(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi Mummies!~

Hope all are fine.


I will suggest you to change Gale name since you were advice too. At least you will not be blaming yourself if anything happened (*touchwood) like what other mummies said.


Jolene: Infants rate is 2yo and below. above 2yo is child rate. 75% of adult price.


hello ladies... i am back.. busy clearing my emails at work..

Cath, since you go liao.. just go change name and dont visit any more of these.. each fortune teller sure say something different.. then will be nv ending believes ya..

is either you stick to one.. or none.. not multiple.

Cath.. Hope everything is ok. If u need any geomancer,I go to Jin zi long at aljunied ( convenient for u since ur parents stay there) u can google it, just beside mrt .charges reasonable n u can get e name within 2 days. I think he is ok, u can choose ur own names b they will cal e strokes for u.i went to him for my 2 kids, din follow up after that cause dun want to think so much coz I not that superstitious . Get it done soon 免的夜长梦多。 take care.



Must be so sad to hear such news about your child. Just change the name, at least to get peace of mind. Take care ok?

iPhone roaming

Mommies using iPhone. When you travel, do you roam your phone? How's the cost? I read that when roaming sometimes can incur a huge bill due to the 3G and the cellular network. How to prevent ah? Any comments?

Genice, did you roam your phone during your recent Melb trip?

Sibling co-sleeping

Mommies who have your kids sleeping in the same room, can you please share how you make the little one sleep while the big one is still awake and making noise???

We are going on vacation from Friday and sharing 1 room only. Thus I am wondering how to get didi to fall asleep with loud kor-kor in the same room. Any advice is appreciated.

Zoie, I have the Avent steamer blender. So I sliced off the raw corn from it's "bone" and steamed the corn kernels with chicken fillet (slice and scald with water before putting in steamer so no blood will be leaked into the mixture). When you steam anything in the machine, quite alot of water will collect in the mixture, so before blending you need to pour out the water otherwise it becomes too watery.

Hope, the zebra is not here yet! I will consider changing for something else then!

Dot, I can email you scan of the menu if you want? Otherwise check on their website, probably the menu is listed?

Jenn, distract kor kor with iPad? Ask daddy to bring him down for a drink or stroll while you make didi sleep, then jeph can come back and sleep after didi, since both sleep early anyway right?

Jenn- Bring ur cane along? Hahaha! Wat I do is lyk wat Ty say, I let him play wif my phone or get his dad to bring him outside. Worse solution is to rock him to slp in e toilet? Sometimes if both boys wants mi den no choice I will warned my #1 if he make noise he going to get for mi.


Can i ask if teething causes low grade fever? My toothless boy seem to be teething all teeth at the same time. yest he was feverish. Touch his gums, feel something on both upper and Lower gums.


Distract jeph with ipad or let him play in the hot tub whilst u put Jake to sleep?


sometimes my elson will co-sleep with didi in the same room. like my maid make didi sleep while hubby make elson sleep. elson sometimes will make noises, deliberately. i'd warn him too. else, i use my iphone to shut him up. =p


ya sometimes teething can cause low grade fever. do monitor ok?

my didi is down with cough & runny nose, sigh.

Mezzo- Teething do coz low grade fever n e fever usually dun last more den 48hrs.

BLuey- Poor u. Both ur boys oso seem to be having lots of 'kang tao' Hang on there!!!


i'm not sure if it works.. but jojo hasn't really fall ill (touch wood) v often, thinking if cos of his monthly massage at yu guo


thanks for your suggestion.

i think korkor spread to didi. he still runny nose, little bit & there + coughing. guess his classmates are spreading viruses to one another, ha.

bluey, maybe u wanna to have an investment and buy alkaline water to let your whole family to drink? i think it works for me and my bb lor.

Mummies, i'm now at RP!!!! who's working at RP now? jio me go lunch leh. nomore TP lunch crowd liao leh

Rabbit, how's your trip, fun? bought any things from Bali?

elise, tiring lor.. i didnt go any shopping places.. so didnt buy much things.. only bought a few packets for nuts from the airport.. haha.. but damm tiring to go with bb..


You bring 1 baby tired? Oh no... Makes me worried now. I bringing both of them for my trip and it is 13 days long!!!!

Jenn, haha.. my gal damm active leh.. she cannot even sit still in high chair for more than 5 mins.. i cant even have peace during meal times.. then she slim down alot after the trip.. because she dont want to eat those baby jar food, baby yogurts, porridge.. sian lor.. only can fed her some bread nia.. the rest is on milk.. such a fussy baby..


Thanks for offering to scan for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], but I checked their website as you suggested and found it there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hope bbE gets better soon.


Welcome home. Did you have fun nonetheless?


Enjoy your hols!





hmm maybe she don't like the "air" over there? hehe. did you have fun?


what alkaline water ah?

my bb is on childlife & korkor is on bwl products. seems like its works on korkor. still do fall sick but not as bad as previously.


Elson just started school. It is very common that children fall sick when expose to school esp since Elson only started this year. Ad he will then pass on to Didi. But don't worry, it WILL get better de.

Also, instead of seeing a PD straight a way, I monitor and self medicate 1st. If it doesn't get better in 2-3 days then I see doc cos I noticed that my PD will also just prescribe some med and ask me to feed and monitor anyway! Sometimes I will see a GP cos I also noticed that the fever, running nose med that my PD prescribe is the same as that given by my GP! Hahaha.... I damn cheap hor?


hehe, i guess we have to be cheapo somehow? since visting pd burn so many lobangs.

i know its common to fall sick but i see him sick, i sian. now i don't really bring him to pd unless he starts coughing. cuz his tonsils are bigger than usual, so easily infected. once infected, he must have antibiotics. so we don't want that to happen lor.

hubby tells me they are building up their immune systems, some says children will keep falling sick until 7yrs, but seeing them sick really sian.

dot/bluey, did enjoy abit lah.. but the weather there is really too warm.. nice beach though.. did massage.. swimming.. nua at the bar... haha..

come back jacey had stomach virus hor.. last day she starts to have fever while we aboard the plane.. then LS.. now just recover lor.


Yah, I usually bring 2 big bottles of Ice Mountain when I travel with my kids then slowly switch them over to local water to prevent 水土不服. Hopefully the Aussie Immigration will not ask me to throw away.


Alkaline water is something like diamond water. Purified water but gt diff!! I dunno wat diff oso.. I tasted both before & alkaline water is sweeter In taste. Very smooth water!! It benefits alot (the salesperson say de) & the price for tat water dispenser is rocket high!!

Elson falling sick is normal since he start cc. Ur hb is correct some kids immune sys will onli get stronger aft 7. Mine heng ar!!!! K1 fever, flu, all sickness far far away. Before that was hell & gp medi he Cant recover.. Die oso muz go PD!! Frequency of falling sick was 1.5wks once & he has broncothis wor, once sick cannot wait! He will wheeze very bad


Hw much u bought ur dispenser?

Jenn, check in the bottles? i brought drinking water there.. mix with their bottled water.. then my PD say best is distill water.. she said drinking water still not pure enough.. initially we tot drinking water is ok de.. cause we are checking the contents comparing to Evian water.. then evian water got sodium content.. then drinking water dont have.. thought is ok.

but hor.. i think cannot be too clean also lor.. end up little bit dirty then fall sick.. probably this stomach virus will also help to build up her immure system..


Ice Mountain is distilled water so should be ok. Aussie Immigration damn strict one ley. Hopefully no problem with my water and formula milk.

Actually hor, my didi already drink some tap water here and there liao. When we go restaurant, he will keep looking at me and make noise when I drink my cold water. So sometimes I let him sip sip. And I know in restaurant they serve tap water de. Fingers crossed but so far ok leh. Hahahaha......


Depends on ur service provider to hw they charge. I'm on auto roam scv meaning " pay as u roam" I dunno cheap or wat but frm my TW trip, the data charge is huge!! As my hotel wifi can onli access at lobby.

bluey, maybe u can try giving him vitamin C or scott's liver oil.. that's the advice given by my PD when i saw her last wk.. cos she mentioned my boy also fall sick quite easily.. and thought that he's in IFC.. but he's not.. so we told her we're gg to put him into CC end of the year.. and she advice that we give vitamin C for nw and can give the Scott's emulsion after 1 yo.. so i think elson can take the Scott's.. and she also mentioned that only these 2 things are extensively researched and proven to help build up immune system..

if u interested u can see if pharmacy hv the vitamin C she prescribed my boy.. it's called "Fruit (picture of an orange) C" Adults also can take... i can send u photo of the box if u wan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amo, i only got 1 hour of lunch time, cannot rush back in time from RP to TP [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jenn, so good, holiday. enjoy your trip ok! take more pics too.

Bluey/Sheryl, i have been drinking this brand of Mavello water ionizer for close to 4 years, no side effects even when preggy becos when last yr i'm pregnant with bb, the nurse was amazed to tell me that my bb have no jaundice. maybe due to the water. They use the ultra fine filtration to filter and using mesh designed platinum-titanium electrodes to ionize my water. i got it from the IP Tg pager outlet. but be warned, the machine is quite ex lor. but the filter is quite reasonably priced. the website is www.kemptrading.com. hmm, my dispenser is $1388 (few years ago pricing). i find that alkaline water makes me 'healthier' leh. touch wood. haha

Sheryl, u are talking about which brand of alkaline water? diamond is not cheap also. yeah, using alkaline water to cook, drink, i find that food tastes better too


Please send me the photo of the vit C ur pd prescribed. Just for info, how many mg is it, and is it in tablet form? How you give to ur boy?

Luckily my boy's health has been good (touchwood) so far. But some of you may know that he lost some weight earlier this month, and has not put it back yet, so I'm a little worried. I called my PD, but the recep said no need to worrybring down. My boy has been having diarrhea for quite some time now. Otherwise, he has no other symptoms - he's eating normally, some days very well, some not so well, no fever, very active... Thinking of giving him probiotics and maybe sending him to yu guo for massage.

I remember some of you giving your LOs probiotics. Can recommend pls? Thanks.

dot, i upload in my fb.. easier for me

ascorbic acid 50mg

fructose 3000mg

it's a liquid.. each time 3ml.. once a day.. so i just use syringe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amo, i happened to saw your name. that you buying a BP for happy bellies/gerber snacks. that person can trust? the prices are cheaper then shops. expiry dates are when?

elise, i always buy my boy's snacks from BP.. i buy from agape.. her distributor is actually vitakids.. so i think quite okay ba..

zinc, how about cod liver oil? my baby has been taking nordic natural's baby dha...

Dot- I gt my probiotic from my pd called BioGaia Reutefene tablet. Dun think can buy OTC. My #1 oso haf loose stool so i start him back on it n within 2 days his stool is back to normal. Both my boys love e tablet.

Bluey- Sama sama now my #2 turn to cough. Can predict wheezing is on e way. Sometimes thou I gt alot of medicine at home bt den I duno whcih 1 to give. I haf bout 6 diff type of med juz for cough n phlegm. How do u mummies choose?

Hi Mamas!

Am I still remembered? Though I have missed out loads here.


I got really tempted to join playdate last weekend (though I was not invited. Haa...), but ended up lazing at home and baked some muffins for hb's bird-day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, if you disable the data roaming via your mobile, you will not be able to do net surfing. Purely calls and SMS-es.


In terms of medication for cough, the indication to take should be stated via the medicine (e.g. Bromhexine is prescribed during cough which helps to break phlegm). If necessary, you can search online with the different medication names to know which is best. Alternative is to call up the clinic and ask for advice.

In fact, during cough episodes, I will not give cereal feeds and will switch to porridge and milk feeds. If necessary, may need to dilute the milk as milk is very heaty and prone to cause phlegm.

Falling sick

mine too. Damn sian abt it. N the first qns my pd always asks is "does he go to infant care?" make me feel so shibai as a sahm.

Dot, diarrhea for quite some time ar? Mine is since good Friday with a little vomitting. He's already so slim n still he has to lose weight. Sigh... My pd says it's hard to get bio Gaia from outside as it must be chilled. So I just get from him lor. Otherwise can try to find the tablet form which Jolene is talking abt. It's really good.

Zinc, thanks for the advice. I'll feed zz yugan you from 1yo onwards. N the vit C thingy, if anyone sees it retailing, pls share. Thank you!

Xiaoxin, Yu Gan you is cod liver oil right? There is baby version from Nordic natural. J has been taking it. Vitakids sell, so does agape at bulk purchase.

I think u can pop hy vitakids to take a look at the baby vitamins available. They have a v good range.

Hi mummies - MIA for a while..cos busy getting preparing kids for exam.

Cath - take care and not to worry too much..once u have changed Gale's name..just take it easy.

Jenn - enjoy yr holiday!!

weather is freaking crazy lately..#$@%$# For sick babies, hope they recover soon. For mummies, it is really sickening to have babies/kids falling sick often..but tell yourself this is part and parcel of growing up..a chance for the kids to build up his/her own immunity. My eldest gal is quite sickly when she was small..but now I can see that she does not get ill as easy as my #2.

SAHM - just ranting..sometimes I find myself battling the day to day busy routine alone. HB busy working/traveling, so I cannot complain to him. PPle always think that I have easy life, cos I can ask PILs to babysit #3, #1 and #2 spent half the day in sch, with PT cleaners and tingkat - I shd consider myself 50% tai tai. But what do they know?? And the hurtful thing is that these ppl are SAHM themselves...just cos they do not have PT cleaner, they can whip up meal for their families..that do not mean I shd be as super as them right? My #1 is not as smart as her child, but that does not mean she is ill disciplined, or my parenting style is too lax. Who doesn;t want a smart child who can sail thru exam? I am not a tiger mum who insist As for all subjects. Who are they to use their rulers to judge my parenting styles and the way I deal my household issues.

I have mastitis again! 4th time since end of march. I think i really shd consider switch to pumping n gradually wean.

Bebe, cool... Just tell yourself that every family is different. Too bad if they don't understand. Now that I have a maid, I feel like I have another kid to look after. U shd see the way I talk to her, she behaves like my primary sch kids. With the new silly stories she generate everyday, I can have a collection of titles if she manages to finish her 2 yr contract. Best thing is my hb doesn't like to listen to me complaining after work, his reply will be "it's you who say u want a maid." or "it's u who said u will manage her." until yesterday, he was on MC n get to vomit a share of blood too. I just pleaded with him to lend me a listening ear so that I can remain sane.

zoie, i didnt ask abt cod liver oil (the nordic one) but she mentioned yu gan you frm 1 yo

Mezzo, yup frm dr lim.. she told my baby she dont want to see him again until his 1yo MMRV jab -.- haha.. i think my boy see her too often alr.. and nw everytime nd zrytec then can recover..

xx, u r welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]oh dear.. ur maid is giving u trouble? can switch?

bebe, you're already doing a wonderful job.. ignore those tongues!


My landlord just complained to me abt her maid too. This is her 3rd maid and she hopes it will be her last..she can't wait for her children to grow older so that she can go "maid-less" and get her sanity back. Hiaz

XX - my hb also made the same remarks when I poured my sorrows to him..he will say it is my choice to be SAHM. Hello?? That does not equate me having to take all the shits leh..hiaz..last weekend, I told him to jaga #3 while I tutored #1..and after half a day, he came to me and said he can understand why I can lose my fats and sanity at the same time. I told him, be grateful that I didn't ask you to cook at the same time.

