(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

faithe, sorry to hear that. hope you are feeling better now. yes do cry out if you feel like. rest well. please do not blame yourself that you didn't take care of yourself well enough. no one hope such thing will happen. think positive and you will be a mummy again.


Morning gals...

faithe,take care. I understand how you feel as I am in a similar position now. Do a mini confinement & try again. Good luck.


This will be e last time I am updating the list. Went for gynae visit yest, my baby heartbeat has stopped. Couldn't believe it! I insisted on doing V scan & result is the same. Even though I am alrdy close to 10 weeks but baby size is at 8week6days 2.31cm meaning my baby has left me 5days ago & I am not even aware of it! I am devastated! But I tik my husband was even worse. Just 2 more weeks to 2nd tri & it couldn't even wait.. As I stepping close to end of 1st tri.. my hope is high & I am sooo looking forward but looks like its not fated to be. I was even planning to celebrate the start of 2nd tri on my bday next mth but looks like this will be a grieving bday for me too. I remember that I read b4, if one miscarriaged, its not due to anything that we eat or do. Baby was not healthy & strong enuf from the start to survive thru all these. So no point even if I went for a gynae checkup every 10days, if it not meant to stay, even if I go everyday it also won't stay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This morning going to TMC do a last scan to confirm. But deep inside our hearts we alrdy had the answer. So take care ladies, and hope all of you will have a smooth & happy pregnancy.

ps: I do agree with faithe on the spotting issue. Perhaps its conincident but both of us also had spotting previously. Mine was light & after on double doseage of dupshton the spotting cleared so I thought everything is as good as normal.

Morning all...

faithe & CJ_junior,

Sorry to hear about the loss. I went through it before and I understand how you feel. However, the most impt thing now is to take good care and do a mini confinemt. Be positive and move on. In no time, I believe you will have good news. Rest well.

Sorry to hear about what you are going through CJ and Faithe. But rest well and I hope you will both find peace soon.

Take care.

Faithe and CJ,

please take good care and i believe u will have good news soon.. stay strong and we'll be ard if you need a listening ear..

Hi Faithe,

I am so sad after reading your message. I hv gone through it b4 for my previous miscarrige except its happen on your birthday so i think its must be double hard for you. my last situation was same as you. i can understand wat you mean the roller coaster feeling. i saw my bb hb on weeks 6 and i tot everything is ok. i told everyone and my heart is preparing for the arrival of my bb but on weeks 8 when i tot my spotting is lesser i tot everything is fine and my hope is high. the gynae just told me i lost it. what i wanna say is dun give up as you can see m/c is no an unusual thing and its happen to a lot of us. let rest your body 4 half a yr and try again. i try it after 6 month and i now pregnant with another bb and everything is fine and normal so dun give up ok? my friend told me atleast wait for 4-5 month later so you body is in good condition then the chances of m/c will be lesser. like what cj say do a mini confiment for urself.

Hi Cj,

i dunno what to say to console you bcos i think there is no word can express my feeling to you. eventhough we never meet b4 but i felt that we r like a friend. you are such a nice gal. i can see whenever ppl got question you try to answer it and you r doing the chart eventhough is not your job you keep update the list whenever we changed our edd. i dunno y it will happen to u. and it's so sudden. u must take care of urself. i know you are a strong gal. and you will definaly be a strong mummy in future. i will pray for you and faithe hope you 2 recover soon.

CJ, sorry to hear that. yes miscarriage is not cause of what the mummy eat or do. maybe god took it away due to some reason. but he will give you a healthy child again.

do take care of yourself and get well soon.


kinda feeling down to hear this news from another MTB..seemed scary and insecured..cos m/c is something not within our control..

CJ - be strong and take care of yourself..rest well..

CJ, sorry to hear that.. do take care..

me too, kinda feeling down after hearing this news.. feeling insecure too

CJ, I can feel your pain..maybe baby has no fate to be with us yet..like Dr Tham says, its better to let go now then have a baby with abnormalities when he's bigger or birth defects. I think God has arranged for us in some way or another..

yes, it was a big blow on my birthday, but after these few days of resting, I tell myself i must be strong, my hsb say now most impt is to build a stronger body for the next pregn...and a lot of friends, families has been comforting me, not forgetting all the consolation from all of you here.

Mummies, please take care and I wish all the best for you and your babies, probably next year June, I will pop in to see your baby's picture. May God bless all of us...

My heart really cried out for both CJ and Faithe, I had the same incident before. It happen exactly 1 mth before my traditional wedding. I had a miscarriage, that is like my whole world been torn apart. I felt like I am so useless, that I couldn't take care of my very own baby. I lost my fetus at 13weeks. When I was in week 10 I have already got spotting and my "water bag" was leaking.. Every morning, I woke up the water just flow out from me and dripping on the floor. That was my worst nightmare. I have been in and out of A&E for that whole month. At that point I knew, this baby I couldn't keep him/her any longer. Indeed, my next visit to see my doctor, he pronounced that my baby has no more heartbeat. My heart at that point was like stopped for a moment too. I was shock but with no tear... till I excused myself to the toilet. I burst out in tear, shouting and yelling at God and questioning myself. WHY WHY WHY WHY ME???? This was the question I kept asking myself at that time.

Darling... even as, this time my pregnancy I carry my baby with fear. I practise to wear panty liner since then, everytime I visit toilet I will check my panty liner see any trace of blood or whatsoever funny stuff...

But please don't lose faith in yourself and God. Jia you ok... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Every night, I making the same prayer, Lord do not let my child be away from me.. I want to carry this baby to full term.

Jie mei men, you gals also must jia you... I trust that miracle will happen to you (Faithe and CJ) again.

CJ & Faithe, pls take good care of your health and try again... God will bless every1 of us here and both of u too....

Hi Faithe,

i am glad that you can think it this way. ya family support is very important now. you will realise how much they care for you and love you.

Thank you everyone. Isn't it ironic, I am the one to start this June 2010 thread yet I couldn't stay til e end with you all.

I will be going for my D&C tmr. Really dread going thru e same thing again. I feel so tired. God must be punishing me for all the sins that I had commited. Thats y I have to go thru e pain again & again. But I will be strong. BluBeri's story spurs me on..


Now I kinda regret for dragging my time to do the scrapebook. At least then I can say I did something for my baby b4. But then, maybe til now the book is still empty for a reason..

jalgal & everyone,

Thank you. Although all of us here have been together for merely 1mth+ but I also feel like you all are my frez. It has been nice knowing all of you & I do hope our paths will cross again in future.


Ordered the pants but won't get to wear it. Do email me when e stocks come in, likely will pay you postage instead of meeting up. Thank you

Once again, take good care of urself mummies. Stay healthy & happy. I am sure you all have have a healthy pregnancy.

faithe & CJ,

terribly sorry for your loss.... I do understand what u are going thru as i had ectopic for my 1st pregnancy, gota do laproscopy to remove the foetus.

Have a good rest after bawling your eyes out... Do a mini confinement for like 2 weeks if possible, so to build up a healthier body for next pregnancy...

dear Gals,

I will take over from CJ to update the Jun MTB list as i was available earlier, let me test if i can upload the list....

S/No Nick EDD Gynea Hosp Gender Expecting #1

1 bibibaba 2-Jun Dr Cordelia Han RH 1

2 isobellies 2-Jun Dr Clifton Chan Mt A 2

3 joey 2-Jun Dr Y C Goh Mt A 2

4 ahbui 3-Jun 3

5 Evangelyn 3-Jun Dr C H Goh Mt A 2

6 Chermaine Ho 4-Jun

7 Shen 5-Jun 1

8 Happy 6-Jun TMC 1

9 Sourfish 7-Jun 3

10 Corine Lim 7-Jun Dr Adrian Tan TMC 1

11 zhuoen 7-Jun Dr Yvonne Chan TMC 1

12 Bett 8-Jun Dr Paul Tseng TMC

13 Koaru 9-Jun TMC 2

14 Sharky_siak 10-Jun Dr Wong Mun Tat TMC 1

15 Poohpooh 10-Jun Dr C H Koh 1

16 jalgal 10-Jun Dr Woo Bit Hwa Mt A 1

17 aven2009 11-Jun Dr Wee Horng Yen 3

18 vanilla 12-Jun Dr Kowa Nam Sing Mt E 1

19 mickymouse 12-Jun Dr Adelina Wong TMC 2

20 babyemma 12-Jun Dr L N Sim TMC 2

21 sunbelle 13-Jun 1

22 Bizzymum 13-Jun Dr K C Yeo TMC 4

23 linda 14-Jun Dr S F Loh KKH 1

24 Icey 15-Jun 3

25 sberry122 15-Jun Dr Adrian Tan TMC 2

26 mikojade 16-Jun Dr S H Kee Mt A 1

27 Cath 16-Jun Dr Douglas Ong Mt A 2

28 Mezzo 17 16-Jun Dr Eunice Chua TMC 2

29 mummy2nia 16-Jun Dr KT Tan KKH 2

30 genice 16-Jun Dr Adrian Woodworth 2

31 bigfish 17-Jun

32 Bliss 17-Jun Dr Woo Bit Hwa Mt A 2

33 Tiger Baby 18-Jun Dr J J Chee KKH

34 peck 18-Jun Dr Benjamin Tham KKH 2

35 dot 18-Jun Dr Kee Wee Heong TMC 1

36 Sandy Lee 21-Jun Dr Woo Bit Hwa Mt A

37 kate 21-Jun Mt A 3

38 missybluey-Els 22-Jun Dr Tan Thiam Chye 2

39 raycia 22-Jun Dr Tan Kok Kong Glen E

40 Elaine 22-Jun Dr Brian Chow Mt A 3

41 CareBb 22-Jun Dr Lee Keen Whye Glen E 1

42 yaya 23-Jun

43 Looney 23-Jun Dr Ben Neo Mt E 1

44 Jolene 23-Jun Dr A L Lim TMC 2

45 FRIENDS 24-Jun Dr Benjamin Tham KKH 1

46 happyfeet 26-Jun Mt A 2

47 Azureoct 26-Jun Dr Ben Choey KKH 2

48 kelly 26-Jun Dr Y C Goh Mt A 2

49 BluBeri_litTigger 29-Jun Dr Ben Choey KKH 1

50 Zoei Kau 29-Jun Dr K K Ho Mt A 1

51 BabyG 30-Jun Dr Tan HK SGH 2

52 doobom 1-Jul Prof Tay SK SGH 2

shit.... how to upload the excel chart huh???

alamak, don knw still wanna kay kiang... haha...

sorry gals, anyone know??? i can email the list to u that i have done earlier...

Sharky, slowly...no worries[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also dont know how to upload the chart.....


Sorry, Can't seems to copy the table format for you here. You go into help (below this page right at e bottom) under formatting. Look under Tables & List. There is a table format for you to copy. Then you copy the list from ur excel & paste into the '{ }'. Not sure if you can understand what I saying

cj junior this is shit especially since you were the one to start this thread, I am sorry dont know what else to say, I just feel angry that this has happened to yourself and faithe,especially when it did look as though we were all counting down to the first trimester to be over, but what can one do these things are not in our hands and I truly do believe that you will be blessed, please take care, hugs to you,

Hi CJ,

Real sorry to hear abt your loss. Do take care of yourself.

One of my friends also lost her babies (no more heartbeat) earlier this yr but she's managed to conceive again in August. So, i'm sure you'll conceive when your body is ready.

*hugs* thanks for starting the thread and doing all the updates. be blessed!

hello cj junior...

i am so sorry to hear abt your loss. i can't imagine wat u have to go tru. My relative has just lost her baby when she's 5 months pregnant...ive been feeling terribly down cos of this. I pray for your well being and i hope dat the next try will be successful. *hugs*

faithe and cj, i almost cried when i read ur posts. I feel really very upset cause i have been going thru some kind of depression for my current pregnancy. I have some family probs, work probs and with this pregnancy the MS was so bad that it added to my probs and made me really depressed. I kept telling my hubby i shouldnt get pregnant, this is making my life so miserable. I dun feel this way for my 1st preganancy but i dunno why this time round totally sian... and i think i totally never take care of myself..sleep tummy down most of the time, din even bother to take the multivit, folic acid that was given..just totatally bo chup this preganancy cause i feel that the baby is bringing me a lot of mental stress.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But now after reading ur stories.. i feel so guilty,it seems so 'unexpected and easy' for things to happen.And how unfair i am to treat my baby like that compared to my first. I hope both of you will recover from the physical and mental ache soon and thanks for reminding me that i have to take care of the baby within me.

Take care k.

>> Faith and CJ, sorry to heard the bad news. Pls dont give up. Rest well and try again 6 mths later. Like me, I have miscarrige for 3 times for the past few years... even as, this time my pregnancy I carry my baby with fear too,just be strong and dont give up. We all mummies, jia you.

CJ, Faithe

Nothing can describe my feelings now after hearing abt ur updates..May God give u strength n stay with u through this period.

Pls stay strong and don't give up. I am sure you will be able to conceive soon again n have a healthy bb.. most impt, have plenty of rest now n build up ur health..

Dear CJ

actually i replied ur email before i saw ur posting. don't worry abt tat.. i will help to post the items to u.. rest well..

CJ, please do not have anymore negative thinking ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you still can scrap the layout with the U/S pic that you have if you wish to keep as a memory. but if is too painful for you and you may not want to do to remind you of the pain in the future.

however you can pour out your feelings on the layout. write your thoughts on the layout. it may help you abit and i believe your baby will know it.

do rest well and you will get pregnant again very soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CJ, really very sorry to hear abt your loss. as you said, i read too that if the miscarriage has to happen, there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening. better it happen now than later. though easy said than done, i pray that you will get over it soon. *hugz*


my tears juz flow as i read abt yr loss.. it really isnt easy to be a mom, after what we might hv to go thru - worse, not in our control. Be strong, I'm sure u will be blessed again with a healthy bb in due time.

bliss, mine is 25 june...thanks...

faithe, i just read ur post..pls be strong...im so sorry to hear abt ur loss... *hugs*


pls take ur multivitamin and folic acid pills...they are very imp for baby's development k..

faithe & cj - im so overwhelmed that this has happened. & im sorry that this had to end. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my goodness. hope you ladies gonna be fine soon. yeah, easier said than done huh.. take care.. -.-


hi faith and CJ Junior,

i fully understand what you are going thru. when i went for gynae for normal checkup, i got bleeding on the spot and he admitted me to hospital for bedrest straight away.

i took the injections almost daily hoping to secure the baby. i was given the green light to go back home for bedrest. my scan result is weak fetal heartbeat.

thru the whole week, i realli listened to all instructions. when went back to gynae, there was no heartbeat at all. i burst into tears when gynae broke the news to me and said he is sorrie. just couldnt accept it and ask stupid question like will the heartbeat return if i keep the baby for a few days.

but the gynae suggested a D N C immediately on the dae. i agreed cos i wanted a closure and move on. it was a heartbreaking news to me to know that the baby is gone. keep tearing even at nite.

faith and CJ Junior, pls do a mini confinement and immediate task is to take good care of our health. my edd is my good fren's birthdae date.

gals, wishing u all have a healthy pregancy and could not join u gals in enjoying the motherhood journey. pls help to take out my nick from the list. thank you.


HI Sunbelle,

Sorry to hear about your m/c as well. Do take care of yourself and rest well. God makes no mistakes, and your time will come, and it will come well for all 3 of you.

Take care.

