(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Mummies who survived the teething episode, pls share with me tips on how to cope with a super whiny n fussy baby, especially in helping him sleep!

I m going nutty!!


Jojo, I also just assume it's saliva rash. Rough dry red patches that spreads. Very very ugly... I read on Internet that eurecin cream can be applied thickly to prevent n help it heals. Maybe I will get one n try.

My supply also drop. Some days I only get 40ml in the morning pump. Better days I only can get 120-140ml. Thinking of stopping pumping if it continues to drop.

Sheryl, no problem can get from bp n share postage. Which one u buying?

Thanks to the committee for organizing the party and especially to jenn for inviting us to ur place!!

Jolene, were u the one feeding ur #1 porridge at the party and said need ppl to tell him to eat then he will?

Bebe, first few years at paragon sells maclaren stroller bar. Iirc it is selling at $49.90. I am still thinking if I shd get one.

Cath: i left around 3 pm that day. no wonder never managed to catch hold of you leh.

Rabbit: i suddenly remembered you are the one who is sitting next to my hubby! he helped your bb to wear her shoes, remember? haha. you really too slim liao leh. come come, i give you some of my fats hor ok?

Zoie: as highly recommended by Bliss, Dentinox teething gel saves the day. go buy it. available at watsons or guardian.

xiaoxin: my darling also got red patches on her chin. i tink its due to the saliva which causes that. your this eurecin cream where to buy?


Thank your hubby for me. I saw my Jeph talking to him animately several times! And your hubby was so sweet to tell me he wants to say goodbye to Jeph before he leaves! Hahaha....

Stroller Bar

Why need to get leh. I find that it gives false sense of security. Just belt baby up when in stroller at all times will do right???

besides dentinox, any other tips? i heard that not recommended to keep giving dentinox.

really going nuts.. he wakes up and cry every 20 mins or so, cries when he drinks milk and he now rejects his milk (this has never happened!).. then just keep giving me the super whiny voice...

save me........

Hi ladies, nice meeting all of u at e party yesterday though i abit blur on who is who.. Thanks to Jenn n e commitee membfs for organising e party! Too bad i gotta go off early ard 2pm.. Perhaps a CNY gathering? Kekekeke

Tywong, thanks for e pacifier!

Had a cranky baby aft e party, she was ok at e party but once reached my aunt's place she cried!! First time she see my aunt n cousin she burst into tears, aft 10-15mins den she ok. Aft dat when my hubby's cousin's house-warming party, she also cried when my FIL n hubby's aunt wanted to carry her.. At first she saw them she still smile coz she tot they oni gonna play with her.. Haiz.. See she is tired so we brought her to e guestroom to nap, who koes more of hubby's relatives came n all want to carry her n tis time she cried big time for 15mins n stick to me like super glue!! Cannot put down on e bed. Tis naughty gal, saw hubby's cousins gossiping away but tot they were gonna play or carry her, eyes watery prepared to cry liao but who koes nobody looking at her at all, so no choice she turned n looked at me instead.. Hahahaha, bb so thick skin!! 表错情, no chance to cry coz ppl actually busy gossiping. She repeated tis stunt twice!!! Later in e nite she saw my MIL also cry, whole day crybaby.. She slept early, tink too tired fm all e crying..

I sling/carry her 10hrs until my left arm aching like mad. Oni can put down straight when i slept last nite. Tis morning she also woke up crying, wake up fm nap also cry.. Muz have been tinking of yesterday.. Poor gal!


I think is okay to put dentinox even I heard not recommended before. But then is just a phrase and not really eating them. It really helps. At least to ease their pain. I learnt to let go at some point to give anything included medicine if benefits more than harm caused. Including antibiotics!

Another way is to give cold raw carrot. But can't help at night...


Dunno yet. U haf bp link for thermos?


My maclaren dunno is under wat series de. It's maclaren 4 season. Belongs to quest or ... N dun haf stroller bar.. Can get 1 fix to it?

Knw y I wan buy stroller? My maclaren can't use frm birth, if #3 cmes along hand carry agn


Maclaren got stroller bar.. But ley Chey if u close have to remove the bar leh.

Quest can use from 3 mths above so ur girl can use now mah.


Thanks for highlighting on the "ley chey-ness" of the stroller bar..never think of that. Anyway, now I am having 2nd thought of getting Maclaren. Yesterday, brought my bb to try and he was very unco-operative. The moment we strapped him, he would wail. And hubby did not like the shoulder harness..too stiff, prob got to get those shoulder padding. However, he is pleased with the wheels..very easy to maneuver. For me, the reclining part is a bit tricky..need to "unlock" using 2 hands..so if I am alone carrying my boy while he is asleep, it will be a challenge to change the reclining position. After discussing, we put on hold the purchase. This morning I took the Graco pram out from the car....maybe will bring him jalan jalan round the neighbourhood in the pram first to let him get used to wheel-around.

teething/cant drink milk properly:

seems like my bb also gg through this phrase. he drink abit, cry abit, then don't want drink milk! his usual feed of 150-180ml is affected, hais. now @ night, he can't really sleep soundly unlike last time, keep moving till i bth, push his pacifier in. but when he eat his cereal, seems ok leh. -.-"

morning mummies..

elise.. oohhh that is you! keke.. hey there are mummies that are slimmer than me lor.. chelsa & sparkle! skinny mummies!

xiao xin, hope your boy is ok now. scary indeed!

jenn, thank jeph too for keeping my hubby entertained... i think he felt quite bored when we ladies having our ladies talk...

i thought to get the stroller bar to hang toys? hahaha... but then u ladies make a point abt keeping of the stroller if with the bar... my hubby sure says no...

actually i already started to use quest when my gal was only 1.5-2 months old... hm...


i gave bb his first two bottle of FM sat night and sun night.. one each before he slp at night.. so it's like whole day drink BM, one feed of FM before slp.. this morning he reject BM!.. helper says cos FM sweet and flavoured... BM bland so he dun want.. really like dat ar? then how huh? totally convert to FM? i switch to FM one feed cos not enuff ss le

sheryl/ xiaoxiin


bp link for thermos.. i have alr bot one for self-collection at amk.. thinking of collecting it tmr.. if u all want, i can shun pian pick urs up then see when can pass u guys if we able to have a mummies gathering before 2011 =)


yah! i saw the foogo thermos very pretty! feel like getting whole series la!.. i only got e food jar.. useful to get the water bottle w sipper kinda nt huh? those are for drinks right? but thot bb drink milk from milk bottle mah.. so i din get that


i also bot dentinox alr eh.. jus haven't start applying yet.. not gd to apply too much ar? my parents scared he will get "addicted"!


i have taka card.. if not wrong, taka sale jus over.. tangs also.. og jus over this wkend.. sigh.. wanted to go out shop yest, hb was tired din wanna go.. then i sian to go alone.. so in the end.. stay home! can we form like a shopping mummies kakis club??

oh yah.. mummies forming a chiong-ing club izzit?? let's go wed ladies nite!

bliss, actified is bf-safe rite? have u taken any anitibiotics when bf? i considering starting this antibiotics, klacid. GP and PD say its bf-safe but i still kiasi, trying to do without if possible.. i tink i started with dry cough then now abit more chesty.. so drink both red and green at the same time? hw u prevent passing the cough to ur kids ar? i realli very very very scared bb will get it from me..

mummies, what toothpaste u all gg to get for ur bbs? i bought detinox toothpaste at the robinsons private sale last wk.. 1 small tube $16.90!! i also duno if its good, just blur blur buy coz the salesperson recommended it..

hope, mine is 18 feb, 1.30 to 3.30, the slot before u.. hehe probably will meet each other there..!

xiao xiin.. hello.. i am here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: meetup

Now that my family is chicken pox free.. haha.. anyone wanna meet up this fri?? Xiao xiin and hopecg.. we can resume already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jojo, my bb also use dentinox

anyway nw got a super gd deal if u hv e maybank family and friend card.. 10% rebate off all groceries in NTUC Xtra/finenest and cold storage (erm dunno if it's all cold storage) on top of any existing discounts.. i think it's pretty gd deal nw that my boy is on FM and it costs a bomb!

jenn, there's a Pat's nearer to my place.. it at kovan.. we r thinking of checking it out when my boy turns 12mths and enrol him at 18mths.. haha sounds so ks.. the airport is still no GST.. but the promo u mention i think is e double GST off..


Haha so qiao!! Kk we go earlier to see u k!! Our 19th date!


Jojo getting his vaccination tmr.. Will steer clear of meet ups for this wk for him.. He quarantine at Hm for monitoring.. Haha.. Next wk I gg bali w gf, back for Xmas but too tight schedule.. Following wk got end yr meetings.. I let u know again k!! =)

mummies, seems that your babies are keen in taking cereal leh.. mine takes a few mouth then start fussing liao.. i wonder if is because she is not ready yet? been trying for past 3 weeks.

wow hopecg, so good! go holiday with friends!!dont think i have this chance anymore...

any mummy want mamil gold 2? i have a tin at home and wanna give away

zinc, i think i saw ABC mat at minitoon

Jolene/Cath - you're most welcome. Pity I didn't see Cath. That almost full bottle of fenu should be from me haha - I got no discipline eating vitamins, so I think I took abt 6 pills only, then I gave up BF! No backbone right? The tea is sold at Four Seasons Organic Market, if you want to buy more - I didnt realise it is milk tea, I only add water and drink it. Quite shiok right? The aniseed smell is soothing.

Bliss, do you want Mamil Gold stage 2? I have 1 big and 1 small tin sent from their company, but I am not going to use it, prefer to stick to Similac.

My boy has been screaming awake from his sleep, as if he just got a nightmare and will continue crying/screaming for 10 mins, then have to carry him and rock until he's asleep again then can put down. Is this due to teething? Last night I was sleeping soundly then at 2am he screamed me awake...zzzzz.. I fell asleep again hugging him on top of me, luckily hubby came back at 3am + and shook me awake and put him back to his cot, otherwise maybe baby will slip from my arms and fall to the floor!

Hopecg, my thermos flask is Tiger, available at all department stores - but if you buy, pls check if the internal cap can screw tight properly, mine is abit faulty, the cap cannot sit properly so hot air escapes. I threw away the receipt so cannot exchange [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sparkle, thanks for demo on ergo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hubby says "wait until you part time next year then see if you really want to bring baby out yourself then say whether buy or not la!" Then he said "don't expect me to carry him that way hor, so sissy!"

wah.. hopcg.. ur schedule very tight leh.. anyway.. other than mon and thurs, i shld be free on other days as well.. u c how lah..

tywong, u going to work part time next year? so good... i also wish i can! i already have a baby bjorn but after seeing zoie's manduca, now i m so gian to get one! will we still carry baby in a carrier when they are 1 year old?


I dun mind taking mamil 2. Although I dunno when I'll start FM! Haha!

Maybe ur bb due to teething! My bb does that too before the teeth cut thru... PD say due to teething lar..

Ur hb so funny! My hb dun use sling or carrier.. He prefer to carry like that. Haha!


Ya I took actifed. Antibiotics too. Doc say bf safe then I trust him. Anything happen to my bb I'll sue him! LOL!

I can't avoid handling my bb when I'm sick so I'll leave to to fate already. If kenna then no choice but if kids are fine then good!


Yes to recline the seat is v troublesome. I met that problem and I still prefer one hand recline and that's what I'll look for in stroller unless our bb is older if not v difficult.


I didn't manage to catch up with u at te party! Een I did hear ur name being called out by one mummy..

I also very tempted in manduca carrier but my hb not interested to listen leh. Haha!

jenn - thanks for offering your place for the party!

we had a great time & really admiring the spacious grounds at your condo...

BTW , how to see the pics on FB? Is there a group to join or something?

Bebe75, haha they are so cute right? Don't know what they chat about! Hee

genice, ok u plan another playdate, I pass to u.


My hubby uses the Ergo at home leh. Cos my baby cannot put down typeso he ERgo him around, still can play his Xbox game like that! Hahaha... He also agreed that the Ergo is good.


Pat's SH only have 1 IFC at Halifax Road, near KKH. 18 months still considered Infant. CC starts at 3yo.


JOin this group - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=lf#!/group.php?gid=495724540491


bliss, we sat ard the table with amoroux and chatted for a while... i was the one who asked u where ur elder son was and u replied the one in blue when he was playing at one corner... hehe...

let's see if i can convince my dh to get manduca... we're going to hk next jul and he already said bring carrier as stroller not safe to push ard in hk... dun think i can still carry my gal in baby bjorn by then...


If you are going to HK Disney, better to bring your own stroller. Can rent there but your own is much cleaner mah. Depending on where you go, still ok to bring stroller de. But in HK lots of overhead bridge no escalator (same in SG) so abit ma-fun to carry up and down.

Btw, I have a friend who still uses her Ergo to carry her 18 month-old when he needs to nap outside. She was the one who told me to get Ergo.

Haiz, i got bad memory, who is Olaf's mummy again? Is it amoroux?

Tchopi, photos on facebk must add the mummies who posted as friends. Quite a few posted - jenn, jolynn, bluberi...

Ty, yah, my boy was like that a few nights ago. But these past 2 nites no screaming, and no teeth, so dunno if really because of teething or not.

Slim mummies

Wah, so many, then got skinny mummies, like rabbit, chelsa, bizzymummy, & got a few i did not speak to. What are ur secrets ah? Can share or not?

Where is four seasons organic? Think i want to try the tea also.

Jenn, let me convince my EGOISTIC husband to use ERGO first then maybe will buy - he can be very tight-ass abt such things and will scold me loudly, very malu.

Bliss, ok will keep the Mamil 2 for you, let me know when you want to collect, or next year Jan we can fix a date to meet.

Tiger baby, is part time also a consideration for you? Is it open in yr company to do that? I told my boss outright that I am not interested to work everyday anymore.

Dot - err .. what are the names in FB which i need to add as friends? Can't find the xmas party pics on the FB site .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


when is the playdate?

eh, where exactly is xiao xiin's place ahh??? i only know its quite near sheryl's.


ya olaf is amoroux's bb.


i asked hb can go or nt, he say ok so ok lo! moreover, it's only a 2d2n trip kinda thing.. go on mon nite, back on wed nite.. dun wanna spend too long there either.. jus catching up w my indon fren there.. mani, pedi, spa, some shopping.. tat's all lo.. will miss my bb! haha


olaf is a unique name eh! my first time hearing it.. or izzit jus me?? =))


tiger huh? my mil has a tiger to give me also.. but i hands itchy, go buy foogo alr!.. hahaz! the shopping instinct in me! i'm waiting for your invite to ur place hor! =P


yah lo.. abit tight.. i'm also in the midst of cleaning up the hse for the new year le.. so troublesome..

hello mummies,

too busy with work this morning. no time to login to see the thread.

Bliss, thx for the info regarding teething. my bb been crying for no reason these few weeks. not sure if it's due to teething or nightmares.

waking up middle of nite

my boy has been waking up middle of nite for past 3 weeks. will just suddenly cry. if carry him or give pacifier, he will doze off. then 2 hrs later, cry for milk. after milk fed, his eyes big big liao. wont want to zzz back. take me 1hr to make him sleep..and it's almost time for me to start my day. very very tired. when will this end???!

TigerBaby- Yup I'm e mummy walking ard e whole place to feed my boy porridge.

Jenn- Till now whenever I go out of e house,Jaynen will come n ask mi 'Go Auntie house?'

Re: Carriers

I find tat Ergo gt pros & cons le. Cons is tat back clp vr hard to clip on, thigh will gt red mark, bb will keep suckin on e sides thus need to purchase a sucking pad. Pro is Balance out bb weight more evenly, nt as hot.

TY- My hubby oso e same lo, ask him to use he say he nt char bo lo. Caught him trying on my kids at home thou. Kill him he die die oso wun use it outside.

Mi n Jaynen both oso down wif fever n stomach flu. So sianzzzzzzzzzzz!

Dot- Four seasons organic is at City Square.


oh ya ya! i face that same problem! how does the sucking pad looks like? im so swaku when it comes to bb carriers.

he keeps sucking @ the right side, i have to use a towel lor.

& yes, my bb's thighs are quite red after sitting on the ergo.

take care hor!

Oh my everyone

I was involved in a stocktake at a 3rd party logistics and is not express-friendly, in the end hv to pump only now instead of at 12noon. My breasts almost want to burst. Not tt I hv it's milk though but cos this morning I only done an express job so not fully emptied. Hv to even excuse Fr the stocktake to return to office to express. My boss even asked me why need to do? I just answer directly, my breasts going to burst already. Since he's so not understanding, I also don care.

E suckin pad is something lyk a stroller seat belt cover pad bt den juz wrap onto e part he suck. I used to put it bt den now my boy seldom suck it so can't b bother to put oso.


im also thinking to get the sucking pads...cos at least can take out and wash.

wonder can do BP and get cheaper or nt if we get together :p

cath, why ur boss like that?? so not understanding.. is he married with kids? if so, should be able to understand as his wife went thru this before too. but hor, i like ur answer. coolz!



see i so blur! LOL! yea i remember someone asked me that.. too many ppl that day. so difficult to digest!


Olaf very special hor! i love his chinese name!


okay!! anytime if fine... i guess this dec too busy!

