(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi mommies

Great party we have! And Cath just left my place like 15min ago! Haha... I have forgotten who left what for her. Maybe those who left her stuff can post here to in form her.

So sorry that we didn't have enough food and drinks! Hope the company more than make up for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Bliss, ya everything ok. My hubby got scalded too. But not serious lar. We were eating at crystal jade then my boy reach out n grab the porridge bowl. The table was too small n we had too many dishes. Next time I must ask for big table so that we can put all the dishes far far away from baby. Quite traumatizing for first time parents. =p

so hor, I need to ask when accidents happen, wad shd we do after giving first aid? Rush to the nearest GP? Or call pd's? Pd got emergency number or not? Or go to a&e?

Zoie, the thermos u got is the miffy one?

Mummies- Thanks for organizing n making tis party happen. Enjoyed it alot.

Ty- Thanks for e pacifier. My #1 saw it n told mi aunty give him de.

Jenn- Jaynen keep making noise saying 'Auntie house orh orh' He fell in love wif ur place n toys.

Ty- Thanks for e pacifier. MY #1 saw it n tell mi 'Aunty give mi'.

XiaoXin- Oh dear, how's ur boy now. If still red, take wet towel n leave it on e scald part. IT depends on wat type of emergency u tokin bout. Eg fits, unconscious den better to call ambulance or bring A&E. Fever, flu, cough, diahorrea juz bring PD or GP can le. Theres emergency no. to ur PD bt den tis emergency no. is e same to all PD.


Too bad I gotta leave earlier cos both kiddos need their power naps.


Food is secondary since the focus is company rite.. thanks for booking yr function room to make this event poss n not forgetting the committee members!

Xiao xiin,

U r referring to thermos food jar izzit.. I got mine previously fr robinsons when they hv sale n $5 voucher wif min purchase.

Touch wood I hv not been to any a&e yet but I do hv my fair share of scares like when my ger hand was stuck at the lifts.. Get off wif slight abrasion luckily n fell 2 times on her face downwards n lips bleed profusely but we juz wash n clean her lips make sure bleeding stop n we din even see doc but juz monitor. Staying calm is very impt n usually they r stronger than we think..

Koaru, hope, Sheryl n other mummies

I miss all of you!!! Argh. Me la. Wait for bb to take nap u till 1 pm then after that had lunch n feed bb with his cereal n that's it- v v late Liao.

Thanks Ty for the fenu n organic milk tea. And Sheryl for the fenu too right? Thanks jenn for putting us up cos jay was initially upset that all kor kor n didi have left. Luckily still hv jeph to play with him. Jolene, I can understand that ur jay also don want to leave jenn's plc. My jay also - threw tantrums when we had to go.

Haha.. My hubby say bee hoon very nice!! N the eclair too.. Hurhur! We haf 1 more for June babies bdae!!!! Muhahaha..


Ps, couldn't wait for u.. Yup I left u fenugreek! Heez..! If onli I brought swim costume I cfm stay longer!! Jeph nearly wanted to "follow" my #1 hm right Jenn?


Food secondary la.. I was quite lost when I reach.. Can't make out who is who till I spot Raleigh.

I'm waiting for the pictures!!! Ware will u load it to??


Finally caught u! U're smaller size den I imagine!!


Aiyo!! Haha! But we finally met! LOL!

U were lost cause I guess almost all of our name tags dropped off!!


Too bad u have missed us.. But I saw ur post in the thread if not I think Jenn will leave too!

So tired after the party and all of us went to bed. Hb was shock to see us all sleeping so early. Haha.

Nice meeting all the mummies today and putting a face to the nick!

Thanks Jenn and family for helping to host and do the party set-up!

Am glad all mommies enjoyed themselves. My family enjoyed ourselves too, esp my #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha... My Jeph was looking for kor-kor even after you left!

I am having difficulty loading FB. Think something is wrong with it leh. Will try again after I pump. But if still cannot load FB gotta wait till tomorrow ok? Cos I damn tired liao . Hee... hee...


There are more toys upstairs just cannot carry down only. You should ask Cath. Haha... her Jay refused to go home! Next time come play again.

xiao xiin,

poor boy! hope he is ok.

sometimes my #1 get blue black quite often & once he fell down on the road while running with hand holding on to her. got a blue black + some blood on his cheek, till date, the mark is still there. once, mil brought him to playground, & he fell down & chin, ear hit the metal steps. quite bad, but we just applied zambak, after that ok le.

how come my bb is so cranky ah? dunno teething anot. drink milk dun wan drink properly, now make him slp, he ngek for milk. -.-"

can c from fb that mummies & babies enjoyed themselves alot! & toddlers too!

Aiyah! Type long long then lost tge post!

Thanks Jenn for hosting and catering, Raleigh & others for buying the biscuits, Bliss for buying & assembling goodie bafs for kids, mummies who brought toys, Jenn's hubby for the cake, mummies, daddies & Babies for turning up & a wonderful time. It was a great 1st Christmas party!

Glad to finally put some faces to names, sorry i did not manage to meet & talk to everyone.

My pictures have been uploaded on FB! Pls help to tag.

Am glad you all like the cake. Am eating the left over now while I type and pump! Talk about multi-tasking!

thanks to all that have organised leh...

Jenn: so sad i'm sure there's no pics of me and my Britt. too many faces and i'm also lost. thanks for your booking of the function room too.

Cath: aiyo what time u reached the place? i din't see you at all leh

Xiaoxin: what a shock that is!!! luckily your boy is ok!

btw, which one of you is Rabbit? hands up? i'm so confused. u standing near to the toys near to the wall or the food table huh?

Tried to tag some of e pics bt den when it comes to bb, I oso gt blur. LOL! All look e same. Realised my boy hair is e longest.

Jenn- Think he wun go home wif mi if he goes up to ur place. Now I gt irritated by him coz from juz now till now he keep nagging 'Go Auntie house'. My ear goin to burst le.

Cath- We shall arranged for a playdate soon. If u dun mind Choa Chu Kang, I dun mind having a playdate here n my mum can cook for all of us. Can put our bb in e playard n let them all crawl.

Greedy thinkin of mine hoping every week oso gt gathering. LOL!

Thanks mummies for your concern. My boy is ok. I think he had a fright too. Need lotsa security from mama now. N his nai nai is jealous. Wahaha!!

Jolene, din know the emergency number is the same to all pd. Shd be their operator's number. So far we've been quite kiasu. Little little bit then bring to see dr. Dr always say monitor monitor. Next time I shd be able to assess the situation better by myself.

I think the toddlers had the greatest time! Having so much fun playing n feeding the fishes. Heehee


Jeez!! All ard have had a shock la!! Lucky Xiao Bb ok alr..

Hw e restaurant staff react then?? U must hug hug Bb alot to make him feel secure


Tks for e milk tip! Have just let Jojo try his first FM! Okay lei! Jus wondering ar.. I got all these diff samples frm diff brands, can mix ard? Eg one tin of A finish, give B? Finish then C? Back to A thereafter? Lydat can nt huh?

Xiaoxiin I'm also looking for thermos flask.. To store hot water then mix w formula izzit? Tywong my helper saw yrs.. Ask me to buy. Where u get urs huh?


Ya lo.. Missed you.. Got next time one la! =)


Haha! I saw some Bb girls clothings... Gonna pass on to my colleagues hor k

Xiao Xiin

Glad to know your zz is ok. Rule of thumb for me is if baby can stop crying in less than 10 min, and no vomitting etc in the next 12 hours (if knock hard on the head) then usually ok de. Like when my baby was scalded with hotwater used to warm bm the last time, I just quicky took off his shirt. Didn't even think of taking him to the doc!


Hope yr boy is ok. For thermos food jar can try tiger brand during isetan sale quite gd buy got mine during no 1 time n sorry for mistaking it as jar food :p

Seem like the gathering was fun n hope to join in the nx one. Long cny holidays hehe maybe can plan for one then

Jenn, Ty and Sheryl

Who passed me the almost full fenugreek? Now I hv 2 tubs of them. Big thank you! Ty, the first thing I did when I got home is to try the nursing tea n indeed it taste pretty good. I was a bit skeptical at first as it looks like chrysanthemum instant tea at first. Hah. Was sniffing it before I drink it up.


Eh. I v horrid. Reach at 340pm like that. I love her place n the swimming pool. So spacious!!! Landscaping is super nice. My jay was wowing all the way. I told jay that we are there to see didi n mei mei but in the end we were the last. My hubby was so upset with me. Giving me a black face thruout.

zinc and raleigh, im also so looking forward to bringing my bb for photoshoot.. but since sean lau ppl recommend take at 7-8 mths i book aft cny slot.. if can i also wan to take now then take again next yr.. bt i tink hubby will say i waste $$..

xiao xiin, wat does saliva rash look like? my bb has this round patch on his face, abit reddish and skin abit coarse de.. the patch round round, 1cent coin big.. i duno what it is but assuming its saliva rash..

bliss, i find it hard to pump when nn soft.. milk flow nt so fast and will nt have the si-su si-su sound.. haiz, its starting to get hard to pump enuff for mondays.. hopefully its coz big auntie come.. i also paranoid when bb starts to cough or if he sneezes too many times a day.. super sian im starting to cough.. soooooooooo afraid i'll pass to bb.. *cross all fingers and toes*!! onli taking prospan and it doesnt seem to be helping..

oh no xiao xiin.. glad ur bb is ok.. ya nowadays they like to grab things when we eating.. just nw when eating i already turn my head away from bb, hoping he cant reach the food.. but he still stretch out and tried to grab the fish slice on my chopsticks.. end up fingers all kena the sauce..

Thanks all who organize the party! Especially Jenn (making e effort to book the room), rabbit(for following up the list) and dot(for collecting the $$)!!

Super tiring after the party! Guess we will have more idea what to prepare when is their 1st birthday bash!!


Cannot mix.. I think try the one that u feel like giving him. Of he is not suitable then change. If keep changing is nt very gd for their disgestive system.


Get the thermos foogo.. The blue with yellow trimming one. It last me from #1 till now..


Why ur hb is upset with u??


Cause we are too used to the fast flow Liao...

Is u or bb taking prospan?

Finally made bb sleep. She's probably overwhelmed by the number of babies present today. But today was indeed fun. Thanks to Jenn for providing such a fabulous venue, Dot, rabbit, Raleign for organising this.

Had too much fun and missed a pump this afternoon. So now is payback time - pumping now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your hubby gave you black face meh? Cannot tell leh. He was constantly smiling at my place.

You were here at 4pm - the ending time of the party liao! Hahaha.... ok lah. Most impt is your Jay had fun and you got your stuff ;)

Hello early bird Jenn

Hmmm ya he was really sore with me. I can sort of understand. Cos I insisted on wanting to let bb nap at 1pm when it's actually quite late. Cos I was thinking tt he will need to rush for my dad's birthday celebs later in the night, so I want him to rest first. But then after that very late already. So he gave the 'u see- I told u right?' look.

Aiya I don care. Wats done can't be undone. Anyway I also hv the interest of the kids. So just face the darky face. Anyway he always frown when I told him I need to go gatherings, be it if it's family or friends.


spenc was asking to go to ur place for swim & tgt wif jeph!! Buddies buddies liaoz!! Wahahahazz! Cab dwn ur place so fast onli n cheap! Hurhur, Nv expected it =P


Zhezhe better nw? Nainai sure filled wif jealousy when ZZ WANs comfort frm u. Kekezz.. For the thermo flask u wan order frm ware? I'm Thinkin to get 1 too.. Go by reg mail we split cost? =P


My bottle of fenugreek is finishin de.. If u can cme early we'll haf the 3 maskateers! Jeph & Spenc is running all ard the function rm. Tgt w bliss #1..


Hw's the ride Hm? Bb manage to slp in car?


Ya lo!!! I Nv manage to c any name tags by the time I reach!!! Onli to haf peck's name tag stick to mi.. Wahahahaha..

My Capella sold oreadi!! But lesser den $180 =((


Lydat based on ur exp, which milk brand is ideal huh? So many out there, is there even a diff or all same but diff brands? Jus gg to take a look at e shelves gives me headache!


Where to get e thermos? Most departmental store will have?

Haha gimme an excuse to visit nex for isetan ltr =))


Rem my Jojo queue no hor! Was jus telling hb that girls are rarity and in hot demand! Haha!! Btw u sahm?


Which is. Ur cny slot? Mines 18th


U can to go to ntuc n compare the nutritions like calcium, dha, AA etc.. Haha!

Isaiah was on enfa but he constipate badly until I change him to mamil gold. So u try similac for a few days then u have to monitor. FM very heaty n make sure ur bb poo everyday or at least once every 2 days.

If too heaty then change again. He can't take abbott range like gain. Constipate big time!!


Capella dun have value when resell.. Was thinking to see my cony but the offered price is so low!

Ok at least u sold one of ur stroller! Why dun just use ur quest?

Hi mummies

saw the pics on FB..lotsa babies..ha ha..is there a group pic?

Jenn - yr condo's function room is very very nice..very pro..even the landscape also very serene..

Thermal food container

My sis is using Foogo - very compact and easy..can keep warm for 4 hrs. I am so tempted to get one, but already got existing Tiger, which is slightly bigger and it is PINK cos I bought it for #1 (>7yrs ago). Hubby said still usable..the color misfit does not justify to get a new one..hmm..


You can find the thermal food jar at Isetan/Taka/BHG - can compare with various brand..That time I was shopping and saw many thermal flask now come with new designs and very colorful, not the plain stainless steel type liao...so "gian" that I ended up buying one...ha ha..


Finally decide to get a new stroller..on condition that I have to get rid of the existing Graco one..cos no place to keep 2 strollers..now I am eyeing on Maclaren but I note that there is no stroller bar..will it be dangerous? Or shd I get Aprica/Combi?? Another model to consider is the Graco Citisport..dunno why we have a soft spot for Graco. In term of color range, I still prefer Maclaren.

Will it be cheaper to get from US? Hubby is going US again next month..maybe can ask him to buy there is a lot of $$ saving.

Where can we check out various stroller model in Singapore, apart from the Hyperstore/Hypermart at Kaki Bukit?


When my gals saw yr gal's pic..they immediately pointed out to my hubby and said, "That's the baby who chit chat chit chat with didi lor!" ha ha

Hi mummies,

Glad tat u girls n babies had great fun, I was so sian at home watching my jake being cranky after his jab.

I bought sweet potato n jus realize tat I bite the purple ones, can bb eat purple purée?

bliss, im the one eating prospan.. starting to cough and so afraid i'll pass to bb.. he just recovered fr his mth-long cough/flu.. then i start to hear him cough abit here & ther.. hoping its coz he choke on saliva n nt really cough..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hope my sean lau slot also 18 feb i tink!! forgot the time though, coz i kept changing, abit blur already..

Hopecg, sure sure. Yr handsome Jojo has priority, k. I'm not so lucky to be a sahm. Gotta earn my keep.

Bebe, I bot my stroller from US for abt $400 while sg sells for $700. But I bot from Amazon and had it delivered to my US address. U can do that if yr hubby's hotel can accept

Sheryl: bb never slp. He dose off when I left the function room. But woke up when I put him in the car seat. Haha.. Cry stop cry stop lo.. Reach hm see daddy so happy. Nap for awhile 8 plus knock out..

Had a great time at the party yesterday. Thanks to the committee members to make it possible and thanks to Jenn for booking the function room. Great place especially for a hot weather. Looking forward to the next one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thermos foogo

Get from BP which is cheaper OR get from msia if they have 20% will be ard $30 only.


Go buy Actifed from Watson/guardian. It works for my nasty cough.. My cough is really bad kind! My boy takes actifed too and GP did command is a good medicine.

Red for nasal congestion n dry cough, Green for chesty cough and yellow more for blocked and runny nose.

My boy takes yellow and I take red and green..

Thought of that I guess I've drank more than 5 bottles of

Actifed!! Oops!


Okok I'll monitor Bb poo and see if need to change milk powder.. Wad abt e frequency? Izzit like feeding solids ie one tsp per day, adding one more each day for 5 days?


Okie! I'll keep a lookout for it at taka if I go there ltr.. But taka no sales lei.. Gotta wait for cath's update on sales haha


Okie! Haha was asking din think u were on leave when we met up at united sq that day


Really?! 18th too?? Mine 4-6pm!! Dun change alr la! Can meet u there mah! Zinc/ Raleigh, anything to take note when photoshoot? Wad if Bb sleepy huh?


yup no prob... as long as someone get to wear it can liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

committe members

thanks for organising the party although I was totally lost who is who is and I got them all mixed up cos mummies were moving everywhere but it was fun for all the babies to meet up.. keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya I also worried when bb cough... after that episode i really watch out for the cough... and funny thing it didnt occur that I was talking to you by the playmat much later.. so sotong..

Thanks for the T3 lobang for organix cereal. 10% discount & no gst! Pls note that they will close in Jan & re-open in Mar, but on lvl2.


Airport no GST

Promo ended le, on 31 Oct.


Saw on your FB status that you chiong Zouk out yesterday night ah? Steady mommy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

