(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


i jus attended the geniuslearninghub, similar to SM.. used to b lil neuro tree.. it's a last min trial lesson that the lady told me.. the lesson conducted in jap.. v fast!!! quite interesting lo.. haha! any mummies keen to join too??

Brought Bb to PD to review on her eczema. According to my PD, he insist that my diet should not cause that serious eczema unless Bb is really that sensitive. But he still wants me to take note of my diet. He give me a bottle of cleanser, after eczema cool off Liao then switch to cetaphil cleanser.

Then I asked Abt my bb's diet. Because her milk intake is very low. He insist me to force her to drink, use spoon, use syringe or whatever. She have to drink 150 x 7.2kg = 1080ml of milk. I thinking is really not possible lor. Now she on avg drinks between 600-700ml. Only really good days then take drink 800ml. This whole week her appetite is so bad that It drops to 400ml , because of teething. Haiz.

Xiao xiin u mentioned u giving zz earths best brown rice cereal n he likes it? I just bought that and organix apple rice cereal fr vitakids today.. Hope R likes it..

Mummies giving your bbs organix cereal, wat flavor u giving?

Haiz my agent funnel got spots appear again.. Sian.. Dunno wan bring to change or nt..

Zinc I brought R to baby u today.. Fed him n nap Liao but he wasn't in smiley mood.. Sian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the photos nt bad but not smiling lo.. Dunno if I should go sean lau nxt mth as scheduled or postpone.. Later on got time I'll post the pics on fb.. U took 4 concepts, premium package ar?


My boy can hv milk strike too. Sometimes the whole day only consume 300ml. But at night, he 'll like to dream feed. Today, he only drinks like some 320ml in total. Then at night he dream feed another 300ml. I think force bb to drink is v tough. Maybe u can try dream feed. When bb just about to sleep then let her drink. But surely is not a good habit. But at least better than force.


Same here. Jay will cry big time. Today he even pretend to cry to let us know how he don want school. Just continue to send for another month, he cry also send, so at least he knows cry does not help, he will learn to adapt. I'm sure your boy will not hv a problem. Jay will try to hold his urine n not tell the teachers he need to pee. I think becos of new environment, he dare not to approach teachers. Give him a while more as other kids start to vocalize, they will start to warm up ba.

Just started to let bbG sleep in a different rm today. We are trying to train him to sleep alone. He woke up every hr. I hv a bad feeling tonight. Looks like I'll be a panda tomorrow.


I gave bbG the organix wholegrain rice cereal n he loves it! Tried to give porridge but he still can't eat. But he can finish a small bowl of cereal. That's quite a lot rite?

Cath/ Bluey

Speak to the teachers to find out how long your kids cry for after you leave the school. Most times, the kids will stop crying as soon as the parents leave and start to have fun. They cry to "manipulate" their parents. I see it so often at Jeph's school.

tersher, u say too early liao. today my ger was screaming away when we fed her organix rice cereal. dunno is it cos i feed a jar bottle liao, now she demand better tasting food instead of plain rice cereal.

cath, i blend fish porridge and the texture similar to rice cereal so it is suitable for bb.

my mil cooked the rice porridge then seperate another bowl just for my ger with no seasoning while the main pot for the adults then she add seasoning.

Friends: yup, if its affordable to you and near to your house and have vacancies, by all means go for it! i also thinking of bringing bb to nearby classes when she turns 2 or 3 something like the local community club or PAP lor...

rabbit: did you gave her the teething gel to apply? that will help a lot, esp when bb is very very fussy. they are irritated due to their teething. mine is oredi almost over this stage.

Sparkle: so hows with the porridge feeding? my mum told me my gal refused to eat porridge, dunno why leh.

xiaoxin: i bought bb to see PD and PD said my bb is having fungal infection that's why the red rashes came and went, came and went. have to apply an anti fungal cream and to use physiogel cleanser to bath. he said 10 days. i keep my fingers crossed now.

Miss bluey: yup. just now my ah lao also make me very angry. and he still got the face to ask me why am i giving him a black face. really very stupid! sigh

Jenn, thanks for " inviting" me along to register sx at baby haven. But it's really not necessary nor convenient for me to do so because I really don't mind letting him stay home longer, attending a couple of classes a week at whatever centers, then go to Meyer or Siglap in January 2013.

Brighton Montessori, my friend teaches at the fort road school. She tells me that it focuses on academic and if my boy studies there during k1 and k2 he will have no problem moving on to primary 1, because in k2 class, they are doing the same studies as primary 1, comprehension composition etc. Good for kiasu parent type.

cath, i bought earth's best wholegrain cereal lei.. organix one i bought the apple de cereal.. hopefully R likes them.. i also bought the jap sweet potato.. cant try 2 new things tgt right?

Jojo, saw R's photos on fb. Very nice, even when he wasn't smiling. He's really a little charmin boy! I bought my gal to Sean Lau's just a few days ago (btw the photography wasn't Sean himself anymore). Well, u can easily imagine how the photos will turn out cos all poses the same, just different baby. So see if u still wanna bring him next month or maybe wait till he can stand? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rabbit, I rem I read somewhere that the 150ml x weight formula applies only to newborns and shd not apply to our babies now. Anyway, my gal's intake also very low... Each day abt 600-800ml... Well, I guess as long as weight gain is healthy can le...

Any shops in Chinatown sells party stuff?

Baby cereal

I'm giving belleys rice cereal now, finishing le den switch to earth best oatmeal cereal.

Currently adding puree(foods that she taken before) to her rice cereal. Best combo is apple puree n rice cereal! She can finish a whopping bowl without worries.

Cath, I feeding her in dreamfeed state almost every feed. She is still a lousy drinker. Sometimes she don't even want suck after trying for 2 hrs! I don't know wasted how much milk Liao.

Elise, will teething gel helps to improve appetite? Because she is generally not cranky. So far still ok. I strongly believe that even putting she also won't drink so much.

Tiger_baby, thanks. I am affected by the not encouraging pd's words. I happy to have a active healthy Bb.

rabbit: teething gel will not help to improve appetite, it will only help to relieve their teeth itchy and soreness. can u imagine last time i used to 'fight' a war with my bb everytime she drinks milk? i fought with her for half an hour, i hated that so much and wonder why is she such a naughty bb! relax and cheer up, i understand what you are going thru. i used the force feed method to feed my bb leh. dunno if you are comfortable with this method or not

Elise, I fight with her since 3 mths old. I don't think teething started this. Yes, alot of crying. Change teats, change bottle, stretch/shorten feeding time all done Liao. Don't drink means don't drink. I force until Bb puke, milk went into her eyes, almost drop her on the floor because of struggling. Until now I half hearted Liao. Until now I am still guilty Abt these incidents.


cheer up. this phrase will b over soon. *hugs*

jenn / cath,

i did ask the teacher, she said he did stop after we left. but i hope the peeing/pooing issue will b settled soon. >.<

juz to rant:

juz nw my mil brought #1 to 问神 abt him gg sch. they said he is scared. duh, i use my backside think also noe leh, zz. which kids won't be scared to go school? sure hv de ma. zz. next time when mil is not ard, i won't bring my kids to all dis places.

elise, my ger love the fish porridge! she ate like triple of her usual rice cereal portion.

i tasted a little bit of leftover and there's a little salty taste. mil say it should be the fish naturally since its a salt-water fish, cannot wash the saltiness totally.

rabbit, if your girl continues growing healthily and is generally happy, dont be too stressed up over her drinking volume.

do you have less problem with food now?


my bb hv tried organix plain rice cereal, banana porridge, four grain cereal. hv yet to try fruity apple.

he also has tried home-cooked porridge, so far so gd. usually porridge is enuff for him, if cereal isn't enough, he will ngek ngek ngek.

Bluey, Aiyo. My friend's mil also bring Bb to 'ask god' lor. Faintz. Machiam ask god really can solve the problems. Then god must be real busy!

Sparkle, got abit of improvements. Not in terms of the amt but she learns to open mouth big big when she sees spoon. I spoon feed her water also. Can take a few mouth more. Just have to be patient!

Missbluey, I thot I'm the only one facing this problem. My mil also want to bring baby to 'ask god' cos he is still afraid of strangers till today. If people touch him, he will cry.... Any way to politely refuse her?

Rabbit, I no longer force baby to drink Liao. I drag until 5 to 6 hrs. Prepare 6 oz each time, he happy, he drink finish. He not happy, drink 2 to 3 oz then I just pour away. Mine also cannot force feed cos he will throw out everything if I do. Someone mine is underweight hor. 6mth only 7.1 kg. But PD said as long as he is a happy baby, no need to worry too much.

yesterday, a neighbour auntie try to carry my ger. she cried like crazy like a monster catch her. then my helper carry her, she still continue then i carry also cannot. give her favourite toy and put her in her cot also cannot work. scare us. then feed her milk only she calm down.

rabbit, maybe she prefer food to milk. just slowly find her preference loh. every baby is different. they are not mass production machine-made, each has their own likings and dislikes.

i suspect one side of my dual pump's sunction got problem, thats why i keep having reduced amount on one side. when i switch side, reduced amount will appear on the other side.

have to do troubleshooting to find root of problem.

hope can find soon

Elise, how come got fungal infection? Too much moisture? Can use powder?

Jojo, do u air dry your pump after washing? Zz likes earth best brown rice n organix plain rice cereal. I always buy plain cereal n add in my own purée. Also cook organic rolled oats for him.

Rabbit, how come your pd so violent? If u force feed, bb will get vomit reflux. Dun wan la...

Thanks tigerbaby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hw was the photoshoot at Sean lau? U haven got back the photos? Coz R nvr smile so I tot mayb go Sean lau there try again.. But it does make more sense to postpone it.. Bt quite upset didn't get any smiley shots leh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he was nt feeling too gd past few days, in fact I brought him to pd straight aft the shoot.. Bt hor the rest of the day he kept smiling Liao.. -.-

Sheryl, Hw to make apple purée, steam then mash?

Anyone fed bb jap sweet potato already? Does it turn black v fast? This morning was preparing it, it was turning black even b4 I finish cutting it. Then got black dots all over it. I tasted it aft steaming, taste normal, should be ok to give bb although alot of blk dots rite..

rabbit / friends,

precisely! if 问神 can solve the problems, why do we need docs & pd for??? lame right. but my prob is hubby also believe as he witnessed an incident concerning his father. but then again, what century is this liao? now my consolation is i won't bring them to dis places when she is gone. sigh.


your mil still got ask u bring, mine wont even ask me lor, machiam my sons are hers! so u still heng. or u tell her bb still young, mayb less contact wif strangers that's why he is afraid? my mil has been bringing #1 to there when he was 3mths! she dun understand wad colic is after i explained to her, she only trust god, zz.

ok i hv to stop talking all dis else i'd get pissed off again.

Friends n rabbit, my bb also small size, nw 6.5 mth only 7.5kg.. Pd nvr say anything leh.. As long as bb is active n putting on weight, it's ok to be smaller siZe..

Xiao xiin I nvr air dry my pump, wash finish put in sterilizer Liao.. Bt the spots does nt look like black mould, it's a bit shiny de, dunno Hw to describe..moreover I handle bottles n pump the same way, bottles no spots leh.. What purée u done so far? I only steam potato, carrot, pumpkin and just mash with the bb spoon.. Fr the magmag cup, can sterilize right? Do u sterilize b4 each use?

Missbluey, my MIL scared of hubby mah... so she asked cos my hubby also don't support all these... but MIL said if don't ask, baby will remain small size and scared of strangers and very difficult to take care... I'm so stressed by all these...


dun be affected by mil's words. where gt babies will remain small size, scared of strangers & difficult if nv ask god??

juz try to siam whenever u can, plus u hv hubby's support.

rabbit: so poor you. no wonder you sounded so angry on FB. sayang sayang. i think its her small appetite leh. dun care about what PD say. baby healthy and happy is the most impt! maybe time for bb to eat more cereals or try heinz baby food in a jar or even porridge.

Ms bluey: your MIL is really old skool, such small thing also wana ask the god. did she ever burn black stuff to put into the water to let him drink? so scary. althou i'm buddhist, but i do not support superstition.

sparkle: xian mu xian mu. my bb hates porridge! dunno the reason why. i think i will have to be super patient when introducing that.

friends: luckily still got ask you before wana bring to see god. dunno what else they will do there leh.

xiaoxin: how's your zz then? red spots/ecezma getting better? for my britt, she got red rashes due to the constant saliva. PD said maybe due to the towel 'strings' or some kinda substance found in those towels which may causes the allergies. started using the anti-fungal cream. heng luckily bring her to see PD. hubby keep on saying no need no need, saying very ex and a lot of rubbish.


try not 2 b stressed k. Bb not scared of u or hubby or mil rite? then tell your mil it's normal? should tell her it's gd tt bb's scared of strangers. won't b easily "kidnapped". If strangers touch and bb cries, then can alert you all. Isn't that good? Tell her if bb likes everyone who touches, then she should be worried.

friends, my bb 6.5 mths weighing 7.2 kg nia..

sparkle, i still trying... when she is more ready then i will intro porridge..

xiao_xin, have to keep trying to feed.. not say force lah.. just have to at least let bb to drink some fluids to keep her hydrated..

elise, haha... i pms also lah.. my menses reported yesterday! flow so heavy.. then back ache.. feeling moody also.. but i just dont understand a doc is so following the book.. i expect he to be more encouraging.


dun be affected by mil's words. where gt babies will remain small size, scared of strangers & difficult if nv ask god??

juz try to siam whenever u can, plus u hv hubby's support.


ya she is super superstiton! i only noe after i had #1.sometimes if i noe she is like tat, maybe i wont hv kids gt early? hmm, am i hving selfish thinking?

yes #1 did drink the fu shui dunno how many times le. im ok wif showering wif flower water & using fu shui wipe his body but not drinking it. i tink its unhygienic lor, sometimes i secretly throw away some.

small babies,

I think its ok to have smaller babies cos I did ask pd and he said that as long baby growing can liao and even commented my daughter is small size cos parents not big size and may only hit 8kg at 1 yr cos now stil hovering at 6kg + so muumies I think no need to worry bah I happy that she is 6 plus... lighter to carry mah hehehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

enrichment classes

I see all you mummies going to see all these classes I so gian but they all so far from me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ask you all arh.. do we really need to send bb to playgroup and nursey? or can skip and send to kindy when times up? is there a requirement that before kindy must attend nursery?


I steam n blend using Phillis s&b. Today I did puree wif apple n pear (honey pear) very big in size de. Apple I owaz use fuji apple.

Sweet potato I did! I use Japanese sweet potato n normal sweet potato. =)) turn blAck it's ok de.

Hi gals

Those who hv been to vitakids recently or hv bought the Organix first wholegrain rice cereal, pls let me know how much it cost. I'm hvg the impression that it cost $8.10. I just bought a couple of days back but forgotten the price I paid. But today, I bought a pack Fr cold storage at $5.75. That quite a whole lot of difference!


BbG loves cereal more than milk. Can survive on cereal the whole day with only 1 milk feed. Goodness. But I can sense ur frustration. It must be v tough on u. My #1 don even need to coax him to drink, he can drink v well. So I get frustrated when bbG can't drink/ sleep well.


A nun at the temple told me not to bring small babies below 3 mths into the temple. Some reasons I rather not know. I was told by the nun at the goddess of mercy temple at balestier.

To drink the Fu shui is a bit extreme leh. I think I'm still ok with bathing with flower petals.

Elise, thanks for asking. His body's eczema has faded to brown so I've stopped the desonide steriods lotion. Just apply physiogel ai n let it recover fully by itself. But hor, sigh... I found a bit of mild spots on his forehead n ard his mouth today. I had raisins n the usual chap chai ben before it happened. So sigh... Luckily it's mild case. I agree with your hubby that seeing pd is very expensive! Luckily we have baby bonus. So if the bill is $100, tell your hubby it's only $50 la. If it's caused by towels, then can just use nappy cloth to dry after bath? Those nappy cloths r quite useful leh.

Jojo, I always keep them dry when not in use. Dunno leh, maybe u try? Anyway, I've stopped pumping liao, no time to pump now that I need to cook breakfast. Feels so good to keep the pump away. So far, I've given honey sweet potato, apples, pears, avocado. Grains I've given organix plain rice cereal, earth best brown rice cereal n homecooked rolled oats. My mil suggests I feed fresh purée instead of frozen. I tell her I not free. Hahaha! Anyway, I prepare purée twice a week, so it's not that unfresh la.


had a great fun time today n nice meeting all the mummies. Now I've new aspiration. I want to be kindermusik teacher. No marking, no exams, no compo, no disciplinary problems. Every day sing song, dance dance, smile smile. So enjoyable! Only con is that need to work on weekends. Ok I'm just dreaming. I'll just be a good sahm for now.

Sheryl thanks wor, was wondering y the jap potato turn blk sofast, even aft steam still see them. I didn't dare give bb.. Hear u say it's normal than I'm gg to give him tml.. Heehee..

Cath I was at vitakids ytd, the organix range either 7.20 or 8 I think, but definitely nt 5.75! It's alot of difference leh.. The vitakids pol told me to keep the cereal in fridge. Do u all do that? Keep in fridge will have moisture when removed fr fridge?

Jojo I saw e photos n bb R is v cute.. E sweet potato oxidize a bit still can cook..

My bb don't like watery porridge leh.. He likes those v gor type.. So far he likes everything be it beef/chicken stock, potato/carrots/tofu/spinach/broccoli and fish but he prefers e porridge w sweet potato or pumpkin cos it's sweeter.. E only thing he don't like is bananas leh

Xiao xiin, the magmag can sterilize? I gg to start using it soon.. I duno need to give Hw much water everyday leh.. So good you nt pumping Liao! Can save alot of time wor.. I wanted to try organix plain rice cereal Bt nt iron fortified so I chose earths best.. I only purée once a wk.. Gg to try sweet potato then apples next wk..

Thanks zinc.. I like your R's hair!! And he's such a smiley baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just realized our bb pics v similar, the ball ball n Xmas concept same.. I still thinking whether to top up n get magnetic frames or nt.. Which frames u chose?

Jojo, I sterilize the magmag. The box says it can tahan until 120 degrees C. So can sterilize. My boy doesn't like to drink plain water. I fill the magmag half full, then give it to him to suck. I see a lot of water flowing down his neck. Means he loves to chew the teat but is not swallowing the water. No need to worry too much I guess, bm has a lot of water. After I fed my zz earth best which is iron fortified, he has green poo too.

Ya actually it's better to keep them in the fridge, actually shd be kept below 30degreeC. Thus in our weather, the fridge shd be better. I put them in airtight containers in the fridge.

Jojo mine is premium package.. E frame I chose is a v huge one.. 9 smaller frames inside.. I think e magnetic one v cool leh.. Nv see before..

Xiao xiin my boy also don't drink water.. He will push e bottle away.. Don't even wan to chew e teat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


tell me about it! when mil brought #1 to ask god when he was only 3mths, i was peeved. stupid hubby couldn't see my point why i was so angry! she went to those house de, not temples. if only can borrow that nun who told u that, haha.

fu shui - i think its only a psychological prob that can calm superstitious ppl. juz nw she made some, i threw away all & replaced wif plain water! lol. since i failed to convince, i will do dirty tricks!

which cold storage ah?? t2 airport cold storage dun hv leh.


7.2kg ok ma. as long as ur bb growing well, i think its fine.

missbluey: u cannot regret liao, since now you oredi got 2 kids! oredi gotten on the pirate boat, that's what i always tell my hubby. u will just have to make the best out of it. fu shui is terrible, my MIL even suggested to me to bring bb go to some Tou Ah Pek (the hell god controller) i was so shocked! becos MIL is very superstitious, and when bb is born, have brought her Sheng Cheng 8 Zi to count, the geomancer said she cannot go to any funerals, and dark yin places. whew, she believed in that. so i'm saved!! heh heh. why not you do the same trick to your MIL?

Cath: i guess i know the reasons, there are a lot of unborn small child spirits loitering there. my friend told me that. becos she can 'see' them. scary right? eeeeee but then of course kena controlled by the gods there leh.

xiaoxin: glad to hear that your zz spots are slowly under control. we as parents see oredi also heart pain. wallet also bleeding. that day it costs me 100 over, including the cream and cleanser + consultation. bobiah leh, have to pay the money, otherwise we will keep on applying other cream which is no use. and i didn't know have to have the bb bonus account no before i can use it! so in the end i paid by cash at the clinic. super heart pain leh.

rabbit: my gal looks chubby but only 7kg. can u believe that? so it should be okay leh. don't be so worried liao

elise, dont 羡慕, i think its cos my ger is a glutton. haha. i realised we cannot feed her food when she is quite hungry, she will refuse the food.

today i mix one tablespoon of organix apple cereal with one tablespoon of organix rice cereal 2 hours after milk feed. she enjoyed and finish everything within 5 mins.

huh! i only put the cereal in airtight container inside a cupboard but not in fridge. still cool, dry place shd be ok right?

sippy cup- my ger also keep chewing the sprout and water gets all over the bib, i wonder how much she actually drinks.

i dont sterilise the sippy cup, the bowl and spoon which i use for feeding. i think i am a lazy mum.


Sparkle, yr ger just took 5 mins!!!! I took abt 30mins just to feed her one tablespoon of Bellamy baby rice porridge. Really testing my patience. Grghhhh. She's started solids for a month oredi n still cannot go above 2 tablespoons. Fish porridge seems like a far away goal.

