(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


no idea abt hiccups oso.. hahaa!


YAH.. Darn expensive!!! to save my pocket i will stick to bf unless my girl reali rejects it den reali LL bo bian..

Rachel, will pray for u and ur little one..

Peck, i prefer Jaime.. Jacintha is a nice name starting with J..

Re: Pregnancy days

I believe every mummies here will miss our baby's kick in our tummy.. but I prefer to have my little girl in my arms.. I think no words can describe the kind of feeling when we carry and look at our baby thinking how much we been through for them the past 9 months plus..

friends, I need 2 bottles... Thanks alot..

I prefer Jaime See too... heehee.. but hb is looking at Joann, will tell him about the vote..

my eldest Jovan See, mei mei Jaime See hmmmm... nice?

Re: Sleepless nites

Any mummies here experiencing sleepless nites? Barely slept a wink last nite and am now feeling very gorggy.... My whole body is aching too... Yawnzzzzzz


Jovan & Jaime See nice!!


when I delivered my boy thru epi c-sec, the moment I heard his 1st cry, I started crying... I felt relieved as I had a difficult pregnancy & was glad all was fine. Shortly after when my gynae was stitching me, I fell asleep n started snoring very loud ;p My gynae tot something was wrong n kept trying to keep me awake til I got so fed up n told him to just let me sleep! Lol... And the 1st time I carried my boy, the bonding between us is something his daddy will never understand...


haha you are right about the gu niang part I cant imagine a guy in a sling.. keke.. I cant eat amos cookies cos I supposedly have high sugar so doc said to stay out if not not good for baby and me.. so although I dont take much not being to take at all makes me kinda sad sometimes when I see my hb and parents enjoying their ice cream and all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I feel the stretching since way back and sometimes the navel area gets too sensitive to touch and it was painful now the stretching seems lighter than before.. wah you sure used lots of stretch mark cream I havent fin one tube yet :p


agree with you.. I keep dreaming of baby is out and we looking after her.... think I cant wait


you are funny I wonder will I be like you cos Im a pig when comes to sleeping.. I think I sleep a lot esp during this time


yes.. great ... hehehee

re: confinement wines

got rice wine and hong sau jiu? used for cooking what kind of food? I not sure abt it thus anyone can advise?

morning ladies!! last nite had the worst leg cramps ever.. left leg was cramping on n off for at least 15mins.. couldn't stand the cramps till i cried.. no matter how i tried, the leg cramps just wun stop.. previous leg cramps wasn't like tis before.. hubby oni console n dun even bother to massage for mi. hope wun haf tis type of bad leg cramps anymore

Hi Friend,

saw ur msg this morning. Ok will wait till u comfirm with ur mum's friend how many max bottle she can make. dun wanna make u difficult if she only can make few bottle then i think i not going to order. let other have it ba. anyway thanks.

Hi doobom,

updated ur details, wah u finish a lot of s/cream. i only use 2 n i got lots of stretch mark lo. my mum scold me when she saw my stretch mark. i told her i got apply but sometime forget. ya i do have the stretch feeling exp when i not applying the cream. can i check do u have stretch mark? a lot or a little or none?


have you tried to flex your foot towards you? It also helps me and the cramps go off quite fast and I try to sleep with legs bent and always covered if possible to keep it warm to prevent cramps

Jus'us, normally flexing it helps.. but last nite i tried so many times it just doesn't go away. so ended up i got so frustrated n cried.

Peck, i also vote for jaime see, it sounds so smooth & seamless and nice....

Mikojade, i also getting sleepless nites nowadays. turn everywhere cannot sleep;, back ache, leg pain and wake up feeling like a dead zombie, dun feel like working and hoping everyday that can give birth faster.

U how many weeks now? mine is only 27 weeks.

Bluberi, oops really huh, actually i quite blur queen one leh. i also ending june leh....zzzz maybe i will cfm with my gynae this sat, when i meet her. your end june is on which day huh?


can smone tell me where to get and find gd and comfortable disposal panties? Hw many pkts do we nd? Neber used tat for my 1st though...hehehe


another method I know of is to pinch the area above the upper lip below the nose... I do it when my cramps are very bad when flexing doesnt help too.... then it goes away quite fast... maybe u can try

Mikojade: you are funny!! Can sense that u are very relieved after that!! Haha!

Kelly: I used to buy the disposal undies at john little. Buy those made in cotton and not paper ones. Cotton ones feels like our undies material but abit cheapo type. One pack should have 5-7.. I only use 1 pack actually... Maybe due to csect I don't bleed that much.. Normal undies don't get dirty so easily so I just handwash it..

If u don't intend to wash better get 3-4 packs ya..

Anyone been to mount alvernia hospital tour? Anyone knows if they still give bath tub? If so I'm not going to buy liao..

Kelly, i bought some at Expo fair previously, some at Sinma, u know the costume jewellery shop? 1 pack roughly around $5.50. rem to buy maternity size..or else go to Kiddy palace & buy Pureen brands, that one will costs more, around $7 to $8 bucks for 1 pack, since it has more.


john little? okie okie...bt can hold well with pads hor...tks tks

they will still gif the bath tub leh...i gt the booklet fm my gyane....bt i find tat it is too small after couple of mths..so i still buy a bigger one...hehehe


tks tks..will cut these few places.... :eek:) any idea which brand is better to hold pads uh?

PatL/ Tywong,

I would love to join you ladies for breakfast this sat, but that's my tentative date to collect our maid! Will confirm with you again!

Tywong, i stay @ Meyer road too! I'm @ Belvedere, which apt are you at?

Confinement wine and food stuff,

FRIENDS, I'm keen on the confinement wine if your contact is able to make in excess. I can self-collect[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can you ladies share with me what are the necessary items we need to prep for confinement? I'm having a Confinement nanny, since our parents are not too familiar on confinement practices. What herbs ( for drinking / bathing ) do i need to buy in advance? what other food stuff do i need?

Tiger baby,

Yep i bought the Brest Friend. It's not necessary per se, but it's extremely helpful if you're breastfeeding for the 1st time. Comes highly recommended from all my buddies - prevents lower back ache and gives great support to the baby. I bought during Taka fair at 20% off i think.


I've also signed up with the same studio as yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Shld be doing the maternity photoshoot early next mth. When you doing yours?

Elise, based on my LMP my EDD is 23Jun.. but during 1st trimester, it was pushed to 29Jun based on scan. but i tink it might have moved forward to 25Jun coz the wks calculated by gynea nw is just 2 days after the calculated wks based on LMP.

Jus'us, ok.. shall try tis method if i got leg cramps again.

jasmini, mi doing the shoot next mth. tentatively booked on 21May which is ard wk35+. but might change the date coz not sure hubby's leave will be approved anot.

Hi all

Have been reading this thread since early Mar this year as my EDD is end Jun/early Jul. Supposed to be 1 Jul but should be end Jun according to EDD by scan. Will be at my 29th week tomorrow. I see that some of u gals are already having a 2-weekly appt, but when I see my doc at 27th wk, my next appt is on 32th wk with a growth scan. I would like to ask whether growth scan can be done earlier at week 31 instead of 32 as I am thinking of scheduling my doc appt earlier. Thank for the advice.


For disposable undies can get the sorella brand think available at all major dept stores. i got 3 packs but heard for C-sec the laochia end faster


I did mine on 31st wk - my gynae is overseas on 32nd wk. Shld be okay.


I see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yep it's ard my wk 35+ too. Did she mention anything about dressing/props? Is she providing or do you intend to bring your own?

I also can't sleep last night... Don't know is it becos of my cough.... Also, a lot of s marks and broken veins on my tummy despite me applying the cream everyday...

my gynea nv asked mi to do growth scan..

btw, any idea if wk32 still can do 3D scan??

jasmini, she nv mentioned abt dressing n props.. tink props is provided, but gotta bring ur own clothes ba.. tink will ask her when the date draws near.


sorella brand has disposal panties uh...me sua ku...i din knw tat wor...nt sure abt abt C-sec bt whn i had my #1, i was on total bf...it ends ard 1 wk...and not realli alot alot kind...so hopefully tis time aso same lor..kekeke


my gynae told me i'm supposed to do the detailed scan ard 32wks....check with your gynae!

it's so sad that i gained so much weight during pregnancy, hope it doesn't show up too badly, otherwise i'm pretty excited to do the photoshoot!


did you have a sudden weight increase? my hospital pre-natal class instructor says that the creams dont really work, but caution us to watch the amt of weight gain. don't suddenly increase too much - will result in sudden tissue tear which happens many layers under, so topical cream won't help much in preventing stretch marks.

my friends who gain >20kgs during their pregnancy do have very very bad stretch marks!

however, the preg book says it's genetic la. hmm, so that one bo pian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kelly, I got mine is not maternity one. Cuz I scared too big can't hold pad well. But it was ok. U can get maternity ones.. Another way to get max comfort is use one pad and top up with the kotex maternity pad with string kind. But don't use the string. Just put It on top of normal pad. That's what the nurse taught me. Can hold pad properly if ur undies is loose, able to absorb more and no need to keep changing pad. Just change the cheap kotex maternity pad if the bottom one got no stain.

I find the mount alvernia bath tub still ok. Not sure if is the same one.. I still have my son one at my

mom place. When bb is 6 months I'll use bath seat instead and use shower head to bath bb. Cuz I feel at 6 months they get dirtier than newborn. Sweat more and if bath in the same tub of water like no difference leh.. Haha..

Gd noon Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How's lunch?


Thanks lots for updating me in the list. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, for my #1, I used 4 tubes of Galenic stretch mark cream and got almost zero stretch marks.

Now #2, tumtum is really big and got the constant stretching/itchy feel, so very scared. Keep applying... Morning once, after lunch (hahaha... I even have a tube in the office) and after shower in evening, and night before sleep. I kiasu/kiasee or not? hahaha...


Yes, I have been faithfully applying the stretch mark cream @ least 3 times a day. LIke taking medi, coz I keep having the stretching feel and @ times tumtum feel abit itchy. So apply since I dun want to scratch. Once scratch, cun stop. P


I have been having bad leg cramps too. Also the weird aching feel on my legs. Got to wakey in middle nite to do stretching on my legs, like doing warm up before exercise. So pitiful and silly... Will only feel better and get back to sleep after the 'warm up'... hHaha...

I have been reminding myself to put on socks in the night to minimise the cramps, though still have it on and off.


We had the same EDD. I am done with the growth scan as I am curious abt bb's growth. Since I am with SGH, utlrasound scan is not compulsory for every visit. Since i am done with the growth scan (30Mar), gynae mentioned that the next one will be @ 35weeks.

Gd day to all...

GTG... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies.. good afternoon..

lately gettin more lethargic and can't sleep well at night..

btw, anyone tried pre-natal massage? my hb asked me is it safe coz i booked for one tis weekend..


wah so many many times arh.. then I must be very lazy cos I only apply after shower 1x a day and sometimes lazy or in hurry I forget :p


I also want a massage but my hb say better not so I shall wait till after delivery then go get one.. keke

jasmini, i see a lot of ppl selling pre-owned my brest friend so thinking maybe it's really not necessary. think i will prob buy only if i confirm can continue bf/ing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am going for my 32 weeks checkup next thu. gynae never mentioned about growth scan. anyone done it at kkh? how old does it take?

anyone feeling bb doesn't kick as much already? i am now 31 weeks and i feel tat bb doesn't kick liao. read somewhere it is normal as bb runs out of space liao but is it too early? it's true though my tummy is very small... just last wk someone was asking if i am 5 months pregnant. i said 8 months.

Re: Sleepless nites

me too having sleepless nites.feel so tired at work, but cant rest at all.. i cant stand it anymore. feel like taking my leave now. haa..

Jasmani, so far I gained about 8 kg but b4 preg, my waist is 24 to 25 inches now is almost 40 so maybe the skin is unable to 'react' to the sudden increase....

im 33 wks i also dont have detailed scan leh. when i went last wk, the gynae just did a normal scan.. is it necessary?

as for disposables i bought frm AMK hub ntuc.. i think 5 plus a pack.. i think felancy brand or something

Re: Sleepless nites

me tooooooooooo... always go toilet thou i cut down my intake for drink ...

Can't wait to take leave to rest at home...


Ya sorella has disposable panties and the material is quite gd at least wont tear so easily. Actually for mummies delivering at Thomson think they also gave one type of undies which is quite gd. That day was packing my wardrobe and found it so will bring it when admission.

I also dnt have detailed scan leh.

Re: Sleepless nites

hAve been having that from 2nd trimester till now.Haiz every nite sure wake up and stare for at least 1 hour.


Heard that once reach 3rd trimester better not to do pre-natal massage. Dunno how true is this

jasmini, shall check with my gynea during wk32 check-up.. i hope still can make it for 3D scan also. stretch-mark is genetic meh.. my mum n sis dun have leh, but i got 3 now!!!

doobom, wearing socks will help?? i dunno how i sleep one lor, i can wear socks to sleep until morning oni see one remaining on my feet. the missing sock will be on the floor. tis happened a few times liao.

my friend also had a detailed scan in her 32 wk at KKH. so i think only KKH hv this?

think TMC only hv detailed scan on 5th month

i see jus'us.. nvm just bear with it.. soon can eat the sweet stuff already! :p

anyone tried stretching ur perinum muscles? the part between V and anus.. very hard to reach it to stretch lei, pull abit painful already.. i tried to poke 2 fingers slightly in from the back to stretch it abit.. duno if im doing it the correct way or not..

amy i did my growth scan tgt with the 4D scan at w28.. tink there's another growth scan at 30++ wks to check if suitable for natural delivery, if baby is developing ok, etc..

bluberi, i tink 3D/4D scan is done between wks 28-32..

tigerbaby, a frenly stranger in the lift that time also tot i 5 mths preg but i 7+ mths le.. he say my stomach look small.. many ppl in my office also say not big.. now ard 38.5 inches.. but as long as baby weight is ok then nth to worry ba..

waa friends ur weight control nt bad wor... increase 15 inches onli 8kg.. my pre-preg waistline also ard 25, now 38.5.. but then weight increase almost 10kg already.. this wk had an overnite 1kg gain again, was only 9kg before that.. =.=

Welcome Amy,

May be u wanna let me know ur full detail so i can update u in the list.






Baby Gender:

Expecting No:

Working Status:


Jojo, i read online somewhere 3D scan is done by wk30, not sure thru anot.. initially do not plan to do 3D scan but i wan to make sure bb is ok inside coz those normal 2D scan is always not clear, so hope can still do at wk32. wonder how much KKH charging for 3D scan.

so far my weight increase abt 5.3kg, waist almost increase 10" liao.. already hitting 41" soon.

me also having sleepless nites, esp after waking up to pee ard midnite. Plus frequent backaches lor, which makes going back to sleep even harder. Luckily, no leg cramp or swollen feet yet *touch wood*

JTS: maternity pads

btw, i came across this brand 包大人 maternity pads at CK dept store. Much slimmer than Pureen and Kotex, abt 40cm long (if i rem correct), no wing too. Bot a pack to stand by liao. Personally dont like Pureen or Kotex especially lor, hope this brand will be better

weight gain:

I am currently in my 29 weeks, and have put on 4kg so far. Stomach size also much smaller than previous lor. I still look like 5mos preggy nia. All thanks to my active #1 who helps his mummy burns lots of calories cos she has to keep up with him!

