(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Aven, yup, v frustrating!! Din expected dis @ all! PatL, thks for e piles advice. I hope i wun end up like u, dun wish to return tmr. Fri mc, den today mc, my wk r piling up! >.<

Aven, ok! Will PM you later.

missbluey, good luck too! Talk to baby! ;-) are you on your phone accessing internet? hehehe....

Aven, Wed at 11.30am, Forum at Orchard. Are you bringing your two along or you have someone to tend to them? I can pick you up at Mandarin Gardens on my way there. Cheers, Pat

Ok pat sounds great, my son will be at school, and my daughter is a handful, cant take her out anywhere at the moment, just end up chasing after her all the time,so will leave her behind, if you could pick me up that would be great, will pm you my no now,

happy CNY ladies!!! finally started work this week after a long break that seems very short to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

baby stuff:

went to the cheap bugis store last week but it's closed for CNY. anyone recently bought baby clothes from there? wonder if it's worth buying.

seems like a lot of ppl went to aussie over CNY - got them to buy Pumpkin Patch crossover bodysuits for me. Super cheap! only abt AUD5 per piece! (50% + add 20% discount). should have bought more!

i had a pretty good CNY -- frens started to offer me their used baby stuff during the CNY - i got a maxi cosi infant car seat + quinny stroller! all super new and in pretty pink unfortunately ( mine's a boy). the infant car seat supposedly can last only 9mths--- if possible, don't waste $ buying it. or consider 2nd hand...

i'm still fretting over whether to buy COT or playpen. my hubby wanted a playpen for its mobility and changing tray. ( but it seems that the width of the playpen may not get through my door easily - yet to measure it). however most of my frens recommend to get a COT - they say better for my lower back. playpen requires bending since we cannot lower the sides of the playpen.

any other views?

dual citizenship:

just remember to choose the citizenship @ 18. my 'little' cousin didn't come back to spore- he stayed in aussie - and now that he's 20+, he had to serve his NS in order to give up his sporean citizenship! (he chose to keep his aussie citizenship). i always thought that's a lose-lose situation! anyway he did the NS for the sake of his dad - otherwise he can never enter spore again.

PatL, yea im surfin net on my hp, damn x but wad to do, bored like hell. Juz did 5th time scan, still face down. Wonderin is bb purposely gif me hard time or is there sumtin wrong? Sighh...

Hi peck

my appointment at kkh is on 02/03 @ 3.40pm.. Will be seeing dr tham at tps... How abt urs?? Wat time is ur appointment??

Aven, ok cool!

Jasmini, agree with you about the lower back thing, which is a downside with playpens. However, remember the first 6 mths you are unlikely to need doing that or until baby can pull themselves up of course. That said, I may end up having a small cot upstairs for night time sleeps and a travelcot/playpen downstairs! WAAAHH!! :-( too many to buy. Any suggestions from mummies who live in houses??

Re: Maxicosi infant carrier? It's stated that it is usable till about 15 mths in Mothercare. I thought of getting the Quinny Zapp or Buzz stroller (blue) with that too. Ladies, those who wants the red/purple version c/w the car seat carrier, it was going at $688 (u.p. $899 or something) for CNY sale in one of the stroller shops in Suntec level 4 just last weekend. I think they will extend the sale till end of CNY.

The other one I was thinking was the Bugaboo Bee with it's 1 hand system and because the handle bar is extendable (my hubby is very tall and so many strollers are too short for his arms, ladies with tall hubbies, consider handles that are longer, otherwise your hubbies will find it very hard and bad for his back) and it also has availble a infant car seat carrier as well. It's very light, about 8KG, one of the lightest, and small to keep as well.

NS, what a hassle! I don't want to think so far yet and I guess for those in our situations, we'll have to think about it as it draws nearer as work, family, everything may be different by then.

pat I think you should have cot and playpen I lived in two story house in aus and that was difficult enough, the quinny zapp is great I loved mine with the carseat, but dont like the toddler seat on it, I have a bugaboo look alike at the moment,not the bee but the original one, excatley the same as one but half the price, I love that it came with the cot so for first couple of months the baby can sleep in there can just push it from room to room, I thought it would be good with the maxi cosi but to be honest it is to big for me to take anywhere, does not fit into taxis or car boots to well have to take wheels of, but for walks in the park it is great! think I might pick up a used zapp for outings and once baby grows out of the carseat pick up a maclaren and get a wheel board on back for my daughter to hitch a ride, I am addicted to buying strollers!

I have pm you just go to your email that you registered with,

Aven, got it! Thanks.

What's wrong with the toddler seat on the Quinny Zapp? I saw the Quinny Buss and thought the toddler seat was a bit shallow and short and the Zapp seems deeper and longer and thus can use till much older. How long did the carseat last you till?

Yeah, those with baby cots are bulky, it's lovely to have but I don't think I can withstand the hassle on attaching, detaching, carrying it up the stairs for night time sleeps. So may just go with the small cot and playpen combination at home.

You should check out the Phil & Teds, they seems very sturdy and great for hitching rides for toddlers!

Hey MTMs

Hope you all have enjoyed the New Year and are doing fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anybody using iPhone?? I have this website to recommend.. Selling iPhone accessories at reasonable prices.. Can visit http://theipaplace.blogspot.com for more info..

Here's wishing all of you good health & wealth in this TIGER year and most importantly give birth to a healthy & cheerful "baby tiger"!!! HUAT AH!!




If you have a maid at home, you don't need a playpen downstairs - the toddler would prefer to crawl around than to be confined to a small space. if they want to rest, they can sleep on a small mattress ( easy to carry anywhere)...if you don't mind them sleeping on the floor (since there's only 1 baby in the hse, should be safe)

I should think it's better to just buy a COT - since it can outlast a playpen in terms of use, esp since you don't intend to have another baby.

Quinny Zapp $688 promo is also available in Spring Maternity @ Vivo. The promo color very ugly leh - esp the Zapp seating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Some orange / red....like CNY.

One huge downside of Quinny Zapp is that it cannot recline (so tod cannot sleep in it) - i'm using it mainly for the infant stage with the maxi cosi, then i'll possibly buy a good stroller for the toddler.

The saleslady told me Maxi Cosi can last till about 14kgs - ah, that's not true. i'll tried several 1-yr babes on the car seat ( when they come my hse during CNY) and they are already way too big! One good thing is that the car seat can be used as a rocker [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PatL, aven - thanks for the citizenship inputs. spore does not allow dual citizenship/passport.

for bb schooling options, i think will hv to be spore. my hubby will be stationed in bkk, so making trip back to spore will be easier/shorter/more frequent than flying back to australia. we also want bb to be in a more "chinese" environment, hopefully he can pickup/study chinese and not find it too difficult. haiz.....guess i have to prepare myself mentally to do all the tuition/extra classes thingy.

so for my case, i think once bb born, have to be either PR or sporean.

i think i will get a playpen/cot coz i like the functionality and mobility. my understanding is that bb probably sleep in bbcot up to 1yr, right?

at least i can pack & bring the playpen/cot to my mom's or sis's place if required.

my plan is to continue my travelling(with bb) to bkk monthly after bb is 6-8mths. but i most likely will have to go earlier to setup home and get it ready for bb's arrival.

for strollers, do we need to get it so early? coz for first 6mths, bb won't be going out so often right? anyways, most of the time, it will only be me & bb, so thinking that sling will be more convenient when going out short distance.

jasmini - i'm also looking for maxicosi infant carseat, and intend to get 2nd hand since will not be using it for long.

hmmm.....i think i'm being very optimistic and doing alot of "planning" in my head..heehee. everything seem to be so simplified in my plan.

dianajs, ohh so late ah... mine at 12noon... seeing Dr Tham too... so u decided to follow him to TMC? I'm checking the hospital charges difference... if not much diff i might follow him over..

Hi Gals,

I had a glass of wine last saturday. my friend (mum of 3) said is ok to drink. but after i finish the glass (just small amount more like 1/2 glass) i felt my heart beat very fast n uncomfortable feeling in my tummy area. i dun dare to ask my gynae(scare he will scold me. can really remember whether he have told me to avoid alcohol or not. Can anyone advise me is it ok to drink wine during this stage? i read a website saying that is not safe to drink wine during pregnancy. now i m worried. haiz..... here is the website http://www.nofas.org/advocate/Wine_and_Pregnancy.aspx

My detailed scan nt v gd, showed bb has some white spots in his intestines and his neck thickness is 6.4mm, gynae said i will hv higher chance of hvin ds bb. Hais, reali upset nw.


i was initially adamant to stick to slings -so light and convenient - but after hearing some feedback from my frens, supposedly the sling will result in shoulder ache since it does not spread the weight evenly, but rests solely on 1 shoulder. those with the round wooden hook will cause even more pain/friction.

i guess i would bring out my baby from 2nd mth onwards - i'm not the type who'll stay @ hm for 4 mths consecutively. when i'm out and the baby's sleeping, think it's more convenient for my hubby/me to push the pram [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but that said, my car seat & stroller comes free (bcos my fren already has 3 strollers for her 1yr+ babe)

i was actually looking for an additional Maxi Cosi Cabriofix (2nd hand < 1yr use) - for my own car - but now i think it's not necessary. anyway the prices offered to me by most sellers are about $150 - let me know if you're keen - i can give u the contacts.

jalgal for all three of my pregancies I have had the occassional wine my children are fine, dont stress over it,

lilysnow look on ebay for maxi cosi carseat there are so many,

jasmini I was told 14 kilos as well but I found it was the lenght of baby that was the problem legs hung over the end,

pat I dont like the toddler seats as they dont recline and for a younger one I think it is inportant, also it cannot be folded with one hand, and if your baby cant sit or stand what do you do lay them on the ground while you fold it up although quinny knew this was a problem and was working on it so maybe the newer models 2009 etc you can worth checking out, my daughter is only 10 kilos at 21 months so according to maxi cosi she can still use, NO CHANCE she lasted to about 14 months,


Check out:


It is usually advised to steer clear of alcohol, but i supposed a small occasional glass is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also had a number of drinks in my 1st trim before i knew of the pregnancy. But i totally abstain after i knew i was pregnant.

Don't worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Check with your gynae for assurance.

oh miss bluey, try to stay postive, what were the blood test results you took earlier,


I have asked my gynae before regarding drinking. He did mention that occasionally is okie as long as not everyday. Don't worry.

phew... Thanks Aven,

that make me feel better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmini, fortunately I do have a maid at home but she will not be 24 hrs looking after BB, and I also have a hyperactive and very cute mini schnauzer who may be overly enthusiastic everytime she sees BB. So she may be jumping all over her or running over her if BB is laying on the floor and nobody is watching at all times. We intend to leave the bedroom door open downstairs so that we can hear him and vise versa when we are in the living room. So I think I will still need a cot, but I may then get one that can be converted to a bed so that I won't feel like it will go to waste later on. Mothercare Cot/Bed is going about $500/+.

Hey yes, the Quinny Zapp in orange, pink, purple colour is sooooo ugly. hehehe. No wonder they are trying to get rid of it cheap.

Well if the Maxicosi cant last till 1 year, and our foreign babies tend to be bigger I think, then a 2nd hand one may be better! As I recall, my hubby's bro had a baby boy 2 yrs back and he was HUGE only after 2 mths! he was as big as a 6 4 to 6 mths old local baby! so I am anticipating if my BB boy will be big too, though my bump now is not quite big. I'm 25 weeks this week and have put on 7.7KG. 1.5kg in the last 1 week though!

Aven, how long did your previous car seat lasted?

Lilysnow, yes, I meant 2 birth certs and 1 passport actually, so I will likely take the British passport. It's the NS and Chinese language as a compulsory that really bothers me, and at least BB can be exempted in school for that.

However, we still intend to put him through Chinese language for the roots but at least it is more of a language course than a compulsory subject. My girl is struggling with Chinese at the moment and it really pains me to put her through all the tuition and extra weekend lessons, especially when it is PSLE this year. I rather prefer her to have weekends free for play and fun and after school should be more relaxed and not filled with piles of homework. Yes, indeed the Singapore education system is getting to be quite tough on our kids these days.

Re: Stroller:

I will want to get the stroller system early as we intend to have as much outdoor with BB as possible. We will go out every weekend and on weekdays just me and BB and my older girl and so I'm sure she will love to push her litttle BB bro along in the stroller. I used to carry her a lot on the sling as well when it was just me and her and that is kinda convenient so I will still have a Baby Bjorn for short distances, but can be heavy if getting groceries and stuffs and eating out. I did that many times with my girl before and will still eat with her in the sling but it can be cumbersome too as you can't put her down anywhere.


Re: Doc Tham, he already said he will charge same rates as KKH for his Private Suit patiens who are following him to TMC. As for procedures on deposits and booking room and stuffs, he still ask us to check through WC Cheng's nurses. I am seeing him this Thu, so will get more details from him. He did say that KKH is still bettr in terms of Paediatric care though and TMC is good for services and experience. So it is really a choice we have to make eventually. I want to think that all will go well and be positive that I will have a smooth birth and that there will be no complications.

jalgal, wine off and on is ok! I am still having half a glass every fortnight or so. In theory, they will always advise to abstain to avoid any problems. It is likely especially on mid 2nd Trimester when BB's brain is developing that perhaps abstaining during this period is better, but I have had some over CNY, I think if it's a little, it won't hurt BB. He does sleep better though....hehehe...

missbluey, I would get a 2nd opinion and then what did Doc suggest? did he ask you to take further test like Amniocenthesis which will give you most accurate information? Pray and I will pray for you dear.

Aven, yes, that was what I thought about the Quinny Zapp....not a one hand system. The Bugaboo Bee I am pretty sure is a one hand and can reclined till quite way back, so I think I may just end up with that one. Moreover, the length is also extendable when BB grows longer/Taller! :)

Infant Car seats, yes indeed, the concern I have was the legs hanging out and I do expect to have a long leggy boy! hehehe.


read some reviews that the stokke is nice to look, but impractical to use, that those who engineered the stroller are probably not parents. but i forgot the reasons - u can google reviews on strollers online [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yup think better get a playpen since u have a pup! safer! my MIL has 3 maids looking after little tods, and even so, there have been accidents. it's just that my colleague told me that her toddler is only willing to stay in the playpen only for the few minutes she needed to answer the phone, go to the washroom etc. but if you're using for day sleeping, maybe you might want to invest in a good mattress...the playpen's mattress looks flimsy to me.

anyone used a playpen for sleeping before? any feedback? my hubby is keen to use the playpen as a cot (cheaper also!), but i'm not sure if it'll work nicely...

pat glad im not the only one that will have a glass of wine now and then,

Daphne the stokke is extremley expensive, The only good thing I though is quite high away from exhaust fumes etc, but think it looks really plastic,

I'm oso down with flu and sore throat last 2 days.. keep awake in the middle of the nite cos nose was totally blocked...

Re: Baby Stuffs

Hasn't get anything.. planning to start off in march.. need a playpen/cots, breastpump and newborn stuff.. stroller can purchase after baby 1st month.. so not of a rush i guess.. just need to prepare things baby need at home..

Missbluey, did u do ur 1st trimester scan?

jasmini, yeah, I will just buy a good mattress for day time sleeping. If he gets difficult, then there's still the cot upstairs, or vise versa, whichever works better upon setting our daily routine. Think for the first 6 mths, will not have a problem since the first level is propped up higher, we'll figure out when the time comes since every toddler is built differently, he may just get used to it! ;-)

Daphne, I find the stokke expensive and also I worry a little if it will topple over as it is so high up....other than that, I think it may not be so appropriate when your baby turns into a toddler?


Just to share my experience.. Me too one of those mummies who had an occassional wine on and off .. Think a little bit is fine ba.. So dun stress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I hope all will be well.. Stay positive...

U might wanna get a second feedback.. Where were u doing the DS...


I did call WC Cheng Clinic on Sat and spoke to Senior Nurse Teo.. Told her that I am a patient with Dr Tham at KKH and that I would like to continue as Dr Tham's patient in TMC..

Ms Teo was so nice and friendly to talk to and she took down my particulars, contact and due date.. She said that she will get in touch with me once Dr Tham transfers over and his computer database is up..

I undestand that KKH is definitley better when in comes to pediatrics.. But like what PatL said with so many positive feedbacks from mummies who have given birth there I think i have got a positive vibe abt giving birth there and am actually looking forward for the TMC experience...And yes of coz the SOUPS !!!


Thanks for the note about WC Cheng. I'm just thinking, that I won't be able to wait till they update the system after Doc Tham transfers as I am due on 7 June and he moves on 17 May! Need to make sure there is an operating theatre waiting for me in TMC! hehehe.....

hehehe.....so I think this Thur, I will have to decide with him on when my C-Sect takes place and then I have to make sure the room is booked and I don't end up in a 2 bedder or 4! (must have the single bedroom as we tend to have a lot of visitors, don't want to bother other mummies too much, even though it will be nice to have some company!) I also want to check if hubby can stay the nights while I am there too.

Hey anyone have had C-Sect before and was awake throughout? I recall my sis-in-law was awake throughout her C-Sect! She was only numbed on her lower half of her body! So she actually saw her baby when she was carried out whereas I was in zombie land for 1st 24 hrs or more! and was drifting in and out.

Hey guys, aside from our usual discussions.

I have two Business Development Vacancies in my company waiting to be filled either immediately or within a month.

We deal with Computer Training Room rentals and Conference/Seminar space for rentals for Corporates and training providers.

If you know of anyone who is interested and have similiar background and experiences who would like to embark in a new career, please have them email me their resumes and contact me directly at [email protected].

I am not advertising, just thought maybe I can do some good to the market and employ people who need a job and have good background. Please pass the word around if you like. Thanks!


I did check around, if u are taking a one bedder, then definitely ur hubby can stay over. There will be a sofa bed provided for him. Meals can also be provided but that is charged at 70 bucks per day if I am not wrong...

Three meals will be provided for ur hubby.. ;)

Hope this helps...

Think since ur EDD is early June then you can call Ms Teo at WC Cheng and find out the details of booking the rm etc....

Aloha Mummies!

Re: Philip Avent ISIS Manual Breast Pump (New, Unopened)

I have a newly bought Avent breast pump to sell away.

My sister has decided to lend me her old electric pump so I have no use for this. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

It is new model, BPA FREE, comes in a box, with teat, sealing disc and guide book.

Photos available upon request. The box is still sealed with plastic. I have not attempted to even tear it open. Mummies who haven't gotten one, it is like getting off the shelves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought it at $109. RRP

Selling away for $85. Price Nego.

Interested,Please email me at [email protected]

I can do mail out or self collect.


Dianajs, thanks for the info! I'm sure he will stick to eating out and not join me in the confinement food though he may like the SOUPS!

I'll give Ms Teo a call this week after I see Doc Tham.

Just had a nice meal of Curry Chicken with Rice and Toasted French Loaf!! YUMMY!

pat, u're not alone.. i also put on 1.2kg in the last week alone... gynae's guideline is 0.4 to 0.5kg per week.. worried that i'm putting on weight too fast.. arms starting to get fat and flabby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

missbluey, what is it about rubbing clockwise, anti-clockwise that u saw on channel u on sat?

anyone book postnatal massage already? how many sessions are needed and how much per session?

aven, rainelle & dianajs,

didn't took any blood test before until today, anyway this blood test is for hep b etc, not ds. didn't did any ds test. don't think will go for 2nd opinion since im going for amnio test tmr morning. but i can't do anything if results are *choy choy* tested positive as im already 6mths. just want to be mentally prepared. couldn't stopped crying when gynae broke the news to me. he said bb have some white spots in his intestine & neck thickness is 6.4mm, so i might have a higher chance of having a ds bb. in my state of confusion, shock & surprise, i forgot to ask gynae to further elaborate of the white spots. there is a medical term but i forgot what it is.

now im praying for a miracle!

btw, im having a boy.

thanks all~


there is this certain method of massaging your tummy but i forgot how liao. rubbing incorrectly may induce early labour.

missbluey, juz stay positive k. will keep u in my prayers. dat time my risk of DS bb also high, i basically freaked out.. but further scan n checking of bb heart show bb is ok. so u dun tink too much.

missbluey, stay strong. How many weeks are u in? Go for Amnio test, it will give you a definite result. Have a second opinion as well.

