i got time to do to raffles city....

Elise, no choice lor.. apparently not only mine needs entertainment.. zz also needs something to distract him.. maybe you try dvd/tv? DVD/TV dont works for me lah. Jacey not too interested in tv shows.. haha..

really have to 'kan kai' lor.. rules like no playing when eating or no tv when eating, really cannot be too rigid. unless you got a good eater.. else, life will be very miserable! haha!

Rabbit, tv also doesn't work for zz. But I realized he's more into cartoon.

Elise, steamed carrots, broccoli, potatoes. Make them into soft sticks so that they can hold n gum.

Sheryl, that skp shop not cheap. The one at raffles city is worse.

My zz LS again!! Dunno wad's wrong. Sigh...

ok xx, noted of your small tips!

Rabbit, my bb is super glued to tv. be it AI on everyweek day night, or cartoons, or advertisments. once the tv is on, her eyes will be guled to it, can even watch non stop for a few hours. but she dun really like babytv. only likes adult shows. sigh.

xx, my friend just told me there's a small shop near to KFC, bugis junction selling partywares, which is cheap. maybe u want to go there take a look? did zz eat the wrong things? what did the maid feed him?

xx/elise, eh cartoons she also not interested.. at most 5-10 mins? after that back to monkey-ing again.. heng i nv buy any dvd yet, else it will be a waste.. she end up not watching.. she more interesting in standing, crawling, squating and cruising around..

Hello Elise,

Here is the address:-

Our main branch:- 116 Middle Road #01-01 ICB Enterprise House Singapore 188972

(Junction of Middle Road and Queen Street)

Opening hours: 10.00 am to 8.00 pm Monday to Saturday.

11.00 am to 6.00 pm on Sunday and public holiday.

There are still another 2shops beside it. Maybe u can take a look and see for more choices.

Healthy soft sticks

Hi mummies, can I know how do u make the sticks? U just steam it and wait till it cool down before u give it to bb? And the sticks will be cold by then, is it ok? Thanks!

Rabbit, there is a boy living down by street, everyday his ah mah will push him in his stroller with his lunch, park him at the side of the busy street, let him ppl watch n quickly feed him. See already make me feel so sad. The boy is not young anymore. One yr plus le.

Cherriegg, u can boil or steam them. Sometimes I cook them together with the poridge n scoop them into a seperate bowl to cool before serving. It's going to be messy anyway. The shape n size n hardness is very impt. Just ensure bb can gum n swallow n wun choke. Also bb can pick them up using hands by themselves to self feed. Small pieces of meat or apple wedges also can. As long as babies can self feed lor.

Brot zz to fren's condo pool for swimming today. First time in chlorine pool. So tiring that I can surrender. Bringing him to babyspa is soo much easier.

Fidgets tmr afternoon anyone ? I will go at ard 130 pm just after k's lunch. I can pick up 2 mummies at commonwealth mrt if anyone keen. Pm me k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xx,, next time u use my swim trainer lah., will not be tired one, fri morn??:p

Hi hi mummies!!!

It's been a long time since I last login. Have been v onz abt the GE so was on fb more than anything else.

How's your little ones?

I hv changed bb gale 's name already and shifu says he shd b ok. So I just cross my fingers and toes.

Btw, huggies promo is back. 30 pink stamps for activity table or a 2 in 1 bike. Gosh- v attractive. Plus huggies ultra (2pink stamps) is hvg discount- ntuc : $17.25 Per pack. More worth than huggies dry comfort.

Jenn - remember to keep ur pink stamps. Of course if u din want, I'm always happy to buy over Fr u. 

Xx, thanks! first time trying out cos normally her snacks will be biscuits n bread. N biscuits are really heaty n will fall sick easily though biscuits are her fav. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, Does the apple wedges need to be steamed first before giving to bb? Do u think the thickness can be the same like the mos burger French fries?

Babyspa is definitely more easier!! But wondering, u give zz small or big pool?

cath, dun worry.. since change name already and shifu says ok then just believe.. tink quite lucky u met this shifu.. since u said he spot on in describing u and #1, i tink he quite zhun one lei.. jiayou jiayou bbG..!

talking abt swimtrainer, i haven start using mine yet!! hard to inflate or not ar?

My ger got 'broad big bum' leh. Huggies like cannot fit her well. End up I can also use many poko. Is pampers broader than huggies?

My ger also must distract her with things before she can finish her baby bowlful of porridge. Ideally, this method is so wrong but she just will not finish without her hands busy with something.

My ger not tv addict YET but she will stop all activities to watch the channel 8, 7pm song. After that busy with crawling and standing again.

Sparkle/rabbit/xx/elise.. i think its very normal to distract the kids w TV and toys. I guess we cant be so idealistic yet and expect/hope that kids stil still n just eat. As long as they can finish e food, i am very happy already, whatever toys and dvd, i will just switch on. My K also doesnt like to TV, have to keep on bringing "new" toys to distract him during meal times, pretty normal for kids these age grp since they are so inquistive. They will eventually grow out of it by 3-4 yrs old. Now my ger can sit n eat her food but she still gets restless n not to mention babies w short attention span.

But 1 thing i am against is what XX described,

bringing the food everywhere to feed the baby/kids, esp bringing it downstairs.. OMG.. thats the worst that we can do, i believe that can be trained from young. I think its impt to train them to sit at 1 location to eat, can distract w many toys and dvd but "key" pt is dun let them move.. else u will have to "go after" them and gradually it becomes a habit. Our babies already very smart, noe how to "see our face" and react.. will def take advantage of us in these areas..So try not to change feeding locations thru out the meal time..else u will suffer in future. Its better to tough it out now than in the future when they are more mobile.

Sheryl.. most prob fri afternoon, dunno go where yet... haha.. maybe fidgets or go go bambini..

Jojo, the swim trainer is easy to inflate. One of my best investments among the kids stuffs i have.. super convenient to use.. i cna just let K float on his own.. so happy.. and he can even swim with his arms and kick his legs..Must say thanks to TY again! Thanks for the gd buy!Even my 3 yr ger can use it.

Omg! Sparkle, so my zz is not alone. He too loves the wa meng tee song. Previously he wld stopped wadever he was doing, turned his head to the tv n stayed there until the song finished. So cute right? Now the song is beginning to lose its appeal. Sometimes I must "remind" him to watch his fav song. Haha...

Genice, I feel like buying the babyspa neck float if zz's ezcema doesn't flare up. Cos he's used to using it anyway. Fri is too soon for him to go again. Next week?

Agree with wad u said. Gotta stay at one fixed location when babies eat. zz eats at the dining table highchair. He loves throwing things. I can pick up many many many many many many many many times. Sigh, as long as he doesn't run ard lor. Those in IFC shd be easier, they just see n follow the gorgor jehjeh n guai guai sit down to be fed together.

Cherriegg, ya biscuits is heaty, need to drink more plain water. Anyway, I dun use the finger food as snacks leh. They r part of zz's meal. I still give biscuits n puffs as snacks. I dun steam the apples. But I guess it's better to steam to soften it if u're giving for the first time. Size depends on how well your bb can bite, chew n swallow leh. Trial n error la.

Zz swims in the big pool at babyspa.

Xx, dun buy neck float, go n get e swim trainer. I just gave away my neck float coz too tight for k n more restrictive, it doesn't feel gd for them to hold at e neck. If got chance , u can try my swim trainer and u will love it! No problem, fri then decide, just realise my ger has 'no' sch so prob gotta bring her wherever I goes..


haha.. if i organise playdate, i'll cfm ask everyone here k!.. likely during jun hols lo.. cos nw semester closing, bz bz!


i also haven't tried my swim trainer.. soon soon.. haha.. else like the manduca lydat, white elephant for a while before using.. so typical!

huggies ultra

for my boy, ultra doesn't suit him.. apparently the absorbing thingy not v gd.. it keeps like sliding down instead of absorbing, so often leak.. izzit my boy or is the diapers huh? he prefers dryers..

Sheryl, genice, ok, will hold back purchase of neck float until I try the swim trainer!

So tired. Had to keep waking up to check n change zz's diaper. Poor baby slept in poop diaper n his butt is red now. He even cried when I changed him.

fixed feeding location:

i agree with genice. my #1 used to be eat @ a fixed location but once this maid came, his location become locationS! so now, we have to keep moving just to feed him. if he watches his fave cartoons, he can sit down there eat. surprisingly, whenever i feed him @ my parents' hse, he is able to sit on the dining table to eat but play with toys, but he would be sian & shift his location to the living room. -.-"

so now, for my bb, im training him to eat either kitchen (no fan) or living room (cuz got fan). he will be sitting on his walker during feeding times.

xx, you make me remind of a parent who bring their toddler to the poolside and feed her.. while Jacey was swimming at my parent's condo..

genice, ya lor.. i have to keep bring out new things.. but stay put at 1 place is so difficult.. at times i have to carry her in and out of the kitchen.. haiz.. just to get her to open her mouth.. sometimes my mil also put her on walker to feed. *headache*


i put my bb on walker too, but i use my legs to stop him from running. of cuz sometimes he turn here & there, have to get him to turn & look @ me so i can feed him properly.

rabbit.. u mean u dun use high chair? i think its so useful, walker also can and like bluey, i use my legs to stop it. You have to condition her to it, maybe now she is a little used to "travelling" ard during meal times. She sits on highchairs when u all go out n eat rite?

Bluey.. u very funny "location become locations!" How is e progress at ur new place? When u shifting in? BTW, ask u , ur hse came with the kitchen top?

Hopecg, sure! i was thinking of trying go go bambini.. how is it? suitable for our babies?

Re; walking

Anyone's babies are walking.. may still cruising like a professional.. release hand on 1 side, switch to other furniture, even grab hold to unstable stuffs.. muchc more daring than my ger.. climbing up chair, activity table, sit on cars.. and stand on them.. fell down dunno how many times untils its nothing new to me.. Hope he can walk on his 1st birthday in abt 2 weeks time.

missbluey, only my mil hse got walker.. she will kiap the walker from moving.. actually i find her more distracted when there are more ppl around.. my mil say usually afternoon she can sit on the sofa quietly and eat.. of coz including things to let her play..

genice, i do use high chair.. 1st i use highchair and things to distract her.. after that she impatient liao, i will carry her out and bring her to kitchen to show/play fridge magnets. at times i need to further let her sit on bumbo chair.. and get more things to distract her and continue to feed her..


mine also cruising like nobody's business.. sunday i was at my parent's hse.. i surprise to see how she make her way to the side table which have a big vase there.. my dad put her on the floor infront of the coffee table.. she then crawl to the coffee table, stand up, start cruising, switch to the sofa, continue.. she know distance too far for her to reach, she will slowly in smaller steps and try to reach to the edge.. amazing.. considering she is not always at my parent's hse, unless my mum cooks..

not forgetting she can turn and stand up on the stroller! kaoz..


hmm, actually new house almost done but due to some reasons, i won't be shifting in to new house yet. =p

nope, my new house don't come with kitchen top.


ya its true when our babies get distracted by having more ppl around. if possible, feed her a little more faster? last time he oould finish his bowl of cereal in 5mins, i lagi happy, haha. now, need @ least 10-15mins.


my bb still dunno how to cruise yet, just learn how to crawl when he was 10mths. -.-" only when hold his both hands, he anyhow walk, tip toe, left right.

missbluey, yes.. always trying to feed asap! haha! but best record is around 20 mins leh.. *faint*

anyone of you tried feeding babies when you are outside dining???? seems like is a very difficult task..

Rabbit, Jacey's so fast! Zz still can't walk with the walker. He likes to grab my legs n walk ard the house. Cruising wise is slow motion one, he jumps more than he cruises. I feel he's not daring enuf. How to help him zhuang dan?

Missbluey, dunno leh... Maybe he eat dirty things?

Wah, GE over, suddenly so many posts!

XX - maybe it's the food you feed zz. My E also had LS for quite a while a week or 2 back. I realise that it was the cauliflower. When I stopped, no LS. Feed cauliflower again, LS again.

Feeding bb -

E used to be able to eat without distraction, but now... must give him things to play with and throw down. I had to stop my in-laws from carrying him and feeding him at the same time. My fil still trying to get his way where that is concerned. If he say one more time, I am going to threaten not to bring him over liao.

As for eating outside, really depends on his mood lor. if happy, can eat a lot. But easier to feed him outside if he can eat some 'adult' food too. plain rice also happy. lol


Not yet. Can use coffee table as support and walk ard it, but basically that's it. still not confident of standing on his own without support.

Huggies promo

Aiyo, huggies not cheap leh. The toys look so good. Scooter-bike and elc activity table. Very worth. Feel like getting the table for zz!

Dot, ok I shall take note of his diet. Thanks

Rabbit, eating outside is the same for us. Wanna eat then eat, dun wanna eat then drink milk lor. When his appetite is good, he can eat anywhere.

Xx, it takes time lah. Each baby has it's own development. O feel no need to rush them. Jacey still cannot stand without support. She can cruise, squat, stand... Continue the cycle over and over again. I don't have walker at home. Only mil hse have. But when she is in walker, she will tends move backwards. I realized boys like to jump more leh.

I don't dare to feed jacey outside. I now will feed her before going out and have to rush home in evening to feed her dinner. Haiz...

Feeding when dining outside

I love to feed him when out dining. He will cooperate cos he wanna eat. But I'll be sure to bring my cooked porridge, vege n fish out. The food flask is pretty good. Can last for 6 hrs. Else bbG can't sit still when he see all of us eating.

It's a must to stop giving food if he insist to be out of his high chair. This is to prevent bad habits.

Hi mummies!

Just as I thought that finally the long working days of GE were over n now it's time for me to have a good rest n spend quality times with 小D. He was contracted with Impetigo. I kind of Skin Virus that will spread to the whole body if not taken care of. (http://www.medicinenet.com/impetigo/article.htm).

Seriously I have nO idea where he got it from lo. Poor boy. No appetite to eat or drink his milk oso. Been very cranky n wanna b carry around. He is tired but just refused to slp.

My energy really gonna drain out Liao lo.. Still have not plan for his bday celebration lo..

mil feed bbR in walker when at her hse.. but she put a cushion under it so cannt roll.. i feed him in the rocker chair at hm.. or if got another person ard, the person will sit and hold him then i fast fast feed..

most of the time mil dont let bbR roll ard in the walker coz i told her not to, so the cushion is there most of the time he's in the walker.. except once when i came back from work he super fast rolled to the door to greet me.. so cute haha.. now he can stand and cruise ard abit le.. even step up on the coffee table base like climbing steps..

Rabbit, I tried to entice him to cruise along the L shape sofa yesterday. He can do it la but many times he will wanna squat down n crawl. So lazy right... I brot him to the playground with his shoes on n hold his hands to walk. He likes it. N oh my walker is the push walker, not the sit walker. Sorry my mistake. Haha...

Raleigh, may xiaoD get well soon!


My boy after mths of cruising finally dare to take a few unassisted steps last week! But hor he miscalculated n hit his head real hard on the side of my tv console so got big bualuku..

Dining out

Maybe cos we always dine out on wkends n my boy is a glutton so he can sit guai guai in high chair. And we muz time our lunch such that everyone eats together.. so far so gd.


Oh no... I am juz praying hard my boy won't get another bout of bronchitis fr his cousin whom have had high fever this wk - thankfully my BIL hv not bring her over to IL place. I also hv to scramble to order cake n stuff for the last min bday celebration which IL feel strongly a must hv..

Raleign - Poor bb D hope he recovers soon.


Bb has been cruising. She attempted to climb onto the activity table to get onto the tv console. Very active kid - we often had to go after her. A bit tiring sometimes ....


I try to make it a habit to put her in the high chair. There r two safety belt straps which I use to clip on some toys for her to play. She seems to prefer the high chair more than sofa.


I'm clearing leave in June. So can join in...

Packing - I'm frantically trying to pack our luggages for 5days in hk. Flying off early tmr morning n I still need to go back office later. Even bought a mini slowcooker for this trip. Hope I dun miss out anything n that bb will behave on flight. I foresee lots of walking up n down the aisle with her. Worse thing is that we still cannot get SQ to put our seats together. Urghhh

Tersher, may your madien trip with your bb go smooth smooth!

Poor xiao D. raleigh take care!

overseas holidays trip with bb, i got a few questions to ask. may be planning to take a 1 hr flight to penang during august. what can i do to relieve the ears for baby? can bring pram along right? for hotel room, do u have to request for a baby cot? i scared bb may roll off the bed and onto the floor, because my bb loves to kick and roll everywhere when sleeping. any advise?


my baby cannot walk yet. she can only take assisted steps. use coffee table to stand up, stand on my legs and stomach when i pull her with my hands.

xx, i believe that he prefer crawling now.. because will let xx to reach out for things faster.. enjoy the crawling moments.. when he starts to walk.. more headache comes..

Jacey cruising area is the L shape sofa together with her playmat.. so i put her on playmat... then went to do chores.. she will put herself up from the sofa, then make her way to the coffee table at the side.. next moment i see her, she is at coffee table.. and she can stand very long there..

elise, prepare pacifier/bottle feeding and let her suckle when plane is taking off and landing.. can bring stroller along.. all the way to the gate. you can ask for baby cot in advance better. in case dont have.. then you have to ask for more pillows to set up barrier..



The skin virus seem scary, hope yr 小D recover soon.


Happy packing and enjoy yr holidays, u cooking for yr gal? So u intend to buy meats from the local supermarket? Wow, if that is the case, u need to bring lots of things like knife, cropping board etc ? Luckily when i bot my boy to taiwan in march he have'nt started solid.

