(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Thread running super fast!!

Slept until 2pm with my hb and went out to buy the goodie bag stuff!!


If u go market only maybe consider combi? But combi also need $200+ 

But if only for marketing I feel u can just get no recline like volo which can serve I until bb is 3 yr old.

Ur bb can sit already right? Anither one to consider is maclaren triumph. Can recline and is lighter than quest.

Maclaren definitely is better than combi. But combi is easier to open n close without bending. 

If u go marketing u have to consider if the stroller will topple easily. U will have to hang alot of grocery too so a big basket is a need.. 

I use Capella cony for marketing. But sigh.. Bb hates cony now and cry everytime I put him in!!


About 2-3 weeks.. My boy teeth is already out.. Second one become more obvious Liao..


Memoireacts is cheaper than outside. I know this seller, Angie and she is very nice. But if u intend to do one layout kind she don't sell loose papers..

Toliet training

I agree with genice, when my boy is ready he can go diaperless right away without much accident.

My bb don't poo everyday so hard to potty train him too..


Is purely sick! He got bronchitis at 5 weeks cost me nearly $500 cause of nebuliser.. 2 week later #1 gotten it as well and another round of $500 but I bought the neb machine. Just this 2 cases easily add up to $1000 and I dun wan to calculate anymore.. As long as they okay can already.. Haha!!


My bb crawl but can't sit up when he is on tummy yet.. Can see he is learning to pun himself to sitting position. My #1 crawl at 5 mths old he can sit up ard that time too. I think they learn differently.. My nephew learn to sit without support n crawl after 2 mths..


I don't know abt it although everyone say so.. Cause I don't really pump so nv track the amt. But quite normal for as to drop abit when they hit 6 mths but just continue to persevere!!


Hi zoei

Just saw yr post. Can give you a lift from novena mrt, but i may be reaching abt 12 or 12 plus as my hubby is coming back quite late tonite from taiwan so dun think he can wake up v early tom. If the timing is ok for u, can sms me, u still hv my hp? Can pick u up at the same place.

I'm so bored leh. hubby go dinner n drinking again. This house is really like hotel to him. Next time we mummies also go ladies night ok?

Xiao Xiin

Tomorrow come lah! Zz ok liao right?


Yah, buy the pearl powder from Chinese medical hall.

Xmas Party

For mommies coming to party tomorrow, just tell Security Guards that you're attending a party at the Function Room.


Erm... Did I miss out ur add huh? I'm taking a can there so where should I tell the driver? Is near united sq right?


I'm bored too! Hb going to work night shift again until tml morning.

If ur bb ok Liao just come!!

Bliss ya my boy also attempts to reachbthe cot railing to pull himself up but I know he can't everynite sure wake up n play n kick the cot here n there aiyoh y like that ar. When will he go bk to sleep thru the nite phase

Xiaoxin think I saw organix jar food before let me check out Tom n let u know

Jenn if time permits mind I jus drop by yr plc during the one hr tat my gal has her piano class then I zoom off again?


Same!! Today I decided to push his bed time to 9pm instead of 7pm. He used to sleep from 7pm-8am but recently kept waking up at 10-11pm and only go back to zzz at 1am! My own time is all gone cuz got to sit beside him to wait for him to zzz!

Today move to 9pm hope he won't wake up at 10-11pm!

Xiao xiin,

Ok tomorrow night we go zouk out!!! Hah I got free tickets but gave them away. Somemore got unlimited free drinks at corporate booth. But alas now this Cath is not a chiongster Cath Liao.

Wat hap to ur ur bb? Why sleep so little?


Oh there's another jenn. Btw, can post ur address again? Somehow I miss it.

wow so many posts for me to catch up, althought i'm only absent for 1 day from SMH!

Xmas party: so looking forward to it tomolo leh. and to the good talking and great food tomolo.

Jenn: My Britt also havent' start to flip AT ALL. so i'm still wondering what's wrong with her. what about yours? did you get PD to check? btw, is it all right to PM me your HP number in case i get lose tomolo?

Xiaoxin: your ladies night i ON huh. so long never go out to party at nite anymore liao. feeling very auntie and old sometimes! your nite don't include babies right?

Zoie: shudders to think of your Josh putting that kinda rusty toys into his mouth. you are so right to complain and to change to a new place! must make sure that place replaces all of their rusty toys. eeks

bb flipping:

i think hor every bb flip @ a different phrase. if your bb still haven't flip, don't be too worried ok?

my hubby said #1 had started to learn crawling near to 6mths & this #2 still show no signs of crawling!

hi mummies..

long time no chat.

m boy at 6.5weeks still cannot flip! can only turn to his side.

but he can sit unassisted on the bed with his two hands supporting infront.. but sometimes, he just fall face front


my boy seem like not interested in eating at all!!! think the organix is bland to him. he only eat like few spoonful then impatient oredi. unlike my #1.. eat like always not enough

any one also like my #2.. no interest in eating?


My BIL daughter dun hv constipation issue wif isomil leh.. but she took when she was abt 7 mths old..


My boy is more interested in learning to pull this reach for that now that he is crawling - totally not keen in eating too! I stop giving rice cereal after 2 failed attempts.. As tho I am feeding him poison!

so many posts!

brought my bb for photoshoot today.. eagerly waiting for photos...

zoie, u better change ur IFC! hw can they hv rusty toys??? i wonder what else is hidden in the toy box!

my bb havent crawl also.. but he'll use his head to try to move himself forward.. =.= looks so weird..

jenn, is pat's gd? i m intending to put my bb there when he turns 18mths.. cos my mum simply dont want me to put him in IFC now.. waste my time hunting.. nd to register hw far in advance ah?

Gitz: my bb also cannot flip yet, at all. me so worried wanna bring to Dr Low to check. but hubby stopped me, saying that i always worry over little things!

Zinc: your bb use head to move, my gal using her backside to turn from left to right. so weird hor?

xiao xiin, yalo big auntie came in early nov.. tink coz bb R started sleeping thru since 2+ mths.. last mth when it come also ss drop.. seems enuff for latching, bt on wkends when i need to squeeze out the extra for bb's ebm on monday, need to pump more frequently then usual coz the pump yield drop.. R will be 6 mth in a wk's time.. tink i'll start him ba coz he keep waking up at nite, ngek ngek ngek in slp..bt next wk i'll be bz at work.. so mayb working 5days.. sian when i tink that i feed sat and sun, then mon-fri mil feed.. im so competing with my mil for my bb's attention.. haha!!!

bliss, even when i nt pumping nn feels soft soft de.. then wake up in the morning also not as hard as usual.. though nn feels soft, can still latch bb and he feeds as usual, nvr "complain" nt enuff milk.. so i tink ss shld still b enuff ba.. just tat need to work harder to pump out enuff milk for mondays.. i can just continue my normal pump routine rite? dun need to pump more since the ss drop is nt caused by change in pump routine ma..

zinc, u bring bb for what photoshoot today? at this age they cant realli sit yet, so what poses did they take?

elise, dun worry abt the flipping part.. they'll just suddenly flip one day de, when they decide to.. my bb can flip le but he also dun do it all the time.. but coz he doesnt like tummy time, when we put him on tummy he'll fast fast flip back and smile.. lol..

Re: Flipping n Crawling

MY #1 dun flip till bout 8-9mths den started flipping n crawling almost 1yr den crawl so no need to b worried bout it. #1 still a normal n fast learning boy thou he go thru tis stages slower den others.

Re: Party

Getting so kan cheong over tml party. Hubby wun b in Spore so goin wif my mum n e 2 terror. Jenn, dun mind can haf ur address another time?

My #2 went for his scan appt today at KK. Gt to go thru scan n ultra sound. They inserted a Catheler n he was lyk crying lyk mad n e person was lyk kiinda inexperience gt blur image n another lady came in to do for him which make him cry his lungs out. He cried for bout 2hrs, poor little boy suffered so much.

Zoie- Please go n change IFC. Juz eat less 1 meal, buy lesser clothes to recouperate e $200+


zinc: where u bgt ur bb to photoshoot? sean lau? i bgt my boy for photoshoot today oso.. hahhaa... at sean lau. mine is afternoon session...

hope the photos turn out welll.. cant wait too..

re: flipping and crawling.

my boy at 6 mths 1 wk old, only knw hw to flip from side.. sit oso need support.. crawling? cant smell it yet.. haha..

Ladies night (without babies)

1) xiaoxiin

2) cath

3) Elise

lai lai lai ~ ~ ~

I'm not a chiongster also. Dun chiong we can also do other things. Just wanna find some activites. Genice wru? U wanna go Wala wala right? My hubby always say he go drinking, only recently I found out his drinking sessions r actually chiong. N he still drive. .........

Mezzo, paiseh I'm looking for thermos food jar to contain porridge. Not ready made baby food. Heehee!

Kaoru, how's your work? Everything smooth smooth?

Jenn n Bliss, ya my bb ok. His so called chicken pox dots have grown into clusters of saliva rashes. Shd be false alarm. His face n neck is very patchy now, full of saliva rash. So ugly lor. I consult my hubby when he comes home. If ok i just go n pay cash hor. Or i bring some food instead since the finances r finalized already?


my boy did some smooth crawl movements today. He finally realise he needs to use his hands to move forward. Previously he's been kicking in vain as he put his hands in his mouth.

yeah, I have done an immediate transfer for my boy's IFC. He'll start on Monday. Wah liew... the principal of the ex-IFC didnt even offer an apology about the incident!! Now i am real pissed!

My boy is running a low-grade fever now.. hopefully he'll be fine tomorrow to go to the party!

Amy, I'll confirm with you tomorrow k?

Zoie, complain to MCYS!

Xiaoxinn, if you come, i think buying more fd is a good idea. Then can use ur share, together with piglet's and rainelle's to reimburse the cost. What do the rest think?

Anyway, going to dleep now. Nite nite!


U girls really going?? Haha! I'm so gain to join!!

Gitz, koaru

Same leh!! E got no interest in solid even though he is over 6 mths. I tried giving him a few times but all goes to his toes or he will give me yucky face and I stop.. Maybe start again after another week..


Don't worry. Is normal for nn to feel soft. Cause the as has stable down. No need to make so much extra and give itself engorgement problem.

Just continue to pump.. I bf my bit until 1 with soft nn. Haha!


Which IFC is that? Actually out of so many Sch alot of Sch is like that... Problem lies in te teachers and caretakers n not the Sch.

#1 goes to a good name Montessori Sch. And I'm shocked to see that this caretaker use a tissue to wipe my boy nose kept in the pocket and use it on another child after that!

He fall sick every 2 weeks with high viral fever.. Alot of ppl say that is due to immune system but I think otherwise. Hygenie is very impt and can prevent lot of virus from spreading..

If u see most kids is having running nose, u can forget abt the Sch.. Cuz the virus is spreading and is nv ending..

After I change his Sch, he only fall sick twice in 3 mths!

Bliss, yeah in that IFC, almost every kid has runny nose/snot/cough... I see Liao I cringe super big time. Even the supervisor was also coughing slightly when carrying J. -_-

In a way, I m thankful that the rusty rattle incident happened. If not, I may have never been so determined to change his IFC due to convenience sake. And I really like the new IFC, I hope J will like it too and the teachers will be wonderful.


Okok... Actually I wanted to put #1 in YMCA. Was abt to register then I saw the teachers giving out tibits.. Those prawn cracker somemore. And they speak broken English. So I change my mind after that.

New IFC is the same Sch but different branch?

Understand abt the convinence... Cause Isaiah have to take an hr of Sch bus to Sch everyday. Biut no choice when Sch is good n he love the Sch..

Ear thermometer is +/- 0.5 degree.

Take both side 2 times and u roughly take the average temp..

Gess he caught some flu bug?

Jojo/ Raleigh, I went to babyu this time.. My bb can sit unassisted so can do one sitting pose.. Actually jojo, don't hv to worry de.. E photog will decide what types of pose for ur bb..


Yup. So armpit thermometer is more accurate.

But is still ok to use ear thermometer.

I've asked PD before and he said is fine to use. So normally I'll monitor the reading closely..


woah... burn one big hole at dr low! But now both ok right? so worth it la... worse if spend so much and not ok


mumnbabes fair so inconvienient to go even though I stay in the west also reluctant to make a trip there...


maybe I might just meet you lah since I cant confirm my timing and I taking train from west so definately wont reach 11 plus maybe earliest also 12 plus 1...

Hey gals,

If you are thinking of getting abalone for cny, New Moon will be hvg a very good bundle deal for aust n new Zealand abalone at caltex petrol kiosk next wed. Ocbc cards can get $5 off the 2nd set. Do check it out.

It's Par-tey time!

Ai, you mommies don't have my address meh? It's on the FB invite leh, along with the map.

My addy is 2A Lincoln Road, Park Infinia at Wee Name. head straight to Function Room.

Pat's SH

I find it ok lah. Realistically, it'll never be as hygienic as staying home lah. But Pat's is quite good already. As previously mentioned, 18 months still under IFC in Pat's. Try and register maybe 6 months ahead? Haha... I also not sure. Call them and find out?

But ah, Pat's IFC is near KKH leh. Isn't it quite far for you Zinc?


I used to let my ger rest at home if her running nose or cough is bad but hor when u see other kids in cc wif worse running nose there I sian half liao.

Xiao Xiin,

At least my department pp r friendly n not too young young type phew... For sure busy qtr end but so far hvnt got urge to quit yet since hvnt done real work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

See you mommies later - targeting to reach before noon.

Sorry mummies. Hubby still think we shdn't go. Disappointed sia. U ladies n babies n daddies n children have a great great party time!


Ya now both ok already.. But I'm paranoid when bb start to cough.. Haha! Scared my pocket will get burn anytime..


I really pei Fu u leh.. U won't miss out any lobang!!


When we make effort to keep our child at home but some parents is very inconsiderate to allow their kids to continue Sch with bad running nose.. I see already also very sian..

Full day cc can understand abit but he use to attend 2-4hr PG and every child have a caretaker so missing 1-2 day Sch doesn't really matter right... Sigh..

hi all.

Selling our 1 year old odd Orange Stokke Xplory. 

Condition (IMHO) 8/10 

Going at $999 ono 

bought Oct 2009, warranty till 2012.

started using for 8 months from April when our boy was ready.

now sitting in storeroom, awaiting new user.

Interested pls PM

Hey mummies!!

Glad to meet those I meet over there!! Haha! Oops cos arrive late!

Thanks Jus'us for the pack!! And Tywong for icetray!! And Bizzymum for the sean lau voucher!! =)

Btw mummies!! How to start feeding bb FM?? Must mix with BM? In wad proportion?? Or one full bottle of FM? If usually give 150ml of BM, now give lesser of FM for the feed izzit? Cos suppose to b fuller.. Aiyo.. I wanted to ask mummies during gathering jus nw.. But forgot!! =s

How's the party?

My boy got scalded by hot porridge at the restaurant just now. Brot him to KK a&e, luckily dr say nothing serious. First time I see my hubby cannot react as calmly, I always thot he is a very calm person. Poor hubby must have had the biggest fright of his life.



Hot porridge?? What happen? Everything ok now?


Thanks for the ride!

U can give a bottle of FM or prepare 1oz Fm add in BM n slowly increase IF ur Jojo refused to take a bottle of FM

