(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

missbluey, i carry my hp everywhere, but the prob is not only my mum n sis scared my hubby nv answer his hp. i also scared. so my mum tink it's better for mi to move to my sis's place at Hougang coz my mum can be with mi mah, den my sis office at Goldhill centre, can rush down to KKH wait for us. hahahaha.. it's better than waiting for my hubby to rush back fm Leng Kee to Sengkang n send me to KKH. like very drama hor..


bigfish, i know 2 bad keiths so dun wan the name keith.. haha... i also feel abit sad that the pregnancy is ending, macham nvr enjoy much lei.. but starting to walk like a duck and getting out of bed is hard, so abit mixed feelings also la.. then also worried abt the sleepless nites and in-laws breathing down my neck trying to separate me and my cat after baby's arrival.. feel abit stressed.. a few logistics issues i haven sort out also, like whether to get a safety gate to keep my cat out of baby's room, or to close baby's room and on air-con. coz my place outside got forestry area, alot of insects and bugs so we seldom open windows now.. with the baby if dun open windows may nt be good coz no ventilation rite? all these haven decided how to resolve... haiz...

bebe75 i also feel like alot of things haven do... haven update my to-do and to-buy lists also... but over the wkend hubby put baby's clothings to wash.. i see 1 row of small small clothes hanging out to dry, find them very cute.. hehe.. then last nite we were folding and keeping them away in cupboard tgt..

sheryl i also tink i'll miss baby's kicks and movements..! have yet to feel his hiccups yet lei.. duno what they feel like..

patl i usually sleep in during wkends.. will most prob be still snoring away at 9am.. haha.. >.<

i read about this Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in one of the links i was following.. like very scary wor baby can suddenly stop breathing?? then how to prevent or spot it?

lin u were seated on mrs wong's left rite? i tink i know who u are le.. ur hubby also wearing whitish clothes rite? i tot the lady seated beside u on the chair was a malay wor... but never wrap head type.. i was seated in front of mrs wong when folding nappies, in black.. hehe..

any mummies experienced waterbag burst when in office or outside? then wat to do abt the mess we made ar? chair and carpet will be wet wet rite.. like so paisei lei, dirty the place..

Jojo, i tink if waterbag burst in office or outside beri paiseh also.. so best to stay home when EDD draws near ba...


hehhee.. yup yup..bingo!! I was the one and yes hubby wore white too..

U got see my blackie face cos I was lost while Mrs Wong taught us how to do those stuff. Think i emo that day cos I felt helpless...

oh yes, i rem.. hehhee.. but then due to short term memory, i scared later I can't rem when i see u again in class..

Are you inside June 2010 MTB, I add u??


usually labour time is very drama, keke. unless you are not the panicky type.


SIDS is really scary. try not to let bb sleep on his body.

haiya, i just tripped & nearly fell again. same area somemore, zzz. is it the stupid tiles or my lousy slippers? or my legs are too fat to lift up anymore?

good afternoon mummies..

hows your week coming along..?

missbluey: aiyo..takecare pls...

jojo: yeah, i've heard of the syndrome.. scared hor... how to prevent like that..? tsk!

bb's name:

bridget is nice.. brittany too.. aiyo..

i forgot who was looking for boy's name "K".. i came across one "K'.. erm.. Keane..? and there's Keiron in one of my contacts' in FB the son's name..

oh yes, i also worried when I happened to come across an incident to a mummy when bb pass away during birth. Heart ache when I read abt it.. Getting paranoid and start to have unpleasant dream.

re: waterbag burst

i also will be @ home when it happens. don't want colleagues to remember my unglam scenario. =p

ya, i will but sometimes i just tend to drag my slippers when i walk. lifting up my legs is really a challenge now. gonna complain to gynae tmr. can't wait to see my bb!

tywong, sent you an email!

Jasmini, you are in the east too, joining us this Sat for breaky? 10am to 10.30am! There's me, Avens and tywong and maybe her friend.

Let us know. my email is [email protected].


Hi mummies,

For the SIDS prevention, read that we should let baby sleep on his/her back and not to have anything on the bed at all. No toys, pillows, bolsters, blankets, cot bumpers - our baby bed will be empty for the initial months and will just swaddle baby. Not sure if we will place/tie the cot bumper on the outside of the bed yet since bed is grilled on all 4 sides. Might just not. During our prenatal course, the consultant also mentioned that the benefit of not having the cot bumper is that you can see your baby immediately at all times while you are on your bed.

As to what I'll miss about being preggers - only one thing as well - the baby movements! Happy to drop the rest like the heartburn, gas, swollen pig trotters, nose bleeds, constipation and aches hahhaha...must say though that the other benefit is that hair looks more voluminous, at least marginally hehe..

Hi TYWong,

For the ache, are you talking about the rib cage at the bottom? I get that now and then during the 3rd trimester. Got it more during the end of 1st trim. Therapist says it is because of the space constraint - likely baby's limb jabbing into that area, so the pain.

Hi PatL,

Would have liked to join you guys but these few weeks are really crazy, still many errands to run on the weekends and have to clean poop bins too. Signed up for hypnobirthing on Saturdays as well which ends 1/5. Keep us posted about the next outing ok?

Any Sengkang mummies want to share to order the homemade confinement rice wine? 1 bottle for $12 and min must order 10 bottles. I don't think I can finish 10 bottles in a mth leh.

hey tywong,

i had left ribcage pain during my 22- 26 weeks and occasionally now.... i oways feel better when i lie on my right that time....

when i told my gynea, he suspect its the bb legs resting on my ribs... and when it shows very clearly when he did the ultrasound scan that it indeed my bb legs...

Just wondering if any mummies know of good reputable PDs in Raffles Place and the East areas (around Bedok/Marine Parade/East Coast etc)?


I was really pai seh when my hb was rubbing my tummy when it was hardly showing... though I got used to it but something will miss it lah... keke


I have heard of baby bjorn but dunno where I read that its really hot.. so I didnt get it cos I saw it in many places and many parents are using it on the streets too..

hi friends, i just plan to order some rice wine and wonder how to go about it.. then saw your post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How many bottle we need ah?

FRIENDS, i tink my mum might be ordering fm a fren, but nt sure if the fren still making it anot. will check if need to tag on ur order for the rice wine.

Hi Mums-to-be... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As I joined this thread earlier during 1st tri, somehow din post much though I have been following thru the posts on and off.

I am @ 28+ weeks, gained 12+kgs so far. My d-date is 01-Jul, but as I am going for elective c-sect hence will be expecting bb end Jun.


u here? If you recalled, I met you @ RP here to collect the Old Navy order from you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am delivering in SGH too, gynae is A/Prof Tay S.K.


I used bb bjorn for my #1 when I am out alone. Personally I prefer it to MIM Sling. I find MIM sling abit unsafe, or perhaps I am too clumpsy for it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Something interesting to share which I have been using it as a guide for bb's development. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lin, haha ya i tink u got abit face black black when folding.. lol i was abit lost so i was looking ard see wat others doing then saw u lo.. i was in a black dress.. then had to sit slanted then leg going numb, so was getting abit impatient too.. haha.. both our hubbies was initially not with us, they were standing further away.. then i was looking at my hubby and looking ard then saw u looking at ur hubby also.. kaka.. yalo i tink if u change clothes maybe i cant recognize u the next time liao.. i inside Jun 2010 MTB.. kk add add.. :p

missbluey, to prevent SIDS dun let bb sleep on his body? means what position to avoid ar?

regarding waterbag, i was hoping to work until wk 39 probably... coz dun wana waste ML before baby comes.. but then if baby earli then waterbag may burst when im still working ma.. haiz cant decide when to start ML..

jus'us, baby bjorn carrier got 3 types.. 2 types is airy de.. my fren using that and highly recommend.. it costs $199.. how much are the other carriers ar?

What I am going through...

BB having much more frequent hiccups, the KICKs are much more POWERful & painful @ times, not able to sleep in the night despite resting in bed since 10pm.

I am suspecting if I am having Restless Leg Syndrome as I have weird feelings on my legs. It's giving me sleep problems, which I got to stretch my legs in middle of night when the aching feel come.


Pls update my details:

Hospital: NUH

Gynae: Dr Mahesh

EDD: 7th Jun 2010

I had to change from KKH to NUH due to complicated bb's problem.. as mentioned earlier, he has heart problem. need an experienced heart surgeon who is visiting consultant at NUH. Most likely will be doing C-sect at Week 38th.

Pray for us, mummies.. thank u!! and take v.good care.. it's our last 2mths! enjoy the process and the kicks in the womb! ;)


Oh is it? hmm maybe the "hot" one is review for the non airy one... I saw the ergo ones at BHG selling at 200+, think the chicco ones I saw are much cheaper less than $100.. the rest are mainly wraps ranging from 60 plus onwards depending on brand and material... although the slings are cheaper but I dont trust myself with those slings scared I loop it wrongly and its not handsfree and one shoulder strap only so dont like ..

so good you still can eat famous amos.. I pass by almost everyday last few weeks.. can only smell cant eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Peck & Bluberi

I'm ordering from my mum's relative. SIL ordered last year and her CL commented it's good stuff so I wld be getting from her. Min order is 10 bottles and need at least 1 mth in advance cos she will only start to make upon receiving order. I am thinking of taking 6 bottles so still need someone to take the other 4 bottles. I'm also not sure how many bottles she can make at a time... As hubby does drive, I won't mind to deliver the wine to your doorstep hence only open this to Sengkang mummy. Let me know yah cos I need to order by this week. Thanks.

Went for my 31 week check up today. Baby is doing fine - gained about 300g. Actually, he is on the small side (less than 5oth percentile), but dr says is ok. We were a bit concerned about the baby's small size, but Dr says that baby will most probably gain quite a bit of weight rather quickly from this point forward, and that it is better for baby to be on the smaller (rather than bigger) side as better chance of natural birth.

My blood glucose is good, but my iron levels are a bit on the low side, so he gave me a stronger iron pill to take. Must eat more green vegetables and red meat.

Fortunately, my previously immense weight gain has gone back down to normal levels, despite the fact that I'm still eating quite a bit.

Next checkup in 3 weeks.

FRIENDS, i just called my mum n ask her to check with her fren, most prob let u know tonite. my mum said prob need 4 bottles.


me keen aso leh on the home made confinement wines...bt aso dun knw hw many bottles we nd...hw much per bottle uh?


No worries...Paiseh hor... i'm not selling the wine so can't take in much order.. only looking for mummies to share to hit the min order...


oops, i was sort of dozing off when i typed that. i meant don't let your bb lie flat on his face something like that.


will pray for you & bb. =)


i like jaime see.


I'm interested in the confinement wine... Will go and pick it up from you as I'm staying in the East. Hmmmn, would like 3 bottles if it's ok. Thanks!

jus'us, i also dun like the slings de... tink sling-type harder for hubbies too.. my hubby say look gu-niang if he sling lidat.. haaha.. y u cannt eat famous amos? by rite its junk food lei i shldnt be eating also de.. but got craving so bought and put office.. then keep munching, very fast finishing le. >.<

dot dun worry abt baby weight, i tink shld be ok.. coz my baby was at 11th percentile at w28, gynae also said she's not worried...

peck i prefer joann.. mayb coz dun like that jaime celeb.. haha..

oic missbluey.. i tink we'll all put baby lying on his back rite.. but my worry is lie on back confirm wun have SIDS? sure can prevent? this SIDS like very scary lei...

Hi Doobom,

Yes i still have ur detail but never post it up cos need more info on ur details.

Please let me know you full detail so i can put u in the list.






Baby Gender:

Expecting No:

Working Status:



Hi rachel,

updated ur detail n will pray u n ur baby.

Hi friend,

i need to check with my mum see she have order from my or not if not i will join in the order. let u know tmr.


Can, can :) Thanks!


You and your li'l one will be in my prayers everyday... Have faith:)


Just receive a call from my gynae as he requested a blood test for me to check on my sugar level the last 6mths... Results came back favorable so I celebrated with a can of coke! Thank goodness I don't need to be on insulin this time...


Jaime See!


Would love to join you ladies but it's my boy's 1st birthday bash that day so will be bz running errands... Do let me know if you ladies will be meeting during the weekdays okie!


think its betta to call TMC hotline first so that your gynae can be activated at the same time. esp when we hv signs of labour in the middle of night where our gynae may not be in the hospital

Enfa series

my boy also on Enfagrow.. very expensive now! luckily he does not drink that much now.. or sometimes when we are out, i will skip his afternoon or night milk feed.


I'm a sling lover! i sling my boy till he was ard 18 mths then i switch to Ergo.

Sling is a part of me as i tend to bring my boy out on my own pretty often. and its good to use when bf-ing


Thanks for still having me in 'your database'! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Name: doobom

Age: 32

Edd: 01-Jul

Gynae: Prof Tay S K

Hospital: SGH

Baby Gender: Boy

Expecting No: #2

Working Status: FTWM



Your CL should known how to use it for the confinement dishes.


Jaime See sounds good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Though I have faithfully putting on loads of stretch mark cream, I still feel the 'stretching' effect especially this week. Think my tumtum is really stretching... sigh...

My fifth tube of stretch mark cream. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone having this 'stretching' feel too?


Jojo, ya lor I was looking ard for hubby and he stood so far away, think he saw my blackie face and came to teach me .. Oh yes, what is your name for facebook?

